Graduates' Testimony, Opinion & Review

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Bircham International University

Graduates' Testimony, Opinion & Review


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This testimony should explain how Bircham International University has contributed to your professional career or personal improvement. Your opinion is important for us, and to other future students. You may send your testimony by email. The submission of a testimony implicitly authorizes its publication by the BIU web. Thank you for helping us to improve.


John Bear, a well known expert in distance learning universities for adults, stated: "For many years, I have written that, in the process of choosing any school, the prospective student should determine, as best he or she can, that their credential will meet both their current and predictable future needs. Based on the testimonials offered by Bircham, it seems clear that there are many satisfied people with their credential." Bircham International University ranking may be considered within the top ten according to the opinion of many of its graduates.


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Bircham International University
Graduates' Testimony, Opinion & Review


This list is updated every month.
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Abdikadir Issa Farah (Somalia)
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Administration: Graduated (2015)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Opportunity knocks the door once not twice. Learning from BIU is unique, and its learning sessions are different from on campus learning universities. In my opinion BIU fulfilled international learning and teaching standards (i.e.  inclusiveness in education, quality education, equity and equality, integrity and validity).


Abdikadir Mohamed Haamud (Somalia)
Bachelor of Arts in Community and Social Development - Social Work: Graduated (2015)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I joined Bircham University from Puntland State of Somalia, during my learning I really gained knowledge, skills and progress. I feed my children, stay with them at home and learn from Bircham University at the same time. It is a great golden, learning staying with your family/space. I say once again thanks to Bircham University that facilitated my learning while studying at my own pace.


Abdo Miled Abou Jaoude (Lebanon)
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Mathematics: Graduated (2005)
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science: Graduated (2006)
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Statistics & Probability: Graduated (2007)
Magna Cum Laude in Computer Science: Graduated (2006)
Magna Cum Laude in Applied Statistics & Probability: Graduated (2007)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
2008: I thank Bircham University because it gave me the chance to continue my education on a distance learning program. I completed at Bircham University three Ph.D's, the first in Applied Mathematics, the second in Computer Science with Magna Cum Laude, and the third in Applied Statistics with Magna Cum Laude also. If I have the time I would complete also my knowledge in other fields of knowledge, and all this thanks to Bircham University, and with the support and valuable guidance of Dr. Antoine Abou Assaf, Bircham University's delegate in Middle East and North Africa, and Dr. William Martin, Bircham University's CEO. They both provided me with all the help I needed to complete all the work that I have done during those years. Moreover, the distance learning program is a fantastic adventure rich of pleasure and knowledge that I invite everyone seeking knowledge and self discipline to experience. I have been appointed teacher of mathematics and statistics for over three years at Notre Dame University NDU in Lebanon and also at Middle East University, both recognized by the Ministry of Education. My sincere thanks to Bircham University.

2016: Dear Professor William Martin, Hello. This Dr. Abdo Miled Abou Jaoudé. Do you remember me? To help you in doing so, I am from Lebanon and I took three Ph.Ds from BIU. I also attended the BIU’s ceremony in Lebanon where you have distributed the diplomas to all the graduates including myself. I will always be proud to be a BIU graduate with your person as the CEO of the university. I wish also that BIU continues its way to Absolute Success especially after your continuous and tremendous efforts in addition to the support of all the BIU’s staff. I am now an Assistant Professor in the department of mathematics and Statistics at Notre Dame University, Lebanon. I thank BIU and thank all the persons who had helped me. Especially I thank you Prof.

2017: Today, The Journal "Systems Science and Control Engineering", of the famous Taylor and Francis Publishers, United Kingdom, has published my new research paper in Applied Mathematics and Engineering titled:
"The Paradigm of Complex Probability and Analytic Nonlinear Prognostic for Unburied Petrochemical Pipelines"


Abdul Hannan Kakar (Afghanistan)
Master of Arts in Community and Social Development: Graduated (2012)

Review about Bircham International University:
This is to confirm the receipt of my master degree and the supporting documents. I take this opportunity to thank you for your professional and timely correspondence and excellent support throughout my degree program. During the last one year, I really enjoyed the innovative method of studying and therefore hope to continue my Doctorate at Bircham University in the nearest future. Please also extend my special thanks to the entire team of Bircham University and Mr. William Martin, the CEO and Vice-president for providing such a great opportunity to the working professionals to pursue their higher education with a flexible schedule and no interference with professional life.


Abdul Nazir Majeedi (Spain)
Master of Arts in International Relations: Graduated (2015)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I would like to take this opportunity and express my sincere appreciation to BIU leadership and its staff for their excellent assistance.


Abdul Qayeum Karim (Afghanistan)
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering - Hydrology: Graduated (2014)
Magna Cum Laude in Hydrology: Graduated (2014)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I would like to thank all BIU colleagues and friends who were involved in the organization of the graduation ceremony such as the professors and staff. I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all your support and cooperation in obtaining the visa to travel to Spain, in all the arrangements for the graduation ceremony, for the on time approval of my Ph. D. Thesis and awarding us with the degree and making our travel and efforts a success. I strongly hope that the Afghanistan will be peaceful, and I will be able to benefit from my experience and knowledge of the topic/subject I studied during my Ph.D. studies for the rehabilitation, education and prosperity of Afghans as a member of the global community. I wish all of you further success in spreading education globally and helping the human communities in development activities.


Abdul Sattar Qarizada (Afghanistan)
Master of Arts in International Relations: Graduated (2019)

Review about Bircham International University:
I would like to thank all the Authorities of BIU for having helped me to receive my Master's in International Relations. As a diplomat, this Master helped me to get in-depth knowledge of diplomacy and international relations and to utilize it in my career and position as Third Secretary of Embassy of Afghanistan in Madrid - Spain.


Abed Al Hafiz Al Atassi (Syria)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2012)
Master of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2012)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
It was great meeting other graduates at the UAE Dubai Graduation in 2015.


Abraham Duque Jiménez (Spain)
Expert Diploma in Earth Science: Graduated (2021)
Bachelor of Science in Geology - Paleontology: Studying (2021...)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Quisiera comunicaros que me ha encantado poder estudiar con vosotros y estoy deseando poder recibir el título y así buscar trabajo de algo que me apasiona, cambiando mi vida laboral para mejor, espero. También quería comentar, que la verdad es que con el método que tenéis, si se sigue bien, se aprende mucho y muy rápido, y aunque es un esfuerzo a nuestra edad, se hace ameno y fácil de organizar las tareas; además de la atenta atención recibida y por ello me gustaría felicitaros.


Abraham Mateos Gallego (Spain)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2021)
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics: Admitted (2020)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Sin duda, fue un placer entrar en contacto con Bircham International University hace ya varios años y habernos mantenido en estrecha comunicación durante el transcurso de todo este tiempo. Y por supuesto, también haber disfrutado de material lectivo de alta calidad dentro de esta universidad de reconocimiento internacional. Muy agradecido por todo, de principio a fin.


Adán Amilcar Alvarenga López (El Salvador)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2023)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Me gustó mucho la carrera y la universidad en si. La forma de enseñar de los catedráticos con temas actuales y que de verdad nos van a servir en nuestro diario vivir, las tareas son prácticas y de verdad interesantes, eso en lo académico. Luego me gustó mucho los diferentes horarios que se acoplan a nuestro trabajo para que podamos participar en todas las clases, sin duda haré la maestría con ustedes


Adão Henrique Saldanha Ribeiro Pizarro (Portugal)
Specialist Diploma in Natural Heath: Graduated (2011)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Tive a felicidade de conhecer a Bircham University. Depois de muitas perguntas que fiz, e sempre prontamente elucidado de forma categórica pelo Exº Sr. Cesar Martinez, não exitei mais e me inscrevi na formação de Especialista em Saude Natural. Já tinha efectuado em Portugal várias formações nesta área, em E-larning, mas com a Bircham University, tudo foi diferente. Diferente na exigência e no rigor, na forma e no método que têm de nos enviar os livros e respectivo material de estudo, na calma que nos transmitem durante o processo e o tempo de estudo, tirando-nos qualquer dúvida e aconselhando-nos para a devida calma, mas sempre pedindo o nosso esforço e dedicação com os principios definidos que não me canso de repetir. Assim, o seu método, de fazer com que sejam lidos os respectivos livros, a forma como temos que reler para ir anotando as nossas descobertas para a elaboração do nosso trabalho é tão intensa, que sem darmos conta disso, já lemos os diversos capítulos de cada livro 3 ou 4 vezes. Dessa forma, é bem claro que aprendemos mesmo as matérias por eles estipuladas e fazemos o nosso trabalho e com o orgulho de dever cumprido, fixando essa aprendizagem para o resto da vida.


Afonso Txitxi Salvador (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Logistics: Graduated (2019)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Estudar pela Bircham foi uma oportunidade única e superou todas as minhas expectativas. Já sendo formado no ramo de engenharia e com muitos anos de experiência no sector de logística e Supply Chain, eu buscava por uma educação de excelência. Desde o comprometimento, rigor e um alto nível de exigência. O curso na Bircham proporcionou-me uma visão mais ampla não apenas sobre logística e supply chain, mas do ambiente corporativo como um todo. É um método de ensino a distância que oferece efectivamente muitos benefícios a quem está no mercado de trabalho e que não deseja abrir mão da capacitação e crescimento profissional. Com os conhecimentos adquiridos, consegui aplicar as teorias de forma prática na empresa que eu trabalho, proporcionando resultados positivos. Os meus sinceros agradecimentos ao Doutor Cesar por sua incansável colaboração. A formação na Bircham foi de facto essencial para o meu crescimento profissional.


Agbedjinou Wadémé (Togo)
Expert Diploma in Geotechnical Engineering: Graduated (2019)
Doctor of Philosophy in Geotechnical Engineering: Graduated (2025)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Par la présente, je tiens tout particulièrement à vous remercier de l’attention que vous m’avez accordée au cours de ma formation dont la concrétisation aujourd’hui est la réception de mon diplôme d’expert en Ingénierie géotechnique et annexes. En effet, dès mes premières démarches pour l’admission, j’ai apprécié le dynamisme et la patience de votre équipe dirigeante en particulier M. Guy Marc Bonem. En ce jour, je me vois déjà couronner par un diplôme de l’Université Internationale de Bircham, qui me servira de socle non seulement pour rassurer mon employeur actuel mais également qui me donne un élan de confiance pour convaincre le marché d’emploi aujourd’hui gouverné par une compétitivité grandissante.
Sachant que c’est le début d’une aventure au cours de laquelle je dois prouver de quoi je suis capable, je vous témoigne tous mes remerciements. Je vous assure de mon total dévouement pour honorer non seulement mon nom mais également pour justifier l’efficacité des diplômes professionnels d’expert de l’Université Internationale de Bircham durant toute ma carrière.


Ahmad Timor Qayoomi (Afghanistan)
Master of Science in Construction Management: Graduated (2010)

Review about Bircham International University:
I am happy as a member of Bircham University students.


Ahmed Mohamoud Warsame (Somalia)
Master of Science in Public Administration - Human Resources Management: Graduated (2011)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
You kept me pushing my career forward since I joined this honorable university and at last here I am reaping my rewards. For me it was an incredible dream to have a post graduate degree in Somalia where I live now, where there was no functional government for the last 20 years. I still remember when i was collecting some of my colleagues to join this university with me and how hard it was to convince them to do their masters through distance learning. I confess that many of them have already had their master degrees before me from Bircham University. Thanks to the staff of Bircham University MEA, specially Graziella who was the bridge between me and the university, and who was coordinating the program tirelessly. In fact text books were being sent on time, evaluation reports on time, and any other needed information was timely circulated. After that, as you stated I am satisfied that I made great development and career building, and benefited from the courses I have been given through your distance learning programs with your continuous whisper in my ear day and night. I have to say that unless I would not join this university, my dreams would still remain dreams and would not see the light.


Ajayi Ezekiel Oluranti (Guinea)
Bachelor of Science in Accounting: Graduated (2015)
Master of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2016)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Bircham International University is a very professional university, they have a great reputation internationally. First time I have ever seen in my life as an online university. This university changed my life in so many ways, because they gave me the gift of education. The experience has broadened my view about many things. I have met so nice people. Thanks to BIU. I believe that BIU is very beneficial for those who would like to do any online course.


Akbaruddin Ahmad (Bangladesh)
Doctor of Philosophy in Finance & Banking: Graduated (2012)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
I attended a special graduation in Madrid with the Bangladesh Ministry of Youth. I visited the nice BIU Offices in Madrid where Prof. William Martin and I celebrated the mutual recognition agreement with Darul Ihsan University.


Alberto Margoso Capita Luis (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Computation Engineering: Graduated (2015)
Master of Science in Computer Systems & Networks: Graduated (2016)
Doctor of Philosophy in Mechatronic Engineering: Studying (2020...)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
When I started the Bachelor’s degree in Computation Engineering at BIU, my expectations were to update my knowledge and broaden my vision in Computer Industry. Once I graduated, I felt like every course was a step forward in my professional career then I enrolled for the Master’s in Computer Systems & Networks.
BIU innovative methodology taught me to think critically and increased my intellectual capacity. I also value that I was able to immediately apply much of what I had studied in my job. The Computer Engineering program at BIU equipped me with valuable skills, attributes and experiences which are necessary for anyone facing the real working world. The program has also widened my knowledge and improved my logical thinking and problem solving skills in my daily work. Data Security & Cryptography course, for example, was extremely useful and today is an important support for my current responsibilities, so much that it helps me make decisions daily to help protect the Company from Cyber Incidents.
From the standpoint of competitiveness, the Bachelor & Master’s program enhanced my opportunities in the job market, it opened more doors for me, it is a plus. I am grateful for the knowledge acquired and I thank Bircham International University for the quality education at affordable fees. I feel now empowered after finishing my Bachelor & Master’s program. Finally, I would like to encourage everybody to take this opportunity to pursue an education at Bircham International University while fulfilling their commitment to their jobs and families.


Alcino Domingos Congo (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering: Graduated (2020)
Master of Science in Petroleum & Natural Gas Production: Admitted (2012)

Review about Bircham International University:
A Bircham International University, desde os primeiros contactos que mantive com a instituição, me mostrou sempre ser uma instituição com bastante grau de seriedade e responsabilidade no que tange a formação do ser humano. Fruto desta elevada responsabilidade da instituição para com os formandos é que eu aceitei dar continuidade da minha forma acadêmica técnica em engenharia de petróleo e gás natural. Hoje sou formado em engenharia, e estou aplicando os conhecimentos adquiridos pela BIU. O meu propósito em dar sequência em outros cursos na BIU, e até o doutoramento. Muitíssimo grato pelo profissionalismo dos integrantes da Bircham.


Alejandro Iglesias Costas (Spain)
Specialist Diploma in Police Self Defense Instructor: Graduated (2006)
Bachelor of Arts in Self Instructor Sciences: Graduated (2010)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Participé junto con mis compañeros del Instituto Europeo de Autodefensa en graduacion de Madrid del año 2014 que tuvo lugar en el Palacio Duarte. Fue algo inolvidable.


Alex Vicente González (Switzerland)
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering: Graduated (2009)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Quiero dar mi testimonio en agradecimiento a todo el staff de Bircham International University por los excelentes servicios prestados a mí como estudiante. Bircham International University me inspiró en mi carrera profesional y en mis deseos de continuar educándome, cuando en su brochoure decía: Lo importante no es de donde el estudiante se gradúe, sino, lo que el estudiante puede hacer con su trabajo para darle prestigio a la institución de donde se graduó. Ahora me encuentro realizando un postgrado en SEAS centro de formacion abierta en Redes y comunicacion. Gracias una vez mas.


Alexandre Nuno de Aguiar Faria (Portugal)
Doctor of Philosophy in Sport Management: Graduated (2018)
Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology: Graduated (2021)
Magna Cum Laude in Sport Management: Graduated (2018)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Após a minha licenciatura na Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, sendo procurei estimular a continuidade da vida académica, adquirindo novos conhecimentos e aperfeiçoamentos técnicos, tanto na área do Direito como em matérias que ampliassem e consubstanciassem as minhas diversas actividades. A par da minha profissão como Advogado, dedico uma boa parte da minha carreira ao associativismo desportivo, sendo Presidente do Estoril Praia desde 2014, área onde a aquisição de novas ferramentas académicas se revela fundamental para o futuro dos dirigentes associativos. Dos vários contactos que promovi e dentro das diversas soluções possíveis, encontrei apenas na Bircham International University não apenas tudo o que procurava, mas também um acompanhamento excepcional em todos os passos percorridos. Desde o meu orientador, Prof. César Martinez, sempre criterioso e presente em todos os momentos, às sábias orientações do Prof. William Martin Olsen e ao elevado e enriquecedor programa académico, notável na forma como preencheram na totalidade o que procurava nesta importante etapa académica, superando inclusive todas as expectativas. Jamais esquecerei onde adquiri a evolução que necessitava, o enorme profissionalismo de toda a instituição, recomendando vivamente a todos aqueles que procuram um ensino inovador e academicamente evoluído, assim como decisivo e estruturante para as nossas carreiras.


Alfredo Eduardo Manuel Mingas (St. Tome Principe)
Bachelor of Arts in International Relations: Studying (2012...)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
As autoridades angolanas invalidaram todos os documentos académicos que atestam a conclusão de formação graduada e pós-graduada na American World University. A decisão veem expressa no despacho n.º 2477/13, assinado pelo Ministro do Ensino Superior. Um dos seus mais notáveis estudantes em Angola e o actual embaxador de Angola em São Tomé, Alfredo Mingas Eduardo “Panda”, que esteve a fazer um curso ligado a gestão de empresas na American World University, mudou-se depois para a “Bircham International University”, onde estudou Relações internacionais.


Alfredo Zenteno Torres (Peru)
Doctor of Philosophy in Naturopathy: Graduated (2009)
Master of Science in Herbology & Phytotherapy: Graduated (2013)
Bachelor of Science in Energy Healing: Graduated (2014)
Magna Cum Laude in Naturopathy: Graduated (2009)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Quiero informarles que en el ejercicio profesional como Dr. en Naturopatia, estoy atendiendo  como promedio a 50 personas diarias, en la ciudad de Puno, PERU. En mi consultorio trato a la gente más necesitada y a los deshauciados por la Medicina Alópata. Los resultados obtenidos en la atención a los pacientes me califican como el más prestigiado y eficaz en virtud de sus enseñanzas, por lo que les expreso mi gratitud.


Ali Salissou (Togo)
Doctor of Philosophy in Ecology: Graduated (2013)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I participated in the 2014 Madrid Graduation held at a beautiful palace in the city. It was a remarkable experience. It was nice to meet some of the BIU staff and professors.


Alicia Carmona Martínez (Spain)
Master of Science in Coaching: Graduated (2017)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Como directora de la Asociación San José en Guadix (Granada) reconozco que fue una sorpresa conocer que la formación en coaching impartida por el profesor Francisco Yuste en nuestra asociación estaba reconocida por Bircham International University. No sólo estabamos encantados con la excelente formación que estabamos recibiendo sino que además pudimos optar a recibir un diploma que avalase dichos estudios. El profesor Yuste y el director de Bircham International University tuvieron a bien organizar una ceremonia de entrega de nuestros diplomas en la propia asociación. Fue un momento entrañable que pudimos compartir los directivos que completamos dicha formación con nuestra familia y amigos.


Alwan Sarah (France)
Doctor of Philosophy in Nutrition & Diet Therapy: Graduated (2018)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
I want to express my feelings regarding my journey with BIU. It was one of the most fruitful experience that I’ve ever lived. I am very proud of my Ph.D. university choice’s. It is an overall satisfaction, from the philosophic and academic way of learning to the references that were well chosen and selected. Needless to say that this education wouldn’t have been that simple if it weren’t for the efficient link between students and BIU; Mr. Bonem, a very respectful and professional man who was both helpful and cooperative. I also want to thank you for your time and your advices which I will certainly take into consideration for my future decisions.


Amia Jean (Ethiopia)
Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations: Graduated (2021)

Review about Bircham International University:
Eìtudier est un noble devoir qu'il faut remplir, une mission qu'il faut accomplir et un rêve qu'il faut reìaliser. Ce fut un PrivileÌge de reìaliser mes eìtudes doctorales aÌ Bircham International University, une opportuniteì eìducative innovante, prometteuse, rigoureuse et personnaliseìe que je n'heìsite pas aÌ recommander aÌ toute personne aÌ la recherche d'un cadre creìdible pour ses eìtudes.


Amon N’Guessan Broutch Charles (Ivory Coast)
Master of Science in Executive Leadership: Studying (2014...)
Master of Science in Business Administration: Studying (2014...)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Une bonne nouvelle: grace au "petroleum industry management" certificate, je commence a travallier à BOLLORE AFRICA LOGISTICS/OIL & GAS.


André Antonio Buanga Cala (Angola)
Master of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2013)
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration: Graduated (2014)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Tive a felicidade de conhecer a Bircham International University através do Dr. Arnaldo Puati Tomas e André Binda Casimiro, actual Secretário da Juventude e Desportos de Cabinda que aprofundou-me o conhecimento desta Universidade. Andre Binda Casimiro põs-me de imediato em contacto com Exº Sr. Cesar Martinez. Depois de muitas perguntas que fiz, e sempre prontamente elucidado de forma categórica pelo Exº Sr. Cesar Martinez, não hesitei mais e me inscrevi. Na verdade, foi uma experiência bastante desafiante, pois cumulativamente e sobretudo sem prejuízo das minhas obrigações profissionais e familiareas, foi possível apreender novos e avançados conhecimentos e experiências sobre a Administração de Empresas. Gostei a forma padagógica como inculcam os conhecimentos nos estudantes, a exigência e o rigor, a forma e o método que têm de nos enviar os livros e o respectivo material de estudo, na calma que nos transmitem durante o processo e o tempo de estudo, tirando-nos qualquer dúvida e aconselhando-nos para a devida calma, mas sempre pedindo o nosso esforço e dedicação com os principios definidos que não me canso de repetir. Assim, o seu método, de fazer com que sejam lidos os respectivos livros, a forma como temos que reler para ir anotando as nossas descobertas para a elaboração do nosso trabalho é tão intensa, que sem darmos conta disso, já lemos os diversos capítulos de cada livro 3 ou 4 vezes. Dessa forma, é bem claro que aprendemos mesmo as matérias por eles estipuladas e fazemos o nosso trabalho e com o orgulho de dever cumprido, fixando essa aprendizagem para o resto da vida. De enfatizar que, esta Universidade prima pela criatividade do estudante. O que faz com que este desenvolva e esteja preparado para os desafios do dia a dia sobretudo no ramo de Administração de Empresas.


André Chirindza (Mozambique)
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Administration: Graduated (2019)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Eu, André Chirindza fui estudante da Universidade Bircham onde cursei o doutoramento em Gestão Educacional e graduei no dia 28 do mês de Setembro de 2019. Durante a minha formação tive um tratamento excelente pois desde o primeiro dia mereci um atendimento pontual nos meus pedidos como estudante. Os trabalhos me apresentavam para executar e devolvia eram corrigidos e comentados dentros dos prazos estabelecidos. A classificação dos trabalhos era justa o que criava um grande insentivo para mim. Estabelecia-se uma interacção entre a minha pessoa e o Dr. César que me deixava confortávem que muito agradeço. Ele parecia uma pessoa que tivesse tido um contacto directo com ela quando na verdade só lhe conheci no dia da minha graduação. O mesmo aconteceu com o professor William Martin, o Vice Presidente. Uma pessoa carinhosa que nos recebeu amavelmente na Namibia. Mando para os dois um respeitoso  abraço. Gostaria que um dia viessem a Maputo capital do meu país para lhes receber. Estou neste momento a mobilizar os meus compatriotas  e em particular os meus colegas do Instituto Superior de Gestão de Negócios para cursar Mestrados   e Doutoramento na Bircham International University. Estou também a tentar  convencer os meus sócios para uma possível parceria com a Bircham. Acho que seria muito bom para a nossa instituição pois beneficiaria da experiência que os quadros da BIU têm. Mais uma vez, agradeço a formação que me deram e espero que estejamos sempre em contacto. Obrigado!


Andres Muñoz Mosquera (Spain)
Bachelor of Arts in International Relations: Graduated (2001)
Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Law: Graduated (2002)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Quisiera agradecer a todo el staff de BIU, gracias a ellos pude lograr finalmente titulación de Bachelor.


Andrew Austin (Ghana)
Master of Science in Management Information Systems: Graduated (2009)

Review about Bircham International University:
I am very happy to be part of Bircham University because of how organized things are and hope to personally meet you one day. I have benefited from my program and I have started introducing Bircham University to my colleagues who are interested in upgrading themselves. It was my headache to leave my job to school because I needed its proceed to support myself my upgrade and Bircham University provided me with the solution. Thank you so much William for your personal motivation to work harder till the completion of my degree program.


Anna Díez Márquez (Spain)
Master of Science in Coaching: Graduated (2019)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Realizar el curso de coaching personal de Bircham University ha sido revelador, para conocerme mejor como persona, crecer personalmente y para con los demás. Ha marcado un antes y un después, me ha ayudado a ampliar el enfoque a la hora de ver las diferentes situaciones que nos brinda la vida, nuestras creencias, necesidades, aptitudes, actitudes, limitaciones... aprender cómo se puede avanzar superando los baches y momentos difíciles.


Anton D. Buttigieg (Malta)
Doctor of Philosophy in Information Technology: Graduated (2008)
Magna Cum Laude in Information Technology: Graduated (2008)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Talking from my personal experience, I had spent 4 months searching throughout the web for distance learning universities throughout the world. I was looking for flexibility, value for money, organization and professionalism. I found all these attributes in the Bircham University degree I pursued, through which I could read, study and write at my own pace, and balance my time between full-time work, study and my personal life, thereby practising time management and self discipline. I am doing my best to encourage my friends and colleagues to consider taking a Bircham University degree so that they may share the same rewarding experience as myself. Since graduating with Bircham University, I've never looked back and my career keeps on flourishing.


Antonio Casado Martínez (Spain)
Master of Science in Coaching: Graduated (2017)

Review about Bircham International University:
Mi experiencia en la ceremonia de graduación fue bonita, es la primera vez que realizo un Master y me gradúo con toga y birrete. Mi familia estuvo presente y eso les hizo estar orgullosos de mí y yo de ellos por su asistencia y felicitaciones a mi persona. El compartir ese momento con mis compañeros, también fue bonito después de los 2 años de formación con un nivel bastante alto de exigencia. En las palabras que dijeron Willy y Francisco Yuste sobre esta cuestión, vimos reflejados el gran esfuerzo realizado. Esta formación la aplico en mi puesto de trabajo como Director del departamento de producción, para hacer buenos los momentos difíciles, construir a base de esfuerzos y sentimientos positivos, apoyar y/o ayudar a sus miembros haciendo que promuevan la Asociación desde la observacion, la comprensión y la comunicación como base en organizarse inteligentemente.


Antonio José da Costa Grilo (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Social Psychology: Graduated (2015)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
A Bircham como Universidade foi uma grande lição de vida no meu aprendizado, daí considero serem competentes e pontuais. Portanto, agradeço pelo carinho e pela forma competente de transmitem o conhecimento aos estudantes. Acreditem que é uma Universidade realmente verdadeira. Um forte abraço à Direção e aos seus colaboradores.


Antonio José Ernesto Ngunza (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Petroleum & Gas Engineering: Graduated (2011)

Review about Bircham International University:
I participated in the 2014 Madrid Graduation where I met the BIU staff and some professors. I enjoyed very much this event.


Antonio Pedro Joaquim (Angola)
Master of Science in Human Resourses: Graduated (2009)
Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resourses: Graduated (2009)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
O comandante nacional da Polícia de Guarda Fronteiras de Angola (PGFA), comissário-chefe António Pedro Kandela.


Aquina C. de Oliveira N. P. da Gama (Portugal)
Bachelor of Science in Social Psychology: Graduated (2019)

Review about Bircham International University:
Primeiramente eu agradeço muito a DEUS por nunca me ter abandonado nesta minha grande jornada dos estudos, e também agradecer por todo apoio que eu tive durante estes anos dos nossos magníficos professores e ao Dr. Martinez que nunca deixaram de acreditar em mim . o meu muito obrigada por tudo . Bem haja, eu posso  assim dizer que a Bircham é uma grande universidade por excelência, com credibilidade e com todos os requisitos necessários. Sinto me muto feliz, e realizada com relação a minha licenciatura eu  sempre acreditei que podia sim chegar ao grande objectivo e graças a DEUS com muito sacrifício eu consegui terminar a minha formação. Nunca desistam dos vossos sonhos e a Bircham mostrou me que a persistência e a determinação deve estar dentro de nos. O meu muito obrigada e vou continuar a estudar pela a Bircham com muito orgulho e muita dedicação.


Argentino Nguinamau dos Santos Kivite (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering: Graduated (2024)
Master of Science in Petroleum & Natural Gas Production: Admitted (2014)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Estudar na BIU, foi uma experiência unica ajudou-me bastante porque atendendo o meu dia a dia facilitou me bastante, o curso em Engenharia Ambiental trouxe grandes expectativas na minha vida académica, os livros continham conteúdos bastantes abrangentes e hj eu tenho uma visão e disciplina devo lhe dar com o meio ambiente. A comunicação durante o curso foi bastante prestativa e interagi-me bastante com o meu Tutor. Agradeço bastante a BIU por hoje eu conseguir o título Superior em licenciatura Engenharia Ambiental e espero contar com ela nos proximos momentos para o Mestrado.


Arinaitwe Nkubana Dismus (Rwanda)
Master of Science in Construction Management: Graduated (2009)
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering: Studying (2010...)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
It was an honor to meet Prof. William Martin at the graduation in Rwanda in 2010.


Arnaldo Puati Tomás (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Human Resourses: Graduated (2009)
Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resourses: Graduated (2009)
Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy: Graduated (2010)
Magna Cum Laude in Pedagogy: Graduated (2010)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Outstanding professional career: Graduated (2010)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Lembro-me com limpidez de memória como se fosse hoje, quando navegava pela internet em 2007 e tendo descoberto o site, e daí impulsionado pelo mesmo a pensar na continuação da minha formação em Recursos Humanos, já que antes havia-me formado até ao mestrado nessa especialidade. Dizer que, fui um dos primeiros Angolanos a matricular-me nesta Universidade realizando aqui um Doutorado Ph.D. e hoje também graças as competências, destrezas, habilidades e aptidões aqui adquiridas, sou nesta mesma Universidade doutorado por duas vezes, Doutor Honoris Causa, Professor e Instrutor, Membro do Conselho Académico e Decano orientando dezenas de estudantes angolanos dessa universidade de ensino à distância. Essa Universidade oferece uma metodologia significativa da pesquisa científica através de Análise crítica sobre os livros de texto, elaboração de relatórios, monografias, projectos de dissertação e Teses doutorais, forma muito rica de estudo e aprendizagem baseada nas Normas APA e ABNT, o que agradeço a Deus todos os dias por isso, pois é nesta Universidade onde efectivamente a minha formação vem do palco, proporcionando elementos à educação e a estudos superiores, com eficiência e eficácia bastantes, atingindo hoje patamares e altos níveis de conquistas, não só concluindo o meu Doutorado Ph.D. em Recursos Humanos, como também o Doutorado Ph.D. em Educação e Pedagogia. Confesso hoje que, aquilo que para muitos quadros superiores das universidades é ainda um empecilho e o grande (quebra cabeças) nas instituições universitárias em Angola (que é a elaboração dos trabalhos académicos fins de curso, monografias, projectos e/ou dissertações de mestrado e Teses Doutorais) causando barreiras a milhares de finalistas na sua graduação hoje, para mim é um caso ultrapassado e faço um desafio para a orientação futura de (N) trabalhos nos campos do saber de minha formação na Bircham International University. Distinguido no seio dos meus serviços, graças à essas formações, pelas competências, aptidões e capacidade, fui hoje colocado como pessoa certa na função certa, como Director Provincial de Recursos Humanos da Delegação Provincial do Ministério do Interior em Cabinda, onde todo o meu saber é objecto de empenho e dedicação. Agradeço ao Professor e Director da Bircham University Brasil o excelentíssimo senhor César Corbacho Martinez e o Professor Doutor William Martin Olsen, que me indicaram o caminho a seguir e no qual foi possível erguer os pilares desse grande edifício do saber levando-me nessa progressiva compreensão e sobretudo agradeço a amizade e a inteligência com que me conduziram. A Deus, o meu maior tributo. Sem Ele, nada do que foi feito seria possível.


Arsénio Afonso Ramos Nguenga (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Human Resources: Graduated (2023)

Review about Bircham International University:
Cada desafio enfrentado até aqui me ensinou que o caminho para o sucesso é pavimentado com esforço e determinação. Estou bastante satisfeito em pertencer a esta grande familia científico-académica que se chama Bircham International University. Enquanto estudante de Gestão de RH da BIU, tem sido possível melhorar os níveis de meu desempenho profissional na minha área de actuação. Recomendo a BIU para os estudantes, lembrando que o conhecimento é o melhor investimento que podemos fazer em nós mesmos.


Arturo Eugenio González Pareja (Spain)
Testimony about Bircham International University:
Mi nombre es Arturo Eugenio González Pareja y soy profesor desde hace más de 35 años y en concreto, llevo 22 en la “European School of Management” de Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Me considero un entusiasta de la formación a todos los niveles y disfruto impartiendo o recibiendo conocimientos, si eso se denomina “vocación”, soy un profesional de la enseñanza por convicción y por satisfacción personal. Mi experiencia a lo largo de los años me ha servido para intentar mejorar cada día, cada mes y cada año, tratando de simplificar el estudio de mis alumnos, que les sea fácil y atractiva la materia de estudio y que adquieran los conocimientos necesarios para desenvolverse en el mundo de la empresa. No me guardo conocimientos reservados solo a los profesores, pues creo que los alumnos de cualquier género y condición, deben de superar a sus profesores, no olvidemos que si Sócrates fue grande es por haber sido maestro de Platón y a su vez éste lo fue de Aristóteles. Además según el dicho popular “por sus obras los conoceréis”, si se ha realizado una buena obra en la docencia, vivirás en el recuerdo de algunos de aquellos a los que impartiste clases y eso es una forma de alcanzar la pervivencia. Con esa filosofía sigo formando parte de E.S.M. y desde hace unos años de “Bircham Internacional University”, una de las mejores Universidades de adultos del mundo, con relaciones en infinidad de países y un envidiable claustro de profesores de muchas nacionalidades al que pertenezco desde mi incorporación, lo que es para mí todo un motivo de orgullo y satisfacción. Confío, espero y deseo lo mejor a nuestra juventud, pues es la mejor preparada en la historia de nuestra nación y no dudo que tras la finalización de los problemas económicos que nos han golpeado desde el año 2007, se estabilice el mercado laboral y se pueda desarrollar todo el potencial que poseemos sin desperdiciar a nadie, trayendo nuevamente a todos los que por diversos motivos tuvieron que abandonar nuestro país. Un fuerte y cariñoso abrazo a todos aquellos que estudian, han estudiado y estudiarán así como a todos aquellos que están o estarán encargados de su formación.


Aylen Abraham (Argentina)
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering: Graduated (2022)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Quería comentarles que ha sido un verdadero placer haber podido continuar y concluir mis estudios en la BIU. En todo momento he disfrutado de las lecturas y la resolución de los casos prácticos, pudiendo, a su vez, continuar con mi trabajo y compartir momentos únicos con mi familia. Realmente ha sido una experiencia extraordinaria y enriquecedora tanto en el ámbito personal como en el profesional.


Bahati Lukwebo Modeste (Congo D.R.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Economics - Accounting: Graduated (2011)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Bahati Lukwebo est un économiste et homme politique de la République démocratique du Congo. Professeur d’université de son état, élu de Kabare, Président du Groupe parlementaire des Députés Indépendantes (GPI); Député national à l’Assemblée nationale de la R.D. Congo; Président de la Commission de la Bonne Gouvernance du NEPAD ; Consultant agréé de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD)  ; Président de l’Organisation pour la Paix, la Démocratie et la Sécurité dans les pays des Grands Lacs ONG « OPDGL » ; Fondateur et autorité morale de l'Alliance des forces démocratiques du Congo (AFDC). Il est ministre de l'Économie nationale depuis le 7 décembre 2014 dans le gouvernement Matata II.


Balinda Manzi William (Rwanda)
Master of Science in Business Adminstration: Graduated (2012)

Review about Bircham International University:
I'm very happy with your service. The diploma also looks very good. I will be your ambassador everywhere I will go.


Bama Eric (gabon)
Expert Diploma in Civil Engineering: Graduated (2020)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Après le temps passé au sein de Bicham International University, je suis sur le point de démarrer une nouvelle étape graduelle de ma vie professionnelle. Cette formation enrichissante m'a permis d'obtenir mon diplôme d’Expert Génie-Civil. En effet, ce jour n'est pas un jour comme les autres. C'est un jour dont nous nous souviendrons longtemps, et auquel nous repenserons certainement avec nostalgie. Il marque, en effet, la fin d'une période de notre vie que nous avons eu la chance de partager, mais également le premier jour du reste de notre vie.
Ces années passées à l'Ecole furent denses, non seulement en apprentissage, mais aussi bien sûr en émotions fortes, en rencontre avec des professeurs, des docteurs brillants et remarquables m'a permis de progresser dans un domaine qui me passionne mais également de me sentir soutenu et entouré.
Ces années riches en découvertes resteront longtemps gravées dans ma mémoire, tout comme les méthodes et les principes inculqués par vos professeurs et docteurs : la curiosité, le goût du travail et de l'effort, le sens de la persévérance, la volonté de se remettre en question, les méthodes d’apprentissages ... Autant de trésors qui me seront, sans nul doute, utiles toute ma vie. Nous pouvons être fiers de ce diplôme, et de notre formation qui nous donne des atouts importants pour notre vie professionnelle.
Nous en remercions tout d'abord Guy Marc Bonem Dir. hon. BIU Délégation Francophone, ainsi que tous les membres de l’administration qui se sont rendus disponibles au cours de notre cursus ; Merci également à l'ensemble du corps professoral : des hommes et des femmes dont l'ambition est de servir et de nourrir la nôtre. Sans oublier nos familles et nos amis, nos conjoints parfois, qui nous ont soutenus tout au long de ces années d'intense travail.
Pour toutes ces raisons, je souhaite vous exprimer ma profonde gratitude, ainsi qu'à toute l'équipe pédagogique. Je garderai longtemps un souvenir ému de mon passage dans cette école qui m'a tant donnée. Grâce vous, j'aborde une nouvelle étape de ma vie avec confiance et dynamisme. Avec mes sincères remerciements, je vous prie de recevoir, Monsieur le Directeur, l'expression de mes respectueuses salutations.


