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Bircham International University
EADL - European Association for Distance Learning
EADL, the European Association for Distance Learning, represents all European organizations offering high quality and educationally sound distance learning.
EADL, the European Association for Distance Learning, represents all European organizations offering high quality and educationally sound distance learning.
EADL, the European Association for Distance Learning, aims to improve the quality and acceptance of distance learning to ensure the maximum benefit for students. EADL provides its members with a forum for open discussion of all issues related to distance learning and for sharing ideas and good practice. EADL has members from over 20 European countries and may be considered the organization representing and speaking for market-based distance learning providers.
EADL is an international member of the CHEA International Quality Group. CHEA, the Council for Higher Education Accreditation, is the major national voice and advocate for higher education accreditation and quality assurance in the United States of America.
EADL, the European Association for Distance Learning, mission is to raise the standard and credibility of distance learning across Europe.
All members must meet the EADL Quality Standards and comply with its Code of Conduct. Europe-wide, EADL membership is regarded as a seal of quality.
The EADL, the European Association for Distance Learning, quality standards are the following:
1. Proper Care: Proper care is exercised in everything the member does. Tutors are properly qualified. If there are specific requirements for a practical as part of a course, these are complied with. There is no violation of consumers’ interests. Advertising statements are truthful.
2. Legal Security: EADL members is in conformity with the law of the country in which they are based.
3. Reasonableness: There is a reasonable relationship between offers made by the member and its performance, and the efforts and costs involved.
4. Reliability: Students can rely on the continued validity of agreements made with the EADL member for the duration of the program.
5. Due Publicity: Before registration of a student, conditions of delivery, entry requirements and terms of payment are made known.
In 2004, Bircham International University became member of ANCED, the Spain Asociación Association for Distance Learning, after a through site visit inspection and quality review. ANCED has been a founding member of EADL, the European Association for Distance Learning.
In 2009, Bircham International University membership in ANCED is replaced with EFQUEL, the European Foundation for Quality in eLearning & EFVET, the European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training.
The EFQUEL initiative did not last after the European Union launched the Open Education Europe portal in 2014, where BIU was also included. The Open Education Europa portal resulted on an initiative of limited duration.
Along all these years the EADL, the European Association for Distance Learning, consolidated as a trust worthy quality seal for distance learning. In 2021, Bircham International University was admitted as member of EADL, so BIU conforms to the Quality Standards of the European Association for Distance Learning.
EADL - European Association for Distance Learning
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EADL - European Association for Distance Learning
& Bircham International University.