Professional success with Bircham International University.
Recommended Memberships for Psychology
Professional Practice
Bircham International University
Joining the proper association is the best way to become an updated professional.
Each profession develops its own entry requirements. Potential BIU students are advised to check, prior to enrollment, whether a Bircham International University distance learning degree is accepted at the professional practice they are seeking. Requirements for a particular profession vary widely among provinces, states, or countries. Some jobs require degrees recognized solely by a Ministry of Education; while others accept a diploma duly legalized or endorsed by a professional association.
Professional practice depends on a student experience and career and not only on the university degree. In other words, a student may qualify for a particular practice while others may not, despite holding the same degree from the same distance learning university.
Bircham International University graduates may join many professional associations. Membership requirements for each association may vary depending on the degree program, specialization and graduate resume en each occasion. BIU can not guarantee membership in all instances. BIU does not intermediate in these procedures. Bircham International University provides a list of available memberships and professional references from each faculty where some BIU graduates may belong. Contact directly the ones you select.
A good education should teach HOW to think, rather than WHAT to think. More info...
Recommended Professional References.
Faculty of Psychology via distance learning

The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. All our dreams can come true.
Joining the proper association is the best way to become an updated professional.
AAGT - The Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy - Info...
AAPFR - Association Addictions Prévention Formation Recherche - Info...
AAPH - American Association of Professional Hypnotherapists - Info...
AARC - Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling - Info...
AASECT - American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, & Therapists - Info...
AASM - American Academy of Sleep Medicine - Info...
AASP - Asian Association of Social Psychology - Info...
AASP - Association for Applied Sport Psychology - Info...
AATA - American Art Therapy Association - Info...
ABCT - Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies - Info...
ABH & ABNLP - American Board of Hypnotherapy & Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) - Info...
ABMP - Associação Brasileira de Medicina Psicossomática - Info...
ABPA - Associação Brasileira de Psicólogos Antroposóficos - Info...
ABPC - Associação Brasileira de Psicoterapia Cognitiva - Info...
ABPCM - Associação Brasileira de Parapsicologia e Ciências da Mente - Info...
ABPD - Associação Brasileira de Psicologia do Desenvolvimento - Info...
ABPJ - Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Jurídica - Info...
ABPMC - Associação Brasileira de Psicologia e Medicina Comportamental - Info...
ABPP - Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Positiva - Info...
ABPP - Associação Brasileira de Psicopedagogia - Info...
ABPSA - Associação Brasileira de Psicologia da Saúde - Info...
ABPT - Associação Brasileira de Psicanálise Transpessoal - Info...
ABPT - Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Transpessoal - Info...
ABPT - Associação Luso-Brasileira de Transpessoal - Info...
ABRAP - Associação Brasileira de Psicoterapia - Info...
ABRAPE - Associação Brasileira de Psicólogos Espíritas - Info...
ABRAPSO - Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Social - Info...
ABS - American Board of Sexology - Info...
ABT - Associação Brasileira de Tanatopraxia - Info...
AC - Association for Coaching - Info...
ACA - American Counseling Association - Info...
ACAMH - Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health - Info...
ACAPI - Asociación de Conductas Adictivas y Patología Dual de Iberoamérica - Info...
ACBT - Academy of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies - Info...
ACIP - Asociación Científica Internacional de Psicopedagogía - Info...
ACMA - Asociación Científica de Medicina Antroposófica - Info...
ACN - Association for Comprehensive NeuroTherapy - Info...
ACOP - Association de Conseillers d'Orientation Psychologues de France - Info...
ACP - Association of Child Psychotherapists - Info...
ACR - Association for Conflict Resolution - Info...
ACS - Asian Criminological Society - Info...
ADEC - Association for Death Education and Counseling - Info...
ADM - Association pour le Développement de la Mindfulness - Info...
ADPCA - Association for the Development of the Person Centered Approach - Info...
ADRIPS - Association pour la Diffusion de la Recherche Internationale en Psychologie Sociale - Info...
AEFDP - Asociación Española Para el Fomento y Desarrollo de la Psicoterapia - Info...
AEHDA - Asociación Europea de Hipnosis y Disciplinas Afines - Info...
AEMIND - Asociación Española de Mindfulness y Compasión - Info...
AEOP - Asociación Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía - Info...
AEP - Association of Educational Psychologists - Info...
AEPC - Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual - Info...
AEPH - Association Européenne des Praticiens d'Hypnose - Info...
