Reviews and opinion about Bircham International University.
Is Bircham International University Fake? Of course not.
Bircham International University
Discussion & Review
Constructive opinion and discussion are a very healthy way to foster improvement. Anybody has the right to express an opinion about Bircham International University. This web provides our own review about the reputation of Bircham International University, its legitimacy, address any fake claims and other related issues.
We encourage you to build your own opinion about Bircham International University based on facts and your own research. Read our website, talk to the BIU staff, visit our offices. The more questions you ask the more convinced you will be about the excellency of BIU distance learning higher education. You are also welcome to submit your own reviews or opinion about Bircham International University, as well as any ideas that may contribute to BIU improvement. The opinion of hundreds of BIU graduates speak for itself. More info...
Bircham International University is accredited, recognized, and is a member of several international bodies. It meets the quality standards of numerous educational organizations in various countries. More info...
Acceptance of these distance learning higher education academic credits is always the prerogative of the receiving institution or employer. Recognition criteria differ depending on each educational institution, or company policy, or country legal framework. There are no universal criteria for recognition and/or accreditation. Each country, region or institution has its own. More info...
The reputation of Bircham International University.
Along the years there have been some news and websites expressing some opinion about Bircham International University and its reputation. Those articles were usually written based on misconceptions and a superficial understanding of the nature of BIU. A deeper review of Bircham International University legitimacy, distance learning higher education programs, academics, staff plus many of the available references provided led the reporters to write a corrected version of the initial article or to delete any incorrect statements. Any claims about Bircham International University being fake are incorrect or the result of a lack of minimum research. More info...
It is not the degree that makes a man great, it is the man that makes the degree great. More info...

Reviewed opinion about Bircham International University.
Consumer Fraud Reporting - BIU White Listed (USA) - Info... - John Bear's Opinion (USA) - Info... - Bear's Distance Learning Guide (USA) - Info...
El Nuevo Siglo - Validez de la Educación a Distancia (Colombia) - Info...
Fortunes Time - The Most Visionary Leaders Transforming Education Sector (USA) - Info...
Higher Education Digest - Info...
Metro News NY - Non-formal Education Helps (USA) - Info...
Mirror Review - The 10 Influential Education Leaders 2023 (USA) - Info...
Nairobi Business Daily - Correction and Clarification (Kenya) - Info...
Scholaro - List of Unaccredited Universities (USA) - Info...
The CEO Views - Top 10 Inspiring Leaders - Info...
WebProNews - The Success of Non-Formal Education (USA) - Info...
Zegabi East Africa News - The Voice of Africa - Info...

