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Distance degree programs for Adults & Professionals.

Specialist, Bachelor's, Master's, Doctor Ph.D. Degree Online via distance learning.


Current Students

Faculty of Life & Earth Sciences


Science is in permanent evolution. Bircham International University distance learning degree programs from this faculty of science allow access to specialization in which the student can choose the topics of his or her interest in order to design a distance learning degree program completely adapted to his or her vocation.


Life and Earth Sciences govern the functioning of our planet. The sea moves the weather. The rain feeds the rivers. Water is the essence of life, it gives us all to drink. The land provides us with sustenance. And a lot of beauty, if we take care of it. Earth makes our food grow. And the materials that make up things. We are what we eat, we are what we breathe. The air is the source of health. The atmosphere protects us from the void outside. The sun gives us heat and energy. The night and the moon regulate the cycles of our planet. Life and Earth Sciences teach us to understand and take care of our world.


Anyone can know. The point is to understand. The best questions are the ones that create the most uncertainty.



Current Students - Life & Earth Sciences


Faculty of Life & Earth Sciences


This list is updated every month.
If you do not wish to appear on this list, contact us.



Aboudou Razack
Doctor of Philosophy in Sustainable Agriculture: Studying (2023...)


Abraham Duque Jiménez
Expert Diploma in Earth Science: Graduated (2021)
Bachelor of Science in Geology - Paleontology: Studying (2021...)


Adegbite Bayodé Roméo
Master of Science in Microbiology & Immunology: Studying (2020...)


Adeline Théry
Bachelor of Science in Ethology: Studying (2020...)


Ahouangninou Comlan Agbatan Claude
Master of Science in Statistics: Studying (2023...)


Alberto Boaventura
Bachelor of Science in Geography: Studying (2008...)


Aleksejs Dremacs
Expert Diploma in Geology: Studying (2023...)


Alfredo Olivas Linares
Master of Science in Statistics: Studying (2019...)
Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics: Studying (2019...)


Alicia Idígoras Navarrete
Expert Diploma in Botany & Plant Science: Studying (2024...)


Allaki Fatima Ezzahrae
Expert Diploma in Geology: Studying (2020...)


Anjum Ghani
Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology: Studying (2025...)


Aracely Sarai Cruz Zavala
Specialist Diploma in Wood Science: Studying (2021...)


Armando Boulhosa Nassar
Master of Science in Biochemistry: Studying (2014...)


Armando dos Santos Marcelino
Master of Science in Mathematics: Studying (2021...)


Ayman W. Alhabash
Bachelor of Science in Marine Science: Studying (2021...)


Belli Bié Gerard Bayili
Expert Diploma in Fire Science: Studying (2024...)


Bernard-Gros Claire
Master of Science in Zoology: Studying (2024...)


Bouduban Arnaud Nicolas
Master of Science in Zoology: Studying (2023...)


Bouhfadi Khensous Souhila
Doctor of Philosophy in Meteorology: Studying (2023...)


Boyina Gainze
Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology & Immunology: Studying (2023...)


Bru Helena
Expert Diploma in Ethology: Studying (2020...)


Carlos Andres Gil Franco
Master of Science in Ethology: Studying (2017...)


Carlos Eduardo Carmo da Silva
Specialist Diploma in Wood Science: Studying (2024...)


Carlos Eduardo Castro Renwick
Expert Diploma in Aeronautical Technology: Studying (2013...)
Expert Diploma in Military Strategy: Studying (2013...)
Expert Diploma in Physics: Studying (2014...)


Carlos Enrique Dillon
Bachelor of Science in Astronomy: Studying (2021...)


Chamel Jebrail
Bachelor of Science in Genetics: Studying (2024...)


Chantoiseau Chris Natacha
Bachelor of Science in Earth Science: Studying (2021...)


Charlene Davel
Expert Diploma in Livestock & Animal Science: Studying (2025...)


Charline Lisa Drillaud
Specialist Diploma in Astrophysics: Studying (2024...)


Charlot Opaline
Bachelor of Science in Zoology - Herpetology: Studying (2023...)


Chendurty Srinivas Rao Narasimham
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics: Studying (2023...)


Chiara Balser
Bachelor of Science in Marine Science: Studying (2022...)


Christine Yamasaki
Doctor of Philosophy in Quantum Healing Therapy: Studying (2023...)


Cimerman Katarina
Expert Diploma in Biochemistry: Studying (2019...)


Claudia Baur-Bader
Bachelor of Science in Biology & Life Science: Graduated (2023)
Master of Science in Zoology: Studying (2024...)


