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Bircham International University
AAC - Accreditation Agency Curaçao
AAC, the Accreditation Agency Curaçao, is an independent and professional Accreditation Agency created in 2018 that offers a diligent Institutional Accreditation to all local and international institutions of Higher Education.
AAC, the Accreditation Agency Curaçao, is an independent and professional Accreditation Agency created in 2018 that offers a diligent Institutional Accreditation to all local and international institutions of Higher Education.
The Accreditation Agency Curaçao aims to assess the quality of the system within the institutions of Higher Education on the basis of the documentation provided by the latter and the results of an onsite visit. The goal is then, together with colleagues from the team of experts, to come to a final recommendation through an official report regarding the accreditation from the Accreditation Commission.
The Accreditation Agency Curaçao conducts this process with all transparency and professionalism to assure a level playing field for all institutions of Higher Education that thrives to offer quality courses and studies local and internationally.
One of the most important mechanisms within the framework of the reform of the European Bologna process and the US Guidelines for HE is the development and application of qualification structures for all areas of higher education and, in particular, in the quality assurance of higher education programs. The organization of a primary qualification framework and the national qualification requirements related to it thus promote and stimulate:
* International transparency, by describing the degree programs by means of corresponding concepts and thus making the degrees easier to understand.
* International recognition of degrees: The understanding of degrees and of common concepts in the description of capabilities and know-how form the basis for universities and institutions of higher education for mutual recognition of their respective study programs. Transparency and recognition.
* The international mobility of students
In order to take into account the changing requirements for universities and provide reliable guidance to students, employers, as well as universities, quality assurance and accreditation procedures were introduced worldwide. The accreditation involves the guarantee of technical quality standards and the verification of its professional relevance.
The Accreditation Agency Curaçao is member of the CHEA International Group, thus the USA Council of Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) acknowledges the institutions accredited by AAC.
The Accreditation Agency Curaçao, dependent from the Netherlands, is also affiliated to ENQA, The European Network of Quality Assurance in Higher Education as an affiliate institution.
Bircham International University was granted membership into the AAC - Accreditation Agency Curaçao in June 2018, after completion of the BIU recognition process and charter granted by the Curaçao Ministry of Education and Ministry of Economic Affairs.
In 2020, International University did not renovate its membership into AAC and decided to postpone the accreditation process due to budgetary reasons.
AAC - Accreditation Agency Curaçao
Reference - Member. Year: 2018... 2019.
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AAC - Accreditation Agency Curaçao
& Bircham International University.