Research Work
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Bircham International University
Research Work & Publications.
Bircham International University publishes an online electronic library listing the titles of the academic research works, and publications, produced by our graduates. Additionally, an electronic PDF copy of these research work is permanently stored at the BIU archive.
The copyright of these research work always belong to the author. BIU can not supply any copy of a research without the written permission of the author. Contact us if you are interested in any of these works. Your request will be forwarded to the author, who will then decide how to address your demand.
Bircham International University encourages all researchers, graduates, and professors, to promote their work through publishing and other forms of dissemination. Publication includes mostly journals and books. A final project or thesis is a solid foundation to get a research work published. Note that Bircham International University does not provide publishing services. Copyright of any publication always belongs to the author. The author is considered to be someone who has made substantive intellectual contributions to the publication. Contact the publishing company or bookstore if you are interested in acquiring any of the following publications. The following listing provides the ISBN or publishing company name to make the author's publication easily found. More info...

No matter what technology supports the education process, learning occurs only as a result of the active processing by our biological brain. More info...