Bamidele Johnson Alegbeleye (Cameroon)
Doctor of Philosophy in Natural Health Science: Graduated (2019)

Review about Bircham International University:
Let me start by saying that you have excellent abilities of leadership and we’re so lucky at BIU to have an understanding boss like you at helms of affairs. Thanks to you for your support and guidance. I am very grateful to you for directions instead of ordering; thankful for giving me a vision instead of targets; proud of you for your inspirational and one-of-a-kind guidance. Thanks for converting my mistakes into lessons, pressure into productivity and skills into strengths. You really know how to bring out the best in us. Being your subordinate was the best training I ever had in the corporate world. Thank you for everything, boss!!!!. I learned a lot from you, and forever it will be treasured. Words can neither qualify nor quantify how helpful the guidance and advice of all my teachers at BIU has been. Finally, I am forever grateful for all your support! Dr. Bamidele Johnson Alegbeleye B.Sc., M.B;B.S, MMCS, Ph.D, Consultant General Surgeon, Department of Surgery.


Bassey Bassey Elijah (Nigeria)
Bachelor of Science in Logistics: Graduated (2016)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Studying in Bircham International University was an awesome experienced and opportunity.
The method of study was very innovative and on point, the amazing side was during my study in BIU I didn’t loosed track with family and my job which was a key motivating factor to push on. Special thanks to Mr. William Martin and his professional team for providing this innovative and flexible platform. Words aren’t enough to express my sincere gratitude to Irene Fernandez and Diana Simpalean, who made BIU a school next door for me. I appreciate your timely correspondence, support and priceless guidance.


Belmiro Figueiredo Cipriano (Angola)
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering: Graduated (2016)
Doctor of Philosophy in Military Strategy: Studying (2022...)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Bircham University is having a great impact in my daily life. As a student at Bircham University I learned how to communicate efficiently and trust people that you do not see.


Benevenuto Gomes Cabral (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2021)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
A Bircham University foi tudo o que precisava para alcançar um sonho que a muito tinha sido interrompido. Graças a flexibilidade que a Bircham me deu em poder continuar minha formação a distância e dentro de prazos e metas por mim traçadas, tornou-se possível realizar num certo espaço de tempo, algo que em circunstâncias diferentes seria quase impossível. A experiência com os professores e em especial ao Dr. Martinez foi excelente, este último sempre disponível para responder qualquer que fosse uma inquietação ou duvida com relação ao curso ou a Universidade no geral. O meu muito obrigado por me terem ajudado a vencer mais uma batalha.


Benigno Horna de la Cruz (Spain)
Expert Diploma in Integral Therapy MHRP: Graduated (2009)
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychotherapy - Hypnotherapy: Graduated (2012)
Magna Cum Laude in Hypnotherapy: Graduated (2012)

Review about Bircham International University:
Para mi ha sido inestimable contar con el apoyo de BIU para el desarrollo y reconocimiento de mi programa de Terapia Integral MHRP.


Benjamim Amaral Sachissoquele Sassova (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Naturopathy: Graduated (2020)
Master of Science in Natural Health Science: Graduated (2022)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Durante o meu estudo na Bircham quando fiz o Bachelor, tive um caso de um jovem que foi paralitico e andava em cadeira de rodas. Depois de 6 meses de um tratamento que eu fiz com folhas de goiabeira e picão, o jovem que era paralitico levantou e deixou de andar na cadeira de rodas, e inclusive hoje o mesmo joga futebol. Tudo isso graças aos conhecimentos que adquiri na BIU quando fiz o curso, e sigo fazendo agora um mestrado nesta universidade.


Bernardo Casimiro Conceição Cambinda (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology: Graduated (2015)

Review about Bircham International University:
É com satisfação que partilho o meu testemunho e análise, do quanto enriquecedor foi a licenciatura em Tecnologia de Informação pela Bircham International University. A BIU distingue-se pela sua política de ensino a distância. A BIU desafia os seus alunos a adoptarem uma atitude participativa, pró-activa e interventiva nas suas disciplinas mesmo a distancia, onde assimilar a teoria não basta, mas aprender a questionar, procurar respostas e trabalhar a informação gerada. Na BIU, também não basta responder aos Relatórios, mas aprender a comunicar com a ciência a distancia, através da escrita científica e apresentação dos relatórios. Na BIU, transmitem-nos a importância do trabalho autodidáctico, treinando-nos a coordenar as competências individuais para atingir com sucesso o objectivo comum. A BIU preocupa-se que seus estudantes aprendam , A staff da BIU apoia os seus estudantes na evolução em todos os níveis organizacionais académicos com a grande ajuda do nosso coordenar Cesar Martinez. De salientar ainda, a importante rampa de lançamento para o mundo profissional que a BIU proporciona nos conhecimentos científicos para encarar o mundo profissional com certeza.
Pessoalmente, esta base sólida de formação deu-me a oportunidade de desenvolver, de forma autónoma, e crescer mais no meu serviço.


Bernardo Panzo (Angola)
Master of Science in Computer Systems & Networks: Graduated (2017)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
A Bircham é uma universidade de excelência. Quando comecei o meu curso de mestrado não tinha a certeza de que iria concluir o mesmo, mas no decorrer dos meses, e alguns anos fui ganhando mais confiança. Foi uma boa experiência e recomendo para as pessoas que estão procurando graduar-se em qualquer curso.


Birendra Nath Sikder (Bangladesh)
Doctor of Philosophy in International Law: Graduated (2015)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Thank you BIU! It was very nice to visit your offices in Madrid and share my graduation with the Bangladesh community in Spain.Ministry of Youth & Sports from Bangladesh.


Blanca Elvia Narváez Rodriguez (U.S.A.)
Bachelor of Science in Psychology: Graduated (2008)
Doctor of Philosophy in Thanatology Death Studies: Graduated (2024)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Escribo esta nota para darle mis sinceros agradecimientos, pues he recibido la noticia de que fui admitida en la Universidad Leon, para estudiar la Maestria en Salud Mental y Bioetica, aunque finalmente decidí continuarlo en la Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife). Ambas universidades son de reconocido prestigio en España y estan reconocidas por el MInisterio de Educación. Pasare a contarle mis logros desde que empece a estudiar en Bircham International University.
- Maestria Salud Mental y Bioetica, Universidad de Leon - 2009 (admitida)    
- Diplomado en Tanatologia, Universidad Latinoámericana de Mexico - 2008 (realizado)
- Master en la Universidad de La Laguna, en Tenerife, España - 2011 (realizado)
Ademas pertenezco a la Asociacion de Psicologos de Puerto Rico y tambien a la Asociacion Latinoamericana de Cuidados Paliativos. En el 2011 finalice un Master en la Universidad de La Laguna, en Tenerife, España. La base principal de mis logros los he adquirido por medio de mis primeros estudios en la Universidad Bircham International, ya que al terminar mi carrera en Psicologia, me abrió muchas puertas para seguir cosechando exitos. ologa de Bircham International University. Esto me da mucha alegria, pues ustedes bien saben todas mis angustias por los inconvenientes que ustedes ya conocen ocasionados por referencias y comentarios incorrectos en Internet sobre Bircham University. Agradezco a todos ustedes que por su intermedio yo pueda realizar mis sueños de realizarme como una profesional.


Bonerge Amilcar Mejia Orellana (Guatemala)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Academic Merits: Graduated (2010)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Como decano de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC) me honra firmar un acuerdo de reconocimiento con Bircham International University para ciertos programas que desarrollaremos en conjunto.


Boto Siméone Nasolo Raoël (Madagascar)
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Psychology: Graduated (2024)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Il s’avère que ces séances d’étude tard dans la nuit en valaient la peine après tout ! J’ai gravi la montagne de la connaissance, et maintenant je me tiens au sommet, diplômée. Un moment de triomphe, une grande étape que je dois amplement au soutien de ma grande famille et à l’équipe de Bircham International University. Le travail acharné paie malgré de grandes responsabilités et je suis un témoignage de cela. Je célèbre le pouvoir de la persévérance et la victoire de la détermination. Bref, très fière d’être Docteur PhD en Psychologie de l’Education. Avec toute la gratitude de la famille RANOSY Jean Jacques.


Botomvia Matar Godé (France)
Doctor of Philosophy in Religion: Graduated (2020)
Magna Cum Laude in Religion: Graduated (2020)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Par ces mots, je voudrais présenter mes compliments à l'Université Internationale Bircham, avec honneur et humilité, pour l'excellent travail qui m'a permis d'obtenir Le titre de Docteur Ph.D. La meilleure alternative à l'université traditionnelle!!!


Bret D. Weekes (U.S.A.)
Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems: Graduated (1999)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
BIU provided a quality educational experience that has benefited my professional endeavors and positioned me for success in the work force. The educational content was professional, relevant and contemporary to my area of studies. I am a supporter of BIU and the programs provided.


Brigitte Johannilla Maria De Lange (France)
Master of Science in Neural & Brain Science: Graduated (2011)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Today, I received my diploma (master of science neural/brain science) which finalizes two years of studying at Bircham University. As a whole, my studying experience at Bircham University was a pleasant one. I want to congratulate Bircham University on the choice of the name of the program, neural and brain science. It results to be a progressive name since science has proven the brain to be not only about neurons, but more about glia, the 'other' brain cells, as you may have read in my final report. So neuro (neural) science is only half the game.
I also wanted to share some good news with you. My first book about the brain has been published!  
It is about brainconscious living and how to keep your brain healthy into old age. The book is based on the final paper I wrote for Bircham University, but it is adapted for the general public. I also developed a special website about brainconscious living
I want to thank Bircham for giving me the tools to pursue this new direction in my life.


Cardoso Armando Francisco Narciso (Angola)
Expert Diploma in Telecommunications Engineering: Graduated (2011)
Bachelor of Science in Business & Economic Consulting: Graduated (2013)
Master of Science in Process Instrumentation Technology: Admitted (2010)

Review about Bircham International University:
Momento único e de satisfação ao concluir a jornada do conhecimento na Bircham.


Carlos de la Cruz Ubach (Spain)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2015)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Para mí fue un gran orgullo recibir el título de Bircham International University tras completar mis estudios en ESM European School of Management.
Mi objetivo era realizar un Master en Madrid una vez terminada mi carrera. El título de Bircham International University legalizado con la Apostilla de la Haya me sirvió perfectamente para ser admitido en un posgrado en la Universidad Nebrija de Madrid. También agradezco la invitación a participar en la última graduación organizada por Bircham International University en Madrid. Fue un evento entrañable que me gustaría que mis compañeros de ESM hubieran podido compartir.


Carlos Norberto Monárrez (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative Religion: Studying (2006...)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Me siento orgulloso de pertenecer a su alumnado y les doy las gracias por el soporte brindado.


Carmen Ramirez Hurtado (Spain)
Master of Arts in Music Pedagogy: Graduated (2004)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Development of this University: Graduated (2005)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Para mí es un placer contribuir con mi bagage académico a la excelencia de Bircham International University desde hace tantos años.


Cécile Ellert (U.S.A.)
Master of Science in Counseling Psychology: Graduated (2012)
Doctor of Philosophy in Quantum Healing Therapy - Aromatherapy: Graduated (2022)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I've been invited to be one of the speakers to the big aromatherapy conference of next septembre 2024 in Nashville!!. It is much easier with a Ph.D. to be invited in such a place :) Thanks again for everything. Also, I was interviewed by MarieClaire France magazine. Check the article at.


Cecilia Caballero Ortiz (Poland)
Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology: Graduated (2014)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
2014: Estaba muy contenta de poder asistir a la ceremonia de graduación en Madrid. El entorno era precioso. Era un pequeño palacete y tuve la ocasión de conocer a muchas de las personas con quien había hablado por teléfono o escrito emails.
2017: Como egresada de tan prestigiosa Universidad me siento muy contenta y complacida por todo el aporte, conocimiento, la forma de enseñar lo que es participación sino de vivir la participación. Ya que no se trata solo de obtener un título sino de las forma de cambiar las estructuras mentales y curriculares en beneficio de los participantes. Me enseñaron de una manera muy ordenada y sin presión el cambio de actitud en mis estudios, con un proceso de auto organización personal permanente, a mi edad no es fácil ese proceso educativo. Comprendí con ustedes que la educación es vivir el futuro, es un hacerse transformarse y significarse como persona aquí y ahora. Muchas gracias por permitirme ser estudiante de tan prestigiosa universidad y miles de gracias por el diploma que tengo.


Celso Araujo Manuel (Mozambique)
Master of Science in Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering: Graduated (2022)

Review about Bircham International University:
Me chamo Celso Araújo Manuel e frequentei a Bircham University, onde fiz o meu Mestrado em engenharia de petróleo e gás natural. A Bircham é uma universidade onde facilita ter conhecimentos de uma maneira simples e eficaz, para o meu caso tudo foi muito fácil na minha aprendizagem, porque tinha todas as ferramentas necessárias para uma boa formação. Agradeço a Bircham University e gostaria que continuasse a formar mais Engenheiros.


Claudia Rosana Montebello (Argentina)
Doctor of Philosophy in Geopolitics & Geostrategy: Graduated (2022)
Doctor of Philosophy in Geography: Studying (2023...)
Magna Cum Laude in Geopolitics & Geostrategy: Graduated (2022)

Review about Bircham International University:
La Universidad de Bircham International University me ha brindado la posibilidad de concretar mi propio deseo personal que es realizar el Doctorado en Geopolítica y Geoestrategia. Bircham me ha acompañado en mis estudios y siempre han salvado mis interrogantes. Agradezco a la Universidad de Bircham por brindar la posibilidad de realizar el doctorado en línea.


Cláudio José Rufino de Lima (Brazil)
Doctor of Philosophy in Sexology: Graduated (2022)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Sou pastor, professor e sexólogo e tive a oportunidade e satisfação de alcançar o meu Doutorado em SEXOLOGIA pela Bircham International University à qual agradeço e recomendo.


Claudio Moisés Vuanga Amadeu (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Petroleum & Natural Gas Production: Graduated (2015)
Master of Science in Business Administration: Studying (2017...)

Review about Bircham International University:
Foi nos meados de 2013 quando um colega meu de trabalho, disse-me a respeito da BIU, o seu nome é Paulo Mudiambi e na altura ele estava a frequentar o mestrado. Fiquei um tanto quanto céptico quanto a veracidade e a seriedade da Bircham. Ele encorajou-me e disse-me que era indubitavelmente uma das melhores Instituições a distância do mundo, se não a melhor. Nesta altura entrei em contacto com o Dr. César que imediatamente passou assistir-me de uma forma muito profissional como não poderia faltar, pedagógica também. Eu tive a mais sublime honra de ter terminado o meu bachelor degree em produção de petróleo e gás natural nesta catedral chamada BIU.


Claudio Sungo Puati Tomás (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration: Graduated (2011)
Master of Science in Public Administration: Graduated (2012)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
O prazer e a alegria ao receber um diploma acadêmico sempre é algo especial e receber o diploma da Bircham não foi diferente.


Cliff Nwagbara (Nigeria)
Doctor of Philosophy in Maritime Transportation - Port Management: Studying (2012...)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I prepared and took a skill test. I am elated to inform you that I passed. I was interviewed for a higher position yesterday.


Damian Blanco Tejada (Spain)
Master of Arts in Comparative Literature: Graduated (2020)
Bachelor of Arts in International Relations: Admitted (2016)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
En breve me pondré en contacto con ustedes ya que les tengo un gran aprecio por su forma de desarrollar los estudios. Siempre he sido un crítico de las evaluaciones nefastas que se realizan en nuestro país, y como representante de alumnos siempre abogué por un sistema como el de ustedes y es por ello que les confiaré mis inquietudes y mis estudios en la rama que sean.


Dan M. Gama (Swaziland)
Master of Science in Microbiology & Immunology: Graduated (2012)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Let me share with you and the world what education with Bircham University has done for me. As you may remember, it is not too long that I have graduated from Bircham University with an MSc in Microbiology & Immunology. Since December last year, I was able to get a prestigious job with the Center for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) in Atlanta (USA). My position is Laboratory & Blood Safety Specialist, I am based in Swaziland which is my home country as you know. Now my former coleagues are starting to take Bircham University very serious.


Dana Gutierrez Vera Cruz (Philippines)
Doctor of Philosophy in Hotel Management: Graduated (2017)
Magna Cum Laude in Hotel Management: Graduated (2017)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Thank you for the opportunity to be part of BIU family... I have learned so much. And I enjoyed visiting the BIU offices in Madrid to take my graduation pictures. I am also pleased to inform you that my research paper entitled" Implications of ASEAN Integration to the Hotel Operation of Hotel Management Companies in the Region" has accepted for a conference presentation at  Dublin, Ireland for the EuroCHRIE2018 conference.


Daniel C. Andreae (Canada)
Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Psychology: Studying (2016...)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Learning is a very important part of my journey and am very much looking forward to beginning studies at Bircham International University. I am impressed with the approach of the university and its commitment to learners and excellence and wish you continued success.
I am associate Adjunct Professor at Renison University College, University of Waterloo and Professor at the University of Guelph Humber. I have been announced as the recipient of the International Hero Award for Higher Education 2020 given by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP).
I hold a Doctorate of Education from the University of Toronto, a Masters in Clinical Social Work earned at Wilfrid Laurier University. I was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Laws from Assumption University in Windsor, Ontario and in 2020 will receive one from Laurentian University in Sudbury. I was also granted membership in the Harvard Medical School Postgraduate Association, and I have decided to complete a Ph.D. at Bircham International University.


Daniel Scott Janik (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Education - Linguistics: Graduated (2003)
Magna Cum Laude in Education - Linguistics: Graduated (2004)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Adult Education: Graduated (2005)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
2003: Thank you so much for faxing my professor comments. I forwarded them to the publisher of the book based on my thesis at BIU. I'm still awaiting their reviewer's comments, but Dr. Ramirez's comments seemed to help a lot. You are the kind of mentor that makes learning a lifelong pleasure. We are both looking forward to our visit to the BIU office in Madrid. I look forward to receiving the diploma. BIU has been a wonderful experience - one that has opened may doors for me. As an American holding American undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees, I wanted to experience the "European Approach" to graduate education and found BIU to provide exactly that, but in an innovative, and thankfully distance learning framework.

2019: My situation may be somewhat unique. First, all of my prior education (BA, MPH, MD) was within the USA at "accredited," non-distance learning institutions. Given practice obligations, however, I still maintained an interest in a more global educational perspective including the novel learning by distance approach. My personal interest at that time was in linguistics, more specifically how humans acquire and utilize language from a distinctly neurobiological perspective.

Originally a distance learning student in the Master's program in Linguistics at University of Edinburgh, I found that as a physician, I knew considerably more about the neurobiological aspects of linguistics and education than most of my instructors. A world search at the time revealed no established programs of study in the neurobiology of language acquisition. I ran across a book by a Harvard professor describing and evaluating novel distance learning institutions (I can't recall the author's name or the book title) that included a recommendation regarding BIU for adult learners like myself interested in a European style education. In the process of inquiring about BIU, I came to realize that what I was really seeking was more in the line of a PhD in Education in Linguistics from a perspective (neurobiology) that was, at the time, entirely unique. Hence, I would need to study and research quite independently. BIU offered this option as well as a topic advisor flexible enough to "learn with me." After some further exploration, I came to realize that (1) I was seeking a terminal doctoral degree (meaning "accreditation" wasn't as important), (2) the value to me of an independent doctoral program of study would be in the dissertation rather than existing coursework, and (3) the value of my field of study would be in the publication of the dissertation, allowing me to introduce the topic and myself to the world.

The result was a two-year program of study resulting in my dissertation, "A Neurobiological Theory and Method of Language Acquisition," which later became UNLOCK THE GENIUS WITHIN: NEUROBIOLOGICAL TRAUMA, TEACHING AND TRANSFORMATIVE LEARNING (Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2005). This ensured that my research was "introduced to the world," and I gained both a globally recognized expertise in the field and have had the particularly enjoyable experience of working with colleagues worldwide in pioneering this approach to learning and language acquisition. Hence, in my particular case, I can say with enthusiasm that my PhD from BIU proved everything for which I was looking and much more.

Interestingly, after receiving my doctoral degree, I taught at a US, urban, residential-based university for some years, noting that they "accepted" my USA degrees as proof of my academic competence, but sometimes scoffed at my doctoral degree from BIU because it was not USA accredited. The same colleagues and administrators scoffed at everything educational obtained outside the US as beneath the quality of US education. In short, they needed what I'd learned and published, which was, at the time pretty much unavailable anywhere in the USA or abroad, while ignorantly thinking that USA "accreditation" would automatically "validate" what I learned, published, knew and would be teaching. Looking back, I think this was, and largely still remains, a consequence of the businessification of US education, whereby administrative faculty, often with a degree in business or business administration, believed that it was not necessary for them to have any specific topic knowledge of the university's offerings, leaving them to have to rely entirely on accreditation to assure them that their faculty was appropriately trained. I now believe that this is one of several major problems at the very heart of our now failing educational system. That is, education has always been to me primarily a service to humankind, not a business offering mainly a product (i.e. degree). It is, admittedly both, but currently the stress is on the latter, creating a distinct imbalance. At this time, few administrators, I think, would agree with this, and, as long as this is the case, accreditation per se will probably remain a factor for any US citizen if the degree one is seeking (1) isn't a terminal degree, (2) the field of study is rather new, (3) the student's expertise is beyond or outside of available faculty, and/or (4) higher education, like medicine, education, social and other humanitarian services continue to fall under the control of product-oriented business.

In summary, again, I don't regret my course of study and action at all; however, yes, I have "encountered instances of trouble using or citing my degree from BIU." I suggest that this should be a consideration in doing any degree-resulting, adult, distance-learning study abroad. Non-US education never used to be "accredited" by outside bodies like states, governments, or non-governmental bodies, but rather by the faculty of the particular institution. That is sadly changing, though the direction European institutions offering "open," degree-resulting, adult, distance learning programs seem to remain rooted in research, service and credit transferability leaving issues of quality of education still to the faculty of the various institutions rather than other outside bodies.


Daniel Werner Morduch (Israel)
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy: Graduated (2008)
Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy of Mind: Graduated (2013)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Bircham University has certainly more than satisfied my expectations. In the beginning of the program, I asked if Bircham University would help me to decide the title of my thesis. Bircham University replied that in their experience reading and studying for the books assigned would suggest the best thesis topic. Indeed, so it has been. The more I immersed myself in my studies the clearer did it become what the thesis would be about.

I’m now writing my PhD thesis (Philosophy of Mind) and take this opportunity to thank the Bircham University for all that it has given me during my years of study. I am reflecting on what you wrote in your letter and believe that it is not the words and sentences in the books that I have studied that have created the interest in me to study but rather it is the way that the Bircham University has influenced me to look for the deeper truth in the books which I read. I have felt the personal interest which the examiners, especially Professor Carmen Ramirez Hurtado, took in my work and which encouraged me to delve deeper into the meaning of the sentences in the books. That part of my studies is now officially behind me but my studies will always be part of me. For this I am grateful!


Darryl Herrington (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering: Graduated (2007)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
My experience with Bircham University in Madrid Spain was very rewarding. Working with my advisor was of great help. He was an inspiration to my spirit and encouragement to complete one of my life's goals set when I had first entered University many years ago. Having to work to support my home and family I was encouraged by all to complete my dreams. Having succeeded from my studies and hard work I have grown in confidence and mental abilities. I share my knowledge with others to help better their lives and tasks. I take pride in Bircham University as being one of the best international universities where its students share from their world experiences. My mind was not confined to traditional classes and limited experiences. From the use of the Internet our time has come to expand our minds into the far reaches where there is no limits. Like an old Chinese proverb, "seek not to find answers but seek to understand the questions". Bircham University provided ability for me to accomplish this as ongoing in my quest for knowledge. Thank you Universidad Bircham Madrid de España. 

I am now living back in Texas. I have left the company that I was with in Australia and am now working with a major oil company and with one of the largest oil industry engineering companies. I am a chief consulting engineer responsible for deep offshore drilling and completion engineering operations. Just before being accepted for work with these companies, they had a full back ground check made on me as well as looking into my Ph.D. degree from Bircham University and other education degrees plus my engineering certification. I was passed with a full acceptance for work and ability. This was good for I thought that maybe someone would make a debate over my schooling with Bircham University. But this was not the case. They were proud to have me on board handling critical engineering applications with responsibility of 150+ million dollar drilling programs.

I have been approved by the UK government Engineering Councils Register for professional engineer. I thank you and all at Bircham University for your support and advanced education. I will continue to do my best and provide good engineering practices and respond to the needs of others. I will serve in good standing all that I had learned from Bircham University.

Well you will not believe this, after a long interview via phone conference with the director of the school science department from Oxford University in the UK and with two key professors and from many difficult questions, I thought that I would not be accepted. They asked me many things on my past schooling dating back when I first went to college and my studies and grades to my time up to Bircham University and my experiences with Bircham studies programs. After the interview I thought that I had not done well and that it was over as far as me being accepted or attending school at Oxford University. The next day the school phoned me and also sent a special delivery letter and sent an email stating that I am accepted to attend University of Oxford post graduate studies in Nanotechnology. I had been selected one out of hundreds that had applied.

I was also admitted at Walden University in Florida. The president of Walden University wrote a personal letter to me explaining how a distance learning degree program, like the one from BIU,  is very well considered by the US Department of Education and by them. See attached.


David Nana Ofori Jr. (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Occupational - Industrial Safety & Health: Graduated (2009)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Thank you for your thoughtfulness. It is very unique to have a faculty that cares and follows up with its graduates.


David Wayne Deeds (Georgia)
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Technology: Graduated (2008)
Magna Cum Laude in Educational Technology: Graduated (2008)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
I work and live overseas... I'm a teacher. From 2002 to 2008, I taught at a university and college in Korea; now I'm at an international school in Georgia. After finishing two master's degrees, I searched all over the world for a Ph.D. program that was: (a) affordable, which includes not requiring obsolete residency periods; (b) online, so I could do my research via the Internet; (c) flexible enough to allow me to write a dissertation that could/would be published and thus read. Only Bircham University met every one of my requirements. I wrote my thesis as a series of articles, 100% (110% actually, considering a follow up piece also got accepted) of which has appeared in peer-reviewed, professional journals. I didn't have to fly around the planet to sit in dusty libraries...I did everything from the comfort of my Asian apartment...books and the WWW were all the sources/references I needed. Having my Bircham University Ph.D. has opened several entire career fields to me...for now I'll be pursuing becoming an Internet Technology Director for a school...via being the Educational Technologist (my doctorate is in this area). The academic world is not populated with the open-minded...on the contrary, schools are the worst for harboring dinosaurs who are threatened by progress. People are going to tell you Bircham University is unaccredited. Accreditation is a financial matter, which determines whether or not an organization can offer federal loans...that's all. People are going to tell you an online Ph.D. isn't as good as an on ground one. It wasn't so long ago that the same thing was said about online master's an online MS/MA is considered more prestigious because of the self-motivation and other qualities students must possess in order to succeed at them. Don't listen to the Luddites. Bircham University will have ISO accreditation soon and this will shut up the critics for good. In the meantime, have faith in what you know is right...and what hundreds of satisfied Bircham University graduates tell you. Get started now and beat your competition to the punch. Sooner or later everyone will come to Bircham University... Be one of the pioneers... The early adopters!


Didier Moisés (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering: Graduated (2024)
Master of Science in Logistics: Admitted (2015)

Review about Bircham International University:
Estou grato à Bircham pelo diploma de Licenciatura depois de um percurso tão dificil, mesmo na época com a dificuldade de fazer as transferências em divisas, consegui fazer as transferências bancárias em Kwanzas. Agradeço ao professor Cesar pela ajuda e a orientação durante o percurso da minha formação e apoio. Sinto-me encorajado a continuar com a mnha formação no Mestrado na Bircham.


Dina Ramzy Zaklama (Egypt)
Master of Science in Clinical Psychology - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Graduated (2010)
Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology: Graduated (2010)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
First of all I was so surprised and touched by the fact that you are registering my birthday and sending me wishes. This is a human touch that is very much appreciated. First of all, I would like to express how satisfied I am with the learning experience at Bircham University. Ms. Graziella can explain to you how much I was worried before entering the Master's program. I am 52 years old, loaded with responsibilities and already working on two jobs. I have a husband and two adult children. I always wished to complete my higher studies, but did not have a chance in my life to do so. Had it not been for Bircham University and the support I got from Ms. Graziella, I wouldn't have decided to do so. During my studies, it went so smooth and my grade point average is 4.0, and I finished my thesis, and now I am enrolling to proceed with Ph.D., which I did not have the intention before, but because of the pleasant time I spent, I decided to do so. The university has been so flexible, co-operative and supportive that I enjoyed the learning experience. I am already giving my word of mouth to a lot of people here in Egypt about my great experience with Bircham University, and of course I would be honored to give my testimony, as an aged adult who, with the help of Bircham University was able to make it. Just give me a chance to prepare some flowery words that suit what I really feel about the university. Again I am thanking you for your support and co-operation and above all your human and friendly touch with the students, who though are far away in distance, but you always make us feel as close as can be. My very best regards and appreciation.

Actually my experience with Bircham University was more than satisfactory. I benefited so much, and I was able to finish in due time with excellence. Everybody was super co-operative and it felt great. However, I have had a major problem with my certificate that makes me not a good candidate for the testimonials. Here in my country, in order to obtain a license as a psychologist, my certificate needs to be accredited from the association AMIDEAST. This association mentioned that Bircham University is not listed among the universities they give accreditation for. Hence I was not able to get my license and probably never will. However, Bircham University did their utmost to help me with my problem. They gave me other legalizations, and they stamped my certificate from the State Security office and the Egyptian consulate in Spain. But still it didn't work, because as long as the AMIDEAST refuses, nothing will work regarding my license.
That is why my experience and satisfaction is not complete. However I continue to thank Bircham University for their co-operation with me on this issue.

I am always so happy to receive anything from my dear Bircham University, the institution that I had the most wonderful experience with. My testimony: "The excellent service and care I experienced in Bircham University, like attending promptly to emails, understanding my problems, and showing personalized care, truly impressed me. It felt like being there rather than "distance" learning."


Dinganga Veringa Michel (Congo D.R.)
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering: Graduated (2020)
Master of Science in Civil Engineering: Graduated (2021)
Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering: Studying (2021...)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
L'honneur m'échoi de graver ces mots pour la qualité et le service de haute facture de BIU. Un parcours titanesque au sein de la filière de Génie civil, où les rêves sont façonnés en réalité. Les deux diplômes obtenus au sein de votre institution sont l'expression vivante d'une détermination, de la synergie d'intelligence des hommes et femmes, d'une valeur ajoutée pour la formation pointue de l'élite de demain. BIU, Passerelle intellectuelle qui a permi de booster ma carrière professionnelle tant sur le plan national ( R.D Congo) qu'international. S'il y a un mot qui peut tout dire et essayer de résumer l'expression profonde de ma gratitude : "MERCI"


Djaber Nacer Eddine (Algeria)
Review about Bircham International University:
C’est avec honneur et plaisir que l’université Mohammed Khider de Biskra (Algérie) félicite grandement le professeur Djaber Nacer Eddine, à l’occasion de son adhésion au corps professoral (comité scientifique de Bircham international univercity), lui souhaitant beaucoup de succès et progrès scientifiques avenir.


Djamalddine Mourchidi (Comoros)
Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting: Graduated (2021)
Magna Cum Laude in Accounting: Graduated (2021)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Par la présente, je tiens tout particulièrement à remercier le corps enseignant et administratif de Bircham International University de l’attention qu’ils m’ont accordée tout au long de ma formation doctorale dont la finalité aujourd’hui est la réception de mon diplôme de Docteur Ph.D. en Comptabilité. En effet, j’ai eu un accueil chaleur auprès de Bircham International University dès mes premières démarches pour l’admission en cette formation doctorale. A cela s’ajoute la pertinence des retours rapides de la part de Bircham dans les aspects administratifs et pédagogiques. Enfin, cette alternative de formation à distance fournie par Bircham m’a été très utile pour continuer à travailler et à poursuivre mon cursus de formation universitaire.


Donald Mauricio Solano Monge (Costa Rica)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2011)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Quedé encantado con mi título y todo el sistema de BIU. Creo que ofrece grandes oportunidades y me gustaría colaborar en su promoción.


Duckens Alexis (U.S.A.)
Bachelor of Science in Counseling Psychology: Graduated (2021)
Master of Arts in Sociology: Studying (2024...)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Today, I feel extremely happy and proud to fulfill the first part of my beloved dream by finishing with the Bachelor degree of Psychology in counseling psychology with BIU program. It was a dream that I had in mind and that I cherished for more than 11 years but the family and economic problems had prevented me from it. But, finally with BIU, I completed the first phase of this great struggle by obtaining my bachelor’s degree of psychology in Counseling Psychology, although the final objective remains the Ph.D. in Social Psychology by first having: My bachelor’s degree in counseling psychology & My master’s degree of Social Work

After this first great academic and professional victory which will surely lead me towards the path of progress, I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart the whole academic family and team of BIU who really gave me this great opportunity to fill this great academic void. Indeed, it has now come the ideal time to take the other two stages leading me on the path of the second and third phases of my project, which is: My master’s degree of Social Work and my PHD of sociology in social Psychology. Once again, big thanks to the entire BIU faculty and administrative team, among others: William Martin & Diana Simpalean for their unmistakable support. May God keep an eye on BIU as well as the students of this University to emerge from it real models in the scientific field!

May the scientific blessing of BIU professors serve as a guide on my career path as a young professional in Counseling Psychology.


Dumbi Dori Kongolo (Congo D.R.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Finance & Economics: Graduated (2022)
Doctor of Philosophy in Econometrics: Graduated (2024)

Review about Bircham International University:
Dori DUMBI Kongolo est Professeur Agrégé de sciences économiques à la Communauté Française de Belgique. Il est titulaire d'un doctorat PhD in Finance & Economics de la BIU, d’une Agrégation des sciences économiques, sociales et de gestion, d’un Ingéniorat en gestion et d’un DEA en E-Management. Il est l'auteur de nombreuses publications scientifiques, notamment : Évaluation de la politique communautaire de cohésion économique et sociale ; Impact économique de la traite négrière ; Quelle est la mesure de l’impact de l’inflation sur la croissance économique. Le Professeur Agrégé Dori DUMBI Kongolo est non seulement un économiste, spécialisé dans la politique monétaire, mais il s’est aussi distingué dans la gestion, la finance et la mise en œuvre des projets. Après une brillante carrière professionnelle, dans le domaine de la finance et d’analyse, en Europe, il s’est engagé en politique, en RDC, pour apporter aux sphères publiques, son savoir-faire, acquis dans le monde privé. Il a été successivement :
- Conseiller ECOFIN du Premier Ministre,
- Chef du Gouvernement de la RDC ;
- Conseiller chargé des Questions Institutionnelles, Diplomatiques et des Relations Internationales du Président du Sénat de la RDC,
- Membre du Cabinet de l’Informateur de la République, en RDC ;
- Conseiller Technique Spécial chargé de la politique et du financement des PME-PMI, à la Primature de la RDC (Cabinet du Premier Ministre, Chef de Gouvernement) ;
- Conseiller financier au Cabinet du ministre du commerce extérieur de la RDC ; Administrateur des Sociétés et délégué de la Primature au Conseil d’administration des Sociétés du portefeuille, de la RDC.
Le Professeur Agrégé Dori DUMBI Kongolo a réalisé une thèse en Finance et économie, sur l’impact de la politique monétaire sur la macroéconomie, fruit d'un travail intense et laborieux, accompli avec beaucoup d'abnégation et de motivation à l’Université Bircham International. C'est une œuvre qui lui a apporté une grande satisfaction aussi bien intellectuelle, par l’approfondissement des connaissances dans le domaine de la finance et de l’économie, qu'humaine par les rencontres et les échanges avec des personnes extraordinaires. L’occasion pour lui, de remercier une fois de plus, de nombreuses personnes, qui lui ont apporté leur soutien et/ou accompagnement, tout au long de son parcours académique.
Sa gratitude va naturellement au personnel académique de la BIU pour leur accompagnement et leur disponibilité, pour cette riche et fabuleuse expérience avec la Bircham International University.


Earle Taylor (Namibia)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Academic Merits: Graduated (2012)

Review about Bircham International University:
Thanks for your visit to Windhoek in Namibia to do a presentation of BIU and graduate some students. We will use this visit to sign a mutual recognition agreement with the International University of Management. I am a professor at IUM. Incidentally, the Founder/Chancellor of the IUM is now the Minister of Education so this will be a good opportunity for BIU and IUM.


Edson Patrício António João (Angola)
Master of Science in Marketing & Communication: Graduated (2017)
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering: Graduated (2019)
Magna Cum Laude in Environmental Engineering: Graduated (2019)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
A BIU pra mim foi o realizar de um sonho, que cada vez menos tinha esperança de o concretizar!Depois de muita conversa sem sucesso com amigos e pessoas conhecidas, foi preciso uma busca incessante na internet; horas, dias e meses de procura até encontrar uma Universidade que reunisse os critérios e requisitos que sempre busquei, de maneira a dar continuidade aos meus estudos! A BIU felizmentesurpreendeu-me pela positiva, com um sistema de ensino tão rico quanto inovador; e agregando valores como rigor, dinamismo e modernidade também! À todos os partícipes desta obra, os meus mais sinceros aplausos e agradecimentos.


