Distance degree programs for Adults & Professionals.
Specialist, Bachelor's, Master's, Doctor Ph.D. Degree Online via distance learning.
Bircham International University
Directors & Staff
BIU distance learning university is a truly international institution offering adult degree programs in nine languages: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, Chinese, Japanese, Russian & Arabic, and with an actual presence in each of the main's world cultural environment: North America, Central America & the Caribbean, South America, Europe, Africa, Middle East, and the Asia Pacific region. Bircham International University ranking may be considered within the top ten according to its international relevance.

International Relevance - Distance Learning University
All information related to the distance learning degree programs is in English, although you may, upon request and approval, submit the required assignments in other languages.
The Bircham International University Administrative center allows and preserves the legality and validity of Bircham International University degrees, providing the legal power to issue higher degrees. These offices are also in charge of coordinating recognition procedures and international legalization of degrees. They are supervised by the Chief Executive Officer and the different university registrars who are located in the USA (Delaware) and the European Union (Spain). More info...
A Distance Learning University provides more than just a DEGREE.
It unquestionably proves your skills. More info...

Tutoring and advice
The Bircham International University Offices service BIU students worldwide. Students may only enroll in a BIU program through a corresponding Bircham International University Office. The Office will duly inform the candidates, assist the student process, collect the tuition and service any needs from candidates and students. Bircham International University is thus in contact with such candidates and students through its offices. There is a Bircham International University office assigned to each world cultural environment: North America, Central & South America, Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia Pacific. This network is supervised by the International Coordinators and the different Bircham International University Division Directors. More info...
Any concerns about Bircham International University which have not been satisfactorily answered or resolved by the corresponding BIU office should be addressed to Board of Trustees. More info...
All staff, management, collaborators and professors from Bircham International University (BIU) will abide to the conflict resolution policy, and will strive to avoid any conflict of interest between themselves, BIU and its students. This includes avoiding actual conflicts of interest as well as the perception of any conflicts of interest.
The purpose of the conflict resolution policy is to protect the integrity of BIU decision-making process, to enable our students, staff and collaborators to have confidence in our integrity, and to protect the expectations and reputation of anyone involved in our organization. This conflict resolution policy is intended to supplement, but not replace, any applicable laws governing these conflicts. More info...
All questions related to the presentation of written assignments, doubts concerning textbook comprehension, knowledge level, etc., as well as any administrative procedure should be addressed to your Bircham International University Office. This latter will coordinate taking care of your questions with the appropriate member of the instructor's team. More info...
The best Distance Learning University alternative to campus-based higher education.
Top 10 Ranking! More info...

BIU OFFICES - Distance Learning Higher Education - Contact ...
If you have any further questions, please let us know. :)
Bircham International University
Directors & Staff
This list is updated every month.
If you do not wish to appear on this list, contact us.
Cesar Corbacho Martinez (Director)
Licentiate in History
Universidad Católica do Salvador - Brasil (1996-2002)
Licentiate in Foreign Lenguage Teaching
Universidad Federal da Bahia - Brasil (2000 - 2006)
Dariya Maslova (Staff)
Licenciate in Business Administration
Nizhny Novgorod University, Russia (2008)
Certificate Professional Photography
TV & Advertising National School, Russia (2010)
Guy Marc Bonem (Director)
Doctorate (PhD) in Clinical Psychology & Psychopathology - Psychoanalysis
Bircham International University - Madrid, Spain (2020)
Master in Clinical Psychology & Psychopathology - Psychoanalysis
Bircham International University - Madrid, Spain (2019)
Doctorate (PhD) in Psychotherapy
Bircham International University - Madrid, Spain (2013-2015)
Master in General Psychology
Bircham International University - Madrid, Spain (2010-2013)
Doctorate (PhD) in Creative and Script Writing
Bircham International University - Madrid, Spain (2003-2008)
Certificate in Creative Writing
Long Ridge Writers Group, USA (2000)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Sacred Heart University, USA (1991-1993)
NASD & NYSE licenses for U.S. securities brokers (Series 3, 5, 7, 8,
National Association of Securities Dealers, USA (1984-1989)
Dip. Commercial & Economical Sciences,
Luxembourg (1977-1980)
Irene Fernandez Montes (Director)
Bachelor in Business Administration
Bircham International University- Madrid, Spain (2002-2004)
Diploma in Accounting
Camara de Comercio - Madrid, Spain (1998)
Former Interrnational Product Manager - Sony Music
Lorena Cano Camarero (Director)
Master in Marketing
Centro Español Nuevas Profesiones - Spain (1997)
Certificate in Mass Media
Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Spain (1995)
Diploma in Advertising
Centro Español Nuevas Profesiones - Spain (1993-1996)
Specialist in Graphic Design
INEM - Spain (1994)
Mark H. Schaeffer (Director)
CEO International Business Company Formation, Inc.
Bachelor in Business Administration
City University of New York - USA
Mohamed Amir Gacem (Staff)
Master in Tourism Business Management
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain (2005)
Licenciate in Sociology
Social Sciences Institute - Annaba, Argelia (1996)
Ricardo Miralles Damm (Staff)
Expert in Multimedia Design
Trazart Spain (2012)
Master in E-Business Design & E-Commerce
Bircham International University (2009)
Specialist in E-Business & Internet
Escuela Superior de Informatica, Madrid - Spain (2003)
Expert in Web Design & Development
Escuela Superior de Informatica, Madrid - Spain (2001)
Specialist in Multimedia Design & Production
Ayuntamiento de Majadahonda, Madrid - Spain (1997)
Bachelor in TV & Video Production
Centro de Estudios Del Video y la Imagen - Spain (1993 -1996)