Education Quality & Accreditation.
Bircham International University
IADL - International Association for Distance Learning (UK)
The International Association for Distance Learning promotes excellence in open, distance, and online learning worldwide, and provides a benchmark through which global consumers can gauge the quality of courses offered by our membership. The IADL is an independent, non-profit organization with its principal administrative offices in the United Kingdom.
The International Association for Distance Learning promotes excellence in open, distance, and online learning worldwide, and provides a benchmark through which global consumers can gauge the quality of courses offered by our membership. The IADL is an independent, non-profit organization with its principal administrative offices in the United Kingdom.
Admission to membership of the IADL includes appraisal of a course-provider's administrative procedures, methods of course delivery, and its educational and publicity materials. Consideration is also given to in-house quality control systems. Members are assessed to ensure that learners receive a product which is consistent with the values and policies set by the IADL. Course-providers are required to undergo periodic re-assessment by assessors and evaluators nominated by IADL.
The International Association for Distance Learning is only able to accredit universities or degree-granting institutions which have already received accreditation or legal approval from a nationally or internationally recognized organization or body. Tertiary-level institutions which do not appear on the List of Universities of the World Higher Education Database will not normally be considered for Accredited Membership of the IADL.
In February 2009, Bircham International University got the Accreditation Member Status from IADL, the International Association for Distance Learning. In 2010, BIU insisted in full disclosure of the list of other higher education institutions that were reviewed by IADL. Mr. Jeffrey Wade, IADL Director, informed that this listing was against UK Data Protection laws and market competition ethics. Consequently, since 2012, IADL membership was replaced by the accreditation from the World Council for Regular and Distance Education, and organization based in India, with interest if fostering education quality for higher learning institutions from the Commonwealth.
IADL - International Association for Distance Learning (UK)
Reference - Accredited. Year: 2009... 2012.
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Replaced by (Click below for more info):
WCRDE - World Council for Regular and Distance Education
Top 10 Ranking! - More info...
Recognition - Accreditation -More info...
Degree Legalization - Graduate Services -More info...
Decide & Go 4 It! -More info...
The best distance learning university alternative to campus-based higher education.
IADL - International Association for Distance Learning (UK)
& Bircham International University.