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Bircham International University
EDEN - European Distance Education Network
EDEN, European Distance Education Network, is established in 1991 as a network of 180 institutional members and over 1100 members of academics and professionals for the smart open and distance education e-learning community.
EDEN, European Distance Education Network, is established in 1991 as a network of 180 institutional members and over 1100 members of academics and professionals for the smart open and distance education e-learning community.
The EDEN, European Distance and E-Learning Network, exists to share knowledge and improve understanding amongst professionals in distance and e-learning and to promote policy and practice across the whole of Europe and beyond. Providing versatile expertise, the Association embraces all levels of formal and non-formal education and training. EDEN has been consistently instrumental in the promotion of networking, international co-operation and professional development.
EDEN member institutions become part of the largest, most dynamically developing professional community of experts and practitioners of electronic distance education representing 55 countries and over 430 institutions from Europe and other continents.
In 2015, EDEN took over the EFQUEL, European Foundation for Quality in eLearning, initiative and all the EFQUEL members were transferred to EDEN, including Bircham International University. The purpose of the EFQUEL was to involve actors in a European community of users and experts to share experiences on how eLearning can be used to strengthen individual, organizational, local and regional development, digital and learning literacy, and promote social cohesion. Bircham International University became one of the participants of EFQUEL in achieving that mission in 2009.
EFQUEL, European Foundation for Quality in eLearning membership aim was to involve the technology enhanced learning community and quality assurance experts to work on topics related to Quality in e-Learning.
In 2021, Bircham International University profile was reviewed and admitted as a full member of EDEN, the European Distance Education Network.
EDEN - European Distance Education Network
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The best distance learning university alternative to campus-based higher education.
EDEN - European Distance Education Network
& Bircham International University.