AEPNL - Asociación Española de Programación Neurolingüistica - Info...
AEPP - Asociación Española de Psicoterapia Psicoanalítica - Info...
AEPS - Asociación de Estudios Psicológicos y Sociales - Info...
AEPS - Asociación Estatal de Profesionales de la Sexología - Info...
AES - Asociación de Especialistas en Sexología - Info...
AETPR - Association Européenne de Thérapie Psychocorporelle et Relationnelle - Info...
AFC - Association Française de Criminologie - Info...
AFFOP - Association Fédérative Française des Psychothérapies Relationnelles et Psychanalyse - Info...
AFfPP – Association Française et Francophone de Psychologie Positive - Info...
AFHYP - Association Française d'Hypnose - Info...
AFNH - Association Francaise de Nouvelle Hypnose - Info...
AFP-ACP - Association Française de Psychothérapie dans l'Approche Centrée sur la Personne - Info...
AFPPA - Association Française de Psychanalyse et de Psychothérapie Analytique - Info...
AFPS - Association Francophone de Psychologie Sociale - Info...
AFPSA - Association Francophone de Psychologie de la Santé - Info...
AFPTO - Association Française de Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations - Info...
AFS - Association Française de Sexothérapie - Info...
AFSFH - Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy - Info...
AFSS - Association Francophone de Sexologie Sexofonctionnelle - Info...
AFT - Association Française du Transpersonnel - Info...
AFTAA - Association Française de Thérapie Assistée par l'Animal - Info...
AFTCC - Association Française de Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive - Info...
AGIP - Association for Group and Individual Psychotherapy - Info...
AGPA - American Group Psychotherapy Association - Info...
AGY - Association Gestalt-Thérapie et Yoga - Info...
AHCP - Associação de Hipnose Clínica de Portugal - Info...
AHP - Association for Humanistic Psychology - Info...
AHPB - Association for Humanistic Psychology in Britain - Info...
AICC - Asociación Iberoamericana de Coaches Comerciales - Info...
AICP - Asociacion Internacional de Coaching y Psicología - Info...
AICPNL - Asociación Internacional de Coaching con PNL - Info...
AIP - American Institute of Parapsychology - Info...
AIP - Association of Independent Psychotherapists - Info...
AIPA - Asociación Iberoamericana de Parapsicología - Info...
AIPJ - Asociación Iberoamericana de Psicología Jurídica - Info...
AIPPT - Asociación Internacional de Psicología y Psicoterapia Transpersonal - Info...
AITEAS - Asociación Internacional de Terapias Expresivas y Arte Social - Info...
AIUS - Association Interdisciplinaire post Universitaire de Sexologie - Info...
ALAMOC - Asociación Latinoamericana de Análisis y Modificación del Comportamiento - Info...
ALAPCO - Asociación Latinoamericana de Psicoterapias Cognitivas - Info...
ALPEC - Asociación Latinoamericana de Derecho Penal y Criminología - Info...
ALPJF - Asociación Latinoamericana de Psicología Jurídica y Forense - Info...
AMAPSI - Asociación Latinoamericana para la Formación y Enseñanza de la Psicología - Info...
AMPPA - American Positive Psychology Association - Info...
AMRA - American Mindfulness Research Association - Info...
AMTAC - Asociación Mexicana de Tanatología - Info...
ANLP - Association for Neuro Linguistic Programming - Info...
AOFS - Asia-Oceania Federation of Sexology - Info...
AOP - Alliance for Organizational Psychology - Info...
APA - American Psychotherapy Association - Info...
APBC - Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors - Info...
APC - Associação Portuguesa de Criminología - Info...
APCA - Asian Professional Counselling Association - Info...
APE - Asociación Primatológica Española - Info...
APE - Association des Psychanalystes Européens - Info...
APECS - Association for Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision - Info...
APEIPP - Associação Portuguesa de Estudos e Intervenção em Psicologia Positiva - Info...
APEP - Association Psychanalyse et Psychothérapies Recherches Expérimentales - Info...
APG - Associação Portuguesa de Gestalt - Info...
APHICE - Asociación de Psicoterapia Humanista Integrativa y Counselling - Info...
APHP - Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy - Info...
APICSA - Asociación Psicológica Iberoamericana de Clínica y Salud - Info...
APIH - Asociación de Psicoterapia Integradora Humanista - Info...
APM - Associação Portuguesa para o Mindfulness - Info...
