Academic Acceptance & Recognition.
Bircham International University
Spain Ministry of Economy
The Spain Registrar of Companies authorizes the company name and proposed activity of Bircham International University.
The Spain Registrar of Companies authorizes the company name and proposed activity of Bircham International University.
The Bircham International University name and activity are subject to restrictions (p.e. banks, insurance, universities, hospitals...) and special procedures and authorization. The Spain Registrar of Companies makes sure that the required criteria is duly met before registering the company name and activity. Once registered, the company has green light to operate, then the Tax Department from the Ministry of Economy accepts the proposed activity registration, and later the City Major provides the license to establish a physical office.
Bircham International University & College was duly registered in the year 2000 with the purpose of providing distance learning higher education.
The Madrid City Major granted a a license to operate in the field of higher professional education.
The Tax Department of the Spain Ministry of Economy establishes a category where any educational institution offering programs and degrees not recognized by the Ministry of Education must register in order to be in good standing with Spain and European Laws. This category is called section 932. Section 931 corresponds to educational programs ruled by the Ministry of Education. Institutions registered under section 932 do not require further authorization from the Ministry of Education.
Section 932 is divided into two subsections:
* 932.1 is for Non Higher Education
* 932.2 is for Higher Education
The above statements have been certified by the Spain-U.S. Chamber of Commerce and may be checked. The Spain-U.S. Chamber of Commerce is an official organization recognized by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain.
The Official Spain Law Bulletin shows a reference to the Law where the sections 931 and 932 are published.
Spain Ministry of Economy
Reference - Legal. Year: 2000... Today.
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Spain ICEX - Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior
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The best distance learning university alternative to campus-based higher education.
Spain Ministry of Economy
& Bircham International University.