Education Quality & Accreditation.
Bircham International University
EQAC - Educational Quality Accrediting Commission
The EQAC, Educational Quality Accrediting Commission, is an international point of reference for people, companies, and colleges and universities concerned about the quality of higher education.
The EQAC, Educational Quality Accrediting Commission, is an international point of reference for people, companies, and colleges and universities concerned about the quality of higher education.
The EQAC, Educational Quality Accrediting Commission, is an international and independent body, registered in Europe (United Kingdom) and the USA (Washington D.C.), since 1999. It examines and evaluates higher education institutions from every country to promote sound education and good business practices. EQAC secretary migrates from country to country depending on the commissioners choice. It has been located in France, Belgium, and Spain.
The EQAC, Educational Quality Accrediting Commission, will grant recognition and warranty to all the institutions that meet EQAC standards, through a voluntary, non-governmental guided self-regulation that is defined as accreditation. The Education Quality Accreditation Commission Standards become an easy and effective instrument for measuring institutional education quality on international level because they are not affected by local legislative formats, regulations or cultural idiosyncrasies. Any educational institution that intends to earn the accreditation status from the Education Quality Accreditation Commission must demonstrate compliance, through the application for accreditation (Self Assessment Report), with the education quality standards set forth by the Education Quality Accreditation Commission.
The accreditation standards set forth by the Education Quality Accreditation Commission are:
A1. Identification
A2. Legal authorization
A3. Accreditation, recognition and references
A4. Facilities
A5. Financial stability
A6. Qualified staff
A7. Educational values & ethics
A8. Permanent quality control
A9. Continuous improvement
B1. Information & Veracity
B2. Admission Procedures
B3. Legal contract
B4. Assistance
B5. Post-Graduate Service
C1. Courses / Programs description
C2. Hours of study
C3. Course objectives or expected learning outcomes
C4. Course contents & materials
C5. Course delivery & availability
C6. Course update
C7. Teaching methodology
C8. Tutorial or guidance
C9. Teachers proficiency
C10. Assessment & Evaluation
C11. Certificate or diploma
C12. Transcript or equivalent
Bircham International University accreditation review was conducted in 2002 by Dr. Francis Dessart & Dr. Samuel Murinda. The EQAC has helped BIU to meet the UK “Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications” (FHEQ), the EU “European Qualifications Framework” (EQF,) and the “European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System” (ECTS). Today, Bircham International University is qualified to issue its own ECTS credits for any continuing education courses or degree programs.
EQAC - Educational Quality Accrediting Commission
Reference - Accredited. Year: 2002... Today.
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EQAC - Educational Quality Accrediting Commission
& Bircham International University.