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Bircham International University
UK Companies House
In the year 2000, Bircham International University is incorporated in the British Commonwealth of the Bahamas, according to the "IBC Act 1989" and is legalized and registered in the General registry of the Bahamas with the number 103.326B.
In the year 2000, Bircham International University is incorporated in the British Commonwealth of the Bahamas, according to the "IBC Act 1989" and is legalized and registered in the General registry of the Bahamas with the number 103.326B.
In 2000, Bircham International University also acquired a company named Oxford International College based in Oxford, United Kingdom (UK). This company was dissolved in 2003.
This dissolved company status may be verified at the UK Comany House:
Dissolved Company 3656298
The company Oxford International College was acquired and changed to Bircham International College with the intention of establishing a BIU operational office in the UK. This office was never started because of UK legal restrictions regarding degree programs not recognized by the UK Ministry of Education or holding a Royal Charter. According to the "Education Reform Act 1988" and the "Further and Higher Education Act 1992", Bircham International College was authorized to issue higher certificates and diplomas but not university degrees.
Bircham International University decided then that it was confusing to offer distance learning degree programs of study on global basis from offices holding legal restrictions, so the UK company was dissolved.
In the year 2003, Bircham International University ceased its activities in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and focused its legal status both in Spain, European Union and the USA, as a non profit organization.
Bircham International University maintains links with the city of Bircham, Norfolk in the United Kingdom through its president and founder Prof. Dr. Deric Bircham, whose family settled in the area around the 12th century. More info about the personal history of the founder at:
Family name of Bircham can be seen in other villages in Norfolk.
UK Companies House
Reference - Legal. Year: 2000... 2003.
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