Claudia Rosana Montebello
Doctor of Philosophy in Geopolitics & Geostrategy: Graduated (2022)
Doctor of Philosophy in Geography: Studying (2023...)
Magna Cum Laude in Geopolitics & Geostrategy: Graduated (2022)


Crisanto Palacios Gavilan
Master of Science in Molecular Cell Biology: Studying (2017...)


Cristian Schornberg
Specialist Diploma in Meteorology: Studying (2016...)


Daiana Tomas
Doctor of Philosophy in Ethology: Studying (2024...)


David Cosin Galindo
Expert Diploma in Geology: Studying (2019...)


David Verisimo
Specialist Diploma in Meteorology: Studying (2017...)


Dayne Spencer Davis
Expert Diploma in Wood Science: Studying (2020...)


Dorothy Zeyichibu Sokwo
Doctor of Philosophy in Bioethics: Studying (2021...)


Douglas Morse Varney
Doctor of Philosophy in Meteorology: Studying (2021...)


Ducoloné Sylvie
Specialist Diploma in Marine Science: Studying (2020...)


Edgar Oscar Quiroga
Expert Diploma in Chemistry: Studying (2024...)


Edson Pinheiro
Doctor of Philosophy in Wood Science: Studying (2024...)


Eduardo Esono Batapa
Doctor of Philosophy in Optics: Studying (2024...)


Elise Gravel
Expert Diploma in Geology: Studying (2022...)


Emanuel Anton Aprill (Hauner)
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Science: Studying (2020...)


Emma Škrovanová
Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology: Studying (2023...)


Erika Garcés Uribe
Specialist Diploma in Landscape Architecture: Studying (2020...)


Euclides José Matte
Bachelor of Science in Meteorology: Studying (2018...)


Fatima Adriano Chale
Master of Science in Sustainable Agriculture: Studying (2020...)


Fernando Adalberto R. dos Santos
Expert Diploma in Microbiology & Immunology: Studying (2020...)


Fernando José Solar Barraza
Doctor of Philosophy in Hydrology: Studying (2023...)


Fernando Lopes Ferreira Cugingo
Master of Science in Mathematics: Studying (2023...)


Ferrazi Julia
Expert Diploma in Marine Biology: Studying (2024...)


Francesc Caralt Rafecas
Bachelor of Science in Biology & Biochemistry - Botany: Graduated (2013)
Doctor of Philosophy in Bioinformatics & Computational Biology: Studying (2014...)


Francis Chien Chee Choong
Bachelor of Science in Microbiology & Immunology: Studying (2023...)


German Enrique Espinosa Garzon
Specialist Diploma in Physics: Studying (2020...)


Gian Andri Capeder
Expert Diploma in Meteorology: Studying (2020...)


Gisela Beatriz Jaymes
Master of Science in Ecology - Environmental Health: Studying (2016...)


Guasch Mathilde
Expert Diploma in Botany & Plant Science: Studying (2022...)


Halidi Racchina
Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry: Studying (2018...)


Halilou Mahamadou
Master of Science in Microbiology & Immunology: Studying (2021...)


Hangalo Bernardo Caritoco
Master of Science in Sustainable Agriculture: Studying (2020...)


Haranga David
Master of Science in Sustainable Agriculture: Studying (2020...)


Hernie Régine
Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular Cell Biology: Studying (2019...)


Ingrid Sagra Muñoz
Expert Diploma in Earth Science: Graduated (2021)
Bachelor of Science in Geology - Vulcanology: Studying (2021...)


Iolanda Santos Romão
Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry: Studying (2024...)


Iván Sirvent Rives
Bachelor of Science in Biology & Life Science - Zoology: Studying (2021...)


Jack Richard-Vincent Saraceno
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics: Studying (2023...)


Jaime Ariel García Monge
Bachelor of Science in Geology: Studying (2024...)


Jamie L. Stewart
Doctor of Philosophy in Ethology: Studying (2022...)


Jean-Pierre Baudry
Expert Diploma in Fire Science: Studying (2019...)


Jesús María González González
Bachelor of Science in Botany & Plant Science: Studying (2023...)


João da Silva
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Management: Studying (2007...)


Jonas Rwanika Nabii
Master of Science in Sustainable Agriculture: Studying (2023...)


José do Espírito Santo
Bachelor of Science in Soil Science: Studying (2014...)


José Luis Marcano Rodriguez
Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Biology: Studying (2024...)


