Education Quality & Accreditation.
Bircham International University
IVU IGO - Ignita Veritas United Inter-Governmental Organization
IVU IGO - Ignita Veritas United is an Inter-Governmental Organization (IGO), a union of member States united by sovereignty, with official statutory authority under conventional international law, with the mission of advancing strategic humanitarian missions for human rights and justice.
IVU IGO - Ignita Veritas United is an Inter-Governmental Organization (IGO), a union of member States united by sovereignty, with official statutory authority under conventional international law, with the mission of advancing strategic humanitarian missions for human rights and justice.
lgnita Veritas United (IVU) is an inter-governmental organization (IGO) as an instrumentality exercising the sovereign authority of its member states, thus possessing autonomous statehood (UN Jurisdictional Immunities of States Article 2.1(b)(iii), Article 5), conducting external affairs as an institution of its member states, thus holding full sovereign privileges and immunities (UN lnadmissibility of Interference in Affairs of States, Preamble: Point 1, Section 2(e), Section 3(a). It holds official status as a sovereign "subject of international law", binding upon all countries regardless of recognition (UN Law of Treaties, Articles 3, 38), with inherent diplomatic relations (UN Consular Relations, Articles 3, 1(d), 17.1), as a non-territorial state (UN Diplomatic Relations, Articles lli), 3.1(a)).
The inter-governmental organization (IGO) Ignita Veritas United (IVU) has conducted a legitimacy and comprehensive review on Bircham International University (BIU), and has appointed Magna Carta Bar Chambers to oversee the institutional integrity of BIU on its Board of Trustees. Any verification or issue concerning the BIU Board of Trustees or the conclusion of the inspection report should be addressed to the Office of the Inspector General of IVU or to the Magna Carta Bar Chambers.
Magna Carta Bar Chambers legal work is primarily conducted by accredited Barristers. Magna Carta Bar Chambers (MCBC) operates in connection with Templar’s Inn of Court, under the Inter-Governmental Bar Council (IGBC), empowered by universal jurisdiction of the Sovereign Court of International Justice (SCIJ) as the IGO High Court for international law and human rights.
LEGAL REPORT SUMMARY: Bircham International University is legally authorized in Spain, Europe, for “non-formal” distance learning higher education (Section 932.2 of “Royal Legislative Decree” No.1175 of 1990) by registration with the Ministry of Economy of Spain, it is supervised by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs of Spain (“Decree on General Education” No.84 of 2004), and exempt from direct regulation by any Ministry of Education, as a non formal education provider. In the USA, BIU is incorporated as a 501c3 non profit organization in the State of Delaware.
INSTITUTIONAL REPORT SUMMARY: Bircham International University is a well-established university of over 25 years, which developed from Oxford International College (UK) since 1992, under Nobility Patronage of the Dynastic House of Bircham which acquired the university in 2000. This university continues the academic traditions of the 12th century Nobility House of Bircham, named after its roots in Bircham of Norfolk in the United Kingdom, preserving and promoting world heritage through higher education.
EDUCATIONAL REPORT SUMMARY: Bircham International University is a university providing classical education by distance learning, as an alternative to the limitations of campus-based institutions. BIU meets the international standards of the US “Generally Accepted Accrediting Practices” (GAAP), UK “Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications” (FHEQ), EU “European Qualifications Framework” (EQF,) “European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System” (ECTS), UN “Guidelines for Cross-Border Higher Education”, & UN “Recognition of Qualifications of Higher Education” (Articles 36-37). BIU has gone through several accreditation and higher education review processes in multiple countries and meets their standards.
REPORT CONCLUSION: lgnita Veritas United (IVU) is pleased to issue the present inter-governmental accreditation to Bircham International University (BIU), establishing it to official special consultancy status with the directional secretariat of the IGO institutions, in accordance with our Charter (Article 17).
INTER-GOVERNMENTAL ACCREDITATION: This official Accreditation is granted to Bircham International University on the basis of recognition that the member Institution possesses compelling qualifications of specialized expertise in a particular technical, academic or socio-cultural sphere relevant to supporting the missions of the IGO institutions.
IVU IGO - Ignita Veritas United Inter-Governmental Organization
Reference - Accredited. Year: 2017... 2023.
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IVU IGO - Ignita Veritas United Inter-Governmental Organization
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