APPAL - Associação de Psicologia Positiva da América Latina - Info...
APPB - Association Professionnelle de Psychologie Biodynamique - Info...
APPCPC - Associação Portuguesa de Psicoterapia Centrada na Pessoa e de Counselling - Info...
APPF - Asociacion de Psicología y Psicoterpia Feminista - Info...
APPHAT - Asociación de Profesionales de la Psicología Humanista y del Análisis Transaccional - Info...
APPSI - Associação de Psicoterapia Psicanalítica - Info...
APS - Association for Psychological Science - Info...
APSAA -American Psychoanalytic Association - Info...
APSOS - Association de Praticiens en Psychothérapie pour un Soutien Social - Info...
APSS - Association de Psychologie Sociale de la Santé - Info...
APSS - Association for Psychological and Spiritual Sciences - Info...
APSYA - Asian Psychological Association - Info...
APSYTRA - Association des Psychologues du Travail et des Organisations - Info...
APTCC - Associação Portuguesa de Terapias Comportamental e Cognitiva - Info...
APTGD - Asociación de Psicólogos y Terapeutas Gestalt para el Desarrollo - Info...
APTO - Association des Psychologues du Travail et des Organisations - Info...
ASAB - Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour - Info...
ASAM - American Society of Addiction Medicine - Info...
ASBH - Associacao Brasileira de Hipnose - Info...
ASC - The American Society of Criminology - Info...
ASCH - American Society of Clinical Hypnosis - Info...
ASCLIF - Association des Sexologues Cliniciens Francophones - Info...
ASDS - Association for the Study of Death and Society - Info...
ASEPCO - Asociación Española de Terapia Cognitiva - Info...
ASGPP - American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama - Info...
ASPASP - Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology - Info...
ASPC - Association Suisse de Psychothérapie Cognitive - Info...
ASSC - Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness - Info...
ATE - Asociación Profesional Española de Arteterapeutas - Info...
ATEAC - Atividades, Terapias e Educação Assistida por Animais - Info...
ATI - Asociación Transpersonal Iberoamericana - Info...
ATIPRC - Asociación de Tanatología Integral de Puerto Rico y el Caribe - Info...
ATLA - Association Thérapie de l'Âme - Info...
ATP - Association for Transpersonal Psychology - Info...
ATPR- Association de Thérapeutes en Psychosomatique Relationnelle - Info...
ATSA - Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers - Info...
AZP - Association de Zoothérapie de Paris - Info...
BAAT - British Association of Art Therapists - Info...
BACP - British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy - Info...
BAMBA - British Association for Mindfulness-based Approaches - Info...
BASRT - British Association for Sexual and Relationship Therapy - Info...
BATH&NLP - British Association of Therapeutic Hypnotists & NLP - Info...
BCP - British Confederation of Psychotherapists - Info...
BNA - British Neuroscience Association - Info...
BPA - British Psychoanalytic Association - Info...
BPF - British Psychotherapy Foundation - Info...
BPS - British Psychological Association - Info...
BSC - British Society of Criminology - Info...
BSCAH - British Society of Clinical and Academic Hypnosis - Info...
CANPA - Caribbean Alliance of National Psychological Associations - Info...
CEPPI - Centre d'Etudes Parapsychologiques et des Phénomènes Inexpliqués - Info...
CERAP - Centre d"Etude et de Recherche Appliquée en Pédagogie Perceptive - Info...
CFHTB - Confédération Francophone d'Hypnose et de Thérapies Brèves - Info...
CHH - Colegio de Hipnosis e Hipnólogos - Info...
CNHC - Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council - Info...
CNS - Cognitive Neuroscience Society - Info...
COAPE - Centre of Applied Pet Ethology - Info...
COPOE - Confederación de Organizaciones de Psicopedagogía y Orientación de España - Info...
CPT - Council of Holistic Professional Therapists - Info...
CRCH - Commission on Religious Counseling and Healing - Info...
CSETEL - Center for the Study of Empathic Therapy, Education & Living - Info...
CSS - Cognitive Science Society - Info...
EABCT - European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies - Info...
EABP - European Association for Body Psychotherapy - Info...
EAC - European Association for Counselling - Info...
EACP - European Association of Counselling Psychology - Info...
EADP - European Association of Developmental Psychology - Info...
EAGT - European Association for Gestalt Therapy - Info...
EAIP - European Association for Integrative Psychotherapy - Info...
