Education Quality & Accreditation.
Bircham International University
ASET - Accreditation Syndicate for Education & Training
The Accreditation Syndicate for Education & Training (ASET) was established in Malaysia to provide professional services and assessment for membership, accreditation and recognition from international higher education organizations.
The Accreditation Syndicate for Education & Training (ASET) was established in Malaysia to provide professional services and assessment for membership, accreditation and recognition from international higher education organizations.
ASET was an initiative from Malaysia that intended to promote education mobility between South East Asia and Western, mostly UK based, colleges and universities. ASET intended to provide a quality seal that guaranteed educational standards, and higher education transferability reports among its accredited institutions. To foster its mission, ASET was incorporated both in Malaysia and in the UK.
The Accreditation Syndicate for Education & Training Sdn Bhd was incorporated in the State of Sarawak in 1996 under the Laws of Malaysia, regulated by the Malaysian Ministry of International Trade and Industry: MATRADE Reg. No: 33091. ASET mission was to promote accreditation and recognition of lifelong learning for South East Asian educational institutions.
ASET UK was registered with the UK Register of Learning Providers, an external verification agency set up under the UK governmental funding agency, The Skills Funding Agency under the Department for Business Innovation & Skills. This department is responsible for UK Government policies on business regulation, operation & licensing, further education, higher education, innovation, science & research, skills, trade and training.
Bircham International University was granted accreditation by ASET in 2011. BIU wanted to incorporate the educational standards applicable in South East Asian countries, in order to facilitate the recognition of BIU degrees and credits in that region.
The Accreditation Syndicate for Education & Training (ASET) initiative did not prosper, and it was finally closed in 2012, after many years of operations.
ASET - Accreditation Syndicate for Education & Training
Reference - Accredited. Year: 2011... 2012.
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ASET - Accreditation Syndicate for Education & Training
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