Scholarships & Financial Aid!!!
Bircham International University Full Scholarship List.
Bircham International University
Non Profit Organization
Take advantage of the full scholarships available today at Bircham International University!!! The following distance learning education programs listed here are the only ones available for full scholarship. Entries not included here may have been assigned, or may not be longer available.
Tuition Scholarship Fund
Bircham International University (BIU) website provides information about the total amount of money assigned to scholarships every year, the number of students that have received scholarships, and the average amount granted per person.
2024 - Total scholarship fund assigned along this year: 2020 US$
2024 - Total number of students who received a scholarship this year: 264
2024 - Average scholarship granted per student this year: 10 US$ per student.
2023 - Total scholarship fund assigned along this year: 2020 US$
2023 - Total number of students who received a scholarship this year: 297
2023 - Average scholarship granted per student this year: 10 US$ per student.
2022 - Total scholarship fund assigned along this year: 2020 US$
2022 - Total number of students who received a scholarship this year: 298
2022 - Average scholarship granted per student this year: 10 US$ per student.
2021 - Total scholarship fund assigned along this year: 2020 US$
2021 - Total number of students who received a scholarship this year: 137
2021 - Average scholarship granted per student this year: 10 US$ per student.
Full Scholarship List
Full scholarships are assigned depending on the donors preferences and instructions, so they may not be assigned upon request of any student.
One full scholarship is applicable to the following list only.
Other majors of study may benefit form partial scholarships and payment plans.
A deposit of 300 US$ is required to access and secure this scholarship.
This deposit will be returned once the program has been completed on due time.
Due time for the completion of a Specialist Diploma is of six months once admitted.
Due time for the completion of a Course Certificate is of three months once admitted.
Deposit refund must be requested within 30 days of the completion of the program.
Not compliance with the terms of full scholarship regulations leads to losing the deposit.
Advertising & Promotion (Specialist Diploma in English) - Thanks to Wolf Dettmer
Criminal Investigation (Specialist Diploma in English) - Thanks to Wolf Dettmer
Film Making (Specialist Diploma in English) - Thanks to William Martin
Homeopathy (Specialist Diploma in English) - Thanks to Deric Bircham
Integrated Circuits (Specialist Diploma in English) - Thanks to Wolf Dettmer
Organizational Communication (Specialist Diploma in English) - Thanks to William Martin
Psychology (Specialist Diploma in English) - Thanks to Carol Sabick
Sports Training (Specialist Diploma in English) - Thanks to Stefan Batran
Auriculotherapy (Course in English) - Thanks to Laurence Cheng Wen Hung
Education Assistive Technology (Course in English) - Thanks to Carmen Ramírez
Interpersonal Communications (Course in English) - Thanks to Carol Sabick
Iridology (Course in English) - Thanks to Deric Bircham
Management Information Technology (Course in English) - Thanks to Deric Bircham
Una beca completa se aplica únicamente a la siguiente lista.
Otros programas de estudio pueden beneficiarse de becas parciales y planes de pago.
Se requiere un depósito de 300 dólares para acceder y asegurar esta beca.
Este depósito será devuelto una vez finalizado el programa en el plazo previsto.
El plazo para la realización de un Diploma de Especialista es de seis meses una vez admitido.
El plazo para la realización de un Certificado de Curso es de tres meses una vez admitido.
El reembolso del depósito debe solicitarse dentro de los 30 días posteriores a la finalización del programa.
El incumplimiento de los términos del reglamento de becas completas conlleva la pérdida del depósito.
Direccion Financiera (Diploma de Especialista en Español) - Thanks to Arturo González Pareja
Direccion de Ventas y Comercial (Diploma de Especialista en Español) - Thanks to Arturo González Pareja
Economía (Diploma de Especialista en Español) - Thanks to Arturo González Pareja
Humanidades (Diploma de Especialista en Español) - Thanks to Carmen Ramirez
Inteligencia Emocional (Diploma de Especialista en Español) - Thanks to Benigno Horna
Ingeniería Económica (Diploma de Especialista en Español) - Thanks to Wolf Dettmer
Liderazgo (Diploma de Especialista en Español) - Thanks to Wolf Dettmer
Produción Industrial (Diploma de Especialista en Español) - Thanks to Wolf Dettmer
Sexología (Diploma de Especialista en Español) - Thanks to William Martin
Tecnología de la Información (Diploma de Especialista en Español) - Thanks to William Martin
Turismo (Diploma de Especialista en Español) - Thanks to Elsa Olsen
Anti-Aging (Curso en Español) - Thanks to Ruben von Stopeck
Bienestar Social (Curso en Español) - Thanks to Carmen Ramirez
Comercio Electrónico (Curso en Español) - Thanks to Wolf Dettmer
Gestión Medioambiental (Curso en Español) - Thanks to Wolf Dettmer
Gestión de Proyectos (Curso en Español) - Thanks to Wolf Dettmer
Microcréditos (Curso en Español) - Thanks to the Together in the World Foundation
Nutrición (Diploma de Especialista en Español) - Thanks to Nuria Lorite
Psicoterapia Gestalt (Curso en Español) - Thanks to Carol Sabick
Religión Comparada (Curso en Español) - Thanks to Sarah Garcia
Riesgos Laborales (Curso en Español) - Thanks to Elsa Olsen
Social Networking (Curso en Español) - Thanks to Cipri Quintas & Editorial Planeta.
Sostenibilidad (Curso en Español) - Thanks to the Together in the World Foundation
Une bourse complète s’applique uniquement à la liste suivante.
D'autres spécialisations d'études peuvent bénéficier de bourses partielles et de plans de paiement.
Un dépôt de 300 US$ est requis pour accéder et sécuriser cette bourse.