Eduardo Lando Casimiro (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2012)
Master of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2013)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
O conhecimento adquirido na universidade Bircham não tem preço, e receber o diploma é o momento máximo dessa etapa de estudo.


Elekwa Anya Elekwa (Oman)
Doctor of Philosophy in Occupational Safety & Health: Graduated (2020)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
The Bircham International University provided me a very enhanced and efficient opportunity of learning while working. I am very grateful to the University for providing me the best online model of self- study and thesis research work opportunities. My entire Ph.D. program leaves no stone unturned in shaping me into a better, competent and efficient Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental professional with stronger solid capacities, capabilities and ardent core knowledge in the field of Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Management and compliance. When I reflect on my almost two years in the University of Bircham International University program, I conclude that the experience not only made me a better Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Professional, but also prepared me in unpredictable ways for my career advancement for Corporate/Field involvements. Indeed, it was a wonderful experience of learning with prolific exposure to outside the common occupational safety and health management practices. Through the thesis work process with incredibly supportive Supervisor, and other professors who were nothing short of champions, I was challenged to discover the passion and compassion for the core Occupational safety and health hazards prevention and better workplace management I didn’t consider most significance. The Ph.D. program, having been shaped in part by its structured program and exposures, yet rigorous but very  comprehensive, I found myself able to develop, implement, supervise, communicate effectively and efficiently on occupational and environmental hazards at all levels of leadership thereby providing stronger practicable functional and proactive mitigations with cost effective model. In my current role as QHSE Manager, I work directly with the CEO and Board of Directors on Occupational safety and health Management, with the trustees, and with the broader community, and I draw every day on the dispositions I developed during my time of study at Bircham International University. It has been a wonderful time in my life, and the best educational experience I have had. I strongly recommend the Bircham International University program to anyone trying to get out of graduate school successfully. Don’t be like everyone else, make the choice today for better future and placement in the society. Get this program now and start it right away. You won’t regret it.


Elias Freitas (Angola)
Master of Science in Public Administration: Graduated (2012)
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration: Graduated (2012)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
A Universidade Bircham proporciona a realização de um sonho acadêmico que nos completa com o recebimento deste diploma.


Elie George Shbeir (Lebanon)
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Linguistics: Graduated (2008)

Review about Bircham International University:
I completed my Ph.D. at Bircham International University and since then I have been appointed teacher of English Language for some years at Haigazian University and Middle East University in Lebanon. These universities are recognized by the Ministry of Education in Lebanon. Thank you BIU.


Elie Tanos El Helou (Lebanon)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Services to the Human Kind: Graduated (2011)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
I highly appreciate your cooperation and I appreciate thay BIU is more reputable than other University. It gave me great pleasure to chat with you all that time and I appreciate your support I do not want to miss the chance by not getting this degree from BIU.


Eliezer Kibaara Kithieka (Kenya)
Bachelor of Science in Developmental Psychology: Graduated (2008)
Master of Science in Clinical Psychology: Graduated (2008)
Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology: Graduated (2010)
Magna Cum Laude in Psychology: Graduated (2010)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
I have pursued my undergraduate and post graduate degree programs in psychology through the Bircham International University distance learning. Currently I am working on my Ph.D. thesis in counseling psychology after having completed the course work. My supervisor for the thesis is a professor of psychology in a local state university. I am also doing my internship in a reputable counselling organization. The practicum and supervision are standard requirements by the B.I.U academic board. Studying through B.I.U programs is a rewarding experience because as a student I have been at liberty to plan my reading schedules to meet my assignment deadlines and to fulfill the stringent requirements of the B.I.U curriculum. As an adult student I am able to meet my employers obligations at the work place and also create time to be with my family while I study. B.I.U student support is is very efficient, therefore I have enjoyed reliable feedback from my professors on a regular basis. This has ensured that I am abreast with the curriculum and assignments standards of the university. The assignments have been marked on time as stipulated in the B.I.U assignments instructions form. I have noticed that the grades I acquire are commensurate with the quality of the assignment I have forwarded to the professor. My professional degree qualifications from B.I.U place me at a vantage position in my practice, since I am much more informed in my area of specialization, which also makes me more competitive in the job market. I personally feel much more confident knowing that I have achieved such mileage in my life through Bircham International University.


Elis Castillo Medina (Mexico)
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy: Graduated (2011)
Bachelor of Arts in Childhood & Special Education: Graduated (2011)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Personalmente Bircham University ha satisfecho mi busqueda de una educacion de calidad, donde se toma en cuenta la experiencia y la persona y no solamente una acumulacion de contenidos para obtener un titulo, si no un aprendizaje para la vida. Valoro mucho la pedagogia de Bircham University y creo que es una pedagogia que necesitamos actualmente en nuestra sociedad y los felicito por llevar a cabo su labor educativa con una pedagogia unica y necesaria en nuestros tiempos.


Enrique Merello Guilleminot (Uruguay)
Doctor of Philosophy in Musical Studies: Graduated (2013)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Desde hace muchos años estoy vinculado a ambientes académicos, pero nunca antes me había 'permitido' yo mismo embarcarme en un proyecto académico de envergadura.
Tras haber concluido mi doctorado en Estudios Musicales, quisiera expresar mi beneplácito sobre esta experiencia formativa enormemente enriquecedora. Para mí es un honor haber sido parte del alumnado de Bircham International University, cuyo prestigio y misión de educar en la distancia y allende las culturas mediante una metodología moderna y eficaz, constituyen una contribución decisiva en la universalización del conocimiento y de las oportunidades.”
El profesor Merello-Guilleminot fundó y dirigió por más de veinticinco años la Schola Cantorum de Montevideo, una de las primeras escuelas de canto gregoriano de América Latina, y es miembro del Coro gregoriano de París. Autor de varios libros y decenas de artículos de investigación y difusión sobre esta especialidad, ha recorrido el mundo tanto en giras artísticas como en misiones docentes. Su tesis doctoral presentada y defendida ante la Bircham International University fue editada por Jesuitenmission de Nürnberg (Alemania) en Asunción (Paraguay), y presentada en agosto de 2015 en la Universidad Católica del Uruguay.


Evaristo Salas Marin (Spain)
Specialist Diploma in Graphopsychology: Graduated (2004)
Specialist Diploma in Graphotherapy: Graduated (2004)
Expert Diploma in Calligraphy: Graduated (2004)

Review about Bircham International University:
El respaldo de BIU a mi formación de SOESPGRAF, la Sociedad Española de Grafología del profesor Mauricio Xandró, me ha resultado muy positivo.


Fabio B. Herrera (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in International Business - Finance: Graduated (2007)

Review about Bircham International University:
Fue para mi un verdadero placer poder integrar a Bircham International University. Después de haber obtenido mi Maestría en Administración de Empresas (MBA), los deseos de seguir aumentando conocimientos en la rama de negocios me motivo a obtener un Doctorado (Ph.D) en Administración de Empresas y Mercadeo (Business Administración & Marketing), pensé que esta ya seria mi última etapa relacionada a mis estudios académicos. Sin embargo, quería explorar un poco más la empresa privada, pública y educacional a nivel internacional y encontré un programa que satisfacía mis necesidades y una universidad de gran prestigio a también nivel internacional “Bircham International University (Bircham University)”.
En Bircham University encontré un nivel académico alto y profesional. El método de estudios que brinda esta universidad es eficaz, y guían al estudiante de una manera sencilla, práctica con apoyo de parte de la BUI increíblemente amigable e incondicional. De tal manera que aquí termine otro doctorado (Ph.D) en Negocios Internacionales (International Business). En esta carrera explore todo lo relacionado con el mercado internacional, recorriendo en los libros país por país. Aprendiendo las ideologías, religiones, economía, importaciones, exportaciones, culturas radicales, demócratas e individualistas. Así también como las religiones y creencias democráticas, socialistas y comunistas que en general juegan papeles importantes dentro de la política y, desarrollo de un país con deseos del poder. Bircham University ofrece diferentes ramas de estudio a nivel de licenciaturas, maestrías, doctorados e inclusive certificaciones y diplomados. La gran oportunidad que la universidad ofrece es que un estudiante pude tomar las clases en ingles o español. Así que para aquellas personas que busquen una universidad para estudiar, Bircham International University es una opción… una opción sin duda alguna.


Fabiola Lidia Marcos (Curaçao)
Bachelor of Science in International Business Administration - Real Estate Management: Graduated (2016)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
After finishing my Bachelor in Social Sciences and thus becoming a Social Worker I was satisfied but sensed there was more for me. I got interested in the field of Real estate and thought it could be my real vocation. Bircham International University made it possible for me to study and receive a degree in my field of interest. Real Estate is my love and my business. Thank you Bircham International University. I will continue spreading the word.


Failoshi Solomon Shatewa (Zambia)
Bachelor of Arts in ELT English Language Teaching: Graduated (2016)
Master of Arts in Linguistics: Graduated (2018)
Doctor of Philosophy in Education & Pedagogy - Linguistics: Studying (2022...)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Greetings! In Zambia we have a educational statutory bodies, Technical Education, Vocational and Enttrepreneurship Training Authority (TEVETA) that has approved my Bircham International University BA in English Language Teaching and I am given acc1/17/2024reditation to teach up to Diploma level. When I get the Masters in Linguistics, I will be given accreditation to teach up to degree level.
I am about to register with the Teaching Council of Zambia so that I get a Teaching practicing certificate. Finally, I will present all my qualifications from Bircham International University to the Zambia Qualifications Authority (ZQA) for validation and Evaluation.
Once again, Iam arranging to ensure that my BIU qualifications receive recognition in Zambia.


Fanny Rocio Flores (Italy)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2015)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
En primer lugar, quisiera agradecer enormemente a todo el staff de BIU, gracias a ellos pude lograr finalmente mi meta, ellos estuvieron siempre pendientes y atentos cada vez que yo lo necesitaba; y qué decir de la ceremonia de graduación, fue un bellísimo encuentro al cual asistí con gran parte de mi familia y será un recuerdo que guardaré siempre en mi corazón; gracias infinitas BIU!


Fariba Salehi (Iran)
Doctor of Philosophy in Sexology: Graduated (2018)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Mazandaran University accepeted to have a collaboration with Bircham International University to do a joint research project conducted by Fariba Salehi for her Ph.D. in Sexology.


Faustino Lede Chimpolo (Angola)
Master of Science in Public Administration: Graduated (2010)
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration: Graduated (2011)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Estudar é um dos bens mais preciosos desta vida e se o fazemos numa instituição séria e conceituada o beneficio é ainda maior.


Federico Fidel Alberto Acuña (Argentina)
Bachelor of Science in Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering Management: Graduated (2010)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
La oficina de Bircham University en Buenos Aires siempre me ha atendido en tiempo y forma, sosteniendo sus inquietudes cuando no mantenía contacto seguido, atento a mis funciones laborales. Insisto en que la bibliografía utilizada era muy buena y de calidad. Recomiendo a Bircham University para estudios superiores. De hecho estoy analizando el próximo paso con Bircham University para un MBA o Doctorado. Mientras tanto, en el año 2013, solicité mi ingreso en UNLA, la Universidad Nacional de Lanus (Argentina). El rectorado se reunió expresamente para valorar la aceptación de mi título de Bachelor de Bircham International University y me complace enviar la resolución adoptada por dicho rectorado, en la que no sólo confirman mi admisión sino que reconocen la aceptación de los títulos de Bircham International University.


Felipe Cardenas Tamara (Colombia)
Doctor of Philosophy in Antropology: Graduated (2007)
Magna Cum Laude in Antropology: Graduated (2008)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
2016: Les comparto con alegría y sencillez la comunicación que me otorga el IV Premio de Antropología (2016), dado por la Asociación Iberoamericana de Antropólogos en Red por el artículo: “El signo paisaje cultural desde los horizontes de la antropología semiótica.” Los premios pueden consultarse en el siguiente enlace:
Les agradezco el apoyo por el trabajo de investigación que motivo el premio.


Felix Mupidia Lonji (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Mythology & Occultism: Graduated (2022)
Magna Cum Laude in Mythology & Occultism: Graduated (2022)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
La lampe que vous tenez en main pour éclairer le monde et les générations futures vous éclairent d’abord et la véritable lumière n’est pas celle qui vient du soleil qui n’en est qu’un symbole, mais plutôt celle qui vient de la connaissance que justement vous nous confiez. La loi dit : vous recevrez ce que vous aurez donné ; vous récolterez ce que vous avez semé. Ainsi donc nous sommes vos miroirs, nous vous renvoyons les rayons de connaissance dont vous nous inondez. BIU a osé inscrire dans son programme une discipline qui a coûté la mort à la plupart de nos frères ainés qui ont été soit brûlés, soit pendus, soit enfermés jusqu’à ce que mort s’en suive ! Ce qui a obligé les mystères à se voiler, à se faire transmettre dans la clandestinité. Mais BIU a osé…, Je n’en reviens pas. Merci et puisse rapidement venir le jour où l’ésotérisme ou l’occultisme devienne un cours commun à toutes les disciplines.


Felix Serrano Mendez (Spain)
Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy Therapy: Graduated (2008)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Quiero dar las gracias por la oportunidad de haber estudiado en Bircham Internacional University. Ha sido constante la atención personalizada recibida, con rápidas y eficaces respuestas a mis solicitudes. Quiero agradecer el respeto mostrado por todos y cada uno de los miembros del equipo de Bircham University Europe. En cada una de las ocasiones que he requerido de sus servicios, me he encontrado bien tratado. He disfrutado ampliamente el programa para la obtención del grado de Doctor of Philosophy. Para mí, durante estos estudios, en una etapa de constitución y puesta en marcha de una nueva empresa, saber que podía compaginar el ritmo de estudios con el trabajo, sin entrañar una carga adicional de estrés, suponía la motivación de seguir aprendiendo. Los espacios dedicados al desarrollo del programa suponían el bienestar del reencuentro con el aprendizaje. Me siento contento al pensar en la Bircham University. Gracias a William Martin, Lorena Cano, Tatiana Griaznova, Irene Fernández, Roberto Revenga y Ricardo Miralles. Gracias al equipo de Bircham University en el resto del mundo, que también ha servido en mi formación. La presentación del Diploma y resto de los documentos es elegante, impecable. Vuestra labor en un mundo tan necesitado de educación es elogiable.


Felix Ulombe Kaputu (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Human Rights: Graduated (2023)
Magna Cum Laude in Human Rights: Graduated (2023)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Thank you for leading me to a new doctoral degree, especially for your appreciation and evaluation of my dissertation. I have worked for many years in higher education worldwide and wanted to reach a level that could serve as an example of work in our academic institutions.
I want to thank Mr. Amir for his support and guidance throughout the studies and the writing process of the dissertation.


Fermin Cabal Menendez (Spain)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Natural Health Sciences: Graduated (2000)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
He sido un gran defensor de las medicinas naturales toda mi vida. He luchado por conseguir a los naturópatas de España un epígrafe fiscal que avalase su actividad. Soy presidente de AHINACO y fundador del Consejo Español de Medicos Naturistas, y es para mi un honor recibir este reconocimiento de Bircham University por todos estos años de dedicación y lucha.


Filipe Domingos Manuel (Mozambique)
Master of Science in Civil Engineering: Graduated (2019)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Devido a falta de oferta de cursos de pós-graduação na minha área de formação no país, tive a ideia de fazer uma busca pela internet, tendo arrolado varias Universidades com as quais tive o prazer de entrar em contacto e conhecer os seus métodos e programas de ensino. Não tive tanto trabalho para escolher a BIRCHAM INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY pela grande diferença que faz com as demais universidades, em praticidade e objectividade dos seus métodos e programas. Entrei imediatamente em contacto com a universidade na pessoa do Director da Bircham University “Português”, excelentíssimo Dro César Martinez, que me surpreendeu positivamente pelo carinho, conselhos, encaminhamento e rapidez na comunicação.
Apesar da crise económica que o país enfrentava na altura (ano de 2017), conseguí superar o quesito financeiro pelas modalidades fáceis de pagamento a que esta universidade oferece.
Após a minha admissão, recebi os primeiros materiais didácticos e logo comecei com os meus estudos.
Estudar na Bircham University, realmente me foi surpreendente pelo rigor no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, pela maneira tão prática de transmissão dos conteúdos, pela fácil interação com os professores, pela aceitação das criticas, pela valorização da experiência e do pensar do estudante, pela forma de centrar o estudo no estudante e no seu meio envolvente, pelo dinamismo e universalidade dos seus programas, pela bjectividade na correcção dos trabalhos, indicando sempre os aspectos positivos e negativos e ajudando sempre o estudante a melhorar e a superar as dificuldades.
Ao terminar o curso, o CEO da BIU deslocou-se a África concretamente na Republica da Namíbia para a celebração da cerimónia de graduação dos estudantes da África Austral, diminuindo assim os encargos pela minha logística com a cerimónia. Foi um momento de muita euforia, vestir a beca, receber os diplomas, conhecer ao vivo e abraçar os representantes da BIU com os quais apenas me comunicava por meios electrónicos. Foi a concretização de um sonho, o fim de uma etapa e o inicio da outra pois estou a me preparar para começar o meu PHD na mesma área.
Para quem deseja fazer uma formação solida e de reconhecimento internacional, honestamente eu recomendo esta Universidade.


Fola Akinfe (U.K.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Entrepreneurship Management: Graduated (2020)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
As a corporate executive and single mother, I needed a PhD program that would offer me a great platform to study as well as offer the flexibility to fit it in with the demands of my corporate role and my personal life. I needed a healthy balance. This program gave me exactly that. It was tough and challenging but the professors were always on hand to provide support and guidance. I was also able to write my thesis at my own pace. Great choice!


Fonseca Rafael Antonio (Angola)
Master of Arts in Educational Administration: Graduated (2009)
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Technology: Graduated (2010)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
A Bircham mostra a sua veracidade e a confiança do estudante prestigiando os estudantes graduados com a cerimônia de entrega de diplomas em Angola.


Francisco Javier Yanez Cardenas (Ecuador)
Doctor of Philosophy in Education: Graduated (2006)
Magna Cum Laude in Education: Graduated (2007)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I founded ESPOJ - Universidad Politécnica Javeriana in Ecuador in 1983 and it was recognised as a university in 1995 by the Law of the Congress in Ecuador. This university was part of the Consejo Nacional de Educación Superior CONESUP. I was vicepresident of the Corporación de Universidades Particulares del Ecuador (CEUPA). ESPOJ was also member of the OUI-IHOE (Organización Interamericana de Universidades) and UDUAL (Unión de Universidades de América Latina).
RIP: Ing. Francisco Yanez Cárdenas died in 2012. Since then the ESPOJ - Universidad Politécnica Javeriana had severe education quality issues and was finally suspended in 2013.


Francisco Yuste Pausa (Spain)
Doctor of Philosophy in Emotional Intelligence - Coaching: Graduated (2015)
Doctor of Philosophy in Neural & Brain Science: Graduated (2018)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Outstanding professional career: Graduated (2022)

Review about Bircham International University:
Encontré en Bircham International University el respaldo institucional y académico que necesitaba para la formación en coaching e inteligencia emocional que imparto a empresas y profesionales del sector.
Ahora que algunos de mis alumnos han recibido el diploma de Bircham International University, quiero gradecer a la BIU su cariñosa acogida, más allá del protocolo que el evento requiere, en la entrega de títulos en el Experto de Inteligencia Emocional para Niños, donde nos reencontramos con los compañeros del curso. Y Felicitarles por su organización y por la agradable velada posterior con la que nos agasajaron. Enhorabuena.


Gabriel Landu Vangu (Congo D.R.)
Master of Science in Management: Graduated (2010)
Doctor of Philosophy in Finance: Graduated (2011)
Magna Cum Laude in Finance: Graduated (2011)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Je remercie fortement Bircham University parce que je venais d'avoir la chance de poursuivre mes études doctorale dans le programme EàD et j'ai terminé mon doctorat en finance avec une mention excellente accompagné de magna Cum Laude. Je remercie grandement à ce sujet Mme NADA BIFANI une connaissance du Liban qui m'avait convaincu lors d'une exposition qui avait eu lieu à Beritech en 2004 ainsi à Abbou Assaf,un grand homme intègre pour ces conseils de sage et enfin au Dr William Martin chef de direction de Bircham University sans oublier tout les personnels de Bircham University moyen Orient. Mes sincères remerciements de cœur.


Gabriel Orlando Quiñones Maldonado (Puerto Rico)
Doctor of Philosophy in ELP Portuguese Language Teaching: Graduated (2018)
Doctor of Philosophy in French Linguistics: Graduated (2025)

Review about Bircham International University:
2019: Una de las universidades para las cuales trabajó aceptó mi doctorado de BIU!!! También comencé un Postdoctorado en otra universidad que reconoció mis estudios de Ph.D. de BIU.

2020: Es para informar que escribí un artículo como egresado del programa graduado de Bircham University, lo cual consta en el escrito publicado. El artículo fue publicado en diciembre de 2019. Título del artículo «Dificuldade na utilização dos artigos que antecedem os possessivos para hispanofalantes» del Dr. Gabriel Orlando Quiñones Maldonado. Spanish and Portuguese Review. Vol. 5. Fall 2019. p.145-150.
La revista es parte de la "American Association of Teacher of Spanish and Portuguese" (AATSP) en los Estados Unidos de América.


Gaggini Jean-Pierre (France)
Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology: Graduated (2023)
Specialist Diploma in Psychotherapy: Graduated (2024)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
C'est une aventure qui a commencé il y a plus de 40 ans et qui a trouvé son épilogue avec l'Université BIU. C'était un but à atteindre et c'est BIU qui m'a donné l'opportunité de pouvoir l'atteindre. Ce n'était pas simple, voire même très difficile de se remettre dans les études lorsqu'on est à la retraite depuis 2011. Mais je voulais y arriver. Après de nombreuses recherches et comparaisons, quelque chose m'a dit que c'était là que je devais aller. J'ai été impressionné par les compétences des professeurs, des enseignants, des spécialistes et professionnels de la Faculté de Psychologie et des programmes proposés. J'ai été surpris par les nombreuses possibilités qu'offrait BIU à des personnes qui ont quitté le circuit Universitaire depuis plusieurs années. Les programmes , les sujets d'études, les supports pédagogiques et les formes didactiques m'ont impressionné. J'ai donc commencé et terminé après trois années de recherches et d'études. Ce n'était pas simple mais le système d'enseignement de BIU a fortement contribué à ma réussite. Et que dire des profs ? Du personnel d'encadrement ? Du suivi pédagogique ? Des examens intermédiaires ? Du sérieux et des grandes compétences du Collège Académique ? Du personnel qualifié ?
Tout a été parfait, avec une gentillesse tellement appréciée, un problème à résoudre et tout de suite l'équipe répond présent.
Pour toutes les personnes qui n'arrivent pas à concrétiser leur projet d'études, quel qu'il soit, ce moyen de pouvoir y arriver est tout simplement remarquable et je ne peux que recommander à toutes ces personnes de faire appel à Bircham International University.


Galo Wilson Enriquez (panama)
Bachelor of Science in Journalism: Graduated (2003)
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration: Graduated (2003)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
I was so glad to have the opportunity of visiting the BIU Madrid Office and the nice graduation that they organized.


Gasana Emmanuel (Rwanda)
Master of Science in Economics and Finance: Graduated (2010)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I would like to thank all the Authorities of BIU for having help me to receive my Master in Economics and Finance. This Master helped me to get a Ph.D. in Economics at The Open University of Tanzania (OUT). There, I studied in English. I started Ph.D. in 2103 and I graduated on January, 17th 2019. I thank also Dr. Octave Semwaga who guided me to join BIU. God bless them.


Gaspar Pascoal Joaquim (Angola)
Master of Arts in Sociology: Graduated (2012)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
A graduação na Bircham não é o fim da caminhada em busca do saber, mas sim o inicio de uma longa jornada de sucesso profissional e acadêmico.


Gbessay Ehlogima Sam Momoh (Sierra Leone)
Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry: Graduated (2021)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
This is to inform that my thesis has been published in International Journal of Wood Science, Technology and Forestry (IJWSTF) ISSN: 1725-3497, Vol. 6(1), pp. 111-150, October, 2021.


Geislaine Estefânia Regaze Ramos (Brazil)
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Policy & Administration: Graduated (2021)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Recentemente concluí o Doutorado em Administração e políticas públicas na Bircham e, desde então,  tenho evoluído cada vez mais em minha carreira profissional. Apesar do curso ser na modalidade a distância, o suporte dado pelo Diretor César Martinez foi um fator bastante positivo nesse processo, através de sua orientação pude desenvolver meus estudos de maneira similar a um curso presencial, e esse apoio e suporte fez total diferença na qualidade dos meus estudos e na evolução no meu processo de aprendizagem. Além do suporte dado aos alunos, os materiais são de excelente qualidade, bem como toda estrutura contida na grade curricular, que por ser individualizada, permite ao aluno um melhor aproveitamento do curso através de conhecimentos mais aprofundados relativos à sua área de formação. Em resumo, agradeço a Bircham, ao Diretor César Martinez, em especial, por me direcionar nessa caminhada profissional e poder através de todo conhecimento adquirido trilhar novos caminhos e buscar novas oportunidades.


George Mwongera Mwendameru (Kenya)
Bachelor of Science in Developmental Psychology: Graduated (2008)
Master of Science in Clinical Psychology: Graduated (2008)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I am now very proud to belong to such a wonderful caring Bircham University. I have a lot of good testimonies about how Bircham University has helped me. The information about Bircham University is wonderful. Keep on with good work. I am proud to be associated with Bircham University.


George Sakala (Zambia)
Bachelor of Science in Building Technology: Graduated (2008)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Since my graduation from Bircham University, I have been promoted to run a very busy construction division in my company. Imagine, they will pay for my fuel, water bills, electricity bill, medical bills, school fees for my children and above all i will be entitled to 1 fully paid for holiday with my family anywhere in Africa. Its been a huge change in my responsibility and life. I owe it all to Bircham University and you in particular for all your help and support rendered during my studies. I thought I should share the good news with my pal.


Georgina Hudson (Argentina)
Expert Diploma in Transpersonal Psychology: Graduated (2017)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Gracias a todo el staff de BIU, desde la secretaría académica hasta los docentes. Estudiar a distancia es muy desafiante porque puede sentirse como un viaje solitario. Sin embargo, tuve el placer de sentirme contenida tanto por correo como por llamadas teléfonicas de mis tutores para ayudarme en el proceso de aprendizaje, lectura y escritura de los exámenes. En todo momento, el staff estuvo atento a mis necesidades. En cuanto a la rigurosidad y seriedad del proceso, no me quedan más que palabras de admiración y agradecimiento porque verdaderamente he aprendido y tengo un capital nuevo de conocimiento que me resulta más que valioso. Espero seguir estudiando en el camino al Master's. Gracias!


Germán Andrés Gutiérrez González (Colombia)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2023)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
La experiencia desde el inicio fue bastante agradable, el trato de todo el personal durante el proceso de admisión e inscripción fue muy bueno y practico. Despues ya en las clases me tope con profesores muy capaces y profesionales, siempre dispuestos a ayudar y enseñarnos según su experiencia. El tiempo de clase se aprovechaba al 100% y siempre me senti preparado para afrontar cada una de las asignaciones que nos enviaban. Las lecturas y los casos a desarrollar siempre fueron interesantes; y gracias a los proyectos que desarrollabamos en las distintas materias pude implementar distintas medidas para el progreso de mi empresa.
Fue una experiencia muy grata, que pienso volver a repetir cuando inicie mi Maestría, me permitió estudiar y trabajar al mismo tiempo, y algo muy importante: aplicar en mi vida laboral lo aprendido en clase. Pronto volveré para mi maestría


Ghowsuddin Amirian Parandeh (Afghanistan)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - Global Management: Graduated (2006)
Master of Science in Political Sciences - International Relations: Graduated (2014)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I do appreciate your professional support providing through your respected university. This is an asset for me, while i applied for a position of procurement officer under United Nation office (UN HABITAT) after i got the degree of Bircham University this was really recognized by the evaluation team of United Nation Development Program (UNDP) Country Office Afghanistan. Now i have a very senior position in this office and managing a team.


Gilbert Duane Masona (Swaziland)
Master of Science in Microbiology & Immunology: Graduated (2014)
Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology & Immunology: Graduated (2020)

Review about Bircham International University:
It was a superb experience to visit Madrid and attend a graduation in an old palace in the heart of the city. I enjoyed meeting other graduates, the staff and some professors. After that I decided to go on with my studies at BIU to get another degree.


Gracinda Teixeira Tavares Ferreira (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Computation Engineering: Graduated (2014)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Eu estava a estudar na unisa university, south africa, entretanto consegui uma proposta de emprego para em Angola, mas tinha que continuar os meus estudos, o pessoal da Unisa indicaram-me a Bircham, afirmando que era uma excelente universidade de ensino a distancia, e com algumas modalidades de Pagamento , um pouco mas flexível que eles.foi uma grande experiência, e um enorme desafio estudar a distância em Angola, temos alguns de internet, muito pouco tempo para estar concentrado, visto que apanhamos muito engarrafamento para chegar a casa, eu entro no serviço as 7.30, e saio as 18.30, chego a casa as 19.45, sou Mae de 4 filhos, tenho que dar atenção a eles, por o jantar na mesa para o Marido e os filhos, e só tinha mas ou menos 1h para pegar os livros e estudar, mas tudo na vida merece sacrifício, graças a Deus consegui, e com ajuda dos grandes professores da Bircham University, consegui entregar os trabalhos, aprendi muito com esta escola, os professores, Meu Prof Cesar Martinez, sempre deu-me um grande apoio, eu recomendo a Bircham University, um grande abraço abraço a todo o pessoal da Bircham, Mr.William. Muito obrigado.


Guadalupe E. Rivera (Austria)
Master of Science in Public Administration: Graduated (2013)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Fue muy emotivo asistir a la graduacion de BIU en el Palacio Pinto Cohelo de Madrid, conocer a otros graduados de todo el mundo y al personal con quien tantas veces había hablado.


Gul Afghan Saleh (Afghanistan)
Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Planning and Design: Graduated (2008)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
I am a graduate of Bircham International University (BIU) and can proudly provide this testimony to help the university improve its credibility and continue to be a pioneer in providing quality distance learning opportunities to its clients around the world.  While thanking BIU for the wonderful opportunity provided to me to complete my PhD in Urban Planning and Design, I am equally grateful to my family for their generous moral support and to my then employer, United States Agency for International Development, for contributing about 75% of my tuition fee.  Without all these caring supports and the ideal flexibility provided by the BIU's study program, it was not possible for me to achieve my envisioned educational goal.  During my study at BIU, I was living in Kabul–the capital of my beloved country Afghanistan–where PhD level education in engineering was not available, and allocating my substantial time and resources to attend an on-campus program abroad was not affordable either.  Therefore, I feel so lucky that I was able to enroll with BIU and complete my studies while continuing my work and enjoying my life with family at home.  I highly admire BIU’s innovative approach and methodology for it provides the students an opportunity for a quality education that fits every ones unique life style and development goals.  While BIU's degree programs are not accredited by the US CHEA, its curriculum, designed based on the latest developments in psychology and pedagogy, has enabled the university to steadily improve its education quality and meet the highest levels of education quality standards.   As an alternative to traditional education, BIU’s distance learning programs are getting increased recognition day by day in a growing number of countries around the world.  In fact, recent technological developments have made distance learning and on-line education to become state of the art facilities for smart learning and a better choice versus traditional education, especially for working professionals.  I am happy to be a graduate of the BIU and highly recommend this unique distance learning university to any prospective student.


Gur Arie Daniel (Israel)
Doctor of Philosophy in Neural & Brain Science - Clinical Psychology: Graduated (2020)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I have studied several university degrees but I have never worked as much as for this doctorate. Bircham University gives the impression of being serious with a lot of notoriety in all the steps to pass to get a degree. In my opinion, Bircham should obtain more recognition. I learned more at Bircham than in other universities.


Guy Marc Bonem (Spain)
Doctor of Philosophy in Journalism - Creative & Script Writing: Graduated (2008)
Master of Science in Psychology: Graduated (2013)
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology - Psychotherapy: Graduated (2015)
Magna Cum Laude in Creative & Script Writing: Graduated (2008)
Magna Cum Laude in Psychotherapy: Graduated (2015)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
As a firm believer in ‘a healthy body needs a healthy brain’ (or the other way around), I have decided, a long time ago to adhere to ‘Life Long Learning’. With an MBA degree in Marketing Communications dating in the mid 90s, I thought (back in 2003) that time had come to get myself tempted by the next logical adventure – a PhD degree in Philosophy. It was certainly not for the sake of a career, or the search of an additional title, what triggered my will and determination. Living on a small island, with no real university background and tradition, I navigated the Internet until I found Bircham International University, with its European headquarters in Madrid, its unique and malleable program approach. Let me first thank Dr. William Martin and his entire team for always being dedicated and willing to help in all imaginable forms and aspects. Flexible tuition, a specifically tailored program, most generous time frames – these are only a few of the most outstanding aspects readily offered by the University. In my own case, as I had decided to write about the 7th Art (Cinema), my special focus had to be readdressed several times (same as the pace with which films become popular and forgotten about). Thus, I felt forced to start all over again, three times in four years, fully assisted and always readily encouraged by Bircham University Madrid. Finally, I not only got my PhD degree, but with a Magna Cum Laude on top. I am especially thankful to my professors, for the trust and honour conferred. I do warmly recommend Bircham International University to everyone willing to and ready for a new learning experience, extremely efficient and offside the traditional paths. I will further deepen my study experience and sincerely hope to be able to give some of it back, within Bircham University, to future students...


Habimana Theodore (Rwanda)
Doctor of Philosophy in Telecommunication Engineering: Graduated (2018)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
This is to inform you that, as a Ph.D. graduate from BIU, I have got Equivalence of my Degree from the Rwanda Higher Education Council. This is a very good achievement and good news for BIU community, especially for BIU graduates who want to work in Rwanda. I would like to thank BIU Management for all your support.


Hademine Ahmed Vall Ekhyar (Mauritania)
Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering: Graduated (2021)
Magna Cum Laude in Civil Engineering: Graduated (2021)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Je profite de cette occasion pour vous remercier de votre correspondance professionnelle et opportune et de votre excellent soutien tout au long de mon programme d'études. Veuillez également adresser mes remerciements particuliers à toute l'équipe de l'Université Bircham, pour avoir fourni une si belle opportunité aux professionnels en activité de poursuivre leurs études supérieures avec un horaire flexible et sans interférence avec la vie professionnelle, j'ai vraiment apprécié la méthode d'étude innovante. Ce programme de doctorat m'a vraiment permis d'être à la hauteur des attentes de mon entreprise et de la réaliser au-delà des objectifs visés. En conséquence, j' invite toutes les personnes qui avaient des difficultés à poursuivre leurs études pour une raison ou une autre de contacter l'Université Bircham le plus tôt possible afin de saisir cette opportunité pour poursuivre des études à la Bircham International University tout en respectant leur engagement envers leur travail et leur famille.


Halidou Moussa Issoufou (Benin)
Doctor of Philosophy in Econometrics: Graduated (2022)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Je passe par ce canal pour vous expliquer combien je suis heureux aujourd'hui après avoir obtenu mon Diplôme de Doctorat Ph.D. en Économétrie à Bircham International university. C'est un objectif que je poursuivais depuis longtemps. En effet, Après l'obtention de ma Maîtrise es-Science Mathématiques en 2009, j'ai décidé de poursuivre mes études dans un domaine où je peux appliquer mes connaissances en mathématiques. c'est ainsi qu'en 2010-2011 je me suis inscrit en Master de Statistique- économie à l'Ecole Nationale d'Economie Appliquée et de Management (ENEAM) dans mon pays le Bénin. Cette formation, au lieu de 2ans, elle nous a pris pratiquement 4 ans pour cause de manque d'enseignants qualifiés et mauvaise planification des activités pédagogiques. j'étais sorti de l'ENEAM avec mon Master de Statistique en mains en 2014. Mais néanmoins je n'est pas été satisfait de la formation dans sa globalité. Cela m'a poussé à continuer mes cherches pour obtenir une inscription dans une école étrangère pour parfaire ma formation de Master que j'ai reçu. En 2015, j'ai été accepté dans l'université Toulouse 1 Capitale en France pour faire un diplôme de Statistique Appliquée. j'ai été sidéré par la prestation des enseignants Lors de cette formation et j'ai fini par obtenir mon diplôme d'université en Statistique Appliquée en 2016. Ce Diplôme d'université en Statistique Appliquée a stimulé ma motivation de poursuivre mes études dans un domaine pointu utilisant les mathématiques et les statistiques. C'est ainsi que j'ai commencé mes recherches sur le net pour voir les différentes opportunités. J'ai été émerveillé de découvrir le site de Bircham International university. Avant même de postuler à une formation, j'ai regretté de n'est pas vite découvrir cet site hors du commun. Après avoir fouiller correctement le site, j'ai été convaincu qu'en terme d'organisation, BIU est la meilleure université que j'ai connu. J'ai postulé par la suite à une thèse de doctorat en Économétrie. mon dossier a été accepté et j'ai démarré la formation à mon rythme. A chaque fois je soumets mes inquiétudes, laréponse est immédiate et de façon satisfaisante. pour cela je dis merci GUY Marc Bonem pour son assistance permanent ainsi qu'à tous les personnels de BIU. Je remercie également tout le corps professoral pour leurs engagements et leurs énormes sacrifices qu'ils ont consenti pour nous inculquer le savoir. Une fois encore bravo à tous. Je n'oublierai jamais mon passage dans BIU et dans les mois à venir je reviendrai pour une autre thèse ( je le souhaite vivement) et je ferai la publicité de BIU autour de moi.