EAMBA - European Association for Mindfulness - Info...
EAOHP - European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology - Info...
EAP - The European Association for Psychotherapy - Info...
EAPA - European Association of Psychological Assessment - Info...
EAPL - European Association of Psychology and Law - Info...
EAPP - European Association of Personality Psychology - Info...
EASAR - European Association of Substance Abuse Research - Info...
EASP - European Association of Social Psychology - Info...
EATA - European Association of Transactional Analysis - Info...
EAWOP - European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology - Info...
EBBS - European Brain and Behaviour Society - Info...
ECPA - European Community Psychology Association - Info...
EFAT - The European Federation of Art Therapy - Info...
EFBAP - European Federation for Bioenergetic Analysis-Psychotherapy - Info...
EFP - EuroFederation of Psychoanalysis - Info...
EFP-FEP - European Psychoanalytical Federation - Info...
EFPA - European Federation of Psychologists' Associations - Info...
EFPP - European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy - Info...
EFPP - European Federation for Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy - Info...
EFPTA - European Federation of Psychology Teachers' Associations - Info...
EFS - European Federation of Sexology - Info...
EHEN - Exceptional Human Experience Network - Info...
EHPS - European Health Psychology Society - Info...
EMCCS - European Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society - Info...
EMCDDA - European Monitoring Centre for Drugs & Drug Addiction - Info...
ENPP - European Network for Positive Psychology - Info...
ENSEC - European Network for Social and Emotional Competence - Info...
EPS - Experimental Psychology Society - Info...
ESAAT - European Society for Animal Assisted Therapy - Info...
ESC - European Society of Criminology - Info...
ESCOP - European Society for Cognitive Psychology - Info...
ESN - European Society for Neurochemistry - Info...
ESN - Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology - Info...
Eternea - Science & Spirituality for Transformation - Info...
ETPA - European Transpersonal Psychology Association - Info...
EUFAS - European Federation of Addiction Societies - Info...
FABBS - Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences - Info...
FACE - Federación de Asociaciones de Criminólogos de España - Info...
FALAN - Federation of Neuroscience Societies of Latin America and the Caribbean - Info...
FAONS - Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies - Info...
FAPOL - Federación Americana de Psicoanálisis - Info...
FBTC - Federação Brasileira de Terapias Cognitivas - Info...
FDSA - Finnish Death Studies Association - Info...
FEAP - Federacion Espanola de Asociaciones de Psicoterapeutas - Info...
FEAPA - Federación Española de Asociaciones Profesionales de Arteterapia - Info...
FEBRAPSI - Federação Brasileira de Psicanálise - Info...
FENS - Federation of European Neuroscience Societies - Info...
FEPAL - Federación Psicoanalítica de América Latina - Info...
FEPAPP - Fédération des Professionnels de l' Accompagnement en Pédagogie Perceptive - Info...
FEPD - Federación Española de Psicología del Deporte - Info...
FEPP - Fédération Européenne Psychothérapeutes Psychanalystes - Info...
FEPSAC - European Federation of Sport Psychology - Info...
FESN - Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology - Info...
FESS - Federación Española de Sociedades de Sexología - Info...
FFAT - Fédération Française des Art-Thérapeutes - Info...
FFP - Fédération Freudienne de Psychanalyse - Info...
FFPNL - Fédération Francophone de Programmation Neuro-Linguistique - Info...
FFPP - Fédération Française de Psychothérapie et Psychanalyse - Info...
FFPP - Fédération Française des Psychologues et de Psychologie - Info...
FFPPEA - Fédération Française de Psychothérapie Psychanalytique pour l’Enfant et l’Adolescent - Info...
FFSSS - Fédération Française de Sexologie et de Santé Sexuelle - Info...
FHC - Federación de Hipnoterapia Clínica - Info...
FIAPSI - Federación Iberoamericana de Asociaciones de Psicología - Info...
FIP - Forum of Independent Psychotherapists - Info...
FLAPAG - Federación Latinoamericana de Psicoterapia Analítica de Grupos - Info...
FLAPSI - Federación Latinoamericana de Psicoterapia - Info...
FLASS - Federación Latinoamericana de Sociedades de Sueño - Info...
FLASSES - Federacion Latinoamericana de Sociedades de Sexología y Educación Sexual - Info...
FRC - Fédération pour la Recherche sur le Cerveau - Info...
GCP - Global Consciousness Project - Info...
