Professional References
Professional success with Bircham International University.
Recommended Memberships & Professional References.
Professional Practice
Bircham International University
Bircham International University is a higher education alternative for adults from all countries and cultures who choose not to attend a formal campus based university. The special character of BIU is reflected in its diversity of programs, its effective pedagogical distance learning degree programs and its international presence.
In today's world, companies often require employees not only to have acquired professional experience but also a university education. BIU offers you the opportunity of boosting your professional career with our many distance learning degree programs. More info...
BIU OFFICES - Distance Learning University - Contact ...
If you have any further questions, please let us know. :)

Recommended Professional References.
Joining the proper association is the best way to become an updated professional.
Each profession develops its own entry requirements. Potential BIU students are advised to check, prior to enrollment, whether a Bircham International University distance learning degree is accepted at the professional practice they are seeking. Requirements for a particular profession vary widely among provinces, states, or countries. Some jobs require degrees recognized solely by a Ministry of Education; while others accept a diploma duly legalized or endorsed by a professional association.
Professional practice depends on a student experience and career and not only on the university degree. In other words, a student may qualify for a particular practice while others may not, despite holding the same degree from the same distance learning university.
Bircham International University graduates may join many professional associations. Membership requirements for each association may vary depending on the degree program, specialization and graduate resume en each occasion. BIU can not guarantee membership in all instances. BIU does not intermediate in these procedures. Bircham International University provides a list of available memberships and professional references from each faculty where some BIU graduates may belong. Contact directly the ones you select.
A good education should teach HOW to think, rather than WHAT to think. More info...
Recommended Professional References.
Faculty of Arts & Humanities via distance learning

You must be the change that you wish to see in the world. The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
Joining the proper association is the best way to become an updated professional.
ACEI - Association for Chilhood Education International - Info...
AIEA - Association of International Education Administrators - Info...
ALA - Asociación Latinoamericana de Antropología - Info...
APPE - Association for Practical and Professional Ethics - Info...
APSIA - Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs - Info...
CPR - International Institute For Conflict Prevention and Resolution - Info...
EISA - European International Studies Association - Info...
FAA - Fine Arts Association - Info...
HERA - Humanities Education and Research Association - Info...
IACAET - International Association for Creative Arts in Education and Therapy - Info...
IACD - International Association for Community Development - Info...
IAEA - International Association for Educational Assessment - Info...
IALS - International Association of Legal Science - Info...
IASSW - International Association of Schools of Social Work - Info...
ICFT - International Council for Film Television and Audiovisual Communication - Info...
ICLA - International Comparative Literature Association - Info...
IEEE ES - Education Society - Info...
IFJ - International Federation of Journalists - Info...
IIDA - International Interior Design Association - Info...
IPSA - International Political Science Association - Info...
ISA - International Sociological Association - Info...
ISA - International Studies Association - Info...
ISPA - International Society for the Performing Arts - Info...
ISSR - International Society for Science & Religion - Info...
IUHPST - International Union for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology - Info...
NAFAE - National Association for Fine Art Education - Info...
SSHRA - Social Science and Humanities Research Association - Info...
WHA - World History Association - Info...
More info...
Recommended Professional References.
Faculty of Business & Media via distance learning

If not us, who? If not now, when? Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.
Joining the proper association is the best way to become an updated professional.
AIPMM - Association of International Product Marketing & Management - Info...
ALTEC - Asociación Latino-Iberoamericana de Gestión Tecnológica y de la Innovación - Info...
ASIBEAM - Asociación Iberoamericana de Economía, Administración y Marketing - Info...
EBEA - Economics & Business Education Association - Info...
FMAI - Financial Management Association International - Info...
IAA - International Advertising Association - Info...
IABS - International Association For Business and Society - Info...
IAMCR - International Association for Media and Communication Research - Info...
IAMOT - International Association for Management of Technology - Info...
IBEFA - International Banking, Economics and Finance Association - Info...
IBSA - International Business Structuring Association - Info...
IEA - International Economic Association - Info...
IEEE IAS - Industry Applications Society - Info...
IEFS - International Economics and Finance Society - Info...
IHRA - International Hotel & Restaurant Association - Info...
IHRIM - International Association for Human Resources Management - Info...
IMO - International Maritime Organisation - Info...
IPMA - International Project Management Association - Info...
IPRA - International Public Relations Association - Info...
ISBEE - International Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics - Info...
ISOBL - International Society of Business Leaders - Info...
ISPIM - International Society for Professional Innovation Management - Info...
IUPEA - International Urban Planning and Environment Association - Info...
SOLE - International Society of Logistics - Info...
TTRA - Travel & Tourism Research Association - Info...
WBCSD - World Business Council For Sustainable Development - Info...
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Recommended Professional References.
Faculty of Computer Science via distance learning

Knowledge has a beginning but no end. There is no finish line. So love the journey.
Joining the proper association is the best way to become an updated professional.
ASIST - Association for Information Science and Technology - Info...
ASP - Association of Software Professionals - Info...
CRA - Computing Research Association - Info...
GITMA - Global Information Technology Management - Info...
IACIS - International Association for Computer Information Systems - Info...
IACSIT - International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology - Info...
IAITAM - International Association of Information Technology Managers - Info...
IEEE CIS - Computational Intelligence Society - Info...
IEEE CS - Computer Society - Info...
ISRA - Information Security Research Association - Info...
ITMA - Information Technology Management Association - Info...
NetSci - Network Science Society - Info...
SSE - Society of Software Engineers - Info...
UACEE - Universal Association of Computer and Electronics Engineers - Info...
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Recommended Professional References.
Faculty of Engineering & Technology via distance learning