Hami Ali (Algeria)
Expert Diploma in Security & Emergency Management: Graduated (2020)
Bachelor of Science in International Relations: Admitted (2019)
Master of Science in Security & Emergency Management: Admitted (2019)
Master of Science in Security & Emergency Management: Admitted (2019)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Je suis très ému et honoré d'avoir obtenu mon diplôme, un précieux document qui atteste, de la maitrise d'un savoir, c'est donc une immense joie, désormais une opportunité se présente à moi pour accomplir dans un futur proche le plus haut diplôme de l'enseignement supérieur. En effet, le fait d'être fière de ce diplôme, et de cette formation qui m'a offert des atouts importants. Je vous remercie tous ainsi que l'ensemble du corps professionnel, dont l'ambition et de servir la notre (étudiants).


Hamilton Feijó Augusto César (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering: Graduated (2016)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Fiquei a saber da BIU através de um colega em 2013. Assim que fiquei a saber, eu fiz as minhas investigações, e decidi fazer a matrícula no Bachelor em Engenharia Mecânica, e não estou arrependido. Boa experiência e recomendo que não se vão arrepender. Muito obrigado pela oportunidade.


Hasan Mohammed Jarallah Al-Harthi (Saudi Arabia)
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration: Graduated (2008)

Review about Bircham International University:
To be away from family & work for long period of time is impassibly choice to make, but having the opportunity to continue my higher education with Bircham University is life time chance not miss as the "Opportunity knocks the door once not twice.” Learning from BIU is unique, and its learning sessions are different from on campus learning universities. In my opinion BIU fulfilled international learning and teaching standards (i.e.  inclusiveness in education, quality education, equity and equality, integrity and validity).


Heddi Amabellsa Chappelle (U.S.A.)
Master of Science in Plant Science - Molecular Cell Biology: Graduated (2011)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I am quite happy about my M.S. Plant Science, Molecular Cell Biology program. I am learning so much, and the flexibility of time allows me to delve into my areas of interest. It is nice that as a student, one has time to reflect on the information in the textbooks that Bircham University assigns as the textbooks are quite comprehensive and excellent and are the main ones on the university marketplace in the U.S. I am very happy with my Bircham University M.S. Plant Science/Molecular Biology studies. The program is so flexible--with flexible time to finish a report, that I am able to enjoy the "herculean" tasks of seriously delving into the subject matter that I am interested in learning. Currently, I am currently working on the Glick/Pasternack "Molecular Biotechnology" textbook assigned by Bircham University, and I am able to compare and contrast the material with other leading science textbooks such as those published by Cambridge University Press and similar on the subject so that I can write theoretical case studies on how to tell if an organism is a product of biotechnology. This said to be relatively new area (biotechnology) is also an important area of study to me for many botanical reasons such as plant quality and environmental safety. I am able to accomplish my research goals because of the flexibility of time that offers me the time to also use other quality textbooks, and other recent, leading scientific information. Due to Bircham University's flexibility and progressive learning style, I am able to surpass obstacles and increase my quality of learning in an efficient, productive manner that appeals to my lifestyle. I am learning so incredibly much. The Bircham University learning education system is what one makes out of it, and I find it quite advanced in that one can modify it to one's personal learning goals and time constraints. Now, as I am working on my thesis, I realized that I can also even incorporate important math/physics formula issues of plant science and cell biology. And, this is because of the flexibility of time that allows one to really study. I am just learning more, and more, and more in a very productive way. Thanks again.


Heino Matzken (Germany)
Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations: Graduated (2005)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
I would like to take this opportunity to talk about my experiences with the education at Bircham University and agree to a publication of this testimony in the Bircham University Human Network. After having worked in the international environment as an German officer for quite a long time I started thinking about a Ph.D. in international relations in 2003. Unfortunately, my university background was very IT heavy. I had studied computer science at the German armed forces university in Munich and passed a Masters of Science in professional computing at the British Stafford University. Due to this fact I had difficulties to find a Ph.D. program in international relations. Fortunately, I found the Bircham University, which took my language skills (German, English, French, Spanish and Arabic) and my experiences in international relations (military operations in Bosnia and Kosovo, German-French Brigade, NATO Headquarters in Belgium) into account. I started the Ph.D. program in 2003 with an comprehensive introduction in international relations, which lay the basis for my further work. After this intensive and interesting "learning phase", during which I was constantly supervised and accompanied by the experts of Bircham University, I started the work on my thesis concerning an "European Army". Thanks to the useful help of my Prof. I finished the work after twelve months and proudly received my degree. Now, five years after my PhD program, I look back and value the effort I put in this "follow-on education". Thanks to the Ph.D. and what I have learned at Bircham University, I was able to develop my professional career. Since 2008 I am one of two German exchange officers at the French Minister of Defence in Paris where I constantly develop my knowledge in international relations. Furthermore, I was accepted by several journals (Europäische Sicherheit, Österreichische Militärzeitschrift ÖMZ) to publish regularly articles about geo-political developments in the Near East. Looking back, I am proud having successfully finished the Bircham University program. Even more important is the fact that the education I got by Bircham University helped myself to change and develop my professional career in a way I always wanted to do. Finally, I would like to encourage everybody to take his destiny in his own hands and to start an education at Bircham University.


Higinio Menendez Milanes (Spain)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Outstanding Professional Career: Graduated (2005)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Como profesor de la Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio me complace contribuir con mi experiencia y rigor académico a que una iniciativa educativa como BIU se convierta en un ejemplo de excelencia en la educación para adultos.


Hilda Aguilar (U.S.A.)
Bachelor of Arts in Social Work - Childhood Education: Graduated (2017)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Gracias por toda su atencion, paciencia y dedicacion a cada uno de nosotros, gracias por estar ahi siempre que lo necesitamos, y gracias por su enorme labor para beneficio de nosotros. Dios los bendiga.


Hubert Lacombe (U.S.A.)
Master of Arts in Theology: Graduated (2009)
Doctor of Philosophy in Theology: Graduated (2015)
Doctor of Philosophy in Diplomacy: Graduated (2022)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I, Rev. Hubert Lacombe along with my daugther Annie Soraya Leon Lacombe and church member sister Marie Lourde Salvant, would like to thank you for all that you have done for us during our graduation trip in 2010 and 2015. From the very first day I had met you to now, you have demonstrated nothing less than kindness. Your patience is extraordinary. You are always tehre to help me, and never grow tired from any questions that I may have asked. You are an excellent person. I will continue to keep you in my prayers, and that God continues to bless you. Thank you my friend.


Ian Ross (Spain)
Doctor of Philosophy in International Law - Criminology: Graduated (2023)
Specialist Diploma in Forensic Psychology: Studying (2024...)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I am pleased to share news that I have been appointed to the 'Expert Panel' of the Office of the Inspector of Prisons. Ireland. This is a government level position. The Irish government sought an expert in International Law and human rights to moitnor and assess levels of complaince with human rights laws and International and EU law in the Ireland prison system. I share this with you to say that my Ph.D. with Bircham International University is of great value, but also because it is likely will I produce more publications later which I am happy so share with BIU.


Ignacio Mariano Hernández Sanmames (Spain)
Doctor of Philosophy in Parapsychology: Graduated (2000)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Hace mas de veinte años que me gradué en Bircham University y todavía hoy después del paso del tiempo estoy muy satisfecho de haberlo hecho, ya que a partir de entonces todo han sido éxitos académicos, reconociéndome mis estudios, en muchos países y ámbitos, al mismo nivel prácticamente que los títulos oficiales de dichos países, ya que mis estudios en Bircham University, venían legalizados con la Apostilla de la Haya.
Se me ha concedido certificado a la excelencia profesional, soy Doctor Honoris Causa por la universidad Abierta de Ciencias Avanzadas con sede en Florida, USA.
Deseo dar las gracias públicamente a Bircham International University por la ayuda prestada a lo largo de mi carrera profesional.


Imbuki Kennedy Osotsi (Kenya)
Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology: Graduated (2010)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
It gives us confidence for those of us who are graduates of this Institution. This reminds me of the hard work I put in to be able to get my degree. The degree from this institution is credible looking at the work and the time I had to put in. It is practical and yet it is inclusive of the people who are working and do not have time off to go to a formal collage for a long time. The program has been helpful. I have achieved a lot. I am currently a lecturer. I now have 5 publications. I am currently a head of department at the university where I teach. I am proud of Bircham. it has made me what I am.


Isaac João Dias Sango (Angola)
Bachelor of Arts in PLT Portuguese Language Teaching: Graduated (2023)
Master of Arts in Linguistics: Studying (2024...)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Eu sou Isaac Sango, finalista do curso de Licenciatura de Ensino da Língua Portuguesa, pela Bircham Internatonal University, dizer que, a minha experiência quando frequentava a mesma, foi de facto boa e grande valia. Para todos aqueles que estão interessados a fazer formação de qualidade, escolha a Bircham.


Ismael Pablo Antuña (Argentina)
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering: Graduated (2017)

Review about Bircham International University:
Gracias a su sistema de educación a distancia he encontrado en BIU la oportunidad de finalizar mis estudios en Ingeniería Química, que por mis ocupaciones familiares, trabajo y otras dedicaciones no habría podido concluir. Actualmente me desempeño en una posición de dirección en una empresa de la industria química aplicando los conocimientos obtenidos.


J. Eric Diasso (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration: Studying (2019...)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Par ailleurs, je voudrais aussi vous annoncer que j'ai pu mettre en place mon projet de création de l' OMRI ( ORGANISATION MONDIALE POUR LA RECHERCHE ET L'INNOVATION ). Étant Élément Étudiant de BIU, je voudrais que cette illustre organisation soit un fruit de Bircham International University, car au fond, nous avons demandé le parrainage de l' ONU ( L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES ).


Jacinto Belém Monteiro (Mozambique)
Doctor of Philosophy in Sustainable Agriculture: Graduated (2017)
Magna Cum Laude in Sustainable Agriculture: Graduated (2017)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Conheci a BIU através duma pesquisa na internet e nessa altura estava preocupado em concluir o 3ºciclo de estudos Universitários. Com paciência pude pesquisar os cursos e me interessei da minha área de agricultura e como escolha coube a Agricultura Sustentável.
Nessa altura interagi enviando um email por curiosidade para a brasil, e pelo meu espanto tive a resposta através do Dr. César Martinez, o qual se apresentou como Director e representante da divisão em português com sede no Brasil na cidade de Salvador da Baia.
Muito entusiasmado passei fazendo perguntas constantes as quais se relacionavam com o curso tendo no momento as respostas, sobretudo os requisito para o arranque do curso.
Quando chegaram os livros com as recomendações e obrigações do estudante, arregacei as mangas e pus me a ler, fazer anotações e no fundo a aprender nova realidade com os conhecimentos adquiridos noutra Universidade, as vivências e a ser objectivo mas com sentido de criar a opinião pessoal sobre a investigação científica.
A elaboração dos relatórios foi outra experiencia de fundo e um momento de trabalho árduo, onde muitas noites eram passadas a limpo para que os mesmos tivessem o verdadeiro conteúdo.
Com a elaboração da proposta do projecto de pesquisa bem como a elaboração da tese final, foram momentos cruciais dos meus estudos.
Muito trabalho fora dos gabinetes tendo a obrigação de fazer a observação e contacto com os fazedores da agricultura nas suas propriedades fizeram de mim um verdadeiro camponês completo devido o aprendizado e troca de ideias.
Finalmente, quando enviei a Tese para apreciação e decisão do Júri, estava muito expectante, nem tinha a noção da sua aprovação pois que ainda para mim faltavam alguns elementos de evidencia para fazer corpo, contudo, recebi um email de aprovação do qual fiquei bastante alegre, por ter um resultado da minha autoria.
Não tenho palavras para poder endereçar a todos quanto contribuíram de forma directa ou indirecta nesta empreitada, sobretudo ao Dr César e ao Corpo Docente que de forma incansável puderam corresponder as minhas expectativas e de forma geral a toda Universidade o meu muito obrigado.


Jacob Sagoe (Ghana)
Bachelor of Science in Architecture: Graduated (2014)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
It was great to attend the 2014 BIU Madrid Graduation. Thanks for this event and all your help!


Jad Gergi Matta (Lebanon)
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science: Graduated (2016)
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics: Graduated (2024)
Magna Cum Laude in Computer Science: Graduated (2016)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I received my degree. Thank you so much. It was really a pleasure studying at Bircham University. Hopefully in the next two years I will start another Ph.D. in applied math.


Jaime Cirilo da Cruz (Angola)
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering: Graduated (2015)

Review about Bircham International University:
Foi uma excelente experiencia vivida na BIU, primeiro pela abertura que existe, boa comunicação, ágil e responsabilidade dos Lideres da Universidade. Tive boa troca de experiencias com os colegas Professores através de emails e grupos nas redes sociais, foi bom e devo dizer que estudar na BIU para mi também permitiu-me fazer o Doutoramento presencial na Universidade Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) de Portugal sem dificuldade. Apenas tive que pedir o reconhecimento da Apostila de Haya e assim a universidade portuguesa aceitou o meu diploma de Mestrado na BIU. Por isso devo dizer que é um ensino sério, o meu muito obrigado a todos os estudante, colaboradores, professores e Lideres da Universidade.


Jair Adair dos Soares Almeida (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Computer Systems & Networks: Graduated (2022)
Master of Science in Data Science: Admitted (2015)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Orgulho-me de ter feito parte da família de estudantes da BIU, onde com muita dedicação, força e coragem aprendi e dou o devido respeito no que hoje chamo meu por direito (O diploma universitário), foi dificil começar, mas hoje 3 anos depois tem sido agradavel colher os benefícios das dificuldades ultrapassadas.


Jamal Saleh Yassin (Libya)
Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering: Graduated (2010)
Magna Cum Laude in Mechanical Engineering: Graduated (2010)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
It is a pleasure for me to write this testimony in behalf of our reverend university BIU which removed the obstacles before me that prevented me to continue my higher education, and paved the way in front of me to achieve my ambitions. Here, first of all I would like to thank very much the administration of the BIU and all the staff working with the university, and especially those who are working in Lebanon office. After earning the Ph.D. degree my professional life has become better in which I became Professor and staff member in the Faculty of Engineering, Misurata University, Libya, also I have been appointed as the Head of the Water and Environment department. These credits give the others indication that how much benefits can they obtain after continuing their education at BIU.


James John Lizamore (South Africa)
Doctor of Philosophy in Sexology: Graduated (2019)
Doctor of Philosophy in World History: Admitted (2018)
Magna Cum Laude in Sexology: Graduated (2019)

Review about Bircham International University:
The past year I have been on an incredible journey while undertaking my Ph.D. through the Bircham International University. I could not have completed this journey if it had not been for the support, help and belief that some special people had in my ability to reach my destination. There are no adequate words to convey my appreciation for all of their support. The love and encouragement of these friends kept me going through it all.


James Keith Sowell (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Astronomy - Archaeology: Graduated (2024)
Magna Cum Laude in Astronomy: Graduated (2024)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Thanks! My career is looking good. People accept my Ph.D. so far. I am getting on a 'lecture circuit" with an organization besides my new position. I personally do not care what the USA educational body thinks. I am tired of hearing that the USA system is the only acceptable system. It is not, and I will stick up for BIU and defend my degree. Anyway, It was nice to finally finish my degree especially as a 100% Service Connected Disabled Veteran who has a lot of challenges. I think this type of education helps disabled people to gain an education that is basically not available in the USA. I am proud to be a BIU graduate. 

I have been recently promoted to the "Astronomers Without Borders-National Coordinator for the United States of America". They recognize my Ph.D. because we are an International organization and we also have a National Coordinator for Spain. I am the Ambassador to other Nations because our HQ is also located in California USA. I will continue to promote the education from BIU for those countries who do not have access to a formal education in Astronomy. 

Who says a graduate from Bircham International University can't get no where! I have just received 2 positions and today I got a scholarship. I've been hired again as an "Adjunct Instructor" for the Northwest Arkansas Community College. They have accepted my Ph.D. and said I could call myself Dr. Sowell, or Dr. Keith if I want to. So, I thank you for the BIU Ph.D. degree as it has become useful to me so far, and I am employed as an Instructor (Professor) at NWACC.


James Milton Kerne (Brazil)
Doctor of Philosophy in Museology: Graduated (2017)
Magna Cum Laude in Museology: Graduated (2017)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Apenas para informação, coloquei a tese que criei (Formação da Heráldica Pública do Brasil, tendo como referência o Museu Heráldico Brasileiro, ) junto ao doutorado da Bircham, num concurso do Governo do Estado de São Paulo, e fui homenageado dia 24/07 no Clube Sírio Libanês com o Título Público de COMENDADOR a nível nacional, assim como a Comenda do Mérito Cultural.


Javier Guajardo-Fajardo Colunga (Spain)
Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy: Graduated (2011)
Magna Cum Laude in Philosophy: Graduated (2011)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
A nivel personal BIU me ha aportado la posibilidad de concluir algo que había comenzado en otra universidad pero que, por necesidades laborales, tuve que interrumpir: el doctorado en Filosofía. Con el método de enseñanza a distancia se hace compatible el desempeño de tareas laborales y familiares con la investigación, al no tener que estar atado a horarios, fechas inamovibles, etc. En definitiva, permite desarrollar capacidades y cumplir objetivos que de otra manera quedarían frustrados. A nivel laboral, el doctorado me ha abierto las puertas para publicar en revistas de carácter científico y me ha posibilitado integrarme en un grupo de investigación de la universidad en el que varios profesores de forma conjunta una línea de estudio que se se va consolidando como una oferta permanente del centro.


Javier Julian Enriquez (Spain)
Bachelor of Arts in Linguistic - English Language Teaching: Graduated (2006)
Master of Arts in Linguistics - English Language Teaching: Graduated (2009)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
2000: I received yesterday a letter from the University Memphis, Tennessee, USA informing me they will consider my employment with my degree of Master of Arts (MA) in Linguistics from Bircham International University. I will be employed as Instructor at the Spanish Department if they confirm that the Bircham University degree is equal to the regionally accredited degree. This was achieved with the help and endorsement of the CUFCE Validation of my Bircham University degree.
2007: Me dirijo a ustedes una vez más para darles mis más sinceros agradecimientos por el apoyo prestado durante mis estudios de "Bachelor y Master of Arts in Linguistics". Ya he recibido algunas propuestas de algunas Universidades de Estados Unidos para impartir clases de Español; en concreto de Breyer State University, Los Angeles, California. Asimismo, he propuesto a la Universidad de Valencia matricularme en un curso de doctorado; su respuesta fue la siguiente: "Podrán también acceder a los cursos de doctorado aquellas personas que estén en posesión de títulos de Masters extranjeros legalizados por la apostilla de la Haya, sin necesidad de su homologación, pero previa comprobación de que los Masters acrediten un nivel de formación equivalente a los correspondientes títulos españoles de Master y una carta de la universidad extranjera en que conste que el alumno está capacitado para seguir los estudios de Doctorado. El acceso por esta vía no implicará, en ningún caso, la homologación del título previo de que esté en posesión el interasado, ni su reconocimiento a otros efectos que el de cursar enseñanzas de doctorado. Una vez superados los estudios de Doctorado, el título de doctor obtenido tendrá plena validez oficial".
2014: En la actualidad (2014) me encuentro realizando un Máster en Lenguas y Tecnología en la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (España), gracias a los estudios realizados en Bircham International University.
2018: BIU es una de las Universidades que mejor provee a sus estudiantes con la bibliografía más selecta y de calidad a difrencia de otras, con un alto análisis y pensamiento crítico; por ello sin tener que perder excesivo tiempo en buscar las referencias bibliográficas para cada tesis o proyecto.


Jean Baptiste Eken (Zambia)
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration: Graduated (2022)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
I am a United Nations UN Senior Administrative Officer for Southern Africa and a proud BIU graduate.


Jean De Dieu Bigari (Rwanda)
Master of Science in Public Health: Graduated (2012)
Doctor of Philosophy in Health Care Administration - Health Care Research: Graduated (2023)
Magna Cum Laude in Health Care Administration: Graduated (2023)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Thank you to BIU for organizing a graduation ceremony in Kigali, Rwanda, in 2012.


Jean Ngezahayo (Rwanda)
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration: Graduated (2011)
Magna Cum Laude in Business Administration: Graduated (2011)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Hereby I thank God, first, in the Holy Name of Jesus-Christ for He is the provider of Eternal Life, Health and everything with them. Secondary, I express my deep gratitude to Bircham University, for the assistance and the training I profit from since January 12, 2007 to September 26, 2011. I am delighted with your financial assistance and your understanding during the progress of my studies. The outcome was a great success. This success is due to the steady management of Bircham University. I recognize for Bircham University the objectivity and rigor in its scientific activities and I am committed to promote its interest through the valorization of the degree I gained in my work and the marketing development of this institution. I am so grateful for your invaluable contribution. I address equally my thanks to the Evaluation Committee and to the countries directly related to my training in the Bircham University. May they holistically prosper for the World Construction of peace, the reverence to God and the respect of Human Dignity.


Jean Pierre Bashimubwabo (Rwanda)
Master of Science in Finance and Economics: Graduated (2012)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
2012 Rwanda Graduation!!! A Great experience to share with my family and friends.


Jenaro Romero Pastor (Spain)
Expert Diploma in Ergonomy & Psychosociology: Graduated (2002)
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Safety & Health: Graduated (2005)
Doctor of Philosophy in Electronical Engineering: Graduated (2005)
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering: Graduated (2005)
Expert Diploma in Industrial Safety & Health: Graduated (2005)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Quiero manifestar públicamente, como egresado de Bircham International University, la calidad demostrada en el largo periodo de estudios como alumno primero de cursos de Experto, posteriormente en carreras de grado y finalmente de postgrado logrando Doctorarme tanto en Ingeniería Electrónica como en Ingeniería Industrial, tanto en el trato exquisito administrativamente, como por los profesores tutores, y el cuadro rectoral, la prontitud en las respuestas, y consejos para llevar a buen fin mis proyectos y tesis, que finalmente logre superar y conseguir mi graduación doctoral. Recuerdo con mucho cariño y gratitud el día de mis graduaciones, como el responsable del área industrial el Doctor Higinio Menéndez Milanés, me felicitaba por mi buena nota en mi tesis doctoral un 3.5 sobre 4. Así mismo mi agradecimiento por la invitación de Bircham International University, a diversos congresos y conferencias, como alumno graduado de la universidad. Los conocimientos y especializaciones derivados de mis estudios en Bircham International University, han abierto un mundo de oportunidades, académicas y profesionales para mí en diferentes áreas y países del mundo. Quiero ofrecer con mi agradecimiento, respeto y consideración, para el equipo de profesores, doctores, catedráticos, y empleados de Birchan International University.


Jessie Brewer (Australia)
Specialist Diploma in Sexology: Graduated (2022)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I have thoroughly enjoyed my studies and learning with BIU regarding the topic Sexology. Throughout my Youth, I was not introduced to conversations about Sex, the difficulties, the normalities and the outcome of sex in general. Studying this topic for me, I hope will lead me into an area where I can educate Youth or the Younger generation, not to be embarrassed talking about sex, respecting each other in relation to sex and this knowledge I believe, will generate healthy minds to thoughts and actions for the next generations to come. Learning is continual and will give us all a better understanding to a Healthy Wise Wonderful World of Sexuality and hopefully I can contribute in the future towards that understanding with what I have learnt with BIU. Thank you once again, I have thoroughly enjoyed my reading and research from the Books that were provided by You.


Jesus Sanchez Espinosa (Spain)
Specialist Diploma in Neurolingustic Programming: Graduated (2003)
Bachelor of Arts in Education - Pedagogy: Graduated (2003)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Siento un profundo agradecimiento por la labor que Bircham University ha realizado en torno a mi persona, durante los años que estuve como alumno de Specialist / Neurolingustic Programming y posteriormente Bachelor / Education - Pedagogy. Una vez finalizado el tiempo de formación tengo que decir que el apoyo y el trato desde el punto de vista profesional, ha sido excelente. Para mí ha supuesto una gran ayuda tanto en lo personal cómo en lo profesional,. El partido y rendimiento pedagogico que he sacado a estas enseñanzas se puede ver reflejada en cantidad de encuestas de calidad a las que afortunadamente he visto sometido mi trabajo diario como Formador. Repito mi agradecimiento como alumno y desde el punto de vista profesional tambien. Un excelente equipo el de Bircham University.


Jie Li (Canada)
Master of Arts in Modern Chinese History: Graduated (2007)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
I will never regret my choosing of Bircham University as the beginning of my professional life. Bircham University is a small but great institution, its learning mode based on distance education could be innovative for the ever-changing modern society. I gained a lot from the textbooks selected by Bircham University academic board, and the Bircham University administrative team is also helpful for me, not only in academic way, but in other aspects as well. Bircham University is a faraway place but you could still feel like as your home.


João Carlos de Almeida Lopes Pinheiro (U.K.)
Bachelor of Science in Naturopathy: Graduated (2022)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Venho por este meio demonstrar o meu agrado para com a universidade Bircham International, como também o meu maior agradecimento ao professor César que tanto me motivou e acompanhou ao longo de todo o meu tempo de formação, tentando sempre melhorar a minha experiência como estudante tal como me incentivar a fazer mais e melhor. Hoje vejo os resultados de todo os esforço. Agradeço vivamente a oportunidade por estudar desta forma, esperando assim exercer a minha profissão como naturopata em Portugal. Sem dúvida que o Professor César foi uma mais valia para concluir esta formação, parabéns à universidade por escolher pessoas como ele para acompanhar e aconselhar os alunos. Espero continuar a estudar com esta instituição no futuro. Muito grato.


João Fernando Capir (Angola)
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology: Graduated (2017)
Master of Science in Organizational Psychology: Graduated (2024)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
A Bircham University, é uma instituição fantástica, eficaz e eficiente em tidos serviços prestados e contatados pir mim. Desde a licenciatura ao mestrado, comprovei a idoneidade educativa e científica desta grande, mas, valiosa instituição de Educação Superior à Distância.


João Kiala da Costa (Angola)
Master of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2018)
Doctor of Philosophy in Business & Economic Consulting: Admitted (2015)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
A BIU é por mim considerado como sendo o grande canal pelo qual na COMUNICAÇÃO passa a Informação do Emissor que é o mundo do CONHECIMENTO (As Ciências) e o Receptor que somos todos nós. Na Comunicação, cada um joga o seu papel e ambos concretizam esta incrível Viagem do SABER sem fim pois passam as Pessoas mas Já mais passam levando o Conhecimento, De muita coisa aprendi através da BIU no seu todo mas tive em particular o Dr. César Martinez que o seu apoio, o incentivo não me fizeram desistir, hoje sou mestre em Administração de Empresas, a Ele dedico este DIPLOMA. Hoje em dia, Já se pode provar que cursos on-line MBAs e treinamentos virtuais ajudam e ja ajudaram muitas pessoas a capacitarem-se e empresas a refrescarem seus funcionários com baixos custos,  sem local fixo, sem professores em tempo integral e horários rígidos. Entre métodos, de ensino, estão a passos rápidos. A rede corporativa, ganhou peso no processo de treinamento, incorporando novos serviços, formulários de inscrição, material de apoio etc. A estrutura de intercâmbio de conhecimento entre comunidades de interesses dentro de empresas está cada vez a conquistar o mercado mundial, uma vez que a prática demonstra que muitas vezes esta capacitação feita por esta via, supera muitas vezes as aulas presenciais que são mais honorosas, dando ao interessado a consciência de fazer as coisas por si e não pela determinação e obrigação do professor presencial. Alías estas comunidades de interesses estão em alta nas organizações. Prova desta prática estou eu próprio “João Kyala da Costa” como exemplo que de um Continente Africano (Angola) para o Sul Americano (Brasil) que numa ideia, de Vôo sem escala dista mais de 8 horas de viagem, mas sentando lá onde me é conveniente,  com meu material de apoio,  faço o aprendizado que me dá a cada dia um sustento das minhas capacidades profissionais.


João Manuel (Angola)
Doctor of Philosophy in Kinesiology: Graduated (2021)
Doctor of Philosophy in Sexology: Graduated (2023)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
A minha experiência na Bircham (BIU), tem sido boa e gratificante. Os livros de estudos são bestseller, de ótimos autores internacionais, verdadeiras bíblias ou clássicos. Os livros direcionam à prática profissional, de fácil compreensão, e excelente método de ensino e aprendizagem. Com Diretores profissionais e que se importam com os estudantes.


João Maria Sambo (Angola)
Master of Science in Financial Management: Graduated (2011)
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration: Graduated (2011)

Review about Bircham International University:
Ter todo o suporte pedagógico da Bircham durante a carreira acadêmica na mesma foi muito importante para o êxito na profissão e na vida.


Joaquin Blix Formoso (Spain)
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychotherapy: Graduated (2020)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Estoy muy agradecido a Bircham International University por todo vuestro trabajo, esfuerzo y responsabilidad llevados a cabo con mi trayecto por el doctorado. Me encuentro muy contento y satisfecho.


Joe A. Rosa Rodriguez (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology: Graduated (2011)
Specialist Diploma in Meteorology: Graduated (2016)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
En el año 2000 terminé mi grado de Maestría en Consejería, luego realizé una segunda maestría en Psicología. En el año 2004 quería realizar mi doctorado en una universidad a distancia. Estuve navegando por internet buscando opciones pero ninguna me convencían hasta que encontré Bircham International University. Llamé y me encantó su profesionalismo, el modo de tratar a los estudiantes, su accesibilidad y sobre todo hablan el idioma español. Rápidamente llamé a la Universidad y me matriculé. Mucha gente piensa que los grados universitarios a distancia no funcionan y que son bien fáciles de hacer. Yo les digo que si funciona y tienes que dedicarle tiempo y esfuerzo si quieres hacer un buen trabajo. En menos de un mes de haber terminado el doctorado, el mismo me ha abierto puertas en el mundo del trabajo.


Joel Acevedo Nieto (Puerto Rico)
Doctor of Philosophy in Neural & Brain Science: Graduated (2014)

Review about Bircham International University:
Les escribo para agradecerles la formación que me han brindado, la misma ha rendido frutos. Les cuento que me asocié a la Society for Neuroscience en Estados Unidos y ellos realizaron un escogido de algunos estudiantes a los que becarian para tomar una certificación en investigación cientifica de 1 año con la Universidad Autónoma de Mexico. Tengo el placer de decirles que fui uno de los seleccionados ya que sometí mi información como estudiante de doctorado en neurociencias de Bircham International University.


Johannes Hendrik Venter (South Africa)
Expert Diploma in Public Policy and Administration: Studying (2007...)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I've been studying and researching the Bircham International University website now for more than a year. My perception is that the University shows continuous development. I am also glad to see that there are more and more people from my own home country (South Africa) who are studying through Bircham University.
My honest suggestion to all persons who are considering to study through Bircham University is to do a thorough research of the Bircham University website and to compare this with other well-known universities. You would be very surprised to see that Bircham University is actually much more open about its pedagogics, its programmes and its teachers than many other universities that you will encounter on the internet. Being an educationist myself, I hold Bircham University's pedagogical point of departure in very high esteem. My humble opinion is that Bircham International University is definitely the higher educational institution of distance learning for the future. Everything of the best to everyone associated with Bircham University!


John L. Greene (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Toxicology: Graduated (2009)
Magna Cum Laude in Toxicology: Graduated (2009)

Review about Bircham International University:
I just would like to say, I had a great time studying with Bircham University, they stood by their words in every aspect of their program. Every e-mail, every call has been handled swiftly and professionally. Before enrolling, I inquired about Bircham University in 2004, I was please to know that Bircham University had the same staff and recognized me as a prospective student, which really convinced me I should enroll, so I did. After further research about Bircham University, I found the university to be a qualified recognizable degree granting institution. I highly recommend Bircham International University to any prospective student(s).


José Adonay Aguirre Quiñonez (Guatemala)
Bachelor of Science in Livestock Systems Engineering: Graduated (2009)

Review about Bircham International University:
Estoy contento por el apoyo y el sistema de enseñanza de Bircham University. Me está sirviendo para mi vida personal y profesional porque estoy poniendo en practica todo lo aprendido. Estoy pensando en hacer una maestria el próximo año.


Jose Alejandro Navarro Torres (Chile)
Master of Science in Industrial Engineering: Graduated (2004)
Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Engineering: Graduated (2013)
Magna Cum Laude in Industrial Engineering: Graduated (2013)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Me complace informarles que la Universidad Santa María de Chile en la que ejerzo como catedrático, profesor e investigador ha publicado en sus noticias la obtención de mi doctorado en Bircham International University y el respaldo que esta titulación está teniendo en mis investigaciones.
Fue un gusto visitar las oficinas de BIU en Madrid y tomarme las fotos de doctorado en ellas.


Jose Cerezo Sanchez (Spain)
Doctor of Philosophy in Naturopathy: Graduated (2004)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Yo os estoy muy agradecido, por toda la atención que me habéis prestado desde el primer momento que me puse en contacto con vosotros. Con mis mejores deseos para todo el equipo, os mando un abrazo de amistad.


Jose dos Santos (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Public Administration: Graduated (2009)
Master of Science in Human Resources: Graduated (2010)
Doctor of Philosophy in Executive Leadership: Graduated (2013)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Aceitar a proposta de apresentar o meu testemunho enquanto estudante/mestrando da Bircham University e graduado no curso de Administração Pública, no ano de 2008. Na verdade, foi uma experiência bastante desafiante, pois cumulativamente e sobretudo sem prejuízo das minhas obrigações profissionais e familiareas, foi possível apreender novos e avançados conhecimentos e experiências sobre a Nova Administração Pública em construção. Portanto, sinto-me bastante estimulado e potenciado para o melhor desempenho das minhas actuais funções de Director Provincial dos Serviços da Administração Pública, Emprego e Segurança Social/Kwanza Sul - Angola. Recordo-vos que ainda não recebi o meu Diploma de graduação do Curso de Administração Pública, esperando recebe-lo tão logo seja reconhecido. Finalmente, dizer que tenho estado agradavelmente a receber do vosso Delegado no Brasil, o Dr César Martinez, todo o apoio e as informações necessárias para o desevolvimento do processo de aprendizagem.


Jose Felix Olaizola Garmendia (Spain)
Master of Science in Organizational Psychology: Graduated (2000)
Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resources: Graduated (2003)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Fue estupendo viajar a Madrid para conocer al personal de la BIU y a otros alumnos y festejar juntos nuestra graduación.


Jose Gilberto Guirola Rosales (Guatemala)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Academic Merits: Graduated (2010)

Review about Bircham International University:
Como profesor a cargo de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC) me honra firmar un acuerdo de reconocimiento con Bircham International University para ciertos programas que desarrollaremos en conjunto. Es una nueva contribución al futuro de Guatemala como la que ya publiqué en mi libro: “Una Nueva política urbana para la ciudad de Guatemala: perspectiva urbana en el contexto de la globalización”. NOTA: El Dr. Jose Gilberto Guirola Rosales falleció en el año 2010. DEP (Descanse en Paz).


José Gonçalves Manuel Baptista (Angola)
Master of Science in Human Resources: Graduated (2020)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Meu nome é José Gonçalves Manuel Baptista, ao longo de 4 anos, fui estudante da Universidade Bircham á distância, confesso que não foi uma experiência fácil, porque muitas vezes, pensei em desistir (devido alguns percalços da vida, doença e infelicidade em si). Mas uma voz, incentivadora mostrando-me que todos os problemas são passíveis, que tinha tom de encorajamento foi a do Dr. César Martinez. Hoje eu sou mestre em RH, e com muito orgulho, chamo atenção, a todas as pessoas que podem seguir em frente com a carreira acadêmica, quer seja no seu escritório, em sua casa, até mesmo em um plano de férias. O importante é traçar um objetivo na vida. Com maior dinâmica, já estou inscrevendo-me para o Doutoramento. Obrigado, Bircham, pelo vosso incentivo e apoio!


José Heriberto Baena Bustamante (Colombia)
Doctor of Philosophy in Sacramental Theology: Graduated (2015)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Sinceros agradecimientos por el paquete de grado doctoral qué recibí. Mil gracias por la calificación "Excelente" qué en la Universidad Gregoriana de Roma equivale a "Summa cum laude". Quedé muy contento. Dada la importancia y conveniencia para toda la Iglesia Universal del tema candente de mi tesis, le informo que dicho trabajo ya llegó a Roma y ya se le entregó un ejemplar al Papa Francisco, otro para el emérito Benedicto XVI, otro para el Cardenal Dario Castrillón, Presidente de la Congregación del Clero, otro para el Nuncio Apostólico de Italia, y otro ejemplar para la Sagrada Congregación de Ritos y Sacramentos. Y para nuestro orgullo, ha sido Bircham International University la gestora de mi proceso de mi doctorado. Espero que mi tesis cause un revolcón y una radical reforma litúrgico-sacramental en toda la Iglesia universal.


Jose Ignacio Valaer Rubio (Spain)
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering: Graduated (2010)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
El único recurso realmente importante en mi valor constante como profesional ha sido la fortaleza de mis conocimientos. Esto ha conducido mi vida académica y mi interés por estar siempre formándome. Cuando supe de la magnífica posibilidad que me ofrecía Bircham International University, entendí que debía aprovecharla.
Destaco la colaboración que brinda al alumno, la realidad que consigue acercar estudios de distintas disciplinas a todo aquel, que de verdad, desea aprender, y la seriedad que infiere en su proceder en el hecho mismo del aprendizaje.
Me sumo a su valor de enriquecimiento al alumnado, les agradezco la oportunidad que en su día me proporcionaron para poder finalizar mis estudios comenzados en otra Universidad (de las denominadas tradicionales) y apoyo su capacidad como Universidad que es y debe ser reconocida Mundialmente. No solo como alternativa, sino como una opción de estudio más. Enarbolando el potencial que cada alumno posee y que por diversas circunstancias no ha logrado el reconocimiento de tantos años de trabajo y estudios.


José López Miñón (Spain)
Doctor of Philosophy in Transpersonal Psychology: Graduated (1999)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
A raíz de la obtención de mi graduación en esa Universidad, como Doctor en Psicología Transpersonal, mi vida comenzó a cambiar de forma muy satisfactoria. Tanto mi nivel económico como relaciones sociales han experimentado un positivo cambio. Me siento otra persona. Quienes acuden a mi consulta en solicitud de orientación psicológica o formación personal, tengo la satisfacción de informar que encuentran solución. Agradezco a Bircham University desde el corazón su apreciabilísima aportación a mi nueva vida.


