World References
Education Quality Assessment, Recognition & Accreditation.
References, Consumer Protection & Formal Universities Acceptance of Bircham University.
Bircham International University
World References
This section reviews different types of references that attest Bircham International University education quality and legitimacy.
These references review about Bircham International University may contribute to the acceptance and validation of the Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctor Ph.D. Degrees, as well as the professional diplomas of Specialist & Expert earned through our distance learning higher education programs.
The Bircham International University references listed here provide a comprehensive review of BIU from several cultural and educational perspectives and as well as from different countries' legal framework.
Bircham International University is accredited, recognized, and is a member of several international bodies. It meets the quality standards of numerous educational organizations in various countries. More info...
Acceptance of these distance learning higher education academic credits is always the prerogative of the receiving institution or employer. Recognition criteria differ depending on each educational institution, or company policy, or country legal framework. There are no universal criteria for recognition and/or accreditation. Each country, region or institution has its own. More info...
World Regional References
Bircham International University is an international institution offering adult degree programs in eight languages: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Russian & Arabic, and with an actual presence in each of the main's world cultural environment: North America, Central America & the Caribbean, South America, Europe, Africa, Middle East, and the Asia Pacific region. BIU ranking may be considered within the top ten according to its international relevance. More info...
Click on each list item to see the pertinent details, documents and links, past and current.
AAOU - Asian Association of Open Universities
ACDE - African Council for Distance Education
AIESAD - Asociación Ibero-Americana de Educación Superior a Distancia
CALED - Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Quality in Distance Higher Education
EADL - European Association for Distance Learning
EDEN - European Distance Education Network
EFVET - European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training
EU Open Education Europa
ICHE - International Council for Higher Education
USDLA - United States Distance Learning Association

Education Quality Assessment & Accreditation
The process of accreditation is non-governmental and represents a voluntary and self-regulation process to ensure the academic quality of educational institutions. There are no worldwide accreditation standards. Accreditation is not equivalent to legality or recognition, it is a non-governmental and voluntary quality standard. Bircham International University distance learning higher education is accredited, recognized or member of the following international bodies and meets (or has met) the education quality standards of such organizations in different countries. None of these organizations belong to the USA CHEA, the Council of Higher Education Accreditation. More info...
Click on each list item to see the pertinent details, documents and links, past and current.
Institutional Education Quality Assessment & Accreditation
AAHEA - American Association for Higher Education and Accreditation
EDUCAUSE - Higher Education Through Information Technology
EQAC - Educational Quality Accrediting Commission
IARC - International Accreditation & Recognition Council
Faculty of Arts & Humanities
AIEA - Association of International Education Administrators (Faculty Member)
APPE - Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (Faculty Member)
CLACSO - Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (Member)
IACD - International Association for Community Development (Member Faculty)
IASSW - International Association of Schools of Social Work (Member Faculty)
ICA - International Communication Association (Member)
IEEE ES - Education Society (Faculty Member)
IPSA - International Political Science Association (Member Faculty)
ISA - International Sociological Association (Faculty Member)
ISA - International Studies Association (Member Faculty)
NAFAE - National Association for Fine Art Education (Faculty Member)
Faculty of Business & Media
ASIBEAM - Asociación Iberoamericana de Economía, Administración y Marketing (Faculty Member)
EBEA - Economics & Business Education Association (Faculty Member)
FTA - Foreign Trade Association (Member)
IAMCR - International Association for Media and Communication Research (Faculty Member)
IEEE IAS - Industry Applications Society (Faculty Member)
UN PRME - Principles for Responsible Management Education (Member)
Faculty of Computer Science
ASIST - Association for Information Science and Technology (Faculty Member)
IACSIT - International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (Faculty Member)
IEEE CIS - Computational Intelligence Society (Faculty Member)
IEEE CS - Computer Society (Faculty Member)
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
ASEE - American Society for Engineering Education (Member)
IACEE - International Association for Continuing Engineering Education (Member)
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (Faculty Member)
IEEE PES - Power & Energy Society (Faculty Member)
IEEE RAS - Robotics and Automation Society (Faculty Member)
IEEE TEMS - Technology and Engineering Management Society (Faculty Member)
SEFI - Societé Européene pour la Formation des Ingénieurs (Member)
Faculty of Natural Health Science
AADP - American Association of Drugless Practitioners (Accredited)
AAMA - American Alternative Medical Association (Accredited)
COFEMEN - Conselho Federal de Medicina Naturopatica (Faculty Member)
IEHA - International Energetic Healing Association (Accredited)
Faculty of Psychology
ATI - Asociación Transpersonal Iberoamericana (Member)
CPT - Council of Holistic Professional Therapists (Member)
IAC - International Association for Counselling (Faculty Member)