Excellence, then is not an act but a habit. Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.
Joining the proper association is the best way to become an updated professional.
ESW - Engineers for a Sustainable World - Info...
FEIGS - Federation of International Geo-Engineering Societies - Info...
IACES - International Association of Civil Engineering Students - Info...
IAENG - International Association of Engineers - Info...
IEA - International Energy Agency - Info...
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers - Info...
IEEE PES - Power & Energy Society - Info...
IEEE RAS - Robotics and Automation Society - Info...
IEEE TEMS - Technology and Engineering Management Society - Info...
IFLA - International Federation of Landscape Architects - Info...
IFR - International Federation of Robotics - Info...
INCOSE - International Council on Systems Engineering - Info...
IOMMMS - International Union of Materials Research Societies - Info...
IRED - Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors - Info...
IRENA - International Renewable Energy Agency - Info...
ISA - International Society of Automation - Info...
ISSMGE - International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering - Info...
MSI - Materials Science International - Info...
UIA - Union Internationale des Architectes - Info...
WEC - World Energy Council - Info...
WFEO - World Federation of Engineering Organizations - Info...
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Recommended Professional References.
Faculty of Life & Earth Sciences via distance learning

Anyone can know. The point is to understand. The best questions are the ones that create the most uncertainty.
Joining the proper association is the best way to become an updated professional.
AIARD - Association for International Agriculture & Rural Development - Info...
AMCSTI - Réseau des Acteurs des Cultures Scientifique, Technique et Industrielle - Info...
IAP - Interacademy Partnership - Info...
IAU - International Astronomical Union - Info...
ICCA - International Council of Chemical Associations - Info...
ICSU - International Council for Science - Info...
IFCB - International Federation for Cell Biology - Info...
IFHGS - International Federation of Human Genetics Societies - Info...
IFS - International Foundation for Science - Info...
IMU - International Mathematical Union - Info...
INTECOL - International Association for Ecology - Info...
ISC - International Science Council - Info...
ISHS - International Society for Horticultural Science - Info...
IUBMB - International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Info...
IUGS - International Union of Geological Sciences - Info...
IUPAC - International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry - Info...
IUTOX - International Union of Toxicology - Info...
WFS - World Federation of Scientists - Info...
WRI - World Resources Institute - Info...
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Recommended Professional References.
Faculty of Natural Health Science via distance learning

Our bodies are our gardens, our wills are our gardeners. Every human being is the author of his/her own health or disease.
Joining the proper association is the best way to become an updated professional.
AASPA - Alianza de Asociaciones de Salud Pública de las Américas - Info...
ACHM - American Council for Holistic Medicine - Info...
AHHA - American Holistic Health Association - Info...
COFEMEN - Conselho Federal de Medicina Naturopatica - Info...
CPT - Consejo Profesional de Terapeutas Holísticos - Info...
IAACN - International & American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists - Info...
IAHP - International Association of Healthcare Practitioners - Info...
IANHP - International Association of Natural Health Practitioners - Info...
IAWP - International Association of Wellness Professionals - Info...
ICSSPE - International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education - Info...
IEA - International Epidemiological Association - Info...
IONC - International Organization of Nutritional Consultants - Info...
ISAH - International Society for Ayurveda and Health - Info...
ISCMR - International Society for Complementary Medicine Research - Info...
ISCT - International Society for Cellular Therapy - Info...
ISSSEEM - International Society of Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine - Info...
IUFoST - International Union of Food Science and Technology - Info...
IUNS - International Union of Nutritional Sciences - Info...
WFCMS - World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies - Info...
WFPHA - World Federation of Public Health Associations - Info...
WOSAAM - World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine - Info...
More info...
Recommended Professional References.
Faculty of Psychology via distance learning

The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. All our dreams can come true.
Joining the proper association is the best way to become an updated professional.
IAAP - International Association of Applied Psychology - Info...
IAC - International Association for Counselling - Info...
IACCP - International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology - Info...
IACT - International Association of Counselors & Therapist - Info...
IAHC - International Association for Health Coaches - Info...
IBRO - International Brain Research Organization - Info...
ICP - International Council of Psychologists - Info...
ICRL - International Consciousness Research Laboratories - Info...
IFP - International Federation for Psychotherapy - Info...
INS - International Neuropsychological Society - Info...
ISCP - International Society for Coaching Psychology - Info...
ISPC - International Association of Professional Counsellors - Info...
ISSBD - International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development - Info...
ITA - International Transpersonal Association - Info...
IUPsyS - International Union of Psychological Science - Info...
WAP - World Association of Psychoanalysis - Info...
WCP - Word Council for Psychotherapy - Info...
WFMH - World Federation for Mental Health - Info...
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Professional Practice

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The best distance learning university alternative to campus-based higher education.

Study via Distance Learning from anywhere in the world and at any time in the year. More info...
- Professional References for Arts & Humanities
- Professional References for Business & Media
- Professional References for Computer Science
- Professional References for Engineering & Technology
- Professional References for Life & Earth Sciences
- Professional References for Natural Health Science
- Professional References for Psychology