José Luís Freitas Nunes (Portugal)
Bachelor of Science in Sports Training: Graduated (2009)
Master of Science in Sports Training: Graduated (2010)
Doctor of Philosophy in Manual Therapy & Massage - Quantum Healing Therapy: Studying (2024...)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Estoy entusiasmado. Bircham University me ha dado la oportunidad de aumentar mis conocimientos y capacidades intelectuales. Considero que es la mejor inversión que podemos hacer en esta vida. Gracias una vez más.


José Luis Wagener Martinez (Spain)
Doctor of Philosophy in Transpersonal Psychology: Graduated (2014)
Magna Cum Laude in Transpersonal Psychology: Graduated (2014)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Nunca pasó por mi cabeza que a los 73 años, cuando ya casi se ha olvidado la etapa laboral y su diario ajetreo, y se tiene la sensación de que la vida se va deslizando suavemente hacia las últimas etapas, tuviera yo la oportunidad de acceder a un doctorado. Fue el Dr. William Martin, máximo responsable de la BIU en España, quien me metió dentro la inquietud y me animó a dar los pasos para obtenerlo.
Este doctorado ha supuesto mucho para mí. Ha potenciado fuertemente mi trayectoria personal de salir de ese suave deslizamiento hacia las etapas finales de la vida y me ha movido a continuar dedicándome, con mayor entusiasmo todavía, a las actividades propias de quienes buscan hacer de éste un mundo mejor.
Por otra parte, el sistema educativo de la BIU, que sin olvidar la ineludible adquisición del conocimiento pone un fuerte énfasis en la experiencia adquirida en la “Universidad de la Vida” (sin duda la mejor de las Universidades), es un ejemplo que debería servir de modelo a nuestras viejas Universidades, anquilosadas a veces en trayectorias seculares que han evolucionado más bien poco ante un mundo y un ser humano que no paran de cambiar.


Jose Manuel Abad Moya (Spain)
Doctor of Philosophy in Natural Medicine: Graduated (2004)
Magna Cum Laude in Natural Medicine: Graduated (2004)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Me dirijo a vosotros una vez más para daros mis más sinceros agradecimientos por el apoyo prestado durante mis estudios de Doctor Ph. D. en Medicina Natural (2004), con la mención de Magna cum Laude. ¡ Muchísimas gracias a todo el equipo de BIU España ! No puedo agradecer a cada uno de vosotros personalmente, ya que me olvidaría de alguien, así que por extensión… Quiero presentar con mis agradecimiento, respeto y consideración, para el todo equipo de profesores, doctores, catedráticos, y empleados de Birchan International University España. GRACIAS a tod@s !!! Asistir y conoceros en persona a cada uno de vosotros, en la Ceremonia de graduación, fue toda una experiencia enriquecedora. Quiero dar mi testimonio en agradecimiento a todo el equipo de Bircham International University España por los excelentes servicios que se me prestaron como estudiante. Como testimonio de gratitud y eterno reconocimiento a Bircham International University España, por el apoyo que siempre me han aportado, gracia al cual he logrado culminar mi carrera profesional. Y si en un futuro la BIU necesitara de mis servicios y experiencia estaría dispuesto a ayudar para que otros alumnos se aprovechen de mi experiencia profesional.


Jose Manuel Gil Lozano (Spain)
Bachelor of Science in Business Management: Graduated (2004)

Review about Bircham International University:
Completé mi carrera y lo celebré por todo lo alto con mis compañeros en un evento muy ameno organizado por BIU.


Jose María Estévez Laorga (Spain)
Bachelor of Arts in International Law: Graduated (2013)
Bachelor of Arts in Political Sciences: Graduated (2017)
Doctor of Philosophy in Political Sciences: Graduated (2022)
Magna Cum Laude in Political Sciences: Graduated (2022)

Review about Bircham International University:
2013: Tardé diez años desde que me matriculé hasta que terminé mi carrera. Mereció la pena y el esfuerzo. Agradezco a la oficina de BIU en Madrid que preparasen unas fotos especialmente para mi graduación.

2022: He recibido con gran emoción y satisfacción la obtención "Magna Cum Laude" en mi doctorado en Ciencias Políticas. Quiero agradecer el apoyo y dedicación recibida por parte de la Universidad durante todos estos años, en los que me he sentido siempre respaldado, y agradecerle a modo personal sus primeros consejos al comienzo de la realización de la Tesis.


José Martins (Angola)
Master of Science in Environmental Management: Graduated (2010)
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Management: Graduated (2012)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
A qualidade dos cursos e os profissionais de educação da Bircham fizeram a diferença para a escolha por essa instituição de prestigio.


José Moya Blasco (Spain)
Specialist Diploma in Self Defense Instructor: Graduated (2006)
Bachelor of Arts in Self Defense Sciences: Graduated (2010)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Muchas gracias a todo el equipo de BIU! Asistir a la Ceremonia de graduación fue toda una experiencia.


Jose R. Vazquez (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular Cell Biology: Graduated (2006)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Having completed a Ph.D. at Bircham University has opened up many doors in my teaching career. The individual attention given to me by the Bircham University staff helped accelerate the completion of the degree and the feedback received on my thesis helped to shape my paper for publication.


José Tuhafeni (Angola)
Master of Science in Finance & Economics: Graduated (2022)

Review about Bircham International University:
Quero de uma forma resumida, dar o meu testemunho durante o tempo de estudante na Bircham International University (B.I.U). A B.I.U me tornou mestre em Finança e Economia sem precisar de sair de casa. Hoje considero por experiência o ensino a distância muito mais seguro que o presencial. Aprendi a tripla responsabilidade, de estudar, de resumir, e de aplicar com Excelência. Termino assim manifestando a minha satisfação pelo serviço a mim prestado. Bem-haja a B.I.U. Viva o Ensino a Distancia! 


José Valeriano Cristina Alves de Carvalho (Angola)
Doctor of Philosophy in Finance & Economics: Graduated (2022)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Conheci A BIU por indicação de um colega de serviço e amigo Zacarias Ndemutaloneni e mantive contacto imediatamente com o Dr. César Martinez o qual foi muito prestativo no ingresso e durante a minha formação na BIU. Agradeço ao professor e Director da Bircham University Brasil o Dr. César Martinez que me mostrou o caminho a seguir.


Joshua Esteban Segura Barrantes (Costa Rica)
Bachelor of Science in International Business: Graduated (2023)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Obtuve conocimiento en diversos temas, talves falto profundizar m‡s ciertos temas pero entiendo que el programa tiene que ser resumido para abarcar todo lo que se pueda, pero me gusto mucho las clases muy buenos profesores en general. Hubo eso si 1 profesor que no tenia empatia con otros estudiando no recuerdo el nombre creo que es mexicano pero en un comentario negativo ser’a ese
En general me gusto la universidad si no le niego que es bastante cara ya que Costa Rica en si es un pa’s muy caro y yo soy clase media jaja pero por lo dem‡s genial


Juan Carlos Muñoz Torres (Spain)
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering: Graduated (2009)

Review about Bircham International University:
Al margen de reconcimientos externos, el mas importante es el reconocimiento propio, el de uno mismo. En mi caso, todo continua como antes, pero tras completar la titulación de Bircham University uno siente que ha cerrado una puerta que dejo entreabierta y eso repercute en uno mismo, ¿que no está reglada por el ministerio?, da igual, eso solo es para los que buscan empleo público.

¿Cómo ha contribuido Bircham University a mi trayectoria profesional o personal?. Creo que profesionalmente no ha contribuido, al menos en términos cuantitativos de remuneración y cargo dentro de una empresa (aunque nunca se sabe). Donde si ha contruido es en el ámbito personal. Es decir, en cómo uno se siente, aquí el beneficio, al menos en mi caso, ha sido infinito. Supongo que esa satisfacción personal y sentimiento de seguridad también revierte de algún modo en lo profesional.


Juan Carlos Navarro de Calin (Spain)
Doctor of Philosophy in International Business Law: Graduated (2004)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Un placer compartir mi graduación en Madrid con otros doctores de BIU.


Juan Eugenio Colón Cruz (Puerto Rico)
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration - Entrepreneurship Management: Graduated (2013)

Review about Bircham International University:
Gracias por darme la oportunidad de graduarme en Puerto Rico.


Juan Jose Martinez Castillo (Venezuela)
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering: Graduated (2003)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Since my graduation, 2003, I dedicated myself to continue my Master studies in different universities in Spain (University of Catalonia and the University Ramon Llull), 2 master degrees, but more importantly, I engaged in research work in the field the computer engineering. I authored in major global conferences and world congress en computing and telecommunications, in countries like USA, Japan, Russia, Canada, South Korea, Africa and Spain. I think I left the university name on a high note, proving that the Bircham Iniversity can also give true scientific researchers.


Jude Henri Ulises Reyes Pardo (Curaçao)
Opinion about Bircham International University:
I am very happy and satisfied that we have been able to organize the graduation for the students of Bircham International University in Curacao. For most students Bircham International University has brought the opportunity that has been lacking in their life: to achieve the degree, which would take them to the next step. As the Academic Liaison I am proud of all the students who have worked with all of their hearts, to achieve their goals. Thanks to Bircham International for presenting this opportunity of excellence to our students in Curacao.


Julian Percibal Redondo Rodriguez (Spain)
Bachelor of Science in Psychology - Clinical Psychology: Graduated (2001)
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology: Graduated (2002)
Magna Cum Laude in Psychotherapy: Graduated (2002)

Review about Bircham International University:
I am a Australia/Spanish citizen living in Spain. I work in a very reputable hospital in Madrid. The purpose of this letter is to assure that I have completed several degree programs at Bircham International University that have proven really useful in my professional career. I am very satisfied with the services and education received. Bircham University helped me to improve my knowledge and to support my activities with their degrees.


Julio Alfredo López (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in History: Graduated (2005)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Quiero dar mi testimonio en agradecimiento a todo el staff de Bircham International University por los excelentes servicios prestados a mí como estudiante. Bircham International University me inspiró en mi carrera profesional y en mis deseos de continuar educándome, cuando en su brochoure decía: Lo importante no es de donde el estudiante se gradúe, sino, lo que el estudiante puede hacer con su trabajo para darle prestigio a la institución de donde se graduó. Yo trabajo con un low profile profesional con la comunidad Latina en el Condado de Orange, en California, USA. Que Dios les bendiga en este 2009 para que irradien más educación.


Julio Henrique Nhacubangane (Mozambique)
Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering: Graduated (2014)
Master of Science in Project Engineering Management: Graduated (2019)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Gostei muito de ter me formado na Bircham International university. Para alem de Bircham fornecer disponibilidade de alguns curso nao lecionados nas outras universidades, oferece um pacote de atencao ao estudantes incomparavel, em particular agradecer ao Dr Cesar Martinez pela disponibilidade e suporte para o sucesso da minha formacao.


Jusselém Ferreira Sampaio (Brazil)
Doctor of Philosophy in ELT English Language Teaching: Graduated (2019)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Minha tese foi sobre o que uma leitura de livros faz em uma mente. As transformações que o ser sofre. O que este instrumento entre Deus e os homens pode fazer na vida de uma pessoa. Quando comecei a ler há cinco atrás tive que parar devido ao doutorado. Sendo o resultado da leitura a minha tese. Diante deste fato recomeço agora a busca de um resultado já sacramentado pelo meu entendimento e que durará enquanto eu viver. Novos frutos nascerão com certeza. Venho aqui, de coração em todo meu entendimento agradecer plenamente a pessoa do Dr. Cesar Martinez – Setor de Educação e essa grande Universidade chamada BIU – Bircham International University. Ambos comigo deram-me um tempo para que eu terminasse o trabalho e agradecer mais uma vez é pouco. E, digo aqui. Levarei o nome de tão conceituada Universidade por onde eu estiver. E, pasmem. Ainda não abri o envelope. Apenas dediquei ao nosso Senhor Jesus e Deus pela conquista e deixarei para abrir no natal em minha casa onde meus familiares estarão presentes e então enviarei as fotos. Meus sinceros agradecimentos.


Justina Madalena Buta Banganga (Angola)
Doctor of Philosophy in Biology & Life Science: Graduated (2024)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Estudar na Bircham foi um desafio e uma grande oportunidade para poder fazer doutorado. Sendo Mãe e profissional ativa,seria muito difícil um curso presencial. Mesmo sendo uma formação a distância não senti me sozinha, os profissionais Bircham estavam sempre prontos para o devido esclarecimento das inquietações e dúvidas.
Análise e síntese dos capítulos dos livros foram momentos de aprendizagem e atualização de conhecimentos. Os livros atuais com metodologia que ajudou a dissipar as dúvidas e esclarecer melhor. Com certeza foi um grande ganho, saiu com mais bagagem intelectual para melhorar meu trabalho como docente. Muito Obrigada a todos que direta ou indiretamente participaram na minha formação.


Kagisha Felecian (Rwanda)
Master of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2010)

Review about Bircham International University:
My experience at Bircham International University was great opportunity to acquire new friends which made my study easy and enjoyable. The study was online and I had a fear that it would be complicated for me to complete.However my fear turned into joy due to the support from the University administration and staff in as far as study guidance, submission of reading materials, marking of course works on time and submission of my marks. Communication with University Authorities through out my study period was extremely effective and impressive. I therefore take this opportunity once again to extend my sincere appreciation to the University Authorities.


Kalombo Nshimba Daily (Congo D.R.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science: Graduated (2020)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Je suis Enseignant Universitaire et consultant en Informatique. Je suis radieux du système multisectoriel pour la recherche en NTIC et du système de fonctionnement de BIU. BIU m’a poussé à changer mon système de recherche académique et donné une opportunité de décrocher mon diplôme PhD. Je serais toujours reconnaissant et commencerais à encourager cette Université d’aller plus loin possible et orienter ceux (surtout mes frères Congolais-RDC) qui veulent poursuivre les études supérieures pour Adultes et le troisième Cycle.


Kambala Betu Obed (Congo D.R.)
Master of Science in Economics: Graduated (2022)
Master of Science in Business Administration: Admitted (2020)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
La formation à Bircham est atypique et adaptée au professionnel désireux d'approfondir son savoir dans un domaine particulier tout en gardant beaucoup de flexibilité.


Kaneez Fatima Nasir (U.A.E.)
Bachelor of Science in Human Biology - Genetics: Graduated (2006)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
I am very pleased to have received the package. I want to thank you and the faculty at Bircham for your support and cooperation. My experience at Bircham has been both enjoyable and rewarding and there is a lot of learning from this experience that I carry with me for years to come. I will definitely recommend the programs at Bircham to anyone who is looking for a pleasant and rewarding experience.


Karema Guy (Central African Republic)
Doctor of Philosophy in Journalism - Media & Communications: Graduated (2022)

Review about Bircham International University:
Cette formation m’a permis de rafraichir mes connaissances accumuleìes depuis de nombreuses anneìes. Elle a deìveloppeì en moi l’attrait continu pour la recherche scientifique, et enrichi mes compeìtences par de nouvelles connaissances. Grâce aÌ elle, j’ai deìveloppeì ma curiositeì dans un cadre scientifique, et suis alleì jusqu’au bout de ma passion. A la fin, elle m’a confeìreì une leìgitimiteì dans mon domaine de travail.


Karen Dolcy-Joseph (St. Lucia)
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health: Graduated (2014)

Review about Bircham International University:
I have recieved the approval letter granting the scholorship for the balance of the tution. I have attached a copy of the original approval letter from the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Human Services. Also there is so another co-worker who has aslo received a schlorship to pursue studies with Bircham University. Thanks again for all your help and support. It has been so much appreciated.


Kayirangwa Marie Francoise (Rwanda)
Master of Science in Public Health: Graduated (2012)

Review about Bircham International University:
Attending the 2012 graduation in Kigali, Rwanda, was an unforgettable experience.


Kelly Cristina da Silva (Brazil)
Master of Science in Social Psychology: Graduated (2014)
Doctor of Philosophy in Criminology: Graduated (2022)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
2014: A Bircham chega com seu método de ensino a locais como o Afeganistão, ao qual nunca se imagina que pudesse conseguir fazer um curso superior e se graduar, algo que tem que se elogiar muito.
2017: Eu sempre quis muito estudar psicologia, e sempre tive um  talento natural para ouvir as pessoas e dar aconselhamento. Moro e trabalho como voluntária no Afeganistão, e ter estudado com vocês me permitiu trabalhar formalmente na área de aconselhamento, com isso pude ajudar muitas pessoas desse país que sofre com a guerra, e onde a maior parte da população sofre com algum tipo de problema emocional. Muito obrigado por me ajudarem nesse propósito.


Kevin Hill (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering: Graduated (2024)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
BIU was one of the Best University’s I’ve ever attended for a variety of reasons. First, they never let the learner feels as if they’re on their own with no one to consult if they got stuck with a subject or a topic related to the textbooks. Second, I always got prompt response from faculty when I had a question or problem with an issue related to the subject matter at hand. And lastly, they have connections to some of the most prominent agencies known to the professions, e.i., SPE, and other engineering organizations to help one develop their full potential with the career choice they have made. Thanks BIU, for everything and I will keep in touch professionally and academically. Good Luck to all students, past, present, and FUTURE!


Khalid Mahmoud Ismail (Qatar)
Doctor of Philosophy in ELT - English Language Teaching: Graduated (2012)

Review about Bircham International University:
My experience with Bircham University is great and its echoes will go on and on in my life as a teacher and educator. I feel proud when you say that I am one of Bircham University's elite alumni.


Khalifé Samia (Lebanon)
Doctor of Philosophy in Creative Writing: Graduated (2022)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
L’impossible est devenu plus que possible avec B.I.U. Loin de moi eìtait l’ideìe de travailler sur un PhD, même si pour longtemps j’en ai rêveì. Tout paraissait me retenir de faire le pas : le temps, la distance, les moyens et surtout les circonstances qui m’eìtouffaient. Entre temps, j’ai corrigeì une dizaine de theÌses, eìcrit des articles aÌ des professeurs, assisteì aÌ la reìdaction et au deìveloppement de plusieurs sujets de recherches dans des domaines varieìs, scientifiques et litteìraires... je suis même l’auteure de quinze comeìdies et deux livres publieìs... tout cela et pourtant je n’arrivais pas aÌ me deìcider dans quel domaine j’approfondirai mes recherches pour ma propre joie et pour servir aÌ l’humaniteì. Durant la pandeìmie du COVID 19, j’ai deìcouvert B.I.U en navigant sur le web et elle offrait justement ce dont j’avais besoin : un choix treÌs grand de discipline, un follow-up et des reìponses promptes et simplifieìes avec D. Guy Bonem qui m’encourageait et me reìpondait le jour- même. Tout me semblait facile et voilaÌ que je m’y mis. Le rêve devint reìaliteì et je remercie BIU de donner la chance et d’inciter les gens comme moi qui sont deìcourageìs, fatigueìs, peut-être qui ne savent pas par ouÌ deìbuter pour reìaliser ce qui leur tient le plus au cœur: de faire valoir eux-mêmes leurs connaissances pour pouvoir les passer aux geìneìrations qui suivront leurs pas et ont comme eux beaucoup de questions et de rêves pour eux comme pour toute l’humaniteì.


Kiala Alberto Simões da Silva (Angola)
Master of Science in Public Policy & Administration: Graduated (2018)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Sou Kiala Alberto Simões da Silva, quero aqui contar a experiência que eu tive com Bircham. A Bircham Universidade é uma instituição de ensino a distância muito séria e correspondeu as minhas expectativas. Os estudos foram feitos a distância com o envio de todo material de apoio necessário, gostei imenso frequentar esta Universidade. No final de tudo recebi toda documentação incluído todos reconhecimentos consulares.


Kimanuka Ruriho Celestin (Congo D.R.)
Master of Science in Statistics: Graduated (2021)
Doctor of Philosophy in Data Science: Studying (2021...)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Je tiens à exprimer ma satisfaction quant à mon passage à l'Université BIRCHAM INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY et à la manière dont la formation achevée et actuelle est en train d’enrichir mon parcours académique et personnel. Je suis convaincu que mon passage au sein de votre établissement peut témoigner de la qualité de l'enseignement et de l'environnement dynamique que vous offrez aux étudiants. Je suis honoré de contribuer, ne serait-ce qu'à petite échelle, à votre mission de diffuser l'excellence académique et les opportunités que vous offrez.


Kinyua J. Hudson (Kenya)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2010)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
The Bachelor of Science from Bircham University has immensely opened new opportunities for me. I am now up and running and standing tall among other graduates in Kenya. My social rating has increased and I believe this program was a great decision.


Koera Ravelonarivo Natanaël (Madagascar)
Doctor of Philosophy in Human Rights: Graduated (2015)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
J'ai eu la chance de connaître l'Université Bircham. Elle m'a permis de poursuivre mes études en droits de l’homme. C’était donc une grande opportunité pour moi de suivre le programme d'apprentissage à distance qui m’a permis à même temps de vivre ma précieuse vie familiale et aussi de continuer ma vie professionnelle. A Madagascar, les études doctorales en droit sont très limitées et réservées seulement aux relèves préférés des professeurs. L’accès des professionnels, comme les magistrats, au diplôme de doctorat n’est pas évident. Il faut évidemment se déplacer en Europe pour surmonter ce problème. C’est ainsi un atout pour moi de faire mon étude doctorale en ligne avec un calendrier vraiment flexible, avec des livres de qualité pour des étudiants chercheurs, avec des méthodes innovantes d'étude, avec des excellents soutiens tout au long de mon programme. Je remercie le personnel de l'Université Bircham, spécialement Monsieur le Directeur Guy Marc Bonem qui était mon interlocuteur depuis l’inscription jusqu’à l’obtention de mon diplôme. Je souhaite donc, en cette occasion spéciale, offrir mes meilleurs vœux à l’Université BIU d’être couronnée de succès dans la diffusion de l'éducation à l'échelle mondiale.


Kouassi Konan Jean-Claude (Ivory Coast)
Doctor of Philosophy in Artificial Intelligence: Studying (2018...)

Review about Bircham International University:
My paper has been selected for publication by the AIRCC's International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (IJCSIT) that has its headquarters in the USA. The IJCSIT is highly selective and maintains less than 20% acceptance rate. All accepted papers are tested for plagiarism manually as well as by Docoloc. And the AIRCC is the Academy and Industry Research Collaboration Center. I still continue to work on coming papers too in order to write a very convincing Thesis for my Ph.D. at Bircham International University. You can have the full text and more information via the following link:


Layla Cassim (South Africa)
Doctor of Philosophy in Ayurveda: Graduated (2024)
Magna Cum Laude in Ayurveda: Graduated (2024)
Doctor of Philosophy in Yoga Therapy: Studying (2025...)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
It was an absolute pleasure studying at BIU. Firstly, I wish to thank the BIU staff for being so responsive and helpful, and for their professionalism and excellent service at all times. All queries were addressed very quickly and if I ever needed anything, there was always someone who would help. Secondly, I really enjoyed the reading list that was part of the coursework component of my degree (PhD in Ayurveda). Thirdly, I appreciated being able to organise my degree according to my own pace and other time commitments. The BIU format allowed me the flexibility to do this. I will definitely study with BIU again.


Lázaro Miguel Armas Rodriguez (Spain)
Doctor of Philosophy in Spanish Language Teaching: Graduated (2011)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
It is a great pleasure to study in such a respectful university. It is fantastic that we can plan our studies according to our possibilities, but also I want to point out that Bircham is not a universiy for any kind of student. It is for students that are capable of doing research in all possible ways by themselves. This is something I consider one of the most important aspects that Bircham provides to their students. The capacity to become a real professional researcher. CONGRATULATIONS! I am very proud of been one of your students.

Pido disculpas por no haber enviado un correo antes dando las gracias por darme la oportunidad de realizar mis sueños. Ha sido un gran honor y placer el haber podido estudiar en su centro, lo he disfrutado mucho. La forma en que se aprende en Bircham debería ser aplicada en todos los centros de aprendizaje. Permitir que un alumno sea capaz de demostrar su propia capacidad creativa es la representación más fidedigna del constructivismo en la enseñanza, que es en lo que considero debe estar basada la enseñanza de estos tiempos. he leído la carta enviada con los documentos y por supuesto que acepto que mi nombre aparezca en la lista de los graduados en la página web del centro. Es para mi un gran honor estar en ella. Un saludo cordial para todo el personal de Bircham por su buen trabajo.


Lecheron Saturniño Janga (Curaçao)
Bachelor of Science in International Business Administration - Hospitality Management: Graduated (2016)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I am a Bircham University graduate of my Bachelor degree in Science in International Business Administration. Bircham University gave me the so needed confidence. I had to leave the Netherlands and return to Curaçao, without finishing my studies. For that reason I was unable to climb the ladder in the labor market. I will definitely never regret being a member of this honorable establishment: Bircham International University gave me the the chance to make a reality out of my dreams. i am not finished yet, but this is a definite powerful step in the right direction. Thanks Bircham!


Leila Abdul-Hafiz Abboud (Lebanon)
Doctor of Philosophy in Economics: Graduated (2005)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I completed a Ph.D. at Bircham International University and since then I have been appointed teacher of Economics, Commerce and Business for some years at the Beirut Arab University in Lebanon. This university is not only recognized by the Ministry of Education in Lebanon but has also affiliation agreements with many Universities worldwide.


Lele Nkoagne Éric Clement (Mali)
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health: Graduated (2019)
Magna Cum Laude in Public Health: Graduated (2019)

Review about Bircham International University:
I am a United Nations Official in Mali dedicated to Correctional Services and a proud BIU graduate.


Lembion-Legangui Lazare (Congo)
Doctor of Philosophy in Finance & Economics - Economic Development: Graduated (2022)
Magna Cum Laude in Economic Development: Graduated (2022)

Review about Bircham International University:
Pour avoir passeì un peu plus de trois (3) ans aÌ Bircham International University (BIU), j'eìprouve un vrai respect pour les personnes qui suivent avec perseìveìrance la formation dans cette prestigieuse universiteì. La formation dispenseìe aÌ BIU a la speìcificiteì de façonner l'apprenant aÌ une ouverture d'esprit critique et de syntheÌse de la penseìe. Cette scolariteì a le-meìrite d'être largement connue par le monde sur la qualiteì des enseignements, la densiteì de l'instruction et la trajectoire de ses diplômeìs. Cette formation a eìlargi le spectre de mes connaissances et aptitudes en Finance & Economies en plus de mes preìrequis d'Ingeìnieur en Statistique, de Diplômeì d'Etudes Supeìrieures Speìcialiseìes en Assurance et de deux (2) Masters en Economie du Deìveloppement et, en Management des Projets et Programmes. Je recommande vivement, aÌ tous ceux qui veulent approfondir le savoir, cette universit^ dont le systeÌme d'eìtudes concilie souplesse et rigueur.


Letamba Tshoha Jeannot (Germany)
Master of Arts in Geopolitics & Geostrategy: Graduated (2024)
Doctor of Philosophy in Geopolitics & Geostrategy: Graduated (2024)
Magna Cum Laude in Geopolitics & Geostrategy: Graduated (2024)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
J’ai l’honneur de vous faire parvenir, en pièce jointe, la synthèse du livre m’assigné dans le cadre de ma formation et intitulé : Introduction à l’analyse géopolitique : Histoire, outils, méthodes. Sans repaires, j’avoue que j’ai perdu assez de temps à la recherche de ce qui est nécessaire de ce qui ne l’était pas, alors qu’à mon niveau tout était utile. Ce qui me réjouit est que vous savez faire le choix des livres car avec ce seul, j’ai pu comprendre que j’étais loin de la géopolitique. J’en parlais et mentionnais dans mes interventions sans réellement en saisir la vraie quintessence ; bravo !


Liliana B. Chocarro (Canada)
Doctor of Philosophy in Executive Management: Graduated (2005)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
My experience with Bircham University was positive. As a mature student, while looking for the right educational institution, I had to find one that was serious and at the same time provided the necessary flexibility to work towards my Ph.D. I found those at Bircham. The kind of distance program they offered had the advantage of allowing me certain freedom in choosing the topic. In a way I think this lack of stringency at this point is because of their philosophy to put the responsibility on the student. The lack of supervision by the faculty was another point that was different from any other university, so I had to find guidance from other people outside the university. Lastly, the lack of public defense was another unique feature. The final evaluation was done thoroughly according to the comments received by the evaluation panel. In my case, this was a goal I had and Bircham met my needs, which may not be the same for other students wishing to pursue post-doc careers.


Lisette Chandnani-Poppen (Curaçao)
Master of Science in International Business Administration - Organization & Management: Graduated (2016)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
I'm a graduate Master in Business Administration from Curacao. We just had our graduation ceremony 15th of October 2016. I would like to thank all of you for such a beautiful moment and celebration, and I want to thank Mr. William for all professional information, help and understanding which has helped our study course. Thanks to the BIU degree I got a very important job opportunity! I would thank u from my heart to get a good life opportunity for me and my family.


Lorenzo Salamó Grau (Spain)
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Law: Graduated (2002)
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering: Graduated (2010)
Magna Cum Laude in Environmental Law: Graduated (2003)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Que entrañable experiencia asistir a la graducación de Bircham University en Madrid en 2005, y recibir mi doctorado.


Lorraine Kay Petitti (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology: Graduated (2001)
Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work: Graduated (2012)
Magna Cum Laude in Counseling Psychology: Graduated (2002)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I completed the last course for the social work degree. I just wanted to express how much I enjoyed doing the courses and how much I appreciate the help given to me. This has been such a positive experience for me and it's great achieving what I've wanted for some time. Thanks again.


Lucio Sungo Puati Tomás (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Human Resourses: Graduated (2010)
Master of Science in Organizational Psychology: Graduated (2011)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Eu Lúcio Sungo Puati Tomás, formado no Mestrado em Psicologia Organizacional na Bircham University, consegui a aceitação do meu diploma obtido na Bircham para fazer o meu Doutoramento em Projectos na Universidade Internacional Iberoamericana (UNINI) do México, no qual estou cursando neste momento, o que me trouxe uma enorme alegria. A nossa família deu o voto de confiança na Bircham e a retribuição em conhecimento e êxitos recompensou muito a escolha.


Luis Alberto Bolaño Heller (Chile)
Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Engineering: Graduated (2008)
Magna Cum Laude in Industrial Engineering: Graduated (2008)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Me he sentido muy bien el saber como ustedes han continuado mejorando la gestión de Bircham y que se ha plasmado en su acreditación, terrenos para la construcción de un edificio institucional, contacto de acuerdo con universidades de otros países entre otras gestiones, lo que habla muy bien de Bircham. Con Bircham University siento haber concretado una de mis decisiones y anhelo más grande de mi vida, que fue sacar mi doctorado y poder entregar mis conocimientos a  los alumnos a quienes he dedicado toda mi vida de docencia.


Luis da Silva Oliveira Filipe (Portugal)
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering: Graduated (2008)
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering: Graduated (2009)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Graças á Bircham University acabei de fazer uma pós-graduação na universidade de direito de Lisboa.


Luis de Oliveira Guerreiro de Matos (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Accounting: Graduated (2008)
Master of Science in Business Management & Consulting: Graduated (2012)
Doctor of Philosophy in Financial Management: Graduated (2019)
Magna Cum Laude in Financial Management: Graduated (2019)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Ter a Bircham não só como uma instituição de ensino na qual se estuda, mas também formar uma grande família acadêmica é uma realidade que ela conseguiu fazer com muito mérito e trabalho árduo.


Luis Enrique Lacayo Sanchez (Nicaragua)
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Management: Graduated (2004)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
La graduación de BIU fue un evento entrañable. No olvidare mi visita. Gracias.


Luis Fernando da Conceição Pereira (Portugal)
Bachelor of Science in Occupational Safety & Health: Graduated (2004)
Doctor of Philosophy in Occupational Safety & Health: Studying (2006...)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
A educação à distancia demanda aplicação, responsabilidade e dedicação aos estudos. Nesse aspecto a Bircham tem dado muito apoio aos estudantes na motivação, solução de dúvidas e suporte suficiente para que a formação durante o curso seja o mais agradável e organizado, com isso o estudante se sente mais capaz para realizar o sonho da sua graduação no ensino superior.


Luis Geovani Gomez Oliva (Guatemala)
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration: Graduated (2010)
Bachelor of Science in Legal & Social Sciences: Graduated (2014)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Orgullo de obtener mi doctorado en Bircham International University.


Luis Giovanni Castañeda Ramirez (Colombia)
Specialist Diploma in Transpersonal Psychology: Graduated (2016)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Buenas tardes, acabo de recibir los documentos enviados, entre ellos el diploma de graduación y las notas, les quiero agradecer a todos ustedes por todo el aporte que me hicieron durante este tiempo de estudios, mil gracias Lorena Cano, William Martin e Irene Fernandez, y a todo el equipo que conforma la Bircham University. Mil y mil gracias, y me despido no sin antes, y acudiendo a la carta recibida, ofrecer mi ayuda como graduado especialista en Psicología Transpersonal para tutorias en las que consideren puedo colaborar a otros alumnos. Les envío un fuerte abrazo desde Colombia.


Luis Mubebe Meno (Mozambique)
Master of Science in Industrial Engineering: Graduated (2024)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Minha experiência na Bircham University foi extremamente enriquecedora, proporcionando uma formação sólida em engenharia industrial através de um currículo flexível, sua metodoligia de ensino e adaptável às minhas necessidades profissionais. Na Bircham University, adquiri conhecimentos fundamentais e desenvolvi habilidades práticas essenciais para enfrentar desafios reais no campo industrial. Esses aprendizados já estão gerando resultados significativos em minha organização, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento do meu país.


Luis Orfay Cabrera Valarezo (U.K.)
Bachelor of Science in Hotel Management: Graduated (2021)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Solo para comunicarle que he recibido un email con la calificacion de la tesis. Tambien para agradecerle por toda la gran ayuda que usted muy amablemente me brindó desde el principio. Como usted bien sabe, llevo viviendo en Londres desde el año de 1994 y cada vez que iba a Ecuador mis padres de una manera cariñosa me decian que saque un título universitario, porque todos mis tios, primos, hermanos, etc., que son muchos alla en Ecuador lo tenian, y yo siempre por el precio, la duracion y el miedo a perder el dinero en caso de fallar no lo hacia, pero indagando en el internet encontré Bircham que me facilitó mucho para obtener esto. Yo por mi parte no voy a trabajar en hoteleria porque estoy super contento con mi trabajo en Uber, pues me gusta mucho conducir, y la flexibilidad es incredible, puedo escojer el horario que quiera, y la paga es super buena, incluso ahora mismo con esta pandemia de promedio, pero si voy a seguir estudiando para no ser un egresado mediocre, este año estoy estudiando italiano y el proximo año estudiaré Frances y el proximo portugues, asi tendré 5 idiomas en mi cabeza, idiomas que alguna vez los tuve, pero a falta de practica, las neuronas encargadas de retener esta informacion se durmieron, pero las estoy despertando, eso espero. Ahora mismo en coursera estoy haciendo un programa de cinco cursos, (IT SUPPORT) luego estudiaré computer science y artificial intelligence (Hovard edX) que será mas o menos un año, para luego por edX seguir con Electric Cars una serie de 6 cursos en Delft University y si hasta este momento todo sale bien, terminaré haciendo un master en Chalmers university of Technology (serie de 7 cursos). Como vé, tengo un camino trasado, pero hasta ahora le doy la alegria grande, inmensa y emocionante a mis padres de ya haber conseguido un Degree, y eso gracias a Birchan y en especial a usted. Estoy en deuda con usted, por ello me siento obligado a decirle que si alguna vez desea viajar a Londres como ya lo he dicho antes, aca tiene un chofer ejecutivo que sin costo alguno se ofrece a ser su personal driver por todo el tiempo que desee quedarse, a usted y sus seres queridos, que espero esten bien de salud.


Luisa Silvia Barbosa Fernandes (Portugal)
Bachelor of Science in General Psychology: Graduated (2020)
Master of Science in Clinical Psychology: Graduated (2022)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Gostei muito de estudar com a Bircham, por serem estudos à distância, conseguiram me proporcionar estudar em casa e fazer os meus próprios horários. 


Lussala Kinkela (Angola)
Master of Science in Petroleum & Natural Gas Production: Graduated (2024)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Eu sou Laurinda Bandu, esposa do Lussala kinkela, tesmunho que o meu marido tinha muita angústia de terminar este curso e ele tem paixão mesmo. Ele cada vez se fechava no gabinete a fazer os relatórios todas tardes dos dias laborais e nos sábados, Domingos, mas Deus lhe deu a força e consegui alcançar os objetivos. Que Deus todo poderoso seja louvado. Recomendo a Bircham.


Luz Divina López Nieves (Puerto Rico)
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology - NLP: Graduated (2009)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Me place grandemente mi graduación y creánme, estaré en disposición de servirles a ustedes y de referir personas para su capacitación a través de su programa. No soy experta en la modalidad de internet, por lo que les agradezco la paciencia que han tenido conmigo.


Lydia Kemunto Matoke (Kenya)
Doctor of Philosophy in Herbology & Phytotherapy: Graduated (2016)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
I thank BIU to have offered me my degree program. PhD in Herbology and Phytotherapy has given me a lot of confidence and competency in my practice. The study and success has also given my clients and communities around confidence in my service. Personally, I thank BIU for giving a relaxed period of studying.


Mª Teresa Glez. de Echavarri S. Cuesta (Spain)
Doctor of Philosophy in Marketing & Communication: Graduated (2012)

Review about Bircham International University:
Conseguí mi Doctorado PhD en Marketing y Comunicación en BIU, soy profesora de Marketing en ESM y también de BIU, y como directora de ESM preparo nuestras Graduaciones, a las que nos acompaña BIU desde 2012. Mi experiencia en todos los campos como Directora, profesora y Doctora PhD de Bircham International University, son muy positivas y enriquecedoras, por su alto nivel y exquisitas relaciones profesionales y personales, por su calidad humana. La profesionalidad de todo el equipo de BIU, hace que trabajar con ellos sea muy enriquecedor y fácil. Su internacionalidad y practicidad en todas las áreas, así como su contante innovación y mejora en todos los campos del aprendizaje, son un gran valor para todos los que formamos parte de su red de antiguos alumnos y colaboradores. Desde aquí mi enhorabuena por la labor realizada y mi agradecimiento.


