Education Quality & Accreditation.
Bircham International University
APICS - Accademia per la Promozione Internazionale della Cultura e della Scienza
APICS, the Accademia per la Promozione Internazionale della Cultura e della Scienza, was established in Lugano, Switzerland in 1986. APICS was founded for the purpose of academic, scientific exchange and cooperation between Europe and North and South America.
APICS, the Accademia per la Promozione Internazionale della Cultura e della Scienza, was established in Lugano, Switzerland in 1986. APICS was founded for the purpose of academic, scientific exchange and cooperation between Europe and North and South America.
APICS, the Accademia per la Promozione Internazionale della Cultura e della Scienza, was represented by an esteemed Board of Directors and Scientific Board. The responsibilities of the Boards were to oversee all geographical areas of APICS membership. Numerous State European universities were members of APICS. Accreditation, in APICS is categorized as Full or Associated Members. All APICS members (academies / colleges / universities) offers high-level scientific and cultural study programs. There was continual on-going exchange among all members of the APICS community.
APICS was created at a time when higher education mobility and transferability was complex. At that time, each country had its own rules to address and express higher edition academic credits, thus making the validation of the degrees and academic credits earned at one country difficult to be understood and accepted at another country. This mostly affected European countries, which were very intrinsically different in their higher education standards, but it also made complex to export and import higher education results with countries from the American continent. APICS, the Accademia per la Promozione Internazionale della Cultura e della Scienza, was established in Switzerland, a country well known for its neutrality, in order to foster standards that will ensure academic quality and ease academic transfer without priming one country’s standards over others. Once the European Union established the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), and the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), the mission of APICS got surpassed by the new EU directives and policies on higher education. APICS closed in 2008 for financial reasons.
APICS, the Accademia per la Promozione Internazionale della Cultura e della Scienza, developed quality standards for those institutions promoting culture and science on an international level. Bircham International University accreditation review was conducted in 2001 by Prof. Dr. Waldo Bernasconi, Ph.D. APICS helped BIU to establish a set of standards and procedures to express its academic credits in a way that could meet the requirements and expectation from both, the European countries and the American countries.
APICS - Accademia per la Promozione Internazionale della Cultura e della Scienza
Reference - Accredited. Year: 2001... 2008.
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APICS - Accademia per la Promozione Internazionale della Cultura e della Scienza
& Bircham International University.