BIU World References

Academic Acceptance & Recognition.

Bircham International University


BAU - Beirut Arab University (Lebanon)


Beirut Arab University (BAU) is a Lebanese private university located in Beirut, Lebanon. The university is ranked among the top universities in the Arab Region.


Beirut Arab University (BAU) is a Lebanese private university located in Beirut, Lebanon. The university is ranked among the top universities in the Arab Region.

Prof. Leila Abdul Hafiz Abboud, a Bircham International University Doctorate graduate, has been teacher at Beirut Arab University (BAU) for several years.


BAU - Beirut Arab University (Lebanon)

Reference - University. Year: 2007... Today.

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Reference from the following BIU graduate or professor:


Leila Abdul-Hafiz Abboud (Lebanon):

Bircham International University Degree:
Doctor Ph.D. in Economics - Completed (2005)
The effects of the Lebanese financial Market on its economic growth.

Testimony about Bircham International University: I completed a Ph.D. at Bircham International University and since then I have been appointed teacher of Economics, Commerce and Business for some years at the Beirut Arab University in Lebanon. This university is not only recognized by the Ministry of Education in Lebanon but has also affiliation agreements with many Universities worldwide.


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BAU - Beirut Arab University (Lebanon)

& Bircham International University.


Bircham University BAU - Beirut Arab University (Lebanon)