Mahmud Kaber Khalili (Afghanistan)
Master of Arts in International Relations: Graduated (2016)
Doctor of Philosophy in Peace Studies - Military Strategy: Studying (2017...)

Review about Bircham International University:
I rather enjoyed the model of education that Bircham provided for me as it gave me the time and the peace of mind to write my reports and thesis in my own manner, not rushing me and not putting me under any kind of pressure. I believe that in the end, my thesis really adds to the academic discussion about Afghanistan, it's present and it's future. I thank the Bircham staff, especially Ms. Diana Simpalean, for always being in touch with me when I needed my questions answered and thank you to Bircham for giving me the opportunity to get a Master's degree in such efficient way.


Maiwand Wahedy (Afghanistan)
Master of Science in Renewable Energies: Graduated (2021)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
2019: I want to express my gratitude to all BIU colleagues from the depth of my heart for their support during my study careers in all arrangements for the graduation, and for on time release of my MSc. Degree. While thanking BIU for the wonderful opportunity provided to me to complete my Master's Degree in Renewable Energies, I am equally grateful to my family for their generous moral support. Without all these caring supports and the ideal flexibility provided by the BIU's study program, it was not possible for me to achieve my educational goal.
As an alternative to traditional education, BIU’s distance learning programs increase recognition. In fact, recent technological developments have made distance learning and on-line education to become smart learning and a better choice versus traditional education, especially for working professionals.  I feel so lucky that I enrolled with BIU and completed my semi-distance studies while continuing my work and enjoying my life with family at home.  
I strongly hope that Afghanistan will be peaceful, and I will be able to benefit from my experience and knowledge of the topic gained during my studies for rehabilitation, education and prosperity of my nation as a member of the global community.
I am happy to be a graduate of the BIU and highly recommend this unique distance learning university to any prospective student.
It is my pleasure to inform that two of my research papers have been accepted and published recently in the International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science under the name of BIU. I also dedicated the papers to BIU. You can access the manuscripts from the links below:
2024: Finally, my degree is being attested by MOHE of Afghanistan, without your cooperation, I was unable to reach my goals. I also prefered to share my degree Attestation Final Report into your kind perusal.


Majib Tager Awe (Guatemala)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2011)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Como un testimonio de gratitud y eterno reconocimiento a Bircham International University, por el apoyo que siempre me han brindado y con el cual he logrado terminar mi carrera profesional, siendo para mí, la mejor de las satisfacciones, sabiendo que jamás existirá una forma de agradecer en esta vida de lucha y superación constante, deseo expresarles que mis esfuerzos y logros han sido también suyos y que gracias a Bircham International University se han abierto otras puertas para mi futuro profesional. He continuado preparándome con una Maestría en National Business School y por consiguiente ligado a Bircham University aportando en mi desarrollo personal y profesional para ser más competentes en este mercado laboral.


Mamoudou Moussa Sow (France)
Doctor of Philosophy in Finance & Economics: Graduated (2017)

Review about Bircham International University:
Mon expérience avec Bircham International University a commencé lorsque je fus affecté en France en tant que énarque sénégalais (ENA), Conseiller d’ambassade du Sénégal à Paris, Régisseur des bourses au Service de gestion des étudiants sénégalais à l’étranger (SGEE), à Paris, France. En effet, compte tenu de mes responsabilités et le milieu dans lequel j’évoluais, j’avais la volonté de reprendre mes études. Malheureusement, beaucoup d’offres en enseignement supérieur disponibles, sur place, n’étaient pas compatibles avec mon travail. Il faut dire que j’ai d’abord validé un Master 2 en Finance d’entreprise avec comme spécialité : stratégie et expertise financières au CNAM de Paris. Mais cela ne comblait toujours pas mes envies car je voulais aller plus loin qu’un Master. Et c’est là que j’ai découvert BIU à travers internet. Très vite sa pédagogie m’a séduit et les échanges que j’ai eus avec le staff de BIU m’ont convaincu de déposer une candidature pour un Ph.D. en Economie et Finance qui fut acceptée. Aujourd'hui avec un Ph.D. en Economie et Finance en poche, je suis un homme heureux d’avoir accompli un vieux rêve et outillé pour mieux servir son pays, le Sénégal. D’ailleurs le thème de mon sujet de thèse : le financement de l’économie sénégalaise : les fonds souverains comme modèle et les partenariats publics privés comme stratégie illustre bien cette ferme volonté de servir mon pays. En tout cas, je serais un fervent défenseur de BIU auprès de mes collègues énarques sénégalais qui souhaiteraient poursuivre leurs études tout en continuant à travailler pour leur pays. Plus globalement, je pense que la « formule BIU » c'est-à-dire étudier tout en restant chez soi, constitue une voie de salut pour les pays africains soucieux de se doter de cadres compétents et bien formés, car l’envoi de cadres africains pour se former à l’étranger à montré ses limites avec les fuites de cerveaux nombreuses ces dernières années. C’est pourquoi, j’exhorte tous les pays africains à réfléchir sur le modèle de BIU. Encore une fois de plus, un grand Merci à tout le personnel enseignant, d’encadrement et technique de BIU.


Manuel Francisco da Silva (Netherlands)
Bachelor of Science in Logistics: Graduated (2022)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Tive uma experiência excepcional na Universidade Bircham. Começando com ingresso onde foi-se feito algumas exigências necessárias para o seu ingresso. Ao longo dos 4 anos do meu estudo, foi um desafio tremendo onde felizmente tive um mentor bastante paciente. Quero aqui também elogiar o sistema de ensino a distância onde os métodos usados ajuda bastante o aluno enquadrar-se devidamente na matéria e com tempo suficiente de reflexão. Término a encorajar todos aqueles que pretendem aumentar o seu nível académico a ingressarem a UB porque aqui encontrarás oportunidades para o seu sucesso. Agradeço o sr César Martinez por ser meu mentor e encorajar-me a não desistir.


Manuel Sebastiao Martins (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering: Graduated (2009)
Master of Science in Operations Management: Admitted (2007)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
I first of all want to thank the student board and all those that made part of the Bircham University organization. I am done with BSC and feel very proud of Bircham University and myself. As student in Bircham University I have learnt to do things by my self. I believe that we all have the capability to achieve thinks that seems to be harder to get, for me Bircham University is the most relevant university ever. I recommend every body to enroll at Bircham University. It is the best. Now that I have my diploma in hand I am getting a better position in the company.

Since I completed the Bachelor Degree of Science at Bircham University I have gained much more confidence in my self and I feel that I am ready for most relevant positions in my company. Bircham University gave me the change to further my study while working. Bircham University is great opportunity for many people still fighting to work and study. It is not only the diploma but I have learned a lot and even I can learn many thinks by my self due to the habit of reading that I gained when I started with Bircham University program. It really helped me. I would recommend Bircham University for any student looking forward to further her/his study.


Maptue Toguem Victorine (Cameroon)
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health: Graduated (2021)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Eìtudier aÌ Bircham International University est une chance extraordinaire pour tous ceux, comme moi, cherchent aÌ allier le travail et les eìtudes et surtout qui cherchent aÌ recevoir une formation de qualiteì incontestable. En effet, la possibiliteì de suivre un PhD en Santeì Publique, apreÌs avoir fini un Master en Sociologie et un Master en Santeì publique, est une expeìrience inoubliable et absolument utile pour mon parcours professionnel. Cette formation a eu un grand impact sur mon travail et ma personnaliteì. Nous avons eu la chance d’apprendre aux côteìs des enseignants hautement qualifieìs, et de beìneìficier des eìtudes d’une haute qualiteì. La forte organisation et le professionnalisme de l’eìquipe de Bircham International University assurent un support ferme aÌ l’encadrement continu tout au long de l’anneìe acadeìmique. L’encadrement et l’attention porteìs aÌ chaque eìtudiant avant et pendant la ceìreìmonie de remise de diplômes sont exceptionnels. Je suis profondeìment reconnaissante aÌ l’eìquipe de Bircham International University qui a eìteì toujours aupreÌs de nous, afin de nous guider et contribuer aÌ notre formation avec une rigueur ineìgalable.


Marcellin Kitambala (Rwanda)
Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resources Management: Graduated (2013)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Today it's a special day in my life. I am very happy to share my joy with all of you. Since 2010 when I joined my coursework studies at BIU until today 2013. In short, I have completed my Ph.D. studies with a Grade of Excellent, it means 3.8 of 4 (81-90%) in coursework and 4 of 4 (91-99%) in Thesis (defence and the contents). I am telling you, it was not easy, working and studying. I have spent so many nights without sleeping normally, and week ends were not the time for enjoying but the time for studying. Once again thank you very much and may God bless you.


Marco Claudio Turco (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Rural Development: Graduated (2007)
Magna Cum Laude in Rural Development: Graduated (2007)

Review about Bircham International University:
Well done to Bircham University on the steady progress that is the university is making. I have always been happy that I studied with Bircham University -- it fulfilled all the requirements I needed to ensure that I could keep working -- often in difficult Developing Country situations for the UN, and then I also want to remark the incredible support Bircham University gave me when the State University of New York's Human Resource Department tried to get rid of me because of the non-USA CHEA accreditation of Bircham University. The senior administration of SUNY did not agree with their Human Resources Department and I remain a Professor there.


Marco Tulio Illescas Flor (Guatemala)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2009)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
¡Una experiencia inolvidable! Muchas gracias.


Marcos Mazzuka Petitta (Spain)
Doctor of Philosophy in Anti-Aging Therapy: Graduated (2015)
Magna Cum Laude in Anti-Aging Therapy: Graduated (2015)

Review about Bircham International University:
Mi experiencia en BIU, ha sido muy satisfactoria debido a que en el programa de Doctorado que realicé de Terapia Anti-Aging, me encontré con la posibilidad de realizar un análisis profundo sobre las componentes más importantes en los que se debería sustentar esta especialidad, anteponiendo en todo momento mis conocimientos y experiencia. La evaluación fue con alto sentido crítico por parte de los monitores del doctorado así como el enfoque hacia la aplicación práctica de esos conocimientos. Como tesis final recibí el estímulo por parte de la BIU en concretar un proyecto que tenía desde hacía mucho, la realización de mi libro ‘Los 5 Equilibrios de la Salud’, donde explico las bases bioquímicas de la función celular y los equilibrios que deben existir para que todo el entramado molecular logre funcionar en perfecta armonía.
También me he convertido en profesor de un novedoso programa de Experto, Máster y PhD en Medicina Regenerativa Celular con el que quiero, con el respaldo de BIU, proporcionar a los profesionales de la salud nuevas herramientas concretas y respaldadas por numerosas publicaciones científicas.


Maria Calvo Aguiló (Spain)
Specialist Diploma in Self Defense Instructor: Graduated (2006)
Bachelor of Arts in Self Defense Sciences: Graduated (2010)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
¡Qué bonita graduación! Acudí desde Valencia con todos mis compañeros que también se graduaron.


Maria de Assunção Rogério Fernandes (Mozambique)
Doctor of Philosophy in International Law: Graduated (2024)
Magna Cum Laude in International Law: Graduated (2024)

Review about Bircham International University:
Chamo-me Maria de Assunção Rogério Fernandes, Moçambicana. Ingressei na BIU em Novembro do ano 2022, mas a pesquisa pela Universidade iniciou no mes de Junho do mesmo Ano, com apoio do meu querido Marido Joao Paulo Zaqueu. No principio fiquei numa tremenda incerteza da Legitimidade da Instituição, mas apartir do momento que foi-me encaminhado para trabalhar com o Dr César Martínez, um homem muito prestativo, flexível , comunicativo que dinamizou de imediato o meu proposito, fiquei tranquila.
Estudar na BIU foi uma boa experiencia na medida em que tive uma boa interacção com o Professor, fornecem livros de apoio, há assessoria do tutor no momento da Tese . Enfim, não senti a distancia da Universidade.


Maria de Lourdes Domingos (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Occupational / Industrial Safety & Health: Graduated (2013)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Sinto-me rigosijada por ter concluído o meu curso pela  BIU, onde consegui não só aumentar o meu nível de conhecimentos, mas também melhorei muito no meu desempenho profissional. Considero a BIU uma instituição excelente para a formação a distância.
Estou bastante grata pela atenção e dedicação que o senhor Martinez prestou-me durante a minha formação. Desejo bons êxitos a BIU e que continue a melhorar conforme tenho acompanhado pela internet (Facebook).


Maria Diaz de la Cebosa (Spain)
Opinion about Bircham International University:
I am the CEO of CIS - Center for International Studies. For several years Bircham International University provided the degrees for I&M (International Management) Executive BBA & MBA. I&M acquired the CIS (College for International Studies) in 2000. In 2004 BIU & CIS decided to walk on different directions while preserving an excellent institutional relation. Many of the I&M and CIS management and teachers hold BIU degrees. CIS, The College for International Studies and Endicott College entered into a credit recognition affiliation agreement. Endicott College is accredited by the USA New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC).


Maria Eduarda Walters de Lima (Mozambique)
Bachelor of Science in Public Health - Gerontology: Graduated (2024)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Foi bom fazer o curso com a BIU, uma forma inovadora de estudar. Os alunos tem autonomia de escolher o curso e o tempo para estudar. Obrigada a todos!!!


Maria Elena Gonzales de Guzman (Guatemala)
Opinion about Bircham International University:
Bircham University contribuyó en mi formación profesional de una manera excelente, ya que en la empresa
donde trabajo el tener una Maestría es símbolo de superación y esfuerzo. El esfuerzo valió la
pena puesto que me ascendieron y esto vino a llenarme de satisfacción!


Maria Fortuna Teixeira (Angola)
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology: Graduated (2013)
Master of Arts in Legal Science: Admitted (2010)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Fico muito feliz em dar entrada dos meus documentos o Ministério onde trabalho aceita sem problema os certificados, declarações e diploma da BIU, digo por experiência própria graças a Deus. Fui seleccionada para o curso de official. Aquele abraço!


Maria Guadalupe Velasco Ocampo (Spain)
Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology: Graduated (2001)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Fue una gran experiencia poder asistir a la graduación de Madrid.


Maria Piedad Casas Otoya (Colombia)
Master of Science in Organizational Psychology - Executive Leadership: Graduated (2020)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Ayer recibí la comunicación de BIU sobre la evaluación de mi tesis, me sentí muy feliz de haber logrado cumplir la meta final y especialmente por el incondicional consejo y apoyo recibido. Mil gracias por tanta persistencia e interés en no dejar que abandonara el barco en la etapa final y obtener mi Maestría después de tantos años.


Maria Verônica dos Santos Aragão (Brazil)
Doctor of Philosophy in Botany & Plant Science: Graduated (2020)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Meus agradecimentos ao professor César Martinez pela atenção, responsabilidade, disponibilidade e também à Bircham pelo incentivo ao aprendizado e ao conhecimento através da leitura, uma excelente experiência e recomendo.


Marina Lluch Pons (Spain)
Specialist Diploma in Self Defense Instructor: Graduated (2006)
Bachelor of Arts in Self Defense Sciences: Graduated (2010)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
¡Qué éxito poder graduarme! Gracias a Bircham International University.


Marizete Neves de Oliveira (Brazil)
Doctor of Philosophy in Aromatherapy: Graduated (2022)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Agradeço à BIU pela oportunidade de cursar um doutorado internacional com elevados padrões de aprendizagem e ensino.


Marlon Alexy Rosales Vásquez (U.S.A.)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2023)
Master of Science in Financial Management: Studying (2023...)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
He tenido una excelente experiencia con Bircham Executive College. He podido ver el avance en mi vida profesional, ya que me ha ayudado a apalancarme dentro de mi lugar de trabajo, y he podido ser beneficiado con 2 promociones durante los últimos dos años.
La combinación de trabajar en casos y poder desarrollar las clases con profesionales que están activos dentro del sector empresarial, financiero, de Recursos Humanos y otros, hace que las clases sean interactivas y enriquecedoras. Me gusta mucho que el personal de BEC son muy amables y muy accesibles, comenzando con el Director Ejecutivo. La exigencia académica es exigente y garantiza el aprendizaje de las materias. Yo he recomendado BEC a muchas personas, y agradezco que mi hermano me recomendó continuar mis estudios con BEC. Los maestros son excelentes, Juan, Paty, Diego Monzón, Nelson, Felipe, y muchos más.


Mary Wambui Kamina (Kenya)
Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology: Graduated (2009)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I am  proud of my Bircham University degree, despite some issues here and there in Kenya. I hope one day we shall be fully recognized.


Marzena Wrzesien (France)
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics: Graduated (2012)
Specialist Diploma in Genetics: Graduated (2012)
Doctor of Philosophy in Aeronautical Technology: Graduated (2015)
Doctor of Philosophy in International Law: Graduated (2016)
Magna Cum Laude in International Law: Graduated (2016)
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics: Admitted (2006)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
2012: I have enjoyed studying at Bircham. Why was this experience so rewarding First of all I could study the subjects I like in my own time while working. The content is clearly specified yet it leaves a lot of liberty for individual creation. I would have no hesitation to recommend the University to potential candidates.
2016: I would like to take this opportunity to thank the BIU Team for the support through the years. I guess my time spent with Bircham International University comes to an end but I will surely stay in touch as I would like to publish certain works and I will keep you informed. I appreciate the flexibility of submitting the assignments and thesis as well as the quality of your professors evaluation. I wish you further success in your distance learning concept and execution.


Mason R. Robison (U.S.A.)
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy: Graduated (2002)
Master of Arts in Philosophy: Graduated (2012)
Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy: Studying (2006...)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Very Cool... I have learned more via Bircham University than any university or college previously attended... Thank you so much for your efforts in making Bircham University a lasting investment for me...


Mayra Fernanda Caraccioli Osorio (Honduras)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2024)
Master of Science in Business Administration: Studying (2024...)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Hola mi nombre es Mayra Caraccioli trabajo para Alorica Honduras. Estoy estudiando licenciatura en administración de empresas con un diplomado en finanzas en BEC. Soy madre y hace mucho tiempo que había querido retomar mis estudios y cuando escuché de BEC en mi trabajo no dude en pedir información he inscribirme. Me encanta que tienen clases en línea y presenciales. Pero con las clases en línea me han dado la oportunidad de seguir siendo mamá, trabajar, y estudiar sin descuidar a mi hija. BEC tiene profesores altamente calificados, pensum personalizados y un excelente servicio al cliente.
BEC me ha ayudado a desarrollar habilidades y aprender muchísimo para mí crecimiento profesional.
No duden en comenzar o retomar sus estudias ya que BEC es sin duda su mejor opción.


Mbengya Nyekuma Kopita (Congo D.R.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering: Graduated (2024)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Mon cursus universitaire s'échelonne sur la formation d'ingénieur en Electricité
Industrielle (1972), d'ingénieur de 3ème niveau en Electromécanique (1999) et enrichi d'expériences professionnelles diversifiées me propulsant vers les études concluantes de Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering de 2019 à 2024.
La méthode de recours aux livres assignés préalablement sélectionnés par un conseil
académique de professeurs et complétée par des réalisations professionnelles afin d'en produire
des synopsis déclenche un défi majeur se présentant sous trois tableaux à brosser:
1. Prise d'élan à consulter des
ouvrages complémentaires catalyseurs de rédaction concise;
2. Application de nouvelles connaissances acquises suscitant l'amélioration de systèmes
3. Adaptation des réalisations à la technologie accessible.
Ce qui constitue de l'incrémentation liée à notre capacité effective de raisonnement et de résolution des problèmes.
Tel est succinctement le savoir-faire découvert et expérimenté toutes les cinq années d'études au sein de Bircham international university. Je ne peux que remercier tout le corps
professoral, toute l'administration académique sous la présidence de Deric Bircham pour leur compétence, leur disponibilité et leur sens d'innovations exigées par les contraintes futuristes.


Meireluce Fernandes da Silva (Brazil)
Doctor of Philosophy in Earth Sciences: Graduated (2011)
Magna Cum Laude in Earth Sciences: Graduated (2011)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
It is a great honor to be included among the Bircham University's alumni. I also trust that the more Bircham University succeeds the greater will be the consideration of my degree. I want to thank the staff and members of Bircham University.
Technical Adviser of the Office for International Cooperation
The Brazilian Space Agency-AEB


Melanie Orr (New Zealand)
Master of Arts in Metaphysics: Graduated (2009)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Services to the human kind: Graduated (2020)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
It was with immense joy, and an enormous honour, to receive the Degree from Bircham International University. Life’s learning process to get to this stage has been long and arduous, however the support, and recognition now conferred upon me by Bircham International University I now see as a lifetime acknowledgement of my career, work and calling.


Mgbokwere Christian Nwabueze (Spain)
Bachelor of Arts in International Law: Graduated (2011)

Review about Bircham International University:
It was great to visist BIU Madrid Office and take a graduation picture with my wife fully dressed with a cap and a gown.


Mgbokwere Queen Ogechukwu (Spain)
Bachelor of Arts in International Law: Graduated (2011)

Review about Bircham International University:
It was great to visist BIU Madrid Office and take a graduation picture with my husband fully dressed with a cap and a gown.


Michael Wayne Juckes (Canada)
Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology: Graduated (2022)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
For all potential students considering Bircham International University I want to testify to what I have experienced as most excellent and highly rewarding.  I have found this university to be nurturing and supportive of all that
I have wanted to become in  the field of psychology.  BIU has exceeded all my expectations and i recommend this university and want to express my greatest regards for the professionalism that the faculty and staff have afforded me
As a fellow member of the American Association for HIgher Education and Accreditation we share a common bond that has been more than professional and has been friendly and helpful in my educational goal to achieve my
doctorate in philosophy with a major in counseling psychology. Once again i would like to sing praises of BIU and express my deepest appreciation for all that this university has done for me.


Michel Charlemagne (U.S.A.)
Master of Arts in International Law: Graduated (2021)
Doctor of Philosophy in Diplomacy: Graduated (2024)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
C’est avec un sentiment du devoir accompli que je viens de décrocher mes deux diplômes à BIU, respectivement Master en droit international et humanitaire et de mon Doctorat en diplomatie.
Par ailleurs, je dois exprimer mes gratitudes envers l’équipe des dirigeants et responsables administratifs de ladite université d’avoir structuré les cheminements de telles tailles pour l’épanouissement des nouvelles valeurs professionnelles à travers le monde. Je dois témoigner mes satisfactions pleines et entières de votre université qui fait de moi aujourd’hui Docteur en diplomatie malgré mes possibilités économiquement limitées. En effet, cette même occasion de la graduation à Miami m’a permis de rencontrer personnellement le CEO Dr. William Martin, avec j’ai eu l’opportunité de communication couramment et d’exprimer mes profonds satisfactions en prenant ensemble des photos de souvenirs. Enfin, j’aimerais dignement apporter ma contribution entant que diplômé de BIU afin cette œuvre soit profitable aux futurs étudiants d’une génération à d’autres.


Mira Sartika (Indonesia)
Master of Arts in Ancient History: Graduated (2012)
Doctor of Philosophy in Genetics: Graduated (2017)
Magna Cum Laude in Genetics: Graduated (2017)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I am Mira Sartika from Indonesia. I graduated with Master Degree from BIU in 2012. I am proud to announce my publication based on my thesis of my Master degree earned from Bircham International University. Please visit
My book is entitled The Map of Civilization - A Geocultural Synthesis. The book will be on display in Frankfurt Book Fair 2015. Warm regards.


Miruho Cirhuza Romuald (Italy)
Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology & Psychopathology: Graduated (2020)
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health: Graduated (2021)
Magna Cum Laude in Public Health: Graduated (2021)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Après rna première formation avec BIU, voici mon point de vue sous forme de témoignage.
"BIU est une Université Intemationale avec orientation multidimensicnnelle parce que visant UNE FORMATION PERSONALISEE. Pour le doctoret en psychologie, la formation nnest pas limitée à une seule thérapie (TCC, psychothérapie systénnique, humaniste,, intégrée, etc...) mais donne la chance à chaque doctorant d'évoluer et de progresser avec ses idées personnelles appuyées par l'équipe des formateurs de BIU. Ainsi, à la fin chacun devient spécialiste dans son orientation car après avoir présenté son projet de thèse, trne fois accepté, certains cours sont proposés au doctorant pour approfondir son argumentation ainsi que polr compléter sa fonnation en vue d'acquérir aussi des crédits universitaires supplémentaires.


Mohamed Warsame Ashkir (Somalia)
Master of Science in Finance and Economy: Graduated (2015)

Review about Bircham International University:
It was a new day in my life, when I open my inbox and got my thesis result which I was waiting and thinking about in last week for what result and grade it will be, although I was working under difficulty circumstance and limited time. While i am happy and exciting of completing this course for partial of my objective I wish to continue to reach my goal and develop my career and life capacity and add-value my community and overall our world, I really appreciate you your encouragement and support. I would like to express you my highest gratitude, once again.


Mohammad Nader Yama (Afghanistan)
Bachelor of Science in Executive Leadership: Graduated (2010)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Bircham University is earning more credibility and playing an important role to provide a wonderful opportunity to adults across the world, in particular, to the countries that have no access and less chances to be able to proceed with their education in Europe, US and other parts of the world. We are enormously happy seeing us undergone and finished our education in such a prestigious university known across the world, and yet seeks to serve the more to have a knowledge-based world.


Mohammad Samir Hossain (Bangladesh)
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychotherapy: Graduated (2004)

Review about Bircham International University:
You know very well what Bircham University did for me! I could never gain further knowledge and learn to research if Bircham University were not this much positive about helping in gaining knowledge, not just degree! It was you who taught me that. I have enough international recognitions and a Dr. title, so why should I seek a PhD if I do not seek knowledge. My eyes were opened and I agreed for all text work required by my PhD. Now I am matured enough to find my way to Harvard or Johns Hopkins. I have two hypotheses of my own from my research and two theory books one of which has already been recommended to be adopted at University of Memphis Library for researchers and clinical students. I am the first Muslim and also eastern person to conduct such a research on death (according to the Editor of the Famous Death Studies journal of Taylor and Francis). All these are rooted to my interactions with Bircham University. There are references behind the statements too. My research thesis and later publication has been adopted by Bangladesh College of Phisicians & Surgeons library. My research was also endorsed by the Royal College of Psychiatrist at London and the Department of Psychology of the University of Memphis (USA). These are the comments from Robert A. Neimeyer, PhD, Department of Psychology of the University of Memphis about my Research Thesis and later publication. “I am pleased to inform you that in my role as a Professor of Psychology at the University of Memphis, I have recommended the recent book by Dr. Mohammad Samir Hossain, Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychiatry of your medical college, entitled Quest for a New Death: Death and Adjustment Hypotheses, for adoption by our university library.”


Mohammed Salah Hussien Basha (Egypt)
Specialist Diploma in Health Care Management: Graduated (2008)
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health: Graduated (2012)

Review about Bircham International University:
I am Mohammed Salah Basha from Egypt, a Ph.D. graduate from Bircham University. I have two news that I felt should share with the university. First, I have two subjects published in The encyclopedia of Crisis Management, published by Sage publications in March 2013. At time of writing I was still studying at the university my Ph.D. and attached is a scan of the list of contributors with the Bircham International University listed as my university. Second, I am accepted as a speaker in the next World Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine that will be held next May in Manchester by the World Association of Disaster and Emergency Medicine. My presentation is quite related to my Ph.D. research study at the university and I will be proud to wear the university pin I received in my graduation ceremony because I am really proud of your university that I graduated in. Please accept my thanks all at Bircham University and please pass my special thanks to Dr.William Martin whom I had the opportunity to meet with in Cairo last year in a graduation ceremony. My discussion with him was really very fruitful and helped me a lot thereafter in planning my path.


Monika Reitmajerova (Czech Republic)
Specialist Diploma in General Psychology: Graduated (2016)
Expert Diploma in Philosophy & Critical Thinking: Graduated (2017)
Master of Science in Psychotherapy: Studying (2017...)

Review about Bircham International University:
Bircham university teaches me every day to the responsibility and organization.  I like it very much! I recommend it to everyone who struggles with responsibility, because this distance learning will definitely guide you to the right path!


Mono Mafuta Katusevana (Angola)
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering: Graduated (2018)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Sou Mono Katusevana engenheiro mecânico pela universidade Agostinho Neto em Angola e Mestre em mecânica pela Bircham internacional University, foi uma boa experiência durante a minha formação e o que mais me marcou no Bircham foi a pronta intervenção dos professores sempre que tivesse alguma dúvida, por isso, aconselho viverem está experiência. Grande abraço a todos.


Muhammad Siddique Ali (Pakistan)
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering: Graduated (2010)

Review about Bircham International University:
Thanks for invitation letter. Thanks for clarifying my concerns. I am preparing my papers to apply for visa, I booked my flight and I will see you soon in Madrid to celebrate at the graduation.


Mujawayezu Agnes (Rwanda)
Master of Arts in Community & Social Development: Graduated (2012)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
I was very glad and proud to receive my degree in front of my family in Rwanda. Thanks BIU!!!


Mukalalirya Kambale (Congo D.R.)
Expert Diploma in Political Sciences: Graduated (2010)
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Economic Sciences: Graduated (2011)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Bircham University est véritablement une grande famille. Votre message m'encourage à travailler dur afin d'être courronné dans un proche avecnir du diplôme de Docteur PhD de la grande université véritablement internationale B.I.U.


Mukandayambaje Dative (Rwanda)
Master of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2011)

Review about Bircham International University:
I sincerely appreciate the way Bircham University offers services to the students in methodic way. I promise to always do my best to inform all of those in need of self accomplishment and realize through distance learning. Whenever I plan to go ahead with any other specialization that will be Bircham University preference.


Munir Alejandro Sabas Shajhuan (Honduras)
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry: Graduated (2006)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
When I finished my university studies in the faculty of chemistry at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras I was immersed in the world of work, then over time came the children and the opportunity to continue my postgraduate studies were very difficult. University researcher found Bircham International University and I realized that they offered just what I needed. Your staff is first rate and my queries were always answered in good time and very polite. That way I complete my Ph.D. in Chemistry.Thanks to my graduate diploma could find a job opportunity with the Universidad Tecnologica de Honduras as Professor of Industrial Chemistry class. Where I've been working since more than 5 years. I am pleased to recommend Bircham International University as the best option to continue graduate studies. Bircham University thank you very much!!


Munzir Omer Elawad Awaad (Saudi Arabia)
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering: Graduated (2009)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I am very happy and satisfied with Bircham University. Now I am maintenance manager for heavy equipments workshop. I learned a lot with Bircham University and I hope one day I can come to visit Bircham University in Spain. Please keep contacting me.


N’Gouari Bibila Levrai (Congo D.R.)
Expert Diploma in Marketing & Communication: Graduated (2022)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Les mots me manquent pour exprimer ma joie auprès de Bircham, une histoire qui commence par un doute et finit par me rendre heureux car, une simple recherche sur Google me lie à Bircham et change ma vie, aujourd’hui Bircham fait de moi une autre personne un expert et demain une autre personne encore car, c’est un challenge. Merci Bircham pour tous les moyens efficaces mis à la disposition de tous les étudiants afin d’être des nouvelles personnes pour le monde demain.


Nader Ahmed Rajab (Bahrain)
Master of Arts in Sociology: Graduated (2014)
Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology: Graduated (2014)
Magna Cum Laude in Sociology: Graduated (2014)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I would like to submit my application to your esteemed university to study the PhD (Doctor) in the field of Sociology. I have been a researcher and lecturer in the past 10 years in the fields of history, cultures, human development as well as political science and human rights. I attended many regional and international conferences and forums delivering several research papers, presentations and speeches in the mentioned fields. I was a board member for 3 consecutive terms in the most renowned cultural research center in the Kingdom of Bahrain. As an accomplished corporate strategist, I thank BIU for this valuable opportunity. I’m already promoting studying at BIU for all those who can benefit from BIU’s method of corresponding study.


Naira Zhora Khachatryan (Armenia)
Master of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2011)

Review about Bircham International University:
I would like to thank the whole Bircham University team, all those who supported me and thanks to whom I have felt me a part of Bircham University since the first day of studying. Time spent with Bircham International University is a part of my life full of major events: I simultaneously acquired my second bachelor degree at Engineering University and gave birth to my second child. Studying at Bircham University raised my self-esteem and helped me feel firm ground under my feet. I proved me myself and people surrounding me that even having 2 little children and working full-time, it is possible to get an on-line degree, acquire knowledge, and bring life up to higher standards. With my deepest regards to the whole Bircham University staff.


Nathanaël Lewkowicz (Israel)
Bachelor of Science in Microbiology & Immunology: Graduated (2017)
Master of Science in Hydraulic Engineering: Graduated (2018)
Expert Diploma in Aeronautical Technology: Graduated (2018)
Doctor of Philosophy in Project Engineering - Hydraulic Engineering: Graduated (2019)
Expert Diploma in Military Engineering: Graduated (2019)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
2018: En espérant avoir trouvé en vous, un certain confident, je voulais vous remercier pour votre humanité et professionnalisme...
Je m'explique : Alors que je ne comprenais pas de ce que vous me vouliez, et même je dirais, qu'alors vous me derengié quant' à l'étude que je voulais réaliser..., Je suis tellement content que vous aillez été têtu et insisté pour me faire étudier ce qui était convenable d'étudier..., Et je continue a expliquer : Pour ce qui est de la gestion, j'ai fait des recherches, sur internet et bibliothèque universitaire, et j'ai trouvé une quantité satisfaisante de documents pour me permettre de rédiger pour la thèse, une partie convenable de cette thèse. Et particulièrement, sur la gestion de l'eau... Merci .


Nathanaël Lewkowicz 2 (Israel)
Review about Bircham International University:
2018: En espérant avoir trouvé en vous, un certain confident, je voulais vous remercier pour votre humanité et professionnalisme...
Je m'explique : Alors que je ne comprenais pas de ce que vous me vouliez, et même je dirais, qu'alors vous me derengié quant' à l'étude que je voulais réaliser..., Je suis tellement content que vous aillez été têtu et insisté pour me faire étudier ce qui était convenable d'étudier..., Et je continue a expliquer : Pour ce qui est de la gestion, j'ai fait des recherches, sur internet et bibliothèque universitaire, et j'ai trouvé une quantité satisfaisante de documents pour me permettre de rédiger pour la thèse, une partie convenable de cette thèse. Et particulièrement, sur la gestion de l'eau... Merci .


Ndombele Sinda Serafim (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Robotics & Automation: Graduated (2015)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Levei muito tempo a pesquisar sobre instituições de ensino superior a distancia, para poder concluir o curso universitário que comecei na universidade António Agostinho Neto em Luanda, infelizmente não encontrei nenhuma instituição que satisfazesse as minhas aspirações, mas por fim encontrei a Bircham internacional University, mantendo contactos com o Doutor Cesar Martinez, o qual foi muito prestativo no ingresso e durante a minha formação na BIU.
A BIU possui métodos de ensino bastante inovadores muito diferentes dos métodos tradicionais que atualmente são empregues em muitas universidades. Cada estudante que se matricula na BIU atendendo o seu curriculum, é um caso, tem um programa diferente dos outros, a seleção da bibliografia é excelente e esta em conformidade com o conteúdo programático. Na BIU o estudante aprende a saber pesquisar e localizar informações para o conhecimento, basicamente o estudante não é ensinado, mas sim ele aprende.
O conhecimento adquirido na BIU permitiu-me catapultar profissionalmente. socialmente, sou um homem novo com uma filosofia também inovadora sobre o mundo em que vivemos, tenho orgulho de mim mesmo e só me resta a agradecer a todos profissionais da BIU pela sua dedicação incondicional.


Nelly Nduta Ndirangu (Kenya)
Bachelor of Science in Counseling Psychology: Graduated (2012)

Review about Bircham International University:
Actually Bircham International University is my mother of education. I have been able to move on very well. With this knowledge I have founded this Non Profitable organization. 
I am the Director and one of the Co-founders of the above foundation in Kenya where you may review my contribution to the society. Thank you Irene and BIU team.


Nelly Sereya Konchella (Kenya)
Bachelor of Science in Organizational Psychology: Graduated (2011)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Will it be possible for one to graduate again? It would be wonderful for me to graduate again in the presence of my lecturers, family members and friends who were not able to make it to Namibia, to share my success.


Nelson Manuel Carvalho Silva Lima (Portugal)
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychological Research: Graduated (2001)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Academic Merits & Excellent Career: Graduated (2000)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
La Bircham University - con 20 años en el mercado - es una universidad globalizada y de aprendizaje a la distancia y eso es un de sus problemas antes los gobiernos. Es una excelente universidad legalizada pero es una universidad alternativa, no formal y con dificultad de reconocimientos goubernamentales debido a las universidades formales y sus lobbies que impiden su reconocimiento junto a los ministerios. Uno de mis cursos ha sido obtenido en la Bircham hace 10 años y no tuve problema en el mercado laboral. Hoy soy profesor en una universidad en Brasil, investigador en Alemania y presidente de una empresa científica en América. Es el curriculum total del alumno que debe ser tenido en cuenta. Es lo que hago en my empresa. El mundo esta cambiando y muchas otras universidades alternativas como Bircham están llegando al mercado. Y atención: muchas universidades reconocidas son de baja calidad.