Ce dépôt sera restitué une fois le programme terminé dans les délais.
Le délai d'obtention d'un diplôme de spécialiste est de six mois une fois admis.
Le délai pour l'achèvement d'un certificat de cours est de trois mois une fois admis.
Le remboursement du dépôt doit être demandé dans les 30 jours suivant la fin du programme.
Le non-respect des termes du règlement complet des bourses entraîne la perte de la caution.
Communication Organisationnelle (Cours en Fraçaise) - Thanks to Hanae Rabboun
E-Commerce (Cours en Fraçaise) - Thanks to Hanae Rabboun
Securité Privée (Cours en Fraçaise) - Thanks to Hanae Rabboun
Name your tuition scholarship!
And know the person you helped to study!
Thank you for your contribution.
Bircham International University is a non profit institution that offers tuition scholarships and financial aid for its distance learning degree programs.
The tuition scholarship fund for distance learning degree programs will be granted depending on the availability of donations and support from individuals and organizations.
Upon request, Bircham International University may issue a donation certificate thanking your contribution, with the full name, picture, country and adult degree program of the person that you have helped.
Full tuition scholarship for distance learning value chart:
* A minimum donation of 500 US$ is required to put your name on a full tuition scholarship for a course.
* A minimum donation of 1,500 US$ is required to put your name on a full tuition scholarship for a Specialist or Expert diploma.
* A minimum donation of 3,500 US$ is required to put your name on a full tuition scholarship for a Bachelor’s degree.
* A minimum donation of 5,000 US$ is required to put your name on a full tuition scholarship for a Master’s degree.
* A minimum donation of 7,000 US$ is required to put your name on a full tuition scholarship for a Doctorate Ph.D. degree.
Any difference between your donation and the actual cost of the distance learning adult degree programs will be sponsored by Bircham International University. BIU will use this value chart for any degree program changes affecting any full tuition scholarship for distance learning.
Study via Distance Learning from anywhere in the world and at any time in the year. More info...

Tuition Scholarship Fund
Since its foundation, Bircham International University has used the income from the students tuition to grow and improve. Now we have been able to shape this reinvestment and improvement spirit in the form of a non profit organization. We want to thank all those students who have believed in BIU's innovative distance learning higher education and have made this progress possible.
1. Limited specialization availability.
Full tuition scholarships are limited to a specific major of study and adult degree program. A list of the available scholarships will be informed through BIU web. Available majors of study and degree program will not be made available upon your request, but upon donation preferences.
2. Full scholarship application.
Once you see a scholarship available, you should quickly submit the application for admission with the following remark: “I request full tuition scholarship for the offer published on (date).” The applicant must always meet the BIU distance learning adult degree program admission requirements.
3. Full scholarship confirmation: $300 refundable deposit.
BIU will inform you if the full tuition scholarship has been granted.
You are required to pay a 300 US$ deposit to confirm your acceptance of the full scholarship. If you do not pay this deposit within 7 days since BIU confirmed your eligibility, you will lose the scholarship. This deposit will be refunded to you upon completion of the program of study. Note that the textbooks assigned for full tuition scholarship distance learning adult degree programs may not be new because they have been donated.
4. Changes in the program of study: $250 administrative fee.
If the student who got the full tuition scholarship wants to change to another program of study, or degree, he or she may be required to pay any tuition difference, and any additional textbook assignments, set by the new distance learning adult degree program. The donation value chart will be used for this purpose. This change must be requested in writing only after the acceptance of the full scholarship has been confirmed with the payment of the deposit. A non refundable 250 US$ fee will be charged for administrative expenses, per change. Any new books assigned, or other new additional material required, are not included in the new distance learning adult degree program. Any subsequent program changes will require an additional payment of 250 US$ for each program change, until the due dates for program termination.
5. Program termination.
Refund policy is not applicable in the case of full scholarship programs.
Full scholarships are subject to completion deadlines. If you do not complete any of the required assignments in the due dates, that will be shown at the Assignments Evaluation Form, you will loose the scholarship, and the deposit of 300 US$. You must request in writing the refund of the initial deposit, once you have completed the program of study. If you do not request this refund within 30 days from the program's completion date, your deposit will be converted into a donation, and added to the tuition scholarship fund for the benefit of other students.
Check the list of available full tuition scholarships via distance learning.

Non Profit Organization
Donate & help others to study!
Education is a lifetime asset, and one of the best ways to help others. More info...
Bircham International University tuition scholarship fund is generated by donations and profits.
BIU holds a USA 501c3 non profit organization status. Charitable donations are deductible from IRS taxes for US citizens. It is a good idea to consult a tax professional to find out the deduction and benefits of your donation to Bircham International University. BIU may issue an invoice type document that may be required for tax deduction, upon request and after receiving your donation. Request an invoice for any donation exceeding 250 US$.
100% of the donations are allocated to the tuition scholarship fund.
Donations may be in the form of money or textbooks.
* Money donations:
Use Paypal, bank transfer to BIU's Chase Manhattan Bank account in the USA, or a check payable to Bircham International University. You may find payments details downloading the payment form.
* Textbooks donations.
¡Donate the text books that you are not using!
BIU does only accept textbooks that may be applicable to our distance learning higher education programs. Inform the BIU office of the books that you intend to donate. If we can use them, BIU will send a courier to pick up the books at no cost from your side.
GuideStar offers the highest level of recognition to USA non profit organizations. It provides 4 levels of administrative transparency status, ranging from bronze to platinum, the maximum. Bircham International University is proud to be classified at the Platinum level of the GuideStar ranking for its non profit project, dedicated to helping students worldwide to access a good education.
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If you have any further questions, please let us know. :)