A Distance Learning University provides more than just a DEGREE.
It unquestionably proves your skills. More info...
Reviews and opinion about Bircham International University.
John Bear's review about Bircham International University.
John Bear is an expert on distance learning that has written about hundreds of online institutions including some reviews about Bircham International University. In 2013, John Bear stated: "For many years, we have written that in the process of choosing any school, the prospective student should determine, as best he or she can, that their credential will meet both their current and predictable future needs. Based on the testimonials offered by Bircham, it seems clear that there are many satisfied people with the their credential." More info...
An opinion about Bircham International University by Quackwatch.
Stephen Barrett M.D., owner of the Quackwatch network, conducted a review of Bircham International University reputation. Quackwatch expresses his personal opinion against all alternative therapies and the institutions promoting them. Quoting Stephen Barrett: "At least 90% of BIU's programs and course appear to straightforward and fact-based. Assuming that the textbooks are appropriately selected, students can absorb information that is valid and presumably useful. Most of BIU's teachings are straightforward, but some promote pseudoscientific concepts and practices. None of its health-related programs—by themselves—provide an adequate basis for clinical practice." More info...
Is Bircham International University Fake?
Of course not. Quoting the US Department of Education: "Despite the widely recognized benefits and accountability of accreditation, some institutions choose, for various reasons, not to participate in an accreditation process. According to the United States Department of Education, it is possible for post-secondary educational institutions and programs to elect not to seek accreditation but nevertheless provide a quality post-secondary education. Yet, other unaccredited schools simply award degrees and diploma without merit for a price." More info...
Beware of Diploma Mills.
An ongoing problem within distance learning higher education is the existence of diploma mills. These organizations exist to grant apparent degrees without academic course work or give a willing buyer a degree for money. The USA Better Business Bureau and the USA Department of Education suggest to watch for the following features to identify a diploma mill: Degrees can be earned in less time than at an accredited post-secondary institution, apparent legitimacy and references may not be verified, excessive academic credits granted for lifetime or professional experience, little or no interaction with professors, similar names to well known reputable universities, no real contact offices or staff. More info...
USA State Restrictions for unaccredited education.
In the United States, unaccredited degrees may not be acceptable for financial aid, civil service or some employment. Criminal penalties sometimes apply should such a degree be presented in lieu of one from an accredited school. The use of unaccredited degrees are restricted in Oregon, Maine, Texas and Michigan. For example, an Oregonian wishing to use an unaccredited degree not approved by the State should make clear that Bircham International University is an unaccredited foreign degree in Oregon. Despite of some restrictions from some US States, Bircham International University degrees may be used successfully for many professional activities. More info...
The Mexico Secretary of Public Education (SEP).
In 2007, the Mexico Secretary of Public Education (SEP) stating that "The certificates, diplomas and degrees issued by institutions lacking the official recognition (RVOE) will not be acknowledged or recognized by The Secretariat of Public Education in Mexico." The SEP also published a list of distance learning higher education institutions lacking this official validation. BIU was included in this list. Other institutions that were accused of academic fraud were also included in this list, which led some newspapers to publish articles that did not differentiate the fraudulent institutions from legitimate ones. More info...
Bircham International University in Kenya.
In April 2008 the Nairobi Business Daily reported that Bircham International University was operating in Kenya without authorization. An official of Kenya's Commission for Higher Education was quoted as warning that BIU degree certificates would not be recognized. In March 2010, the same newspaper deleted all references to such article and published a correction, explaining that the April 2008 story had been provided by a person "who at the time of publication had a partnership dispute with Bircham over rights to represent the university in Kenya". The correction stated that BIU "is a Spanish institution of distance learning and is in good standing with Spanish authorities that offers alternatives to formal adult higher education specifically aimed at adult working professionals" and that its programs "can be legalized and validated by the Embassy of Kenya in the USA or Spain despite the institution not being registered by the Commission for Higher Education in Kenya". More info...
Wikipedia & Bircham International University
Wikipedia is often considered as a credible source of information, although this brilliant idea of an online free encyclopedia has not yet reached high credibility levels. Issues with the Bircham International University article at Wikipedia are a clear example. Wikipedia looks like a "Free Encyclopedia" but it is actually a forum of opinion, where thousands of anonymous users may edit what they think is correct, according to some rules set by Wikipedia. Anyone can edit Wikipedia, both right or wrong. Wikipedia administrators are also volunteers that have spent more time editing, so they are granted administration powers as motivational reward. Dedication to Wikipedia is what appoints any volunteer to the administration level. There is no need to be qualified on any topic to write about any topic. The content that prevails shall be the one that meets common consensus, in other words what fits an administrator’s point of view; thus Wikipedia articles' quality may be determined by looking at who contributes to them. Continuos and majors mistakes are the result of this operational procedure. Some of this mistakes are fixed more easily than others. Along the years, Bircham International University article at Wikipedia has been influenced by the biassed perspective of some administrators, unable to assess Spanish references, or beholding their own prejudices against distance learning. Undoubtedly, Wikipedia editors community has become a very interesting sociological experiment. Universities and newspapers worldwide have warned that any input from Wikipedia should be considered not completely reliable, and that they should be doubled checked, consequently we invite you to check other references about Bircham International University. More info...
A distance learning university is the perfect solution for many people.
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Reviews and opinion about Bircham International University.
Consumer Protection & Refund Policy
Bircham International University provides a beneficial refund policy for the student: 100% tuition refund within 15 days from the program start; 80% tuition refund within 90 days; and 50% tuition refund within a whole year from the program start. This policy guarantees no financial risk to anyone willing to try the BIU's innovative distance learning higher education for adult professionals. More info...
Guidestar Seal of Transparency
Online Trust Seal - Sello de Confianza Online
Spain Ministry of Consumer Affairs (INC)
Conflict Resolution
All staff, management, collaborators and professors from Bircham International University (BIU) will abide to the conflict resolution policy, and will strive to avoid any conflict of interest between themselves, BIU and its students. This includes avoiding actual conflicts of interest as well as the perception of any conflicts of interest.
The purpose of the conflict resolution policy is to protect the integrity of BIU decision-making process, to enable our students, staff and collaborators to have confidence in our integrity, and to protect the expectations and reputation of anyone involved in our organization. This conflict resolution policy is intended to supplement, but not replace, any applicable laws governing these conflicts. More info...
Distance Learning Degrees Acceptance Warning
Acceptance of the distance learning higher education academic credits issued by Bircham International University is subjective and at the discretion of each receiving institution or employer. While BIU is extensively accredited, it cannot guarantee nor control the private policies and preferences of other organizations. If you need help to make your credits worth their value, do ask for our advice. BIU offers several graduate services that may support the validation and acceptance of the degree. Do not doubt that distance learning higher education for adults is an effective and traditional alternative, equally as valid as attending classes at a formal university campus. More info...
Bircham International University wants to congratulate and to thank all the graduates that have trusted our distance learning degrees and higher education. All and each of them deserve the best in their future endeavours.

At Bircham International University, we do not want you to simply enroll but to graduate, to earn your deserved distance learning degree program, and to achieve your goals.
We are not in a hurry, are you?
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If you have any further questions, please let us know. :)
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Degree Legalization - Graduate Services -More info...
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The best distance learning university alternative to campus-based higher education.
Reviews and opinion about Bircham International University.