Nicole Patrice Johnson-Smith (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in English Language Teaching: Graduated (2009)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Many colleagues ask me where I got my doctorate and how long it took, as well as the costs. While I began in 2000 with the program, I chose Bircham because at that time, I was interested in teaching in the United States as well as overseas. I was also interested in doing research in education and language development. Bircham's program was perfect for what I wanted to do.  Then, life happened...I was married and had children, and my education was no longer the priority, so it took much longer than I wanted it to.  However, my choice in Bircham for my Ph.D was the best thing because the flexibility it offered allowed me to take my time while finishing my doctorate. Even when I thought I was not going to finish, the staff at Bircham continued to encourage me and remain patient while they understood life's interruptions, and it made me more determinied to be finished. Best of all, the staff always offered help, suggestions, encouragement, and just kept me in the loop with information on program changes and anything else going on at Bircham. When I finally finished the program, I was touched to find that I still receive emails remembering my birthday, emailed newsletters with updates on Bircham, and I was very happy to know that the people I consulted with were still there to communicate with me when I had questions. Thank you, Bircham -- you made my doctorate attainable and helped me every step of the way!


Nils Alexis Forsblom (U.S.A.)
Master of Science in Systems Analysis & Design: Graduated (2019)
Doctor of Philosophy in Telecommunication Engineering: Graduated (2019)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I wish to thank Professor William Martin who’s encouragement and constructive criticism were an invaluable support in writing this thesis. His positive and encouraging push was incremental due to my energy levels and health. I'm extremely grateful for that!
I also wish to express my gratitude to late Professor Pentti Kouri for many stimulating and useful discussions which inspired me to combine science and art to abstract new ideas. Professor Pentti Kouri equally thought me how to apply wide perspective to any given question or problem.
I wish to thank Dr. Vesa Viitaniemi for encouraging me to pursue theoretical sensor computing as the major field of my doctorate thesis.
I wish to thank my colleagues over the years for dynamic conversations, great insights, and rewarding challenges. I also wish to express my thanks to people of the Institute auf dem Rosenberg and University of Amsterdam for getting me interested in computers and encouraging me to pursue technology as field of my research and work.
Words can not express my deep gratitude to my loving parents Ritva and Kaj Forsblom for their strength, everlasting support, and encouragements. I wish to thank my brother Frej Forsblom for his support. It is to my family, that I dedicate this thesis.


Noelia Novo Martin (Spain)
Master of Science in Coaching: Graduated (2017)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Fue una ceremonia emotiva, en la que pudimos disfrutar de los logros alcanzados durante el curso rodeados de familiares y amigos. Un momento de celebración en el que se vio recompensado el esfuerzo realizado durante el año.


Noor Aslan Arsalan (Austria)
Bachelor of Science in Psychology - Neuro Linguistic Programming: Graduated (2010)
Master of Science in Clinical Psychology: Graduated (2013)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I just wanted to thank Bircham International University for giving me the chance to be part of your fine organization. Studying in Bircham University has been a delight so far, as I hope it will be at the end. I do believe that BIU is one of the best distance learning programs out there, it's just so unfortunate that people have it implanted in their heads that if you made your studies over a distance learning program, it's not legit.


Nsekampoze Theophile (Rwanda)
Master of Science in Health Care Administration: Graduated (2012)
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health: Graduated (2015)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Receiving a Master’s & Ph.D. degree was an outstanding accomplishment. Sharing this moment with my family and friends made me feel so proud!!! Thanks.


Nsengumuremyi Abel (Rwanda)
Master of Science in Business Management: Graduated (2007)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Surely, and undoubtfully, the Bircham University masters is an added value. It added to me respect by workmates, as my views are now articulated better and more convincing. Moreover, other doors of opportunities keep opening to me; only the sky is the limit. I am lecturing "Principles of Auditing & Internal Control" and "Production & Operations Management" at Byumba Polytechnic Institute, an Institution of higher learning which issues Bachelors degree in Management. This is a true testimony, and I'm very grateful to Bircham University.


Nsimba Nzita Jules (Congo D.R.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Management Information Systems: Graduated (2024)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Il est toujours possible d’atteindre un objectif qu’on s’est fixé lorsqu’on a choisi de parcourir son chemin avec un partenaire rassurant. Bircham International University (BIU) est le partenaire sûr que j’ai eu la chance de rencontrer dans ma vie. Par ses méthodes d’enseignement adaptées à tous les niveaux, elle m’a permis à réaliser le plus beau rêve de ma vie. A 57 ans, elle m’a amené au plus haut sommet de la science. Par le dévouement, le courage et la détermination que je me suis donnés durant mes trois années de formation et grâce à son encadrement, ses enseignements, ses conseils et encouragements, j’ai appris l’endurance, la patience et l’espérance.

Aujourd’hui, ma vie connait une nouvelle tournure. Le parcours avec BIU m’a ouvert plusieurs horizons. Je suis admis dans la plus prestigieuse sphère de la science. Je dis merci à cette magnifique université ainsi qu’à l’ensemble de son personnel et invite tout celui ou celle qui n’a pas encore trouvé le bon chemin à suivre, de choisir Bircham International University qui fait bénéficier à ses étudiants d’un enseignement à distance de qualité dans plusieurs domaines.


Nyembo Biyule Jacques (Congo D.R.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering: Graduated (2019)
Expert Diploma in Ecology: Graduated (2024)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Il me revient l'honneur a ce moment de solennité et de fierté scientifiques de remercier les autorités de BIU pour l'organisation impeccable des programmes académiques d'un haut niveau défiant toute concurrence scientifique; la quelle organisation m'a permis de conduire valablement et avec succès ma recherche de thèse ayant pour thème "Circuit de terre d'immunisation des transformateurs de puissance contre les courants de fuite et le déséquilibre des phases sur le réseau de distribution MT/BT" (cas des installations électriques de la Société Nationale d’Electricité en République Démocratique du Congo), jusqu'à l'obtention du diplôme de docteur en Ingénierie Electrique avec mention grande distinction. Aussi, BIU reste une université qui permet aux apprenants une refondation mentale et la culture du résultat. Bien plus ,j'ai été bénéficiaire d'une bourse d’études partielle octroyée par BIU, ma considération particulière à leur endroit est incommensurable.


Octave Semwaga (Rwanda)
Master of Science in Strategic Marketing: Graduated (2006)
Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Management: Graduated (2008)
Expert Diploma in Herbology & Phytotherapy: Admitted (2003)
Magna Cum Laude in Agricultural Management: Graduated (2008)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Outstanding professional career: Graduated (2012)

Review about Bircham International University:
2012: I have the pleasure to inform you that Bircham University helped me to open a door which would have continued to be close to me forever. Indeed, in Rwanda, nobody is entitled to teach at any university as a lecturer he/she does not have at least a Master’s Degree. I was dreaming to be a university teacher but I was not seeing how as wherever I was trying to get a scholarship I was failing and the end, I also feared to loose my job by going outside my country to get the degree. Fortunately, I got Bircham University address. In almost two years, I got a Master’s Degree in Strategic Marketing. Without any delay, I have put my degree in front of universities and one of them allowed me to teach many subjects among them Marketing. I have reached my dream!!!! Thanks Bircham University. May God bless your founder forever!!!!

2017: I am ready to say to anyone who may contact me that at BIU I have not only studied books but life. The teaching methodology of BIU is the one needed in this World where practice is better than theory. Prescribed books, examination system permit the leaner to finalize his/her program mastering the subject despite that he/she a distance learning program. At BIU, a student reads theory, he/she is given well selected examples where that theory was applied and its results and he/she can see him/herself how to use that. What else can anyone expect from an education program?
Long life to BIU!!!!


Oliver Duku Wani (Kenya)
Bachelor of Arts in Community & Social Development: Graduated (2013)

Review about Bircham International University:
I would like to thank the Administration of Bircham International University first and far most for having granted to me partial scholarship as they understood the situation of our country South Sudan that has been in wars from 1955 until we got our independent from the North in 201, July.9. Unfortunately, another conflict has befallen us due to poor system of governance. Nevertheless, BIU degree program has widen my knowledge on the common characteristics of economic growth theory & development practice across the globe, and provision of social service/work in an environment of shifting responsibilities and paradigm through development policies and practice. It has exposed me to know more about the varying applications of theories and practices on development around the world,which made me able to comprehend and articulate both social and development issues in candide and professional perspective. Generally, the knowledge i have acquired made all round leader in development aspects,and has raised the level of my understanding in all aspects of life and has improved my performance in public Office and discussions in social arena; if not because of financial constraints caused by the armed conflict in our beloved Country South Sudan, i would wish to pursue my MA degree on international Development or Sociology in order to enhance my profession /expertise to become resourceful internationally.


Olukemi Olufunmilola Asemota (Namibia)
Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resources Management: Graduated (2010)
Magna Cum Laude in Human Resources Management: Graduated (2010)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I was so happy! Not only for receiving a doctorate degree but also for the recognition of my research work with a Cum Laude.


Omid Reza Kashti Arai (Portugal)
Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology: Graduated (2023)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Thank you so much for everything ,you and your team were so corporative and nice. Studying with Bircham International University has taught us dedication and discipline.


Omolo Nelson Maguti (Rwanda)
Bachelor of Science in Project Engineering Management: Graduated (2012)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I really enjoyed receiving my degree at the graduation hel in Rwanda by Bircham International University.


Omran Ahmad Al Zuabi (Qatar)
Expert Diploma in Optics: Graduated (2020)
Master of Science in Optics: Studying (2024...)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Bircham International University provides higher education online with a traditional image. It offers highly specialized and good quality study programs. It is one of the best universities in which I studied. Bircham International University has guided me to challenge the difficulties that I met in my academic journey. I found the highest sincerity and dedication in BIU. So allow me to thank BIU.


Oscar Alberto Alvizures Galdamez (Guatemala)
Bachelor of Science in Livestock Systems Engineering: Graduated (2010)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Quiero compartir con todas aquellas personas que lean este comentario mi experiencia personal. Yo, como ganadero, afirmo que los conocimientos adquiridos en la carrera me han sido de un valor incalculable ya que técnicamente he mejorado muchísimo en la producción ganadera en mi finca. Quiero invitar por este medio a todos aquellos Ganaderos que quieran mejorar sus conocimientos y su auto-estima a que cursen la carrera de Ingeniería en Sistemas de Ganadería. Se darán cuenta que la técnica es un complemento super importante con la practica.


Otto Eugenio Rolando Paiz Balcarcel (Guatemala)
Master of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2013)
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration: Graduated (2017)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Soy el director de la Escuela de Negocios San Jose en Guatemala que abrió sus puertas en septiembre 2015, en las Instalaciones de Liceo Mixto San José de Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa, Guatemala.
Agradezco a Bircham International University por todo su apoyo y esperamos en Dios seguir creciendo y ser una institución de renombre a nivel nacional.
Ya hemos empezado... ¡En 2016 tuvimos nuestra primera graduación!
Nuestra visión es ser una Escuela de Negocios reconocida dentro del ámbito académico como una institución que brinde la mejor educación a nuestros estudiantes, coadyuvando al desarrollo de nuestras comunidades, egresando a profesionales de éxito a través de nuestros sistemas educativos y Método del Caso, con la finalidad de lograr auténticos ciudadanos para que se desarrollen integralmente y vivan una vida futurista.


Ouattara Siata ép. Sakanoko (Ivory Coast)
Expert Diploma in Finance & Economics: Graduated (2020)
Specialist Diploma in Public Policy & Administration: Graduated (2021)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Les études à BIU m’ont été fortement instructives à plusieurs égards. D’abord, la méthodologie à la fois discrète et efficace, m'a permis de nourrir ma curiosité intellectuelle et d'être stimulée par des supports diversifiés et riches. L’encadrement personnalisé, d'une qualité évidente nous amène à explorer en profondeur nos centres d'intérêt et nos potentiels. D’un diplôme d’expert en Finances et Economie, je n’ai pas hésité à poursuivre les études pour une spécialisation en Politiques Publiques et Administration. A travers ces études, j’ai appris à développer un regard critique et original, tout en me donnant les clés de compréhension des grands enjeux internationaux qui sous-tendent la plupart des sujets d'actualité. Elles m’ont également permis de comprendre les ressorts de l’action publique dans le monde contemporain. J’ai développé une rigueur intellectuelle et des capacités de rédaction qui me seront certainement très utiles non seulement en ma qualité de sous-directrice dans la fonction publique mais aussi et globalement, dans ma carrière professionnelle et ma vie au quotidien. J’ai participé à d’autres formations à distance, en ligne et en comparant, j’avoue que les conditions de travail à Bircham International University sont les meilleures et plus adaptées aux professionnels. Le sérieux y est, la célérité aussi, les promesses tenues et le personnel administratif au petit soin. Grand Merci à toute l’équipe !


Pablo Eliseo Navarro Caceres (Chile)
Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics: Graduated (2018)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
2019: El programa de doctorado entregado por Bircham International University es una iniciativa educacional que se desarrolla mediante el uso de tecnología virtual, con el objetivo de que los profesionales de distintas áreas podamos acceder a una instancia sistemática de formación académica y profesional, ya que, de acuerdo a los tiempos y las distancias, es muy difícil acceder de manera directa. Este programa de estudios de postgrado es muy útil debido a que las instituciones de educación superior requieren de profesionales capacitados en temas de formación académica, profesional y de investigación. En mi caso, este programa me entregó las herramientas necesarias para el desempeño competente y significativo de actividades de docencia e investigación, para contribuir así al proceso educativo.
2024: Les comento que mi Doctorado fue validado por La Universidad de la Frontera de Chile, lo cuál me llena de alegría y felicidad. Estoy muy agradecido por la buena disposición prestada para lograr esta validación.


Pamela Achieng Aullo (Kenya)
Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Psychology: Graduated (2010)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I felt appreciated as an allumni of Bircham University. I am satisfied with my education inspite of the problems we have had in Kenya regarding Bircham University certificates.


Pankrasius Olak (Italy)
Doctor of Philosophy in Transpersonal Psychology - Counseling Psychology: Graduated (2018)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Transpersonal Psychology: Graduated (2018)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Excellent personalized University! That is my experience with Bircham International University during these three years of learning. BIU responded to my every need thus helping me to deepen my knowledge of transpersonal counseling psychology. I was a working student, stationed in Rome and I could study from my room, connecting online and being helped by so many generous experts in this field of learning. Thanks to my self-disciple, I complete my work within three years. However, without the help the director and all the staff of BIU who were ready to respond to every question I asked, I would not have made it. Therefore, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of them. In the special way, I want to express my gratitude to my advisory team who helped me to complete my dissertation. Dr. Douglas MacDonald, one of the prominent contributor in the field of transpersonal psychology, Dr. Joy Tungol and Dr. David Reid. I also want to take this opportunity to thank all the professors and writers from whom I learned a lot and with some of whom I was able to be in personal contact: Dr. Jorge Ferrer in transpersonal psychology, Dr. Jeannette Gagan, licensed psychologist who bridges the gap between psychology and spirituality, Dr. Christina Puchalski who contributes a lot to integrating spirituality into health care, and Lenore Norgard, certified shamanic counselor who shared her experience of transforming the globe with shaman rituals and dancing. Thank you to all of you and to the many persons who facilitated my own transpersonal experience while deepening my knowledge in transpersonal psychology in Bircham University.
I want to inform about the publication of my paper in a Scientific Journal. Here is the link:


Paola Georgina Monzón Calvío (El Salvador)
Opinion about Bircham International University:
Cursar el Master in Business Administration, sin duda ha sido una de las mejores oportunidades que se me ha presentado en mi vida, poder realizar mis estudios con una Universidad tan prestigiosa como lo es Bircham International University por sus siglas BIU, ha hecho que mi conocimiento como profesional alcance un nivel impresionante que sin duda solo se puede encontrar en Universidades con un nivel académico alto. Viviendo en El Salvador, es muy difícil encontrar un verdadero estudio de calidad, gracias a International Business Managemente Institute representantes de BIU, mucho de los salvadoreños han conocido un estudio de primer mundo, la ventaja de estudiar en BIU radica en su metodología de estudio y en la oportunidad de establecer su Universidad en diferentes países del mundo, ya que puedes trabajar al mismo tiempo que estudias y no debes dejar tu trabajo para irte a estudiar a otro país, el estudio está en tu propio país. La metodología de Análisis y Resolución de Casos Reales te beneficia de una manera extraordinaria ya que puedes aplicar lo que estas aprendiendo ya sea en tu lugar de trabajo o en un proyecto a futuro en el que quieras invertir. En mi caso me encontré afortunada de poder tener un buen aprendizaje, me ayudo a desarrollar de mejor manera mi trabajo sobre todo en la optimización de los recursos por lo cual recibí un ascenso a Gerente Comercial, al igual me ayudo conocer mejor a mis colaboradores y en vez de solo ser colaboradores darme cuenta que son piezas claves en la organización y que debemos de encontrar la manera de adaptarnos para un mejor desempeño en las labores. Considero que esta experiencia ha sido más que gratificante, la cual me ha inspirado a ampliar mi aprendizaje y a valorar el estudio desde otra perspectiva, no quiero dejar de estudiar, pues no quiero dejar de aprender. Gracias Bircham International University.


Pascoal Miranda (Angola)
Master of Science in Agriculture Management: Studying (2009...)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I am studying slowly due the fact that I have many works to do during these months. But you must know that I am very happy with my studies because the first book about sustainable agriculture is very good and the second linked to the agribusiness is also very relevant to my working environment. So apart of the reduced time of studies I will participate in IACO (Interafricane Coffee Organization) meeting in Ghana where I will speak about the project that I am coordinating. This project have some successes due the fact that I have changed the coffee pruning months that had resulted in less time required for the beginning of flowering.


Patricia Solange Pires Candeeiro Cardoso (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Earth Science & Geology: Studying (2008...)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I am glad to belong to Bircham International University. Now I can continue my studies and become me an excellent professional.


Patrick D. McClafferty (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Creative Writing: Graduated (2021)
Magna Cum Laude in Creative Writing: Graduated (2021)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
At 72 years old, I thought my educational days were far behind me. Thanks to Bircham International University, I found that this wasn’t so, and I can now cross off a Ph.D. from my personal bucket list. As a prolific writer, I found that Bircham was one of the few places that would accept my published writing as credit toward a PhD in Creative Writing, without having to spend $40,000 and an additional several years of work. At my age, time is a definite consideration. The staff have been a pleasure to work with, and the scholarship offered by Bircham was also a plus. If you are thinking about a PhD, or Doctoral certificate, consider Bircham International University.


Patrick Majela dos Santos (Brazil)
Bachelor of Arts in Film Direction & Production: Graduated (2020)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Estudar na Bircham, para mim, foi uma experiência incrível. Tive a oportunidade de adquirir conhecimento de grandes mentes e, ao mesmo tempo, poder fazer isso no meu próprio ritmo. Sou grato pela jornada trilhada até aqui e que me abriu portas para outras etapas da minha vida profissional.


Paulo Rogério Pedroso Jacovick (Brazil)
Master of Science in Transpersonal Psychology: Graduated (2024)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
A minha experiência foi muito positiva no mestrado de Psicologia Transpessoal na Bircham. O ponto principal para mim foi a escolha do material base de estudo. Foi muito útil e prático para minha formação e desenvolvimento.


Pedro Augusto Báez Díaz (Spain)
Review about Bircham International University:
Las graduaciones normalmente son la culminación de una etapa pero en la ESM Tenerife esos momentos se convierten en una nueva puerta que se abre en el camino de los profesionales que durante años han depositado la confianza en esta institución para encauzar su futuro empresarial. El aporte que da Bircham International University a la carrera empresarial de cada uno de los graduados es de inestimable valor y de incalculable potencial. Llevo veinte años asistiendo a las graduaciones y en cada una de ellas me doy cuenta que una nueva promoción de profesionales están en disposición de aportar valor a nuestra sociedad y a nuestro futuro empresarial. Muchísimas gracias por hacerme participe de estos momentos. Pedro Augusto Báez Díaz, Profesor de ESM y BIU.


Pedro Ayuso Sierra (Spain)
Bachelor of Science in Natural Health Sciences: Graduated (2003)
Doctor of Philosophy in Chinese Traditional Medicine: Graduated (2005)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Asistí a la celebración en Madrid con otros graduados de la BIU. Fue un evento muy entrañable en el que pasé un buen rato y pude celebrar el respaldo académico que he conseguido para mi profesión.


Pedro Fonseca (Angola)
Master of Arts in Criminology: Graduated (2021)
Doctor of Philosophy in Legal Science: Graduated (2024)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Eu sou o Pedro Fonseca recém formado pela BIU no curso de mestrado em criminologia, foi uma experiência espetacular, aprendi e ultrapassei os obstáculos que tinha para o enquadramento da matéria, graças ao grande leque de mestres e formadores que conformam a BIU. Terminamos com êxitos graças ao trabalho aturado da equipa de trabalho.


Pedro Henriques Garcia (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering: Graduated (2024)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Venho por meio desta agradecer a bircham internacional university foi muito bom estudar pela Bircham com excelentes professores.Gostaria agradecer também o professor Martinez que me ajudou muito. Está é uma grande universidade recomendo para todos aqueles que querem juntar-se a família Bircham.


Pedro Hugo Merida Contreras (Guatemala)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2009)
Master of Science in Business Administration - Marketing & Advertising: Graduated (2010)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Para mi es un honor ser parte de esta Universidad, el obtener el conocimiento y estos títulos me abrieron puertas tanto para mejores trabajos, como para dar clases, que se ha vuelto una pasión que no sabía que tenía. Muchas gracias por crear tan novedoso sistema de enseñanza, que ha hecho posible poder culminar nuestra carrera, y seguir adelante, en un mundo cada vez con más altos estándares en sus requerimientos para los puestos de confianza.


Pedro José Diogo Bernardo (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems: Graduated (2022)

Review about Bircham International University:
Sinto um enorme orgulho de ter feito a formação de Gestão de Sistemas Informáticos na Bircham Internacional University. O material de estudo adoptado é de excelente qualidade e o seu envio físico ocorrei em tempo útil! O acompanhamento, tanto administrativo como didáctico é digno de realce. Estou muito grato por todos que contribuiram para esse feito (desde funcionários administrativos aos docentes), convicto de vir a fazer o mestrado nessa instituição, logo que as condições financeiras permitirem.


Pedro José Landu (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering: Graduated (2021)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Por conta do meu trabalho de regime de alternância 28/28, não consegui conciliar os estudos presencias pois, depois de várias buscas na internet eis que conheci a Bircham International University, meses depois conheci um colega do sector que terá feito sua formação na BIU. Sem mais delongas decidi me inscrever e logo recebi todo material didático e aí comecei a trilhar uma nova jornada…Foi  com muita dedicação e persistência que terminei o curso com sucesso em 2022. Mestrado em Energias Renováveis, brevemente…


Phillip James Whitehall (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work: Graduated (2004)

Review about Bircham International University:
Reality is what we take to be true. What we take to be true is what we believe. What we believe is based upon our perceptions. What we perceive depends upon what we look for. What we look for depends upon what we think. What we think depends upon what we perceive. What we perceive determines what we believe. What we believe determines what we take to be true. What we take to be true is our reality.


Philomena Wavinya Ndambuki (Kenya)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Outstanding professional career: Graduated (2012)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I am so glad to participate in the meetings in Nairobi, Kenya. I notice BIU is all over the world so I do appreciate your visit here. I wouldn't mind to help and supervise BIU students theses.


Pontiano Mulenga (Zimbabwe)
Specialist Diploma in Public Policy & Administration: Graduated (2013)
Master of Science in Public Policy & Administration: Graduated (2016)
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Policy & Administration: Graduated (2020)
Expert Diploma in Business & Economic Consulting: Graduated (2020)

Review about Bircham International University:
Having been motivated and inspired by the testimonies I read written by the previous students of BIU, I thought of also contributing one. I would simply say that the studies I have done with BIU have improved me a lot in the way I work and study. From the beginning, I just thought of obtaining only a professional certificate from this university. Later, when I came to discover that BIU has got one of the best methodologies of teaching the students and that the institution do provide options for a better diploma recognition, I thought of doing specialist diploma, later again I applied for masters, now I am a Doctor PhD graduate of Public Policy and Administration with the same University. I have really come to like very much the quality of education offered by BIU; selection of books for their students (plus free support books), and the emphasis on analytical and critical thinking have greatly improved in me the manner of reading. Not only that but also the support I got from all the staff members at the institution is superb. They are indeed, student centered – always put interests of their students first, to make sure that a student gets what he/she is looking for. With my busy schedule, I wouldn’t have managed on campus learning. BIU allows you to complete the studies at your own pace. Fees are as well affordable and with good payment plans. Apart from the knowledge I have obtained from this University, I am now also a member of International Public Policy Association, one of the associations recommended by BIU a student can join. By joining this association, I see that I will have chance to continue learning more and also have an opportunity to share with others the knowledge imparted in me. I shall really always be proud of this University. Thumb up BIU!


Portejoie Jean Aimé Tsiama (Congo)
Master of Science in Cognitive Psychology - Sports Training: Graduated (2019)
Doctor of Philosophy in Performance Psychology - Sports: Graduated (2020)
Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology - Psychopathology: Graduated (2023)
Magna Cum Laude in Sports Performance Psychology: Graduated (2020)

Review about Bircham International University:
Après avoir réussi au diplôme de Master recherche en Sciences de l’Éducation à l’Université de Rouen en France en 2011, je me suis déterminé pour les Sciences Psychologiques. Malheureusement, j’ai résolu que mon bagage était insignifiant. Cela m’a inspiré l’idée de pouvoir se recycler pour asseoir ma spécialité. Mais rien n’était possible sans une formation académique conséquente, lorsque je tenais satisfaire mes attentes alors que je défendais déjà les questions sportives. Ce fut le début d’une épisode d’inquiétudes qui me rongeait sans jamais trouver de piste. Bien que j’avais d’ores et déjà conçu une pensée positive, je ne savais ni le moment ni l’endroit ni de quelle manière ma pensée allait devenir une évidence. Durant 5 années consécutives, cette pensée ne pouvait pas être levée au regard des offres de formation que je connaissais ou parmi ce que je pouvais trouver de disponible dans mon environnement. C’est finalement en 2016 que je découvre BIU à la suite de mes recherches persévérantes sur Internet. Puisqu’il fallait agir, j’ai alors osé. Des réponses obtenues, je semblais alors percevoir une voie de sortie. Mes échanges avec le Délégué des Études en français ont été une assurance que j’ai vite résolu pour une inscription à la faculté de Psychologie de BIU. Merci au Docteur Guy Marc BONEM pour toute sa personnalité. Il a su répondre dans le délai que mon cortège de préoccupations avec toute mon impatience pour les Savoirs et le Diplôme que j’ai tant rêvé, s’effaçaient. Au vrai, une formation à distance n’est pas une mince affaire, surtout lorsqu’on a de lourdes responsabilités. Car dans cette aventure, il faut apprendre à s’isoler pour concevoir. Cependant, les procédures de BIU sont une innovation des formations à distance jamais connues. Elles me paraissent profondément inégalables à travers le monde universitaire. Je fais état à la largesse du temps accordé à un étudiant pour étoffer ses travaux, j’en apprécie des manuels physiques judicieusement sélectionnés en lien étroit avec la spécialité de l’étudiant, je fais état à la façon qu’un étudiant puisse se construire scientifiquement avec ses livres à portée de main, je fais aussi état à la diligence des correcteurs. Je n’oublie pas l’intrépidité des responsables académiques de BIU quand à l’expédition des documents des étudiants à l’étranger. BIU est véritablement un laboratoire à haut calibre scientifique, spécialisé dans la formation des cerveaux réflexifs et compétitifs recherchés aujourd’hui pour le développement du village planétaire. Honnêtement, j’invite tous ceux qui, pour une raison ou une autre, ont l’ambition de gravir les échelles et qui ne trouvent pas leur profil dans le système traditionnel de chez eux, à saisir l’incroyable opportunité d’études de BIU.
Je viens aux nouvelles vous informer que j'ai été nommé Assistant en 2021, juste après ma thèse de doctorat. Et, j'ai été candidat au CAMES, session de Février 2024. Récemment, la publication des résultats par le collège des Professeurs africains en Psychologie me place au grade de Maître Assistant dans les universités de l'espace CAMES, avec côte A (c'est-à-dire une mention très honorable). Mes résultats ne font qu'élever la notoriété de votre institution en Afrique francophone. Merci beaucoup pour votre dévouement envers les étudiants De BIU venant du monde entier.


Raja M. Chouikha (Saudi Arabia)
Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design: Graduated (2007)
Master of Arts in Interior Design: Graduated (2008)
Doctor of Philosophy in Art History - Art Therapy: Graduated (2010)
Magna Cum Laude in Art History: Graduated (2010)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I am a Bircham University graduate and faithful since my Bachelor degree. Bircham University gave me much more confidence. I never regret to be a member of this honorable establishment. Bircham University gave me a great opportunity to make all my dreams into reality. Do never hesitate to refer my recommendation to any person who want to attend Bircham University. I wish more success to Bircham University and God bless you.


Rami T. Khodr (Lebanon)
Master of Science in Food Science: Graduated (2009)
Doctor of Philosophy in Food & Water Microbiology: Graduated (2010)
Magna Cum Laude in Food & Water Microbiology: Graduated (2010)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I would like to update my record information, regarding my Ph.D. thesis at Bircham University "Biofilm formation in Food Industry". I tired to get some sponsors to support my project. The AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF BEIRUT RESEARCH CENTER asked me to send the abstract of my thesis and asked for some information about the university I am studying with (Bircham University), after one week the head of research from the AUB Dr. Prof. Marwan Saban called and asked for a meeting to elaborate my abstract, on the next day we met at the AUB where he introduced me to his staff. They are willing to support my thesis and research, they will be providing a fully equipped lab and 5 of their best microbiology students to assist me.


Ramin Ahmad Yar (Afghanistan)
Bachelor of Science in Executive Leadership: Graduated (2010)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
February 2011: I am one of the graduation students of BIU (Bachelors in Executive Leadership). I have written an article regarding Afghanistan which is a useful article and research for those who want to know about Afghanistan. I am so grateful to share it here with you as a graduate student of BIU. I have learned so many important lessons from last year. I have now new hopes and potential.
April 2017: I am very Happy to inform you that after a very long procedure and a very tough examination, I finally passed the government official  exam of the Ministry of Higher Education of Afghanistan and defended my BIU Bachelor’s degree in the Faculty of Policy and Public Administration of Kabul University. I officially got my diploma registered with the Higher Education Ministry of Afghanistan Government.


Ramon L. Escuaín Escanilla (Spain)
Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology: Graduated (2008)
Magna Cum Laude in Clinical Psychology: Graduated (2008)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Agradezco a BIU la posibilidad que me ofreció para poder obtener el doctorado en Psicología Clínica y ser Doctor Ph.D. en esa Especialidad con la Tesis: Manual Teórico-Práctico sobre el Autismo y con la calificación de Magna Cum Laude. También debo de agradecer las atenciones y orientaciones de todos los miembros de BIU y especialmente de la Directora Dª Lorena Cano, Dª Irene Fernández y de mi tutor Dr. D. Angel González. Deseo que BIU siga "creciendo" por el bien de todos los alumnos actuales, pasados y venideros.


Raul Enosse Nhanombe (Mozambique)
Bachelor of Science in Public Health: Graduated (2021)
Master of Science in Health Care Administration: Graduated (2024)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Desde 2019 experimentei agradavelmente a difusão e extensão do conhecimento aplicado e orientado, sem precedentes. A Bircham International University assumiu um papel estratégico para a satisfação que agora expresso. A minha expectativa em frequentar estudos continuados e a distância foi superada visto que, a qualidade do processo de aprendizagem orientado para a prática cotidiana, os processos organizacionais incluindo os avaliativos foram excelentes. Ademais, entendo que o centro de qualquer sucesso e insucesso está determinada nas pessoas, com efeito, a contribuição inestimável do apoio e orientação recebida pelo Dr. Cesar Martinez merece meu destaque. Anseio continuar a maximizar os ganhos já alcançados e aprofundar de forma continuada os estudos e a prática cotidiana. Ademais, agradeço a todos funcionários directos e indirectos da Bircham International University que de alguma forma afectaram os resultados do ciclo de estudos terminado recentemente.


Reiner Lehmann (Germany)
Bachelor of Science in Astronomy: Graduated (2020)
Master of Science in Physics: Graduated (2021)
Doctor of Philosophy in Astrophysics: Graduated (2022)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Als ich nach einem Studium der Astronomie auf der Suche war und dieses gerne im Fernstudium studieren wollte, bin ich auf die Bircham International University aufmerksam geworden!Ich habe dort mein Interesse bekundet und bin dann von Herrn Guy Bonem sehr ausführlich gut beraten worden. Aus diesem Grund entschloss ich mich mein Studium in Astronomie an der Bircham International University zu beginnen, wobei dieses Studium immer mein Traum seit Kindheitstagen war! Mir gefiel vor allem die Art und Weise des Studiums und zwar dass man auch unabhängig von der Zeit und dem Ort war. Das gab auch den Ausschlag, dass ich nach dem Bachelor in Astronomie weiter über dem Master in Physik bis zum Dr.phil. Ph.D. in Astrophysik als Abschlüsse weiter studiert habe! Wenn ich wählen müsste, dann würde ich mich wieder für die Bircham International University entscheiden und diese garantiert auch weiter empfehlen! Mit freundlichen Grüßen und bestem Dank


Renato Colonetti (Bolivia)
Bachelor of Science in Naturopathy: Graduated (2005)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Agradezco a Bircham International University, por la oportunidad de haberme permitido estudiar Naturopatía. Curso que me ha permitido desarrollarme profesionalmente tanto en Brasil como en Bolivia donde actualmente radico. La importancia de la naturaleza desde su aplicación a a través de la ciencia permite ayudar a la sociedad mediante la aplicación de una medicina no invasiva como una alternativa de tratamiento en enfermedades crónicas en situaciones en las que las condiciones de acceso a la salud son complejas. Mis sinceros agradecimientos a la Universidad como mi compromiso de desarrollar y aplicar los conocimientos impartidos con ética y solidaridad como una marca de Bircham International University.


Rene Arturo Villegas Lara (Guatemala)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Academic Merits: Graduated (2010)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Como profesor de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC) es un honor participar en el acuerdo de reconocimiento con Bircham International University para ciertos programas que desarrollaremos en conjunto dentro de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales.


René Matias de Conceição e Silva (Angola)
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering: Graduated (2012)
Master of Science in Environmental Health: Graduated (2016)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
To achieve great achievements, we must not only act but also dream; not just plan, but also believe. Thank you father in heaven. For Bircham International University I leave this sentence. Thanks for helping me to fulfill one of my academic dreams.


Robert Umba Di Ndangi (Congo D.R.)
Doctor of Philosophy in International Law - International Finances & Taxation: Graduated (2014)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Les études à BIU comptent certes parmi celles académiques qui permettent de conjuguer concomitamment formation et activité professionnelle. L’affinité préconisée entre la thématique doctorale et la pratique professionnelle favorise le renforcement des capacités et l’interaction continue de la théorie et la pratique. Ce sont là deux atouts majeurs par rapport aux schémas purement classiques des études académiques traditionnelles qui exhortent à accorder préférence à BIU lorsqu’à l’occupation professionnelle doit être jointe la formation académique pour diverses raisons de convenance personnelle.


Roberto David Perez Chacon (Guatemala)
Bachelor of Science in Livestock Systems Engineering: Graduated (2010)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Haberme graduado en Universidad de Bircham ha sido un paso importante en mi vida, para mi esposa, hija, familia en general. Y por que no amistades. Así mismo pues complementó parte de mi talento en mi área profesional la cual año con año y día con día, como una gota de agua va creciendo su fuerza para lograr llegar a muchas personas con el conocimiento para lograr mejores producciones, con uso de métodos tecnológicos y programas de buenas práctica ganaderas que ayudan a la sostenibilidad alimentaria del país. Tantas cosas más que han ocurrido en mi vida las cuales agradezco a Dios y a respaldo de universidad, la cual han hecho parte de mis metas realidad. Así mismo logre sacar una especialidad en producción agrícola en universidad de mi país. Y hoy pues mientras tenga vida quiero seguir creciendo en conocimiento para aportar más a mis empleadores de lo poco y basto que es este mundo tiene que enseñarnos a todos en general.


Roberto Estuardo Penedo Rivera (Guatemala)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Services to the Human Kind: Graduated (2009)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
BIU me ha proporcionado un apoyo inestimable a mis proyectos profesionales y humanitarios que actualmente ejerzo desde Washington D.C., en USA.


Rodolph Raymond Farah (Lebanon)
Master of Arts in Multimedia & Animation Design: Graduated (2004)
Doctor of Philosophy in Motion Graphics: Graduated (2006)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Bircham University and my life experience. The first idea that came to my mind was the nice people I met during the period of my studies. First, beginning with Dr. Antoine, director of Bircham University Middle East and his very nice behavior with me. Also Dr. William Martin, Bircham University International Coordinator, who gave big interest to my personal problems and demands. Their fast replies when mailed concerning any of my educational needs... Dr William helped me first by giving me hope to my capabilities in accomplishing a degree, and by indenturing me through its average cost for higher education, in order to accomplish my own self estimation, and allowing me to continue what I always sought in myself. Bircham University also allowed me to perform my teaching methodology in more than one University in Lebanon, and specially the most known. I was always accepted for my professionalism, and my method of teaching that impressed all my students and the staff members. I haves been appointed teacher of Fine Arts for some years at the University Saint-Esprit de Kaslik - USEK, recognized by the Ministry of Education in Lebanon. So, to me, doing what I did with Bircham University was the biggest accomplishment in my life and I really thank you for that.


