International Relevance & Reputation.
Bircham International University
BCMA - The British Complementary Medicine Association
The BCMA - The British Complementary Medicine Association supports any recognised therapy providing the standards of training are adequate and their codes of ethics and disciplines are adhered to.
The BCMA - The British Complementary Medicine Association supports any recognised therapy providing the standards of training are adequate and their codes of ethics and disciplines are adhered to.
The British Complementary Medicine Association supports and protects the integrity of its therapists, ensures the protection and well-being of their clients, and the high quality standards with which Complementary Medicine is delivered to the public.
Bircham International University standards review was conducted in 2003.
Acceptance of BIU as an independent school was granted on 2004.
Since 2007 BIU does not renew BCMA - The British Complementary Medicine Association Membership.
BCMA - The British Complementary Medicine Association
Reference - Member. Year: 2003... 2007.
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AAMA - American Alternative Medical Association
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BCMA - The British Complementary Medicine Association
& Bircham International University.