Jose Luis Olaya Lazo
Bachelor of Science in Marine Science: Studying (2016...)


Joy Fromental
Specialist Diploma in Ethology: Studying (2018...)


Julia Ricanyova
Expert Diploma in Marine Science: Studying (2023...)


Justino José Simbo
Doctor of Philosophy in Livestock & Animal Science: Studying (2015...)


Kaio Aguiar Barbosa
Bachelor of Science in Sports Science: Studying (2024...)


Kangala Nguia Serael Gedeon
Bachelor of Science in Molecular Cell Biology: Studying (2024...)
Master of Science in Microbiology & Immunology: Studying (2024...)


Karolyn de Leon Amarillo
Master of Science in Ecology & Environmental Health: Studying (2009...)


Katia Nadia Merkich
Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology & Immunology: Studying (2024...)
Magna Cum Laude in Microbiology & Immunology: Studying (2025...)


Kayunga Membo Hugo
Expert Diploma in Microbiology & Immunology: Studying (2023...)


Klaudia Anna Boho
Expert Diploma in Marine Biology: Studying (2022...)


Kone Abdoulaye
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Health: Studying (2024...)


Kress Jan
Expert Diploma in Molecular Cell Biology: Studying (2023...)


Lachio Feussi Leslie Maela
Master of Science in Wood Science: Studying (2024...)


Laura Nieto Sánchez
Specialist Diploma in Botany & Plant Science: Studying (2024...)


Lena Sommer
Expert Diploma in Botany & Plant Science: Studying (2022...)


M. Mar Alonso Moreno
Specialist Diploma in Quantum Biophysics: Graduated (2018)
Bachelor of Science in Microbiology & Immunology: Studying (2022...)


Mabuila Gabriel
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry: Studying (2013...)


Maicon Santiago Aliaga Machado
Doctor of Philosophy in Astronomy - Astrophysics: Studying (2010...)


Mallart Sébastien
Expert Diploma in Fire Science: Studying (2021...)


Marfin Louanne
Master of Science in Ethology: Studying (2023...)


María Fernanda Muñoz Mejía
Bachelor of Science in Ethology: Studying (2020...)


Maria Teresa Parra Gamero
Bachelor of Science in Pure Sciences: Studying (2008...)


Mariana Gabriela García Quezada
Expert Diploma in Chemical Engineering: Studying (2022...)


Mary Churchill Katwaza
Bachelor of Science in Genetics: Studying (2019...)


Mbatchou Ngahane Bertrand Hugo
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Health: Studying (2023...)


Mégane Aillaud Mazan
Master of Science in Ethology: Studying (2017...)


Melvina Kleverova Zilliox
Doctor of Philosophy in Human Animal Studies: Studying (2024...)


Mercedes Zendrera Zariquiey
Specialist Diploma in Marine Science: Studying (2021...)


Modibo Mouctar Coulibaly
Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry: Studying (2021...)


Mohamed Nouran
Expert Diploma in Nutrition & Diet Therapy: Studying (2020...)
Bachelor of Science in Genetics: Studying (2023...)


Mohammed Abdullah Alatwah
Specialist Diploma in Agriculture Science: Studying (2024...)


Monica Aroca Asensio
Master of Science in Zoology: Studying (2016...)


Moubamba Mbina Dieudonné
Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Science - Animal Biology: Studying (2022...)


Mougeolle Kelly Jeanne Sandrine
Bachelor of Science in Ethology: Studying (2020...)


N'Damité Karine
Expert Diploma in Environmental Health: Studying (2023...)


N’Dje Logbessi Balissibadi
Bachelor of Science in Hydrology: Studying (2023...)


Natasja Jansen
Expert Diploma in Marine Biology: Graduated (2024)
Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology: Studying (2024...)


Nday Kyoni John
Master of Science in Sustainable Agriculture: Studying (2023...)


Ngoie Mpanga Blaise
Doctor of Philosophy in Geology: Studying (2021...)
Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering: Studying (2024...)


Nicolas Durand
Master of Science in Astrophysics: Studying (2023...)


Nicolas Vicente Perdomo Linares
Bachelor of Science in Botany & Plant Science: Studying (2018...)


Niraj Konchady Shenoy
Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular Cell Biology - Genetics: Studying (2017...)


Norma Navarro Barrera
Specialist Diploma in Ethology: Studying (2021...)


Nsobani Lukelo Desiré
Master of Science in Environmental Health: Studying (2020...)


Océana Drevon
Bachelor of Science in Ethology: Studying (2024...)


Oliver Käfer
Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology: Studying (2022...)


Omar Abdulnafie Naoruzo
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Science: Studying (2024...)


Omran Ahmad Al Zuabi
Expert Diploma in Optics: Graduated (2020)
Master of Science in Optics: Studying (2024...)


Orlando Hernández Cuevas
Master of Science in Physics: Studying (2019...)


Ouattara Daouda
Master of Science in Hydrology: Studying (2023...)


Ouedraogo Ferdinand
Doctor of Philosophy in Astronomy: Studying (2024...)


Patrick Fridolin Rosemberg Nganga
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Science: Studying (2023...)


Patrick Schosser
Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry: Studying (2021...)


Paul Edward Azcué Aguilar
Bachelor of Science in Pure Sciences - Mathematics: Studying (2015...)


Paulino Antonio Garcia
Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Agriculture: Studying (2012...)


Pedro José Manuel
Bachelor of Science in Geology: Studying (2024...)


Petra Göricke
Expert Diploma in Meteorology: Studying (2024...)


Pierre Voltaire Andre
Expert Diploma in Sustainable Agriculture: Studying (2019...)


Quiterie Laetita Marie Danielle Chaperon
Expert Diploma in Marine Science: Studying (2022...)


Ramón A. Antelo Reguengo
Expert Diploma in Biochemistry: Studying (2011...)


Rébecca Ledrin
Expert Diploma in Biology & Life Science: Studying (2019...)


René Maqueta Sabino Correia
Bachelor of Science in Occupational Safety & Health: Studying (2012...)


Roberta Roscini
Bachelor of Science in Human Animal Studies: Studying (2015...)


Roberto Manuel Briend
Bachelor of Science in Physics: Studying (2018...)


Romane Julie Hivanhoe
Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology: Studying (2023...)


Rosa M. Morales Martin
Specialist Diploma in Sustainable Agriculture: Studying (2013...)


Ruth Elizabeth Schmidt Cordoba, Mauritz
Bachelor of Science in Botany & Plant Science: Studying (2021...)
Bachelor of Science in Geology: Studying (2022...)


Sacko Hamidou Baba
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Health: Studying (2021...)


Saleh Aldhuhoori
Expert Diploma in Marine Ecosystems: Studying (2023...)


Saleh Rashed Al-Taweel
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry: Graduated (2022)
Master of Science in Geology: Graduated (2023)
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics: Studying (2023...)


Sall Mamadou
Bachelor of Science in Human Biology: Graduated (2023)
Master of Science in Microbiology & Immunology: Studying (2023...)


Sangare Gbato
Expert Diploma in Environmental Health: Studying (2020...)


Saskia Neele Eirich
Expert Diploma in Sustainable Agriculture: Studying (2022...)


Sebastien Picard
Expert Diploma in Marine Science: Studying (2021...)


Shagun Gupta
Master of Science in Anti-Aging Therapy - Ayurveda: Studying (2021...)
Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular Cell Biology: Studying (2021...)


Shahzad-ul Haq
Doctor of Philosophy in Geology: Studying (2016...)


Sherifa Ahmed Hamed Omran
Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular Biology: Studying (2010...)


Simón Bolivar Pérez Rossó
Specialist Diploma in Genetics: Studying (2014...)


Stefanie Alonso Malo
Specialist Diploma in Zoology: Studying (2023...)


Tamsyn Rose Dolorine Hansen-Hill
Specialist Diploma in Earth Science: Studying (2024...)


Tania Verónica Molina Guañuna
Bachelor of Science in Biology & Life Science: Studying (2019...)


Thomas Mack Logan
Doctor of Philosophy in Data Science: Studying (2023...)


Valeria Frigerio Regazzoni
Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular Cell Biology: Studying (2024...)


Vanessa Camarasa
Bachelor of Science in Human Animal Studies: Studying (2016...)


Venâncio Manuel José Namuele
Master of Science in Physics: Studying (2013...)


Victor Hugo Becerra Hermida
Bachelor of Science in Astronomy: Studying (2017...)


Vincent Mahamadaly
Expert Diploma in Marine Science: Studying (2022...)


Waldemar Sérgio Tavares
Master of Science in Geology: Studying (2011...)


William Agustín Cruz Almanza
Bachelor of Science in Geology: Studying (2024...)


Yanik Eduard Ruiz Cardeña
Doctor of Philosophy in Ethology - Human Ethology: Studying (2024...)


Zameer Shervani
Expert Diploma in Mathematics: Studying (2025...)