Romualdo Nguenga (Angola)
Master of Science in Social Psycology: Graduated (2012)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
2012: Thanks a lot for the instructions and advice on my academic life at a distance in the Bircham University. I will follow the advice with sufficient responsibility and seriousness. By the way, this characterizes my behavior. Successes for yours and we are together in this excellent boat of the Bircham University route to a port of the safe life. Romualdo Nguenga, student of the master course of in social psychology.
2015: Estou bastante encantado, e sempre estive, em pertencer a esta grande familia científico-académica que se chama Bircham University, uma autêntica escola do saber; uma escola-modelo com uma metodologia de ensino à distância "sui generis" e com ferramentas imprescindíveis para o enfrentamento dos múltiplos e nada fáceis desafios do nosso século.
2017: Fruto das ferramentas científicas sólidas de que me apropriei, enquanto estudante da Psicologia Social da BIU, sobretudo de caráter bastante prático desta formação, tem sido possível melhorar os níveis de meu desempenho profissional na minha área de intervenção laboral. Isto porque passou a ser relativamente mais fácil compreender por via do diálogo direto e indireto o comportamento de cada colega ante o trabalho, perceber as reais motivações de ânimo e desânimo no exercício laboral e, face à cada situação ou caso concreto, adotar as técnicas mais adequadas para manter e elevar os níveis motivacionais para os motivados; assim como, para os desmotivados ou desanimados, buscar a sua activação psicológica, por via de estímulos simples e até complexos necessários. Toda esta prática cotidiana reiterada tem contribuído para o aumento das performances laborais, ou seja, a partir do aumento dos níveis de entusiasmo e dedicação ao trabalho, o aumento da qualidade e quantidade de seu trabalho, dos resultados do trabalho colectivos e o alcance dos objetctivos estratégicos do organismo funcional.
Significa que a praticidade da graduação de excelência recebida da BIU tem permitido fazer uma gestão científica e moderna dos recursos humanos do organismo público onde trabalho em Angola, excelentes resultados laborais, o que não pode estar dissociado da BIU. Incontornavelmente!


Rosetta Codling (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in English Literature: Graduated (2005)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
2005: Last summer, two honors were bestowed upon me. I was selected for a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) seminar. This is a highly regarded honor in the States. I was selected to study the literature of Equatorial Guinea in Spanish at Howard University in Washington, DC. This opportunity would not have been afforded me if I did not have a doctorate from Bircham University. Currently, I am Education Editor for G&G Magazine. I know that my degree helped me obtained this post too.

2017: I was recently notified that a paper that I wrote was translated by the University of Cartagena under the title: “La división filosófica negra: centro, intelectualismo afro americano y la Négritude diaspórica”.
The paper is available via:
Thank you.


Roxanne Picher (Taiwan)
Bachelor of Arts in Education - TESOL: Graduated (2003)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I am greatly grateful to BIU for having had a wonderful experience in taking their degree program. The program was simple, efficient and beneficial. Without doing the BIU degree program, I would not have experienced a life-changing career. Having a BIU degree has given me the wonderful opportunity and experience to teach successfully abroad for over 10 years. Thank you for having made a difference in my career! It was all worth it!


Rubén Alberto Gavaldá y Castro (Argentina)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Outstanding professional career: Graduated (2016)

Review about Bircham International University:
Permítame presentarme. Soy don Ruben Alberto Iº de jure Esteve IVº, por perfecta genealogía agnaticia, y conservando hasta nuestros días el real y condal nombre de la Casa de David-Toulouse-Gavalda, soy Su Alteza Real Serenísima el Principe Conde Soberano de Gevaudan, en grado 37mo. como legítimo descendiente directo del Conde Soberano don Bertran Iº de Gavaldá, Principe de Sangre Real franco-mero-carolingia. Fue para mi un privilegio firmar un acuerdo de reconocimiento mutuo entre el Centro de Altos Estudios en Ceremonial de Buenos Aires, el cual presido, y Bircham International University.
Tuve la ocasión de recibir en persona un Doctor Honoris Causa de BIU durante la reunión mantenida con el Prof. William Martin, BIU CEO, en Roma, donde además me fue entregado otro Doctor Honoris Causa para Su Santidad el Papa Francisco, don Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a quien pude entregar en persona dicho documento durante la audiencia privada que me concedió en Junio del año 2016.


Rui Comprido Mangovo (Angola)
Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration: Graduated (2012)
Master of Arts in Human Rights: Admitted (2010)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
A Universidade Bircham é uma excelência na formação, com métodos diferenciados no ensino, vem transformando o ensino a distância na qualidade e aprendizado. Uma experiência comprovada ao longo da minha formação.


Ruth Marisela Mangandi Ramos (El Salvador)
Master of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2016)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Estudie mi licenciatura en Ciencias de la Comunicación en una Universidad con metodología tradicional, dicha carrera duro 5 años la experiencia al finalizar no fue tan grata. Gracias a la escuela de negocios International Business Management Institute (IBMI) pude estudiar mi grado académico de Master in Business Administration con Bircham International University. Los conocimientos adquiridos han sido gratificantes, dicha formación me ha permitido aprender y poner en practica dichos conocimientos compartidos por la Universidad y crecer profesionalmente. Sin duda alguna ha sido la mejor decisión que he tomado en mi formación académica. Muchas gracias por crear tan novedoso sistema de enseñanza, que ha hecho posible poder culminar mi carrera, y seguir adelante, en un mundo cada vez con más altos estándares en sus requerimientos para los puestos de confianza.


Safia Popal (Afghanistan)
Master of Arts in International Relations: Graduated (2015)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Obtaining a Master degree is a milestone. Many people dream about, and expect to achieve it. Because for the long time, “education” is more a synonym for success, we could pretty much count on a career. A diploma is not a piece of paper. It is an amulet of progress and prosperity nowadays. So in general I can say universities the most reliable engine of social mobility.
Bircham International University is one of top ten distance learning university for adult in the world true its international standards and criterions, and have too much facilities in all issue especially in admission process, providing books, financial payment, purpose the experiences of students, legalization of diploma for graduate students.
The books, which is provide the BIU for Students, are very update books including very useful information and new theories, event and stories, which is going on in the world, from famous authors. In my field of study, learning of these books gave me very useful knowledge of international relation which is need for each politician and practitioners. In these books all the international threads describe very well and clearly according the facts. All books are including brilliant topics as globalization, trade, terrorism, conflict, development, human rights and etc. which are really interesting for reading and learning. Also these books are the most venerable and persisting source of learning realistic theories in each event of international relations, it provides a good starting point and baseline for comparison with competing models.
Bircham International University have very elegant and perfect guidelines and criteria indicated Study Guide and required clear information for all stage of study.
Study master of Art in international Relation with BIU was a great experience and a big opportunity for me. As I was in close condition of working time and handling the family, so I couldn't go to class everyday, but enrolling with BIU help me to carry out Simultaneous, three issue very nicely, and it was a great achievement for me and for my family. Thank you BIU.


Said Yacin Elmi (Djibouti)
Bachelor of Science in International Trade: Graduated (2013)
Master of Science in Human Resources: Graduated (2016)
Doctor of Philosophy in Maritime Port Management: Graduated (2018)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Studying at Bircham International University made a difference in my life. Thanks.


Salma Kechaou (épouse Jaoua) (Tunisia)
Bachelor of Science in Artificial Intelligence: Graduated (2022)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
J'ai été ravie de faire mon Bachelor en Intelligence Artificielle à Bircham International University. Lors de ce parcours très passionnant, j'ai acquis et appris beaucoup de connaissances théoriques et pratiques de haut niveau en Computer Science et Intelligence Artificielle, qui me seront très utiles dans ma carrière professionnelle. Grâce à votre méthodologie d’acquisition du savoir basée sur la compréhension minutieuses des moindres détails de plusieurs livres choisis minutieusement par vos enseignants, et malgré ma 1ère formation en Biologie qui n’a rien à voir avec l’informatique, j’ai été obligée et j’ai pu suivre tous les détails de ce domaine en Computer Science et particulièrement en intelligence artificielle. Je remercie vivement tous les enseignants qui ont contribué à cet enseignement et le personnel administratif de l'université pour leur soutien et assistance tout au long de mon Bachelor. Vous avez rendu mon expérience estudiantine à Bircham International University très agréable et inoubliable.


Sami Said Kazkaz (Syria)
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science: Graduated (2020)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
My experience with Bircham University is unique, it’s the best studying system I faced in my life since I started medicine in 2004 as it’s designed in a brilliant way for life-busy people who work full time to graduate, politics after medicine was a dream for me but now I graduated from politics and the dream came true. Heading to master plan now as nothing is impossible.


Samuel E. Perez Rivera (Puerto Rico)
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychotherapy: Graduated (2016)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Great experience! Great moment! Thank you.


Sanoussi Razaki (Burkina Faso)
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Health: Graduated (2019)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Après ces trois (03) années passées au sein de votre Université, je suis ravi de partager avec vous toute ma joie et ma satisfaction pour cette formation enrichissante qui m'a permis d'obtenir mon diplôme de Doctor Ph.D. in Environmental Health. C'est avec une grande reconnaissance que je vous informe que mon diplôme a été authentifié et reconnu le 02 Septembre 2020 par le Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique de mon Pays, le Bénin. Cette reconnaissance, restera gravé dans ma mémoire, tout comme les méthodes et les principes inculqués par vos enseignants : le goût du travail et de l'effort, le sens de la persévérance, la volonté de se remettre en question... Autant de trésors qui me seront, sans nul doute, utiles toute ma vie. Pour toutes ces raisons, je souhaite vous témoigner toute ma profonde gratitude, ainsi qu'à toute l'équipe pédagogique de BIRCHAM INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY. Je garderai longtemps un souvenir ému de mon passage dans cette Université qui m'a tant donnée. Grâce à vous, j'aborde une nouvelle étape de ma vie avec confiance et dynamisme. Avec mes sincères remerciements, je vous prie de recevoir, Monsieur le Directeur, l'expression de mes respectueuses salutations.


Sarah L. Reagan (U.S.A.)
Master of Science in Human Animal Studies: Graduated (2020)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Wanted to let you know that I just received notification of acceptance in
ISAE - International Society for Applied Ethology.  Thank you so much for your lovely recommendation!


Sarel Francois Ackermann (South Africa)
Testimony about Bircham International University:
During the time I was a professor of BIU in Africa I signed some collaboration agreements with some universities and institutions in Kenya. Masinde Muliro University was one of them.


Sayed Ghias Sadat (Afghanistan)
Master of Science in Executive Management: Graduated (2011)
Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations: Graduated (2013)

Review about Bircham International University:
I am a United Nations staff member from Afghanistan. I joined Bircham International University (BIU) in October 2010 and completed my Master Program in Executive Management. For its excellent educational principles, flexible curriculum and overall quality education, I pursued and completed my Ph.D. in International Relations from BIU as well. I am pleased that I went for it, as it has helped me to advance my knowledge, skills and experience. I would like to add that the information and studying materials provided by BIU have always been up-to-date and comprehensive. Correspondence with BIU was always timely and encouraging. The teaching methods were highly professional and met my requirements as a full-time employee. Both programs I completed with BIU were of highest quality. I would describe BIU as a comprehensive and encouraging opportunity for higher education, notably for employed professionals and those with prior work experience in the relevant fields. My study with BIU has not only helped me to maintain my existing work as an international civil servant but most importantly enabled me to deliver better to the United Nations and effectively contribute to the development of my people and my homeland. Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity and express my sincere appreciation to BIU leadership and its staff for their excellent assistance.


Sayed Jawad (Afghanistan)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2009)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I graduated with a BBA from Bircham University in the year 2009, in 2011 I joined London School of Commerce (LSC) and just a few days ago I completed my MBA course over here. No doubt, my experience with your institution played a key role in letting me achieve this degree.


Sayed Muhibullah Hashmi (Afghanistan)
Bachelor of Science in Human Resources Management: Graduated (2020)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I thank Bircham University from the heart for enabling me to study as well as continuing my job. Following my enrollment at Bircham University in 2007 I have not only developed my career from a middle officer to an executive manager but have also improved the institution as a whole. As I went through each study material received from Bircham University I found it more and more useful and enjoyed reading and implementing it. For instance, before my enrollment at Bircham University I had no idea of Professional Certification of PHR (Professional in Human Resources) and SPHR (Senior Professional in HR), GPHR (Global Professional in HR), CCP, CBP, CPT Etc. Similarly through Bircham University I came to know about some important institutions and organizations such as Human Resources Certification Institution (HRCI), International Personnel Management Association (IPMA), American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) and Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM). So far I have practiced and assumed HR as an Operational function of an organization, however through the guidance from Bircham University, I understood that HR is now being emerged as a Strategic Approach and organizations’ success is accomplished by developing HR strategies. The improvements and achievements i have made, have been recognized by the institutions I'm involved and thus several of my colleagues have become the members of Bircham University, who are equally benefiting from it. Thank you Bircham International University.
Operations Manager, HLP/MAIL- World Bank.
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (Afghanistan)


Sebastiao Caetano Cristovao Nogueira (South Africa)
Specialist Diploma in Geology: Graduated (2013)
Bachelor of Science in Geology: Studying (2014...)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
First and foremost, I would like to thank Bircham International University for this great opportunity to cancel my debt. In the past few years, I have gone through a series of hardship due to unemployment and financial constraints. I lost my job at Halliburton in Angola due to the downturn in oil and gas prices in the international markets; the company had to go through organizational changes to adapt to the present current scenario. Unfortunately, as a result of the crisis, the company retrenched. Hence, the motive for my inability to keep my university fees up to date.
One aspect that fascinates me about studying at BIU is the fact that it compels students to enrich their critical thinking by challenging them to come up with their solutions to problems presented in the academic assignments. The course resources are in-depth, and although some assignments are challenging, they are not overly difficult. Thanks to the dedicated team at BIU, notably Mrs. Irene Fernandez and Diana Simpalean for their kindness and support, which I hold in high regard. Moreover, one of the most generous fee structures in the academic world. Having completed the Bachelor of Science in Geology at BIU has given me not only the opportunity to have a decent career prospect but fulfillment in life. I am eternally grateful.


Sebuana Mangongi Christine (Congo D.R.)
Master of Science in Public Health - Gerontology: Graduated (2022)
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health - Gerontology: Studying (2025...)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Je suis émerveillée de la qualité des enseignements, de la sélection des ouvrages adaptés et actualisés que Bircham International University (BIU) met à la disposition de ses étudiants. Bien que la formation soit à distance, la collaboration instantanée et régulière avec les autorités académiques, scientifiques et administratives me donne l’impression d’avoir bénéficié d’une formation en présentiel. Ma formation de Master en santé publique, spécialité de gérontologie a été une expérience enrichissante. Je n’hésite pas à recommander cet établissement de haute facture pour les formations de Bachelor, de Master et de doctorat aux personnes intéressées.


Setsuko Tsuchiya (U.S.A.)
Master of Science in Somatic Therapy: Graduated (2017)
Doctor of Philosophy in Ballroom & Latin Dance Performance: Graduated (2022)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
2015: I thought you might be interested in my latest publication, IN SEARCH OF SOMATIC THERAPY, that I used as my Master’s degree final project. Press release at
2023: Thank you for my photo-session graduation in Hawaii. Loved meeting with you and your wife and can only hope we will have an opportunity of doing the same again someday soon. We're working in pre-production on another film, OTOSOTU - On the Other Side of the Universe, another approximately 40-minute film for TV, this time about spirituality and the soul. Again, thank you for the wonderful photo-graduation. It made me SO happy with the feeling of celebrating my accomplishment with BIU.


Severino Rey Nodar (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular Cell Biology: Graduated (2016)
Magna Cum Laude in Molecular Cell Biology: Graduated (2016)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Academic merits: Graduated (2012)

Review about Bircham International University:
Me contentan sobremanera todos los logros que vamos teniendo como Universidad. Es un honor seguir formando parte de ella y en cualquier presentación en Congreso internacional que he participado en el último año, he puesto mi cargo de profesor de la Bircham University.


Shahmahmood Sayed Miakhel (U.S.A.)
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science: Graduated (2015)
Master of Arts in Political Science: Graduated (2015)

Review about Bircham International University:
I am the director of the United States Institute of Peace in Afghanistan. It was great to attend BIU graduation in Dubai and later visit BIU Madrid office. Let me thank you so much for your kindness to pick me up from hotel, drive me to your office and then back to the airport and had private graduation ceremony for me. Also, I would to convey my special regards and thanks to the BIU staff, mostly Diana and Irene, for their support during my study with BIU. They were always very professional and kind to reply to all my inquiries and help me succeed.


Shahrzad Jalali Alami (U.S.A.)
Master of Science in Business Administration - Finance: Graduated (2001)

Review about Bircham International University:
One's opinion of life can be expressed as challenging, irresistible, exciting and or in some cases, unfair and difficult. The perception of life, on the other hand, can be characterized by one's own perspective and attitude toward life and steps taken.  No matter how challenging it may seems, it is actually our own ability to overcome the impediments such as fear, instability and lack of confidence. For me, however, overcoming those obstacles have been the force behind my alluring ambitions and goals.  There is no perfect solution as there are no perfect us. But, there is always hope and imagination, which without, there is no advancement nor progress. And, most importantly, there is belief, believing in ourselves. Having said all that, one of the most contributing factors behind  success is  the power of support and attributes one can endure from all kinds of sources. And, that is why I am proud to say that in addition to my family, Bircham University did just that by giving me the opportunity to advance my knowledge, empower my abilities, elevating my self confidence and moral behavior as well as giving me the chance of lifetime achievement in leadership for which I am who I am today and I am what I do and contribute to my society. That is the kind of support that Bircham International University is proudly capable of gifting and providing. 


Shawn Douglas Gale (Canada)
Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing: Graduated (2016)

Review about Bircham International University:
I would like to Thank you for the great experience working with your university. I will certainly recommend Bircham International University. I have published a book “The Stories That Make Us” if you would like to check it out on my website:
I entered this book in the Whistlers Independent Book Awards and presently is one of three finalist. My experience at Bircham was first rate.


Sheikh Imtiaz Mohamed (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Natural Medicine - Scientific Nutrition: Graduated (2005)
Magna Cum Laude in Scientific Nutrition: Graduated (2005)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
I am pleased to be part of Bircham University rich educational experience. Bircham University plays a very important role in Global Education and has changed the lives of many people around the world. All of a sudden, everybody is offering distance learning. Bircham University is their competition and Bircham University is affordable and has an excellent lay out for learning. Therefore, Bircham University will get the type of negative press from Wikipedia,etc. I do NOT have a problem with any of this- I am proud and very happy with my degree from Bircham University, absolutely! Bircham University is recognized in the US, it depends what the diploma is used for. If you direct someone to your website, they see all that you offer and they are usually satisfied with that. It is all about the student- self-discipline, self-starter, self-actualizing, etc. It shows structure and determination and character.


Shih Chaou Rin (Taiwan)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Parapsychology: Graduated (2006)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
So many years dedicated to the research of Parapsychology and I finally got the recognition I deserve. Thank you so much!!!


Shokrullah Amiri (Afghanistan)
Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship Management: Graduated (2012)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
The knowledge that I gained from Bircham University shaped my future career and working with the Afghanistan Rural Enterprise Development Program is an example of Bircham University’s results. I am the first person in Afghanistan who obtained the specialty in entrepreneurship management. This field has been my favorite and it is a demanding field for the reconstruction of Afghanistan.


Sif Eddine Elabridi (Netherlands)
Bachelor of Arts in English Literature: Graduated (2023)
Master of Arts in Linguistics: Graduated (2024)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
My transition into the Master’s program in linguistics at BIU was a life changing- experience. I joined this program with great enthusiasm as a distance learner. I am glad to say that all expectations were met and even exceeded. The flexibility in the distance learning model was important in balancing studies with personal commitments. However, this flexibility was not at the expense of academic rigor. The architectural set up and support were such that from the very outset, I felt I was not alone in the journey. Each module from the theoretical foundational aspects to the practical application, was so effectively set out as to permit me to delve deeply into the material irrespective of physical distance. Their guidance has been instrumental in not only my academic growth but also in instilling confidence as a researcher. This involvement indeed prepares one to have both expertise and resilience to deal with the complex world of linguistics with clarity and a sense of purpose. My experience with BIU has been enriching to the extent that it better equips me, both in knowledge and confidence.. I truly value the fact that assistance was always there, and the quality of education, which formed an indispensable basis of my road to graduation. Studying with BIU has inspired me to continue my academic journey here and look forward to pursuing a PhD with BIU in the near future...


Sixto Paz Wells (Peru)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Services to the Human Kind: Graduated (2022)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Despuès de 21 libros publicados,  algunos traducidos  a varios idiomas  y de miles de conferencias y entrevistas  por todo el mundo  a lo largo de 50 años nadando contra la corriente del pensamiento establecido, veo con suma satisfacciòn y como algo  gratiicante, el que el senado de los estados Unidos haga esfuerzos denodados en liberar toda la informaciòn considerada clasificada sobre el tema de los Ovni, Veds, Uaps o Fani como se les suele llamar hoy en dia. Y me siento muy honrado el que la universidad de Bircham, siempre a la vanguardia de la cultura mundial, haya tenido a bien concederme una distinción tan importante como es  la del "Doctorado Honoris Causa"  concedida a mi labor y trayectoria. Mi gratitud eterna.


Sizeldina Rodé Vidal Faustino Cassinda (Angola)
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology: Graduated (2022)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Venho por este meio agradecer a instituição, por todo apoio dedicado a mim ao decorrer de todos esse anos estudantil, dizer que foi uma excelente experiência, jamais pensei que seria possível estudar a distância e obter resultados bons! Não é fácil mas também não é impossível. Venho de uma maneira especial incentivar a todos quantos têm o mesmo desejo, dizer que não desistam , continue lutando para alcançarem os vossos objetivos. Tudo com fé e força de vontade é possível. No final o sabor da vitória vale apenas.


Sonia Sanchez Navarro (spain)
Expert Diploma in Coaching: Graduated (2017)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Ha sido muy gratificante volver a la vida académica de la mano de Bircham International University. Unos meses de esfuerzos y sacrificios que han tenido su recompensa. Emotivo el acto de entrega de títulos.


Stavros Kaniklides (Cyprus)
Bachelor of Science in Oceanography & Marine Science: Graduated (2010)
Master of Science in Marine Biology: Graduated (2012)
Doctor of Philosophy in Ocean Science: Graduated (2014)
Magna Cum Laude in Ocean Science: Graduated (2014)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
As a current Ph.D. from Bircham International University, this is to inform you that I have been selected to be a member of the board along with other seven scientists to join the CMAS International Scientific Committee. The selection has been made from 73 member countries and among hundreds of scientists after a careful examination of my C.V., references and applied field, scientific work. My duties and responsibilities are: to update the educational standards, formal meetings with UNESCO, in the specific themes of Safeguarding the Underwater Cultural Heritage and IOC (Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission) aiming to enhance our partnership with UNESCO and to create multicultural programs in the field of Underwater environment and with its heritage, showing us its particularities and its relationships, for a better respect and knowledge of it. In addition to my achievements and my strong desire to learn from your esteemed university, I have become an instrumental member of society, using all of my energies to bring about constructive changes by offering free academic introductory courses to poor people on a global scale and to create a path to the "good life," not only for myself but also for others.  Thanks to your powerful pedagogical approach. It's a real honor and a great challenge for me to fulfill the mission and vision of the first President Jacques Cousteau and CMAS. As an Ambassador of goodwill with Bircham University, one of my primary objectives is to inform potential students of the many benefits of that Bircham international university unique pedagogical education system and share my experiences to create awareness.


Sylvia Kitoye Bassey (Nigeria)
Bachelor of Science in Security & Emergency Management: Graduated (2015)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
I am so thankful that I found Bircham International University. It was a great fit for me, BIU professional team really showed me care and support. The individualized attention I received was unique and truly helped me through my study.


Tahseen Wasfi Abuzanouna (Saudi Arabia)
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering: Graduated (2004)
Master of Science in Construction Management - Project Engineering Management: Graduated (2011)
Doctor of Philosophy in Business & Economic Consulting: Graduated (2014)

Review about Bircham International University:
Compartir este ansiado logro durante la graduación en Madrid fue algo que nunca olvidaré. Muchas gracias.


Tatiana Gryaznova (Spain)
Specialist Diploma in Aromatherapy: Studying (2018...)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
As BIU Russian Director, I had the opportunity to meet Pastukhov Alexey Yuriyevich at the IUFS Congress 2012. In November 2012, Bircham International University signed a mutual recognition and cooperation agreement with Saint Petersburg University of Technology & Design (Russia). Saint Petersburg University of Technology & Design (SUTD) (18 Bolshaya Morskaya Street) was founded in 1930 as the Institute of Textile and Light Industry (in 1935 it was named after S.M. Kirov). It received its present day name in 1992. The university teaches its students to be technologists, constructors, designers and economists; and prepares them for industrial undertakings, as well as work in studios and fashion houses. For more information in English about SUTD visit the Higher Education Portal of St. Petesburg.


Teresa Namango Kasia Okolo (Germany)
Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics - Anglistics: Graduated (2021)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
My program at the BIU was a major landmark in my career development. The flexibility of the program ensured that I was able to manage caring for my family, attend to other Trainee-Programs and also work on my academic thesis reports. I am also pleased and thankful to the open access nature of the university as I recall being invited to personally meet with Professor William Martin during one of his visits to Cairo, Egypt. My academic tutor Ms. Diana Simpalean was of great assistance to me through the entire study program given the constant updates and information regarding aspects of the university, especially my study program. The curriculum and reference books were of particular value as they helped me develop the intellectual strength that deepened my understanding of Language Sciences and hold conversations with authorities in the field of Linguistics. In fact, due to the depth of knowledge afforded to me by the curriculum at BIU, I was granted opportunity to attend and be part of a discussion with two of the world renowned Linguists; professors Noam Chomsky's and Stephen Krashen's personally delivered online session on their Linguistics treatise. I look forward to taking up more advanced courses with BIU as I walk my career path.


Teressa Gemechu Midekessa (Ethiopia)
Master of Science in Construction Management: Graduated (2023)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
There is no word for me to express my imeasurable idea to thank BIU. BIU not changed my mind but rather transform the way I think. I really understood and tell to everybody BIU's saying "we do not teach what to think but how to think". It is great. I practicaly developed the foundamental and basic idea and concept of "critical thinking" which I found that it is very important in academic and also in all professional areas. This was what I missed though, I worked and took so, so many different types of trainings and led very large civil engineering projects and completed in a successful manner as project engineer for long time. Actually, for me it is beyond earning official degree! Thousand pages is not enough to complete my flow of idea about this topic. Really no power of word to Express!!!


Thomas D. Toole (U.S.A.)
Master of Science in Plant Pathology - Forestry: Graduated (2008)
Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Pathology - Forestry: Graduated (2010)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
Bircham has been very responsive to any and all questions that I had, and the advising committee had set forth a very well rounded educational curricula for my area of concentration. I am very happy to write this testimony statement. Thank you so much for allowing me to continue my education with your university.


Tina Chiwona Kasamale (Malawi)
Master of Science in Public Relations: Graduated (2011)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
I got this helpful input from the UN: We would like to first clarify that HR practitioners and hiring managers validate the candidates' university degrees against the United Nations Secretariat standards, regardless of where in the world the qualification was obtained. Of course, the fact that your degree may not be listed will not prejudice your application, it simply means that it was not included in UNESCO's and IAU's database and HR practitioners will conduct further checks during the background verification stage.


Tomás de Zárate González de Echávarri (spain)
Specialist Diploma in Business Administration: Graduated (2014)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2016)
Master of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2017)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I contacted Bircham University through the ESM European School of Management in Tenerife. ESM model of education is very practical and adapted to the business world, and its education has been recognized by Bircham International University. In addition, Bircham allows you to obtain a degree legalized from the State of Delaware, USA. I advise any student choosing BIU because it will be a great support and a very good opportunity to progress in any career.


Twagirimana Emmanuel (Rwanda)
Doctor of Philosophy in Finance & Economics: Graduated (2014)
Magna Cum Laude in Finance & Economics: Graduated (2014)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
BIU is a great investment. After getting BIU PhD in February 2014, I additional to the usual income from teaching, I benefited US $ 9,719 thanks to my degree. My Ph.D. program has been paid around USD 9,286, so the payback period of my investment is 3 years, the shortest period for a huge investment like this. These benefits could be even more than if we consider the economic benefits gained from my status as PhD holder. In conclusion, none could fear investing in education and in BIU particularly, as BIU programs are good or market oriented and given in good conditions where everyone make a self-organization.


Valentine Cirano Siqueira Vieira (Brazil)
Master of Arts in Archaeology: Graduated (2022)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Minha experiência na Bircham foi maravilhosa. Recebi muita ajuda e suporte do meu advisor aqui no Brasil para realizar todas as minhas tarefas e fui muito bem acompanhada por ele. O material didático que recebi da Universidade é maravilhoso e de alto nível e aprendi muito nesses meus dois anos de curso de mestrado.


Vesa Visa Viitaniemi (Finland)
Doctor of Philosophy in E-Business: Graduated (2005)
Magna Cum Laude in Banking: Graduated (2005)

Review about Bircham International University:
I am the CEO at Southwest Finland CO Bank. BIU Madrid organized a nice event to celebrate my doctorate with my colleagues from the Bank. Thanks!


Victor Oswaldo Samayoa Valencia (Guatemala)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2010)

Review about Bircham International University:
Muchas gracias por el correo, quiero decirles que los programas de Bircham International University son de muy buena calidad y nos dan el apoyo necesario para alcanzar nuestros objetivos educativos.


Vladika Evgeny Borisovich Korbat (Russia)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Theology: Graduated (2009)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I am Vladika Anton Korbat, Patriarch of Saint Petersburg Orthodox Church. I has been an honor and a pleasure to receive a degree from Bircham International University.


Wagner Stivi Soares Gonzaga (Brazil)
Doctor of Philosophy in Holistic Integral Therapy: Graduated (2021)

Review about Bircham International University:
A minha experiência com. a Bircham foi maravilhosa. A sistematização, a didática, e principalmente o acompanhamento pedagógico são inigualáveis. Já estou me preparando para um próximo curso.


Walid Mbarek (Qatar)
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychopedagogy: Graduated (2022)
Magna Cum Laude in Psychopedagogy: Graduated (2022)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Mon aventure avec BIU est unique. J'ai pu étancher ma soif et satisfaire ma grande faim d'apprendre à travers la philosophie d'une école qui croit en ses candidats et leur offre une liberté qui, loin de séduire, nous aligne sur une manière encore plus consciente d’apprendre. Je n'ai jamais ressenti un manque d'intérêt ni une désinvolture de la part des acteurs qui nous ont suivis, au contraire, le suivi a été plus que satisfaisant et notamment de la part du docteur Guy Marc Bonem qui était toujours là pour répondre à mes mails et orienter mes questions ainsi que les lecteurs et superviseurs qui evaluaient mes travaux. La philosophie de BIU est une philosophie que je qualifierais d'accompagnement intelligent avec un haut niveau de professionnalisme et c'est une qualité qui en fait une grande université. Je crois fermement que la recherche se nourrit d'un espace de liberté qui nous permet de mieux réfléchir pour mieux agir et l'aventure l'a démontré. J'ai obtenu un PHD en psychopédagogie et je suis fier d'être officiellement docteur de la grande et prestigieuse Bircham International University.

My adventure with BIU is unique. I was able to quench my thirst and satisfy my great hunger to learn through the philosophy of a school that believes in its candidates and offers them a freedom that, far from seducing, aligns us with an even more conscious way of learning. I have never felt a lack of interest nor a casualness on the part of the actors who have followed us, on the contrary, the follow-up has been more than satisfactory, especially on the part of Dr. Guy Marc Bonem who was always there to answer my emails and direct my questions, as well as the readers and supervisors who evaluated my work.
BIU's philosophy is one that I would describe as intelligent guidance with a high level of professionalism and this is a quality that makes it a great university. I strongly believe that research is nourished by a space of freedom that allows us to think better in order to act better and the adventure has demonstrated this. I obtained a PHD in educational psychology and I am proud to be officially a doctor of the great and prestigious Bircham International University.


Wandré Guilherme de Campos Lisbôa (Brazil)
Doctor of Philosophy in Linguístics: Graduated (2011)
Magna Cum Laude in Linguistics Education: Graduated (2011)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Linguistics Education: Graduated (2009)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I heard about BIU, while researching on the Internet. I took all my questions, which were not few, with Cesar Martinez, BIU Portuguese Language Division, which always and has always been an excellent listener and advisor. I started my course not believing him, but when I saw the books coming, I was overjoyed, because I could see that the books were references worldwide and who just studied them is who had attended the doctorate out of Brazil. Even in Brazil, the books I read, analyzed, produced articles and my thesis, were next. I loved my course. I really liked the methodology and I used in my Portuguese language lessons with my students in basic education and in higher education. I haven't found any other Institution with the conditions that BIU offered me to attend. There are no courses alike. Hug!
A educação totalmente a distancia no Brasil ainda é algo que para as autoridades não foi aceito, mas pelo bom trabalho feito por instituições como a Bircham, poderemos conseguir com esse método de ensino que o país possa dar o salto de encontro ao futuro.


Wilfried Maser Lockenvitz (Chile)
Master of Science in Industrial Engineering: Graduated (2002)
Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Engineering: Graduated (2009)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
El doctorado me ha permitido no solo el reconocimiento de mi labor sino además desarrollar nuevos proyectos de ingeniería.


William Martin Olsen (Spain)
Doctor of Philosophy in Communications - TV Film: Graduated (2002)
Doctor Honoris Causa in Adult Higher Education: Graduated (2003)

Testimony about Bircham International University:


Wílmer Enrique Casasola Rivera (Costa Rica)
Opinion about Bircham International University:
Tendré presente el programa y a BIU como una gran opción formativa. Aunque existan muchas instituciones formativas online con costos mínimos, BIU cuenta con una visión diferente, empezando por la comunicación humana, más propia de un centro universitario, y con gusto he hablado de BIU con muchas personas. 


Wilson Kiptanui Soy (Kenya)
Master of Science in Business Administration: Graduated (2009)
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration: Graduated (2010)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
Immediately after I started my Masters and PhD studies with Bircham University, life has not been the same again. My colleagues, friends, family and I have experienced total transformation in me, in the way and manner I critically analyze issues in general and in particular my profession, Business Administration, even before I graduated. The step I took is a journey less travelled by many but I have realized that, like many other people, I have huge potentials untapped awaiting to blossom like Rose flower. Bircham University has enabled me realize my life time dream of getting a PhD and being able to be an example to others who have humble background like me. In spite of the past challenges, the future remains spotless equally for all. I am now in a position to sow seeds of success onto others and make my contribution in human life using the appropriate skills, knowledge and education befitting the current dynamic world, earned through Bircham University distance learning program. My efforts and ambition in search of new knowledge has been adequately answered and this has opened new horizon in my career and life, and I can now work competently any where in the world and make a well valued contribution in human endeavors. However,above all I thank almighty GOD for the good health and the wisdom to chose Bircham University because of its flexibility and rich curriculum which rides on the strength of simplicity. As I returned from my graduation in Madrid in June 2010, a huge celebration was lined up for me by professionals colleagues and friends here in Kenya. Long Live Bircham University.

I am happy to be among those who chose this path as the knowledge acquired at BIU is all time applicable and appropriate. I retired from my previous employment, and because of the flexible e-learning programs offered by BIU,  I studied PhD and Msc in Business Administration through e-learning and I am currently teaching on part-time at one of the premier universities.


Yoshinori Kayama (Japan)
Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work: Graduated (2022)

Testimony about Bircham International University:
A degree is important for me. It also gave me a wonderful opportunity to experience foreign cultures. This experience with Bircham University will surely contribute to my future growth.


Zacarias Ndemutaloneni (Angola)
Master of Science in Computer Science: Graduated (2018)
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Systems & Networks: Admitted (2015)

Review about Bircham International University:
Tive a felicidade de conhecer a Bircham International University por casualidade através de uma publicação que baixei da internet, a copia da tese do Dr. Arnaldo Puati Tomas, actual Secretário da Juventude e Desportos de Cabinda e que no qual me interessou bastante o seu conteúdo e a forma como estava estruturado, porque na altura o seu Tema fazia parte da Monografia que eu estava a preparar para a defesa de Licenciatura do Curso de Informática Educativa. Mais tarde fui pontualmente elucidado de forma categórica pelo um amigo Whylvasion Xavier foi ele que me despertou bastante porque já estava matriculado e a frequentar o curso de Mestrado Engenharia Mecânica, foi ele que incentivou-me e pôs-me de imediato em contacto com Exº Sr. Cesar Martinez. Depois de muitas perguntas que fiz, e sempre prontamente respondido eu não hesitei me inscrevi logo no Curso de Mestrado de Ciências de Informática e Computação. Na verdade, foi uma experiência bastante desafiante, pois cumulativamente e sobretudo sem prejuízo das minhas obrigações profissionais e familiares, foi possível apreender novos e avançados conhecimentos e experiências. Actualmente considero a Bircham University como uma das melhores Universidades do mundo de uma forma oportuna consegue colocar a sua disposição um leque de conhecimento de forma fácil e eficiente. Sinto-me feliz porque a traves da Bircham consegui atingir os meus objectivos hoje só um homem realizado, com habilidades e competência que qualquer um desejaria ter. Aproveito este testemunho encorajar todos os líderes da Bircham Universty em continuar a elevar cada vez mais o bom nome que esta instituição internacional tem em todas as Nações este método de ensino. Esta base sólida de formação deu-me a oportunidade de desenvolver, de forma autónoma, e crescer mais na minha carreira profissional.


Zainulabuddin Hamid (Afghanistan)
Master of Science in Construction Management: Graduated (2011)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I am very happy that I am a graduate of Bircham University. I am always using the useful and professional information that Bircham University provided to me. Thanks again for your support.


Zwelonke Simela (U.S.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy in Astronomy: Graduated (2016)

Opinion about Bircham International University:
I greatly recommend anyone to register for a natural philosophy qualification with Bircham International University. This is coming about as a result of my experience with this University. I am appreciative of the generous donor bursary that I received from Bircham International University. To me doing a PhD in Astronomy at Bircham International University was a godsend. I did not have the money to do a science PhD in a conventional University setting. I knew that my contribution to the study of nature, in such an expansive field as Astronomy was going to be in pulsars/neutron stars, the early Universe or the Sun. The literature and communal support led me to writing about the Sun and Solar Physics that is, its plasma evolution and the Solar system topography. Virtually all the hitches I met were resolved by the University in a timely manner. My interests in natural history, the sciences and the ascendancy of science and technology were greatly heightened by this opportunity that BIU afforded me.
