Credit Evaluation Services
Distance Learning University for Adults & Professionals - Diploma Recognition.
Professional success with Bircham International University.
Bircham International University
Credit Evaluation Services
BIU graduates may get evaluation academic credits reports from several institutions. The requirements of each credential evaluation service may vary depending on the degree program, specialization and graduate resume on each occasion. BIU can not guarantee credit or degree validation in all instances. BIU does not intermediate in these procedures.

Diploma Recognition
Today, many people with all sort of degrees want to work in a different countries and professional sectors. It is important to provide options for a better diploma recognition, because not all educational institutions share exactly the same academic curriculum, and companies may require some verification about the legitimacy of the degree.
Bircham International University is simultaneously registered in the USA (Delaware) and the European Union (Spain). Consequently, all BIU distance learning degrees can be issued and legalized in these countries. More info...
Degree legalization may be required by some institutions as a guarantee of validity, since it officially authenticates the signatures, the legality, and the legitimacy of the documents released by any distance education university such as Bircham International University.
The criteria for official degree validation vary among countries. For this reason, this legalization process does not necessarily guarantee the final acceptance of BIU distance learning degrees. Sometimes, other documents are required additionally for the official recognition of BIU distance learning degrees. Prior to enrolling, check the distance education university degree's acceptance requirements and compliance with governmental regulations. More info...
Bircham International University will grant credit for the academic work (reports, projects and thesis) approved according to the instructions provided in the study guide. BIU earned credits will show the number of credits granted per course and the corresponding grade. BIU may recognize knowledge and skills acquired through different work and life experiences or independent learning as an equivalent to some courses and/or general education credits.
Bircham International University recognizes and transfers academic credits earned at other educational institutions. More info...

Credit Evaluation Services
BIU graduates may get evaluation academic credits reports from several institutions. The requirements of each credential evaluation service may vary depending on the degree program, specialization and graduate resume on each occasion. BIU can not guarantee credit or degree validation in all instances. BIU does not intermediate in these procedures.
ACEI - Academic Credentials Evaluation Institute - Info...
CCI - Career Consulting International - Info...
CUFCE - California University Foreign Credentials Evaluation (USA) - Info...
EEI - Education Evaluators International - Info...
ERES - Educational Records Evaluation Service - Info...
FCES - Foreign Credentials Evaluation Services - Info...
FCSA - Foreign Credentials Service of America - Info...
FIS - Foundation for International Services - Info...
HireRight - Info...
IBC - International Biographical Centre - Info...
IBC - Investigation Bureau Facts India - Info...
ICAE - International Center for Academic Evaluation - Info...
IWWHS - International WHO'S WHO Historical Society - Info...
The Degree People - Info...
US Credentials - Info...
WARC - World Academic Research Center - Info...
BIU OFFICES - Distance Learning University - Contact ...
If you have any further questions, please let us know. :)