BIU Affiliated Campus
Institutional Agreements & BIU Associated Campus.
Specialist & Expert Diploma, Bachelor's, Master's & Doctor Ph.D. Degrees.
Bircham International University
Institutional Agreements
Bircham International University distance learning degrees may be earned after completion of the validated programs of study from the following associated educational institutions or BIU Campus.

The best Distance Learning University alternative to campus-based higher education.
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Bircham International University offers on-campus and/or part-time distance learning degree programs through agreements with several affiliated educational institutions and experts worldwide.
BIU evaluates the programs of study offered by these institutions and may issue the corresponding distance learning degree upon completion of the academic requirements, quality standards and procedures. These requirements may vary depending on the institution. Prospective students should enroll at the Bircham International University associated educational institution and follow their program of study in order to earn the corresponding BIU degree.
BIU institutional relations department monitors and coordinates that all requirements and procedures are met by the associated institutions or BIU campus in good standing.

BIU OFFICES - Distance Learning University - Contact ...
If you have any further questions, please let us know. :)
BIU Associated Campus - ACTIVE TODAY!!!
The following educational institutions meet BIU academic requirements and procedures today. Consequently, Bircham International University degrees may be issued after completion of the programs of study validated from the following associated educational institutions or BIU Campus.
ATIHE - Al-Taqwa Institute of Higher Education (Afghanistan)
BEC Bircham Executive College (El Salvador)
BEC Bircham Executive College (Honduras)
E-Quantum Teresa Versyp (Spain)
Escuela de Altos Estudios Televisivos (Spain)
ESGI - Escuela Superior Ganaderia Integral (Guatemala)
Executive College SA (South Africa)
Guy Bonem & Associates (Spain)
Hypnotherapy Counseling Center of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
IBMI - International Business Management Institute (El Salvador)
IBS - Interamerican Business School (Guatemala)
IDA - Instituto de Accesibilidad (Peru)
INHADI - Instituto Hispanoamericano de Asesoría y Desarrollo Integral (Spain)
IVU - Ignita Veritas United (Egypt)
Octave Semwaga Agency (Rwanda)
PEC - Programa de Evolución Consciente (Spain)
Radio Intereconomía Valencia (Spain)
Sociedad Española de Grafología Xandro (Spain)
UQMI - United Quality Management Institute (U.S.A.)
WINM - Wholeself Institute of Nature Medicine (Taiwan)

