International Relevance & Reputation.
Bircham International University
ICFHE - International Commission for Higher Education
Founded in 2002, International Commission for Higher Education is an independent non-governmental and international organization advocating standard and quality higher education. We support all new and innovative ideas in higher education, such as distance leaning and global education.
Founded in 2002, International Commission for Higher Education is an independent non-governmental and international organization advocating standard and quality higher education. We support all new and innovative ideas in higher education, such as distance leaning and global education.
Founded in 2002, International Commission for Higher Education is an independent non-governmental and international organization advocating standard and quality higher education.
ICFHE, International Commission for Higher Education, supports all new and innovative idea in higher education, such as distance leaning and global education. Inter-institutional cooperation such as credit acceptance and/or students exchange in distance learning world is once of our advocates.
ICFHE, International Commission for Higher Education, accreditation is a status granted to an institution that meets or exceeds the stated criteria of educational quality. The purposes of accreditation are to assess and enhance the educational quality of an institution, to assure consistency in institutional operations, to promote institutional improvement, and to provide for public accountability.
In 2009 Bircham International University becomes a member of ICFHE, the Accrediting Agency for Colleges & Universities.
ICFHE - International Commission for Higher Education
Reference - Member. Year: 2009... 2012.
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ICFHE - International Commission for Higher Education
& Bircham International University.