Consumer Protection & Guaranties
Bircham International University offers a unique refund policy in addition to other consumer protection guaranties. This refund policy will allow any student to try any Bircham International University distance learning higher education program of study and cancel the program with minimum financial risk. Full tuition refund up to 10 days notice, 80% tuition refund up to 90 days notice, and 50% tuition refund up to one year notice. More info...
Click on each list item to see the pertinent details, documents and links, past and current.
Guidestar Seal of Transparency
Online Trust Seal - Sello de Confianza Online
Spain Ministry of Consumer Affairs (INC)

Professional Practice
Joining the proper association is the best way to become an updated professional.
Professional practice depends on a student experience and career and not only on the university degree. In other words, a student may qualify for a particular practice while others may not, despite holding the same degree from the same distance learning university.
Recommended Professional References. More info...
University Agreements / Acceptance of Bircham University
The mainstream education establishment considers that a distance learning degree program that is accepted by a formal campus-based university may be considered equivalent as institutionally recognized. Bircham International University distance learning higher education programs have been formally accepted by several universities. More info...
Click on each list item to see the pertinent details, documents and links, past and current.
ATIHE - Al-Taqwa Institute of Higher Education (Afghanistan)
BAU - Beirut Arab University (Lebanon)
BCPS - Bangladesh College of Physicians & Surgeons
BUU - Beijing Union University (China)
CIS - College for International Studies (Spain-USA)
CUFCE - California University Foreign Credentials Evaluation (USA)
EC - École Camondo (France)
EDNA - L'École de Design Nantes Atlantique (France)
ESA - Ecole Supérieure des Arts Saint-Luc Brussels (Belgium)
ESPOJ - Universidad Politécnica Javeriana
FHWS - University of Applied Sciences Wuerzburg-Schweinfurt (Germany)
HFG - University of Design Schwaebisch Gmuend (Germany)
HU - Haigazian University (Lebanon)
IADE - Universidade Europeia (Portugal)
MEU - Middle East University (Middle East)
MMU - Masinde Muliro University (Kenya)
MU - Mazandaran University (Iran)
MU - Misurata University (Libya)
NDU - Notre Dame University (France & Lebanon)
SDS - Sustainable Design School (France)
SUTD - Saint Petersburg University of Technology & Design (Russia)
TSU - National Research Tomsk State University (Russia)
UAH - Universidad de Alcalá (Spain)
UCU - Universidad Católica del Uruguay
UGR - Universidad de Granada
ULE - University of Leon
ULL - University of La Laguna (Spain)
UM - University of Memphis (USA)
UMKB - Université Mohamed Khider Biskra
UMPRUM - Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design (Czech Republic)
UNILAB - Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira
UniLu - University of Luxembourg
UNINI - Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana
UNINTER - Centro Universitário Internacional (Brazil)
UNLA - Universidad Nacional de Lanus (Argentina)
UQMI - United Quality Management Institute (USA)
USAC - Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala
USEK - Univesité Saint-Espirit de Kalisk (Lebanon)
USM - Universidad Santa María de Chile
UTAD - Universidade de Trás-Os-Montes e Alto Douro
WU - Walden University (USA)
Legal & Institutional References
Bircham International University distance learning degree programs merge the best of the two leading higher education systems of the world: Europe and the United States of America. Bircham International University follow the current higher education guidelines set forth by the European Union (European Credit Transfer System [ECTS]) as well as the USA (Generally Accepted Accrediting Practices [GAAP]). More info...
Click on each list item to see the pertinent details, documents and links, past and current.
Bircham International University Foundation
Bircham International University Legal History
BIU Founder - Deric Bircham
BIU Founder - Enrique Martin
BIU Founder - Javier Menendez Herrera
BIU Founder - Wen Hung Cheng
BIU Founder - William Martin
EU Curaçao Ministry of Education (Netherlands)
EU EQF - European Qualifications Framework
EU VIP - Validation of Informal Learning
Guidestar Seal of Transparency
Hong Kong Ministry of Education (China)
Online Trust Seal - Sello de Confianza Online
Spain ICEX - Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior
Spain Ministry of Consumer Affairs (INC)
Spain Ministry of Economy
Spain Ministry of Education
UK Companies House
USA Accreditation References
USA Legal Compliance
USA Non Profit 501c3 Status

Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees of Bircham International University has the mission to review policy implementation and ethical management in order to ensure that student welfare, education quality, administrative transparency, and institutional integrity are preserved at all times. It also guarantees no conflict of interest among ownership, management, academics and students. The Board of Trustees reviews Bircham International University progress, ethics and continuous improvement. More info...
Membership, Recognition & Global References
Along many years Bircham International University has sought education quality assessment, networking, membership and/or independent third party references such as those listed below. These references have helped Bircham International University to improve institutionally and have contributed to the acceptance of BIU distance learning higher education. More info...
Click on each list item to see the pertinent details, documents and links, past and current.
AAC - Accreditation Agency Curaçao
ABED - Associação Brasileira de Educação a Distância
AHEA - Adult Higher Education Alliance
AHHA - American Holistic Health Association
AHP - Association for Humanistic Psychology
ANCED - Asociación Nacional de Centros de Enseñanza a Distancia
APAIE - Asia-Pacific Association for International Education
APICS - Accademia per la Promozione Internazionale della Cultura e della Scienza
ASET - Accreditation Syndicate for Education & Training
BAOL - The British Association for Open Learning
BCMA - The British Complementary Medicine Association
BLA - The British Learning Association
CAEL - Council for Adult and Experiential Learning
EADI - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes
ECBE - European Council for Business Education
EFQUEL - European Foundation for Quality in eLearning
ESREA - European Society for Research on the Education of Adults
GESFWA - Global Education Support Forum for Working Adults
IACET - International Association for Continuing Education & Training
IADL - International Association for Distance Learning (UK)
IAO - International Accreditation Organization
IASTED - International Association of Science and Technology for Development
ICDE - International Council Distance Education
ICFHE - International Commission for Higher Education
IEAC - International Education Accreditation Commission
IHAC - Intergovernmental Higher Academic Council
IVU IGO - Ignita Veritas United Inter-Governmental Organization
OAM - The Oxford Association of Managers
ODAEE - Organización de las Américas para la Excelencia Educativa
OMMA - Organización Mundial de Medicinas Alternativas
QAC - Quality Assurance Commission
UK Companies House
WCRDE - World Council for Regular and Distance Education
A good education should teach HOW to think, rather than WHAT to think. More info...

World References-Bircham International University
Education Quality Assessment & Accreditation, World Regional References, Consumer Protection & Guaranties & University Agreements / Acceptance of Bircham University.
Top 10 Ranking! - More info...
Recognition - Accreditation -More info...
Degree Legalization - Graduate Services -More info...
Decide & Go 4 It! -More info...
The best distance learning university alternative to campus-based higher education.

BIU OFFICES - Distance Learning University - Contact ...
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