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Bircham International University
CUFCE - California University Foreign Credentials Evaluation (USA)
CUFCE, California University Foreign Credentials Evaluation, mission is to support the needs of the National Curriculum Evaluation Services (NCES), the International Center for Academic Evaluation and Accreditation (ICAE) as well as the UNESCO, for accredited Professional Evaluators (PE) that evaluate the curricula and other academic programs of state-approved universities, colleges and schools that apply for regional or national accreditation.
CUFCE, California University Foreign Credentials Evaluation, mission is to support the needs of the National Curriculum Evaluation Services (NCES), the International Center for Academic Evaluation and Accreditation (ICAE) as well as the UNESCO, for accredited Professional Evaluators (PE) that evaluate the curricula and other academic programs of state-approved universities, colleges and schools that apply for regional or national accreditation.
CUFCE also evaluates the curricula of state-approved universities that apply for regional and national accreditation in the United States of America; it validates foreign credentials and award the U.S. equivalent of Doctorate degrees, Masters, Bachelors, Associate, qualification certificates and high school diplomas.
CUFCE, California University Foreign Credentials Evaluation, operates primarily as an Evaluation & Assessment institution of higher education within the State of California Educational System. To give the children in the United States the best head start in preschool, elementary education through high school.
CUFCE insures that all immigrants who are educated in their country of origin are given the best tools for faster integration into the United States of America society. It helps to obtain the United States equivalency degree evaluation of all of the studies and specialized work experience per the USCIS Guidelines and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) for Canadian and Mexican citizens. It provides equivalency degrees earned through Course Evaluation & Assessment Examinations be awarded a double (twin) degree by some of the accredited universities affiliated with CUFCE.
California University Foreign Credentials Evaluation and Research-Amorsolo Foundation is a nonprofit public benefit corporation and is not organized for private gain of any person. It is organized under the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law for public and charitable purposes. The Secretary of State of California issued his stamp of approval on August 23, 2001 with the corporation I.D. No: 2318990. It is registered as a nonprofit institution by the Los Angeles County Registrar/Recorder with Registration No: 04-0904885 dated April 14, 2004.
Since 2004, CUFCE - California University Foreign Credentials Evaluation, issues equivalency degrees and reports for most Bircham International University degree programs.
CUFCE - California University Foreign Credentials Evaluation equivalency degrees and reports may be ordered through the Bircham International University Graduate Services Department.
CUFCE - California University Foreign Credentials Evaluation (USA)
Reference - Services University. Year: 2004... Today.
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Reference from the following BIU graduate, professor or organization:
Javier Julian Enriquez (Spain):
Bircham International University Degree:
Bachelor's Degree in Linguistic - English Language Teaching - Completed (2006)
Master's Degree in Linguistic - English Language Teaching - Completed (2009)
Effective Approaches to learning a second or foreign language.
Pragmatic and communicative approaches to language teaching.
Testimony about Bircham International University: 2000: I received yesterday a letter from the University Memphis, Tennessee, USA informing me they will consider my employment with my degree of Master of Arts (MA) in Linguistics from Bircham International University. I will be employed as Instructor at the Spanish Department if they confirm that the Bircham University degree is equal to the regionally accredited degree. This was achieved with the help and endorsement of the CUFCE Validation of my Bircham University degree.
2007: Me dirijo a ustedes una vez más para darles mis más sinceros agradecimientos por el apoyo prestado durante mis estudios de "Bachelor y Master of Arts in Linguistics". Ya he recibido algunas propuestas de algunas Universidades de Estados Unidos para impartir clases de Español; en concreto de Breyer State University, Los Angeles, California. Asimismo, he propuesto a la Universidad de Valencia matricularme en un curso de doctorado; su respuesta fue la siguiente: "Podrán también acceder a los cursos de doctorado aquellas personas que estén en posesión de títulos de Masters extranjeros legalizados por la apostilla de la Haya, sin necesidad de su homologación, pero previa comprobación de que los Masters acrediten un nivel de formación equivalente a los correspondientes títulos españoles de Master y una carta de la universidad extranjera en que conste que el alumno está capacitado para seguir los estudios de Doctorado. El acceso por esta vía no implicará, en ningún caso, la homologación del título previo de que esté en posesión el interasado, ni su reconocimiento a otros efectos que el de cursar enseñanzas de doctorado. Una vez superados los estudios de Doctorado, el título de doctor obtenido tendrá plena validez oficial".
2014: En la actualidad (2014) me encuentro realizando un Máster en Lenguas y Tecnología en la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (España), gracias a los estudios realizados en Bircham International University.
2018: BIU es una de las Universidades que mejor provee a sus estudiantes con la bibliografía más selecta y de calidad a difrencia de otras, con un alto análisis y pensamiento crítico; por ello sin tener que perder excesivo tiempo en buscar las referencias bibliográficas para cada tesis o proyecto.
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CUFCE - California University Foreign Credentials Evaluation (USA)
& Bircham International University.