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Bircham International University
ECBE - European Council for Business Education
ECBE, the European Council for Business Education, is an international not-for-profit educational organisation, registered in Belgium. It is committed to supporting academic and professional learning institutions in business and related fields.
ECBE, the European Council for Business Education, is an international not-for-profit educational organisation, registered in Belgium. It is committed to supporting academic and professional learning institutions in business and related fields.
ECBE, the European Council for Business Education, provides advice and consulting services to encourage and support institutions to commit themselves to continuous improvement by engaging in its accreditation processes. It also creates valuable networking opportunities for schools interested in internationalising their curriculum and contacts. These services help to enhance the learning environment and career opportunities for students of business.
ECBE, the European Council for Business Education, supports higher and further education institutions and professional training organisations to develop outstanding, innovative programmes which will help students to develop the skills, knowledge and experience to succeed in today's dynamic global economy. All types of academic and professional programmes are supported within the framework of a commitment to life long learning.
In 2004, Bircham International University became an institutional member of the ECBE, European Council for Business Education.
Bircham International University supported and advised its affiliated campus in Guatemala, the National Busines School (NBS Guatemala), to achieve the ECBE accreditation. Bircham International University validated the degrees from NBS Guatemala since the foundation of NBS in 2009 until 2016.
ECBE - European Council for Business Education
Reference - Member. Year: 2004... 2007.
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ECBE - European Council for Business Education
& Bircham International University.