No matter what technology supports the education process, learning occurs only as a result of the active processing by our biological brain.
BIU Associated Campus - CANCELED SINCE 2000!!!
Since the year 2000, the following educational institutions may have had an agreement with Bircham International University, but this agreement was expired, canceled, or the institution no longer met BIU academic requirements and procedures. Note that any program of study from the following education institutions will no longer be validated with a Bircham International University degree. Any claims related to Bircham International University are fake and should be reported to the BIU Offices.
5C Asociados (Spain)
Act Trader (U.S.A.)
AD Technologie (Ivory Coast)
AEA - Associação dos Empreendedores de Angola (Angola)
AESI - Advanced Education Strategies Institute (U.S.A.)
AETRA - Asociación Española de Terapias Regresivas (Spain)
Agrofertil (Guatemala)
Agusti Guisasola Prados (Spain)
Ainapur Institute of Total Quality Management (India)
Akademija Za Estetiku i Kozmetologiju Purity (Serbia)
All 4 Therapy (Greece)
American Heritage University of Southern California (U.S.A.)
Ana María Oliva - Ciencia Consciente (Spain)
ANUNA - Centro de Terapia Biomagnetica (Spain)
Arogos (Greece)
ASETEM (Guatemala)
Asociación Española de Egiptología (Spain)
Aulasur Comercializadora de Educación (Spain)
Beaubelle Aesthetics Academy (Algeria)
Benbol Heritage Academy (Nigeria)
BET Business English & Technology (Morocco)
Biomagnetismo Médico (Mexico)
BIS - Business Improvement Services (Lebanon)
BIU Curaçao (Curaçao)
Bosaso College (Somalia)
Botswana College of Open and Distance Learning (Botswana)
C. Smith AccentPro Institute (Canada)
CAECBA Centro de Altos Estudios en Ceremonial (Argentina)
CAEMT - Centro de Altos Estudos nas Medicinas Tradicionais (Portugal)
Campus Globe (France)
Capital Beirut College (Lebanon)
CEDOL - Centre for Distance & Online Learning (Kenya)
Central Luzon State University (Philippines)
Centro de Anatheoresis Joaquin Grau (Spain)
Certified Forensic Investigation Professional (Kenya)
Chartered Institute of Management and Leadership (Nigeria)
Cheng Wen Hung Corporation (Taiwan)
China Hong Kong Union Education (Hong Kong)
CHSMC - College of Health Science Medical Campus (Sri Lanka)
CIDSS - Caribbean Institute for Diplomatic & Strategic Studies (U.K.)
CIE - Canadian Institute of English (Spain)
COI - Centro Optometría Internacional (Spain)
Colegio Universitario TARSIS (Spain)
College of Agriculture and Horticulture (Nigeria)
Connectt Formations (Congo)
Crisálida - Escuela Positiva (Spain)
Darul Ihsan University (Bangladesh)
Divine Grace International (Nigeria)
Edcollaborate (Pakistan)
Education Development Union (Bangladesh)
Edulink Shanghai (China)
EGEU Business School (Chile)
EISS - Instituto Europeo de Autodefensa (Spain)
ELC - Ecole Libanaise de Commerce (Lebanon)
Eliya Professional College (GHANA)
Enosis (Greece)
Ephod Consulting Associates (Singapore)
Escuela de Josefa Gomez Veres (Spain)
Escuela de Negocios San Jose (Guatemala)
Escuela Multidisciplinar Gimnasia Sistémica (Spain)
ESIBA Institut Universitaire D'Agoenyive (Togo)
ESM - European School of Management (Spain)
ESSAL Centre Integral (Spain)
Euroamerican Learning University (Curaçao)
Exprys Education - Curaçao (Curaçao)
Faith Christian University (Nigeria)
First Academy (Saudi Arabia)
Fundación Academia de Terapias y Medicinas Complementarias (Spain)
Gutierrez Group (U.S.A.)
I&M CIS Center for International Studies (Spain)
IBKIN - International Bureau of Knowledge and Innovation (Argentina)
IBP - Institute of Biosensory Psychology (Russia)
IBP - Institute of Biosensory Psychology (Russia)
ICM - Institute of Commerce & Management (Indonesia)
IECME - International Educational Consultants (Lebanon)
IGEN Networks (Spain)
INDP - Instituto Integral del Desarrollo Profesional (Chile)
INPEVAL - Investigaciones, Peritajes y Valoraciones (Spain)
Institute of Management & Accounting (Cambodia)
Institute of Mental Health (Sri Lanka)
Instituto Biblico Pablo VI (U.S.A.)
Instituto Lidera & Síndrome (Spain)
International Non-Olympic University (India)
IPEFI - Instituto Português Estudos Fiscais Internacionais (Portugal)
IPP - Institut Polytechnique Panafricain (Senegal)
IUFS - International University Fundamental Studies (Russia)
J Grau Psicopercepción (Spain)
Juan Carlos Bernial Consultoría (Spain)
Kelhas College for International Studies (Sierra Leone)
Kenya Institute Professional Counseling (Kenya)
Keris College (Malaysia)
KIBCo - Kenya Institute of Business and Counselling Studies (Kenya)
Latin Caribbean Academy (Curaçao)
Latino American Computer Center (U.S.A.)
LCSS - London College of Social Studies (U.K.)
M. Pinto Corporation (Mexico)
Maranatha College (Kenya)
MEA Assaf Corporation (U.S.A.)
Mediwin College (Israel)
MGA - Modern Generation Academy (Saudi Arabia)
MIND - Management Institute for National Development (Spain)
Monroe Institute (Spain)
Morpheus Global Centre (Botswana)
NBS - National Business School (Guatemala)
Nechi Group (Spain)
Neo-Hippocrates School (Cyprus)
Pedro Luis Brion University (Curaçao)
POMA International Business University (Namibia)
Princely University (Lebanon)
QMS - Quality Management School (Spain)
Rayat College of London (U.K.)
Royal Academy of United Nations (Poland)
SAFE - Escuela Seguridad Integral (Guatemala)
Santiago Fernandez School (Spain)
School of Natural Healing (Hong Kong)
SEPC - Sociedad Española de Peritos Calígrafos (Spain)
SF Holding (Hong Kong)
Silva United Corporation (U.K.)
Smile College (Israel)
South Africa Institute of Education (South Africa)
Standards Consultants (Lebanon)
Stanley Wong Consulting (Malaysia)
STDU - Saint Petersburg State University of Technology and Design (Russia)
T.E.D. Huaxia School of Management (Singapore)
TIC Tyr College (Lebanon)
Tiltan College of Complementary Medicine (Israel)
UAMF University of Asia Management Foundation (Myanmar)
Ultimus (Brazil)
UNIFUTURO - Universidade do Futuro (Brazil)
Universidad Internacional Euroamericana (Spain)
Universidad Popular del Noroeste (Spain)
Universidade Europeia (Portugal)
Von Stopeck Health Network (Israel)
Wolf Dettmer Consulting (Germany)
Yoichi Tatsukawa Corporation (Japan)
Zoroastrian College (India)

We invite you to consider the advantages of an agreement with Bircham International University.
We may promote the enrollment of thousands of BIU graduates to continue their education at your institution, provided the fact that they meet the admission and entry requirements of your educational programs. The students will be financially responsible for those studies. BIU does not intermediate in this process, nor requires any commission for the students provided. In order to activate this option, we will need a letter from your institution stating that BIU graduates are welcome at your institution’s programs of study. We may not communicate these news to our database without sufficient documentary support.
BIU has an extensive network of academics in a great variety of fields of study and languages. We invite academics from your institution to join the BIU academic network and benefit from its profits. We also encourage your academics to propose joint research initiatives and academic exchange. Each proposal should be considered and analyzed in agreement by all the parties. BIU does not provide financial support for any research or academic venture outside of the BIU structure.
Recognition - Distance degree programs - More info...
Accreditation - Distance Learning University - More info...
Degree Legalization - Graduate Services - More info...
Acceptance of these Distance Learning Higher Education academic credits is always the prerogative of the receiving institution or employer. Recognition criteria differ depending on each educational institution, or company policy, or country legal framework. There are no universal criteria for recognition and/or accreditation. Each country, region or institution has its own.