GERP - Groupe d'Etude et de Recherche en Parapsychologie - Info...
GTA - Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications - Info...
GTN - Gestalt Therapy Network - Info...
HABRI - Human-Animal Bond Research Initiative - Info...
HARS - Society for the Study of Human-Animal Relations (Japan) - Info...
HETI - Federation of Horses in Education and Therapy International - Info...
IAAAT - International Association Animal Assisted Therapy - Info...
IAAP - International Association for Analytical Psychology - Info...
IAAP - International Association of Applied Psychology - Info...
IAC - International Association for Counselling - Info...
IAC - International Association of Coaching - Info...
IACA - International Association of Crime Analysts - Info...
IACCP - International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology - Info...
IACEP - International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology - Info...
IACFP - International Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology - Info...
IACP - International Association for Cognitive Psychotherapy - Info...
IACS - International Accreditation of Counseling Services - Info...
IACT - International Association of Counselors & Therapist - Info...
IAEAP - Institute for Applied Ethology and Animal Psychology - Info...
IAFMHS - International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services - Info...
IAGP - International Association of Group Psychotherapy - Info...
IAHAIO - International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organizations - Info...
IAHC - International Association for Health Coaches - Info...
IAHPC - International Association of Hospice and Palliative Care - Info...
IAIP - International Association of Individual Psychology - Info...
IAJS - International Association for Jungian Studies - Info...
IAMFC - International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors - Info...
IANDS - International Association of Near Death Studies - Info...
IANLP - International Association for Neuro-Linguistic Programming - Info...
IANLPC - International Association of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Coaching - Info...
IAPH - International Alliance of Professional Hypnotists - Info...
IAPR - International Association for the Psychology of Religion - Info...
IAREP - International Association for Research in Economic Psychology - Info...
IARR - International Association for Relationship Research - Info...
IARTA - International Association of Relational Transactional Analysis - Info...
IASD - International Association for the Study of Dreams - Info...
IASP - International Association for Suicide Prevention - Info...
IATA - International Art Therapy Alliance - Info...
IATSO - International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders - Info...
IBANGS - International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society - Info...
IBNS - International Behavioral Neuroscience Society - Info...
IBRO - International Brain Research Organization - Info...
ICC - International Coaching Community - Info...
ICE - International Council of Ethologists - Info...
ICF - International Coach Federation - Info...
ICFDA - International Coalition for Drug Awareness - Info...
ICFF - International Coach Federation France - Info...
ICP - International Council of Psychologists - Info...
ICRL - International Consciousness Research Laboratories - Info...
IEATA - International Expressive Arts Therapy Association - Info...
IEEC - Instituto de Estudos de Expansão de Consciência - Info...
IEPP - Instituto Europeo de Psicología Positiva - Info...
IFP - International Federation for Psychotherapy - Info...
IFPS - International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies - Info...
IFTA - International Family Therapy Association - Info...
IFTA - International Federation of Thanatologists Associations - Info...
IHA - International Hypnosis Association - Info...
IHF - International Hypnosis Federation - Info...
IHPA - International Humanistic Psychology Association - Info...
IJTA - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies - Info...
IMF - International Mindfulness Federation - Info...
IMTA - International Mindfulness Teachers Association - Info...
INATAA - Instituto Nacional de Ações e Terapias Assistidas por Animais - Info...
INIMH - International Network of Integrative Mental Health - Info...
INLPF - International Neuro-Linguistic Programming Federation - Info...
INLPTA - International Neuro-Linguistic Programming Trainer's Association - Info...
INPM - International Network on Personal Meaning - Info...
INS - International Neuropsychological Society - Info...
INTAP - Intervenciones Asistidas por Perros - Info...
INTAPT - International Association of Psychosomatic Therapy - Info...
IOP - International Organization of Psychophysiology - Info...
IPA - International Psychoanalytical Association - Info...
IPPA - International Positive Psychology Association - Info...
ISAD - International Society for Affective Disorders - Info...
ISAE - International Society for Applied Ethology - Info...
ISAP - International Society for Animal Professionals - Info...
ISAZ - International Society of Anthrozoology - Info...
ISC - International Society for Criminology - Info...
ISCON - International Social Cognition Network - Info...
ISCP - International Society for Coaching Psychology - Info...
ISCP - International Society for Comparative Psychology - Info...
ISDP - International Society for Developmental Psychobiology - Info...
ISEPP - International Society for Existential Psychology and Psychotherapy - Info...
ISH - International Society for Hypnosis - Info...
ISHE - International Society for Human Ethology - Info...
ISHPR - International Society of Critical Health Psychology - Info...
ISMA - International Stress Management Association - Info...
ISP - International Society for Psychophysics - Info...
ISPC - International Association of Professional Counsellors - Info...
ISPP - International Society of Political Psychology - Info...
ISPP - International Society of Psychoanalysis and Philosophy - Info...
ISRE - International Society of Research on Emotion - Info...
ISSBD - International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development - Info...
ISSI - International Society for Self and Identity - Info...
ISSP - International Society of Sport Psychology - Info...
ISSWSH - International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health - Info...
ISTSS - International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies - Info...
ITA - International Transpersonal Association - Info...
ITAA - International Transactional Analysis Association - Info...
IUPsyS - International Union of Psychological Science - Info...
JARD - Japanese Association of Clinical Research on Death and Dying. - Info...
JASSP - Japan Association of Somatics & Somatic Psychology - Info...
JSDD - Japan Society for Dying with Dignity - Info...
LFR - Laboratories for Fundamental Research - Info...
LSFG - La Société Française de Gestalt - Info...
MEPA - Middle East Psychological Association - Info...
MF - Meditation France - Info...
MHAW - Association for Mental Health and Wellness - Info...
Mieux-Etre - Portail du Développement Personnel - Info...
NASP - National Association of School Psychologists - Info...
NASPSA - North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity - Info...
NCH - National Council for Hypnotherapy - Info...
NDERF - Near Death Experience Research Foundation - Info...
NFNLP - National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming - Info...
NGH - National Guild of Hypnotists - Info...
NHPCO - National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization - Info...
NHS - National Hypnotherapy Society - Info...
NLPNL - Fédération des associations de Programmation Neuro-Linguistique PNL - Info...
NLPTCA - Neurolinguistic Psychotherapy and Counselling Association - Info...
NPAP - National Psychological Association For Psychoanalysis - Info...
NPPA - National Positive Psychology Association - Info...
NSPH - National Society of Professional Hypnotherapists - Info...
NZAPP - New Zealand Association of Positive Psychology - Info...
ONIROS - Association Française pour l’Étude du Rêve - Info...
PCT - Psicología y Conciencia Transpersonal - Info...
PEELC - Promoting Excellence in End-of-Life Care - Info...
PF - Parapsychology Foundation - Info...
PMA - Pastoral Medical Association - Info...
POSITIVAT - Asociación Nacional de Psicología Positiva - Info...
PP - Psicología Positiva - Info...
PPALUx - Positive Psychology Association of Luxembourg - Info...
PSI - Parapsychological Skeptical Investigations - Info...
PT - Patas Therapeutas - Info...
PV - Psychothérapie Vigilance - Info...
QMS - Quantum Meditation Society - Info...
REATAA - Rede Nacional de Atividade, Terapia e Educação Assistida por Animais - Info...
RRC - Rhine Research Center - Info...
SAPNA - South Asian Psychological Networking Association - Info...
SASH - Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health - Info...
SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Coaching - Info...
SBEt - Sociedade Brasileira de Etologia - Info...
SBN - Sociedade Brasileira de Neurociencias - Info...
SBNeC - Sociedade Brasileira de Neurociencias e Comportamento - Info...
SBP - Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia - Info...
SBPA - Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia Analítica - Info...
SBPNL - Sociedade Brasileira de Programação Neurolinguística - Info...
SBPOT - Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho - Info...
SBPP - Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia Positiva - Info...
SBRASH - Associação Brasileira de Sexualidade Humana - Info...
SCAS - Society for Companion Animal Studies - Info...
SCEC - Sociedad Científica Española de Criminología - Info...
SCEE - Société Canadienne pour l’Étude de l’Éducation - Info...
SCEH - Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis - Info...
SCEPS - Sociedad Científica Española de Psicología Social - Info...
SCS - Society for Consciousness Studies - Info...
SEEEE - Sociedad Española de Etología y Ecología Evolutiva - Info...
SEIC - Sociedad Española de Investigación Criminológica - Info...
SEIP - Sociedad Española de Investigaciones Parapsicológicas - Info...
SEIS - Sociedad Española de Intervención en Sexología - Info...
SEIT - Sociedad Española Internacional de Tanatología - Info...
SEMP - Sociedad Española de Medicina Psicosomática - Info...
SEN - Sociedad Española de Neurociencia - Info...
SEP - Sociedad Española de Psicoanálisis - Info...
SEPJF - Sociedad Española de Psicología Jurídica y Forense - Info...
SEPP - Sociedad Española de Psicología Positiva - Info...
SEPTG - Sociedad Española de Psicoterapia y Técnicas de Grupo - Info...
SES - Sociedad Española de Sueño - Info...
SESP - Society of Experimental Social Psychology - Info...
SFAP - Société Française d'Accompagnement et de soins Palliatifs - Info...
SFC - Société Française de Coaching - Info...
SFG - Société Française de Gestalt - Info...
SFH - Société Francaise d'Hypnose - Info...
SFN - Society for Neuroscience - Info...
SFP - Societe Francaise de Psychologie - Info...
SFPPG - Société Française de Psychothérapie Psychanalytique de Groupe - Info...
SFPS - Société Française de Psychologie du Sport - Info...
SFRMS - Société Française de Recherche et Médecine du Sommeil - Info...
SFSC - Société Française de Sexologie Clinique - Info...
SHP - Sociedad de Hipnosis Profesional - Info...
SIAH - Sociedade InterAmericana de Hipnose - Info...
SICPNL - Société Internationale en Coach PNL - Info...
SINTE - Sociedade Internacional de Terapia - Info...
SIOP - Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology - Info...
SIP - Sociedad Interamericana de Psicología - Info...
SLEPG - Sociedade Luso-Espanhola Psicoterapia Gestalt - Info...
SN - Société des Neurosciences - Info...
SNH - Syndicat National des Hypnothérapeutes - Info...
SNPPSY - Syndicat National des Practiciens en Psychothérapie et Psychanalyse - Info...
SONA - Society of Neuroscientists of Africa - Info...
SP - Society of Psychotherapy - Info...
SPCP - Society for Police and Criminal Psychology - Info...
SPI - Société de Psychosomatique Intégrative - Info...
SPN - Social Psychology Network - Info...
SPP - Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicanalise - Info...
SPPC - Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia Clínica - Info...
SPPC - Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicoterapias Construtivistas - Info...
SPPD - Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia do Desporto - Info...
SPPE - Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicoterapia Existencial - Info...
SPR - Society for Psychical Research - Info...
SPR - Society for Psychophysiological Research - Info...
SPR - Society for Psychotherapy Research - Info...
SPSC - Sociedade Portuguesa de Sexologia Clínica - Info...
SPSP - Society for Personality and Social Psychology - Info...
SPSSI - Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues - Info...
SPTB - Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicoterapias Breves - Info...
SRS - Sleep Research Society - Info...
SSCP - Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology - Info...
SSF - Fraternité des Sciences Spirituelles - Info...
SSSS - Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality - Info...
SSTAR - Society for Sex Therapy and Research - Info...
STA - Soul Therapy Association - Info...
STAR - Stress and Anxiety Research Society - Info...
SWIPPA - Société Suisse de Psychologie Positive - Info...
TAA - Thérapie Assistée par l'Animal - Info...
TEAAN - Terapia y Educación Asistida por Animales y Naturaleza - Info...
TEAMA - Asociación Española de Terapia asistida con Animales y Naturaleza para Autistas - Info...
TFPC - The Foundation for Psychotherapy and Counselling - Info...
THA - The Hypnotherapy Association (UK) - Info...
TPA - The Parapsychological Association - Info...
TWH - The World Federation of Hypnotherapists - Info...
UKAHPP - UK Association of Humanistic Psychology Practitioners - Info...
UKCP - UK Council of Psychotherapy - Info...
UKCP - United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy - Info...
ULAPSI - União Latino-Americana de Entidades de Psicologia - Info...
USABP - United States Association for Body Psychotherapy - Info...
WABC - Worldwide Association of Business Coaches - Info...
WAIMH - World Association for Infant Mental Health - Info...
WAP - World Association of Psychoanalysis - Info...
WAPCEPC - World Association for Person Centered & Experiential Psychotherapy & Counseling - Info...
WAPCEPC - World Association for Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling - Info...
WAS - World Association for Sexual Health - Info...
WCP - Word Council for Psychotherapy - Info...
WFMH - World Federation for Mental Health - Info...
WPATH - World Professional Association for Transgender Health - Info...
WRC - Windbridge Research Center - Info...
WSS - World